1 ''I 1 J i The Bulletin is good enough for Honolulu merchants and the Bulletin STEAMER TABLE f OneVote Fori Sif From San Francisco: a a ij Siena May G ffi 2 jj America Maru May 10 K T7l w For San Francisco: Th EVENING BULLETIN g Mongolia May 7 5 PACIFIC 8TATE8 TOUR. 5 Sierra May 11 l P (I ijs From Vancouver: ? THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1907, jj V EVENING . .'. Juno 1 ULLETIN Manuka I ? For Vancouver: : This vote Is good until Aorangi . .' May 29 A DEAD May 30, 1907, 2 NT JD. ! HE N11EIH ill 3:30 O'CLOCK m ill EDITION In 3 TX Vou Xo. 3688 IP PAGES HONOLULU. rKKRITORY OP If A WAIL THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1907-- IO PAGES Price 5 Cents an Francisco ,!Able ii Ron One ... --.- ' vf V. V & Visitors Get Information Which Will Benefit Hawaii V Wis.' 6 .,.1 aiC-- z :....rtl..T V.. ii S 3 - i nil Where HI STATION ' BISHOP Hi 1 r Visitors Gen. Keifer Strong For Much Interested In the M:viL Fortifications Relics Of Hawaiian For Oahu Antiquity ON BOARD THE BUF0RD This is one of the groups caught by a snap shot during the very This morning the Congressmen iiGi The Congressional party visited the pleasant trip of the Congressional party on the Buford. These young peo started in earnest on their work ot The plans for the entertainment Bishop Museum this forenoon after pie represent the younger but no less important section of the delegation. inspecting the various sights of Im- of the Congressional visitors for having returned from the Kahauiki Those in the group are the Misses Acheson, Brick and Graff, Raymond portance in and around Honolulu. At t- today and tomorrow are as fol- - f camp and was received at the door- Conner and Stephen McClellan. iibout 9:30 a. m. the party made u r lows: way by Senators Bishop and Smith start from the Hawaiian and the and Mr, Dodge Bishop TODAY. of the Estate Young Hotels, all but a few going lu f Dr. Brlgham, t Start at 2 p. m. in automobiles f liustees. the curator, ' automobiles furnished for the occ- lor the Pali. was introduced and by him the hon-- oi CONGRESSMAN CHARLES E. LITTLEFIELD arrange- asionby the owners. The On the refill n call at the Comi- - able members and their wives were One Car Fix Their ments .for these were in charge of try Club, where tea will be served. shown building. Congressman Littlefield of Main? is Chairman of the Committee on f around the whole P. while-H- . P. Wood of At 4 p. the Expenditure of the Department of Agriculture, of Judi- Geo. Cooke, f ni., attend services Senator Lane was very useful Id a member the at' the St. Andrew's Cathedral ciary Committee and a member of the Committee on Merchant Marine the Promotion Committee did valu- explaining to the distinguished able work in looking out for a few grounds, where Queen Lilitioka- - guests pnd Fisheries. Each committee with which he is connected deals with lanl will lay corner some of the things which he whose to connect. The f the stone for tiffairs of great importance to Hawaii, and Mr. Littlefield has indicated auto failed the Davies memorial Sunday '.vas familiar with. Secretary Atkin- party was made up as follows: Over about in- And a dppp interest in the problems brought to the country by the "new school and parish hoiiHc. son also furnished some necessary Run Fight J. A. McCandless Senator Piles, ' formation. Secretary McClellan, who Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jones. f TOMORROW was decorated with lets, busied him- J. P. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Little f Trip in automobile Waiklki, . self in showing objects of interest to lield, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. through the K lyiylak.-- Var'.i. the Congressional party. Visit at Aquarium. The Ha S. M. ISallou Mr. and Mrs. Cap- - f the grass f Possibly trio around Diamond f waiian house, the representa- 'Frisco Line Disagree Shipman ion. v Head. tion of the famous volcano Kilauea favors Col. t J. B. Castle Hepburn and In the evenlne start for Kauai. and the scene of Capt. Cook's monu- wife. f ment with the helau (house of ref- A. Gartley Mr. and Mrs. Lilly. fttt tl uge) were among the chief attrac- SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 9. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 9. In K. Bishop F. E. F. Acheson and WILL BE GOVERNOR, tions of the Museum. Dr. Brlgham, A guarded car was sent out today explanation of last night's figh, two daughters. one of the authorities on Hawaiian ever the street railway system. There Tommy Burns says that he agreed to To Enjoin Queen . C. M. Cooke, No. 6 Mr. and Mrs history, interested the guests with was no serious trouble. lose and thus got a match. O'Brien SECRETARY AND ' V Fitzgerald. valuable Information regarding , the The Committee of Fifty appointed then decided to win on his merits. Mrs. Gay Mr. and Mrs. George B. various exhibits, told in an interest- by the Mayor has organized a concili- Manager McCarey confirms Burns' as- McClellan, P. P. Campbell. OFFICIAL BOUNCER ing manner. The kahili room was ation committee, which is at work. sertion, Samuel Parker Mr. and Mrs. Al the place which the Congressmen The telephone situation has im- exander and Mr. J. H. Davidson. dwelt in the longest. The room itself proved. -l HORSE IS WINNER Supervisors Claim After next Saturday Lloyd Conk-Jin- g, C. M. Cooke, No. 114 R. D. Cole, hears within it the solemn presence A. L. Bates, Miss Bates and Miss Chief Clerk of the Governor's of the old chiefs, whose state appar- NEW YORK, N. Y.,,May 9. Glo-rifie- r, office, 20-to- Littlefield. will be Acting Governor, Terri- el is here preserved in all Its majes- a -l shot, won the Metro- J. R. Gait Mr. and Mrs. Brick and torial Secretary, Chief Clerk and Of- ty. The ahuula (royal robe) was politan Handicap today. ex- (Special Bulletin Wireless) "I am very much in favor of the ficial Bouncer. The Governor construc-(Continue- daughter. n.inutely examined as to Its d Jury For HIU), Hawaii, May 8. Supervisor pects to for on Sat- passage of the claim of Queen Jas. Kennedy Mr. Needham, Gen. leave the Coast on Page 2) Shipman has stated that he will bring urday, and Secretary Atkinson will said Representative in Keifer and Star representative. BROKE INTO Injunction proceedings to stop the be away with the Congressional par of the Claims Committee this N. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Fitzger- - Mm payment of the Honolulu Iron Works nld and Advertiser representative. ty. against $12,-00- 0, morning. "I think a great injustice claim the County for W. H. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Graff The Governor expressed the fear QUARAff t STATION it' the County Attorney's opinion has been done to her, and it should and Miss Graff. this morning that if work continued Haywood recommends payment. be by to pile up on him he might rectified Congress. The claim (Continued on Page 2) not be At has not been discussed while I have able to get away Saturday, but he is llll T. Motoshige and T. Koeda. two Jap SUGAR 1 eon on is my planning on leaving then, any Yfi Hit anese hotel runners, were by the committee, but it at arrested intention to take the matter up In late. He will be at his office for a A Land concert and dance will be BOISE CITY, Idaho, May 9. The Marshal Hendry Bhortly before noon SAN FRANCISCO, 9. Cal, May the committee after I return, so that short time tomorrow morning,- he fiveu tonight on the roof garden of examination of jurors to try Hay today, charged with violating the quar- SUGAR: 96 degrees Centrifugals, J wood has begun. antine regulations. The warrants were can see what the other members states, but that will be the last time the magnificent Alexander Young Ho- Pre-vio- issued at the request of Dr. Cofer, who 3.83 cents, or $78.60 per ton. think about it. While I am In the until he returns from the States, quotation, 3.7G5 cents. tel in honor of the Congressional par telephoned United States District At- city I will call on the Queen and will ai where he expects to remain about torney ty. The band music will he rendered NO Breckons that the two men had explain to her the great difficulty swift two months. broken into the quaratnine buildings by MiTIVf Hit there is encountered in getting any The dance to be given at the Sea-tid- e the famous Royal Hawaiian band, on Quarantine Island. The men were find the dance music by Kaai's or look"fobit (Continued on Page 2) tonight will be a welcome to the The local Shriners Interpret the trying to get at the Japanese who ar- chestra, the finest body of mu Mongolia, pur- r.uests of Hawaii and a farewell to BAND II native cablegram which was received from rived on the for the the U. S. S. Annapolis. We urge the sicians In Hawaii. The beautiful Los Angeles yesterday to mean that pose of securing patronage. The two Japanese were released this public to be present and extend a fit- 11 dancing floors of the Young are not the drill of the Arab patrol was an afternoon on bail. ting welcome to the Congressional The Royal Hawaiian band will surpassed West of New York, and the exhibition, drill, not a competitive one, Th Value Of party.
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