Large-magnitude extensional deformation in the South Mountains metamorphic core complex, Arizona: Evaluation with paleomagnetism Richard F. Livaccari Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, John W. Geissman } Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 Stephen J. Reynolds Department of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 ABSTRACT data from these two sides suggests that the INTRODUCTION back-dipping mylonitic front was synkine- Paleomagnetic data are used to test con- matically tilted about 10 down-to-the- Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes troversial aspects of Cordilleran metamor- southwest. The data support a folded shear (MCCs) and their associated structures (de- phic core complexes, including the original zone hypothesis for origin of the mylonitic tachment faults and mylonites) are the in- dip of extensional structures, origin of the front and the interpretation that footwall ferred products of large-magnitude Cenozo- mylonitic front, and applicability of rolling- rocks possess primary, Miocene-age TRMs ic extension (tens of kilometers of normal hinge models. We obtained paleomagnetic or TCRMs. A second regional fold test in- slip; e.g., Crittenden et al., 1980; Reynolds data (115 sites, 82 accepted for analysis) volved data from sites on both flanks of and Spencer, 1985; Howard and John, 1987; from the weakly deformed interior of a syn- the topographically prominent northeast- Coney, 1987). Aspects of metamorphic core kinematic, footwall intrusive suite and Prot- trending mountain range–scale antiform. complex evolution not fully understood in- erozoic footwall rocks of the South Moun- The negative result from this fold test dem- clude the origin of the mountain range–scale tains metamorphic core complex, central onstrates that this structure formed early in antiforms that strike parallel with the exten- Arizona. These rocks yield dual polarity, the extensional history and prior to magne- sion direction and the origin of the mylonitic high unblocking temperature, and high to tization acquisition by the plutons. We ob- front (e.g., Yin, 1991). The most controver- moderate coercivity magnetizations. Posi- tained a well-grouped footwall grand mean sial aspect of metamorphic core complexes tive baked contact tests indicate that from 62 front-side and 20 back-dipping concerns the original dip of detachment footwall rocks possess primary thermorem- site means (N 5 82, D 5 1.0 , I 5 51.7 , k 5 faults and mylonites during extension (mod- anent magnetizations (TRMs) or high-tem- 41.8, a95 5 2.5 ). We calculated this grand erate-angle versus low-angle). Some models perature thermochemical remanent magne- mean with the assumption that front-side and field observations suggest that metamor- tizations (TCRMs) acquired early in their sites have remained structurally untilted, phic core complexes represent crustal-scale cooling history and during ductile and brit- whereas back-dipping side sites require re- blocks originally bounded by moderate-an- tle extensional deformation of structurally moval of 10 of southwest dip. This grand gle normal faults that have isostatically tilted higher rocks. This is consistent with ther- mean is statistically indistinguishable (95% to subhorizontal attitudes (Miller et al., mochronologic data indicating rapid syn- confidence level) from time-averaged Mio- 1983; Davis, 1983; King and Ellis, 1990; kinematic cooling from crystallization cene expected directions. We thus conclude Miller, 1991; Brun et al., 1994). Rolling- through the range of laboratory unblocking that the current gentle dip of front-side my- hinge models advocate isostatically induced temperatures for the magnetic mineralogy lonites and detachment faults is original. flexural tilting of an active moderate-angle of these rocks (between about 22 and 17.5 Therefore, both ductile and brittle exten- fault (308 to 608 dip), to final abandonment Ma). sional deformations of the South Moun- as a subhorizontal structure (Buck, 1988, Paleomagnetic data are considered as two tains metamorphic core complex were ac- 1993; Wernicke and Axen, 1988; Hamilton, populations based on the structural asym- commodated along low-angle structures 1988; Manning and Bartley, 1994). As ap- metry of the South Mountains metamorphic (dip of <15 ). Our interpretation refutes plied to an elastic crust, these models re- core complex: (1) a front side characterized the widespread applicability of models that quire detachment faults and their footwalls by northeast-dipping (;10 ) mylonitic fab- predict metamorphic core complexes to rep- to have been tilted 308 to 608. This is sup- rics and brittle extensional structures, and resent tilted crustal blocks originally ported by seismic data indicating that most (2) a back-dipping side characterized by bounded by moderate-angle normal faults present-day extension is along moderately rollover of the mylonitic zone to form a and does not support rolling-hinge models dipping (308 to 608) normal faults (Jackson southwest- or back-dipping (;15 ) mylo- of metamorphic core complex evolution that and McKenzie, 1983; Jackson, 1987; Jack- nitic front. Comparison of paleomagnetic require a moderate-angle ramp. son and White, 1989; Thatcher and Hill, Data Repository item 9520 contains additional material related to this article. GSA Bulletin; August 1995; v. 107; no. 8; p. 877–894; 15 figures; 1 table. 877 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/107/8/877/4649975/i0016-7606-107-8-877.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 LIVACCARI ET AL. applied to this problem (Coleman, 1991; Metcalf and Smith, 1991) but has large uncertainties. Under favorable conditions, paleomag- netic methods may provide more accurate and precise data to assess footwall tilting and other controversial aspects of metamor- phic core complexes (Livaccari et al., 1993; Livaccari, 1994). This study reports on pa- leomagnetic data from weakly deformed footwall rocks of the Miocene South Moun- tains metamorphic core complex (Fig. 11). Paleomagnetic data provide passive linear markers to compare with expected, time-av- eraged directions derived from cratonic pa- leomagnetic poles of similar age. The South Mountains metamorphic core complex is ideally suited for study because of its rela- tively simple structural history and because it contains footwall intrusions that are syn- kinematic with respect to both ductile and brittle phases of extensional deformation (Reynolds et al., 1986). The thermochronol- ogy of South Mountains intrusions is rela- tively well understood and indicates rapid synkinematic cooling through the range of laboratory unblocking temperatures of these rocks, and the absence of postkinematic Figure 1. Location map, generalized geologic map and interpretive cross section of the thermal events that may have remagnetized South Mountains metamorphic core complex (MCC), south-central Arizona. Also illus- footwall rocks (Fitzgerald et al., 1994). trated are paleomagnetic sampling locations that represent multiple site locations (filled circles). The synkinematic Miocene footwall intrusive suite consists of the following: Tsm, GEOLOGIC SETTING AND South Mountains Granodiorite; Ttp, Telegraph Pass Granite; Tfd, felsic dikes; and Tmd, PALEOMAGNETISM mafic dikes. These synkinematic magmas intrude the host Proterozoic Estrella gneiss (p–Ce) and Komatke granite (p–Ck). South Mountains metamorphic core complex is divided The principal structure of the South into the following structural subdivisions: (1) a front side (northeast part) characterized Mountains metamorphic core complex is a by a northeast-dipping (;10 ) zone of mylonitic and brittle structures, and (2) a back- subhorizontal, ductile to brittle, high-strain dipping side (southwest part) characterized by rollover of the mylonitic zone to form a zone that accommodated large-magnitude southwest-dipping (;15 ) or back-dipping mylonitic zone. extension (Fig. 1; Reynolds and Rehrig, 1980; Reynolds, 1982, 1985; Reynolds et al., 1986, 1988; Davis et al., 1986). Initial mylo- 1991; cf., Abers, 1991). Alternative models, age data from footwall rocks of the Cheme- nitic ductile deformation and later brittle supported by field observations and theoret- huevi and Bullard–Eagle Eye detachment detachment faulting were partitioned into a ical studies, suggest that detachment faults faults (southeast California and western Ar- relatively thin zone (about 100 m thick). originated and were maintained as low-an- izona) suggests that these structures origi- Both phases of deformation are kinemati- gle structures (dip of ,308; e.g., Davis and nated with a dip of somewhere between 158 cally coordinated and indicate top-to-the- Lister, 1988; Miller and John, 1988; Spencer and 508 (Bullard–Eagle Eye) and between northeast shear (azimuth of 608). Ductile and Chase, 1989; Lister and Davis, 1989; 128 and 328 (Chemehuevi; Richard et al., and brittle extension occurred at relatively Yin, 1989; Melosh, 1990; Abers, 1991; For- 1990; Foster et al., 1990; John and Foster, shallow crustal levels (within 5 to 10 km of syth, 1992; Wernicke, 1992; Yin and Dunn, 1993). A similar approach, using apatite and surface, as indicated by the presence of mi- 1992; Scott and Lister, 1992; Parsons and zircon fission-track age determinations, con- arolitic cavities in synkinematic granitoids; Thompson, 1993a, 1993b). Thus, knowledge cluded that the Newberry Mountains de- Reynolds, 1985) and was promoted by mag- of the history of footwall tilting has become tachment fault originated with
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