Pandora Box DX 3000 in 1 1 1942 2 Chohmakaimura-Invincible 3 Cool Spot 4 JYANTOUSHI DORAOH 5 Jyantoushi Doraoh 2 6 MAJYUUOU -Unlimited Blood 7 MAJYUUOU-Unlimited 8 Ryuuko No Ken 2 9 Super Ninja Kun 10 Zero the Kamikaze 11 10-Yard Fight 12 16 Zhang Ma Jiang 13 1941 : Counter Attack 14 1942 - Air Battle 15 1943 : The Battle of Midway 16 1943 Kai : Midway Kaisen 17 1943: The Battle of Midway 18 1944 : The Loop Master 19 1945KIII 20 19XX : The War Against Destiny 21 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge 22 2020 Super Baseball 23 3 Count Bout 24 4 En Raya 25 4 Fun in 1 26 46 Okunen Monogatari 27 4-D Warriors 28 64th. Street : A Detective Story 29 6-Pak 30 7 Ordi 31 720 Degrees Rev 4 32 777 Fighter 33 88Games 34 88Games ★4P 35 9 Ball Shootout 36 99 : The Last War 37 A Dinosaur's Tale 38 A. D. 2083 39 Aaahh! Real Monsters 40 Aaahh! Real Monsters-U Blood 41 AAAHH!!! Real Monsters 42 Accelebrid 43 Acrobat Mission 44 Acrobat Mission 45 Acrobatic Dog-Fight 46 Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper 47 Action 52 48 Action Fighter 49 Action Hollywoood 50 Addams Family Values 51 Adventurous Boy-Mao Xian Xiao Zi 52 Aero Fighters 53 Aero Fighters 2 54 Aero Fighters 3 55 Aero Fighters 3 Boss 56 Aero Fighters- Unlimited Life 57 Aero the Acro-Bat 58 Aero the Acro-Bat 2 59 Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (USA) 60 After Burner II 61 Agent Super Bond 62 Aggressors of Dark Kombat 63 Agress 64 Ah Eikou No Koshien 65 Air Attack 66 Air Buster : Trouble Specialty 67 Air Cavalry 68 Air Duel 69 Air Gallet 70 Airwolf 71 Ajax 72 Akkanbeder 73 Akumajo Dracula XX 74 Alcahest 75 Alex Kidd : The Lost Stars 76 Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle 77 Alibaba and 40 Thieves 78 Alien 3-Unlimited Blood 79 Alien Challenge 80 Alien Sector 81 Alien Soldier 82 Alien Storm 83 Alien Storm 84 Alien Storm ★3P 85 Alien Syndrome 86 Alien Vs. Predator 87 Alien Vs. Predator ★3P 88 Alien3 Unlimited Blood&Ammunition 89 Alien3: The Gun 90 Aliens 91 Alisia Dragoon 92 Alligator Hunt 93 Alloy Warrior 94 Alloy Warrior-Unlimited Blood 95 Alpha Mission II 96 Alphax Z 97 Alpine Ski 98 Altered Beast 99 Amazing Adventures of Mr.F.Lea 100 Ambush 101 American Pool ▲3D 102 American Speedway 103 Amidar 104 Amigo 105 Andre Agassi Tennis 106 Andro Dunos 107 Angel Kids 108 Anteater 109 Appleseed 110 Appoooh 111 Aq Renkan Awa 112 Aqua Jack 113 Aquarium 114 Aquatic Games Starring 115 Arabian 116 Arabian Fight 117 Arabian Magic 118 Arabian Magic ★4P 119 Arbalester 120 Arcade Classics 121 Arcade Game Collection 122 Arcadia 123 Arch Rivals 124 Arcus Odyssey 125 Ardy Lightfoot 126 Area 88 127 Area 88-Invincible & Money 128 Argus 129 Ark Area 130 Arkanoid 131 Arkanoid Doh It Again 132 Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH 133 Arkanoid Returns 134 Arlington Horse Racing 135 Arm Wrestling 136 Armed Formation 137 Armed Police Batride 138 Armored Car 139 Armored Warriors 140 Armored Warriors ★3P 141 Army Men-World War ▲3D 142 Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf 143 Arrow Flash 144 Art of Fighting 145 Art of Fighting 2 146 Art Of Fighting 2 Boss 147 Art of Fighting 3 148 Ashura Blaster 149 ASO-Armored Scrum Object 150 Assault Suits Valken 151 Asterix 152 Asterix(set1) 153 Asterock 154 Asteroids Deluxe 155 Astral Bout 156 Astral Bout 2 157 Astro Blaster 158 Astro Fighter 159 Astro Invader 160 Asuka & Asuka 161 Asura Blade : Sword of Dynasty 162 Asylum 163 Atari Collection 1 164 Ataxx 165 Athena No Hatena 166 Atomic Point 167 Atomic Robo-Kid 168 Atomic Runner 169 Attack Ufo 170 Aurail 171 Australian Rugby League 172 Auto Destruct ▲3D 173 Avengers 174 Avenging Spirit 175 Awesome Possum 176 Axelay 177 Axelay-Unlimited Life 178 Aztarac 179 Azurian Attack 180 B.C. Story 181 Back Fire 182 Back Street Soccer 183 Back Street Soccer ★4P 184 Back to the Future Part III 185 Bad Dudes Vs. Dragonninja 186 Bad Lands 187 Bagman 188 Bakuto Dochers 189 Bal Cube 190 Balloon Brothers 191 Ballz 3D 192 Baluba-Louk No Densetsu 193 Bang Bang Ball 194 Bang Bang Busters 195 Bang Bead 196 Bank Panic 197 Barbie Super Model 198 Barbie Vacation Adventure 199 Barbie-Explorer ▲3D 200 Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2 201 Barney's Hide & Seek Game 202 Baseball Stars 2 203 Baseball Stars Professional 204 Baseball: The Season II 205 Basketball 206 BASS Masters Classic 207 BASS Masters Classic-Pro Edition 208 Bastard!! 209 Batman 210 Batman Forever 211 Batman Forever Arcade Game 212 Batman Part 2 213 Batman Returns 214 Batman(USA) 215 Batman-Revenge of the Joker 216 Batsugun 217 Battlantis 218 Battle Bakraid 219 Battle Chopper 220 Battle Circuit 221 Battle Circuit ★4P 222 Battle City 223 Battle City 224 Battle Cross 225 Battle Cruiser M-12 226 Battle Flip Shot 227 Battle Garegga 228 Battle K-Road 229 Battle Lane! Vol. 5 230 Battle Mania Daiginjou 231 Battle Master 232 Battle Mobile 233 Battle Of Atlantis 234 Battle Pinball 235 Battle Rangers 236 Battle Shark 237 Battle Toads 238 Battle Toads ★3P 239 Battle Zeque Den 240 Battlecry 241 Battlemaster 242 BattleTech 243 Bay Route 244 Beast Busters 245 Beast Wrestler 246 Beathead 247 Beavis & Butthead 248 Beavis and Butt-Head 249 Bee Storm : Dodonpachi II 250 Bells & Whistles 251 Ben Bero Beh 252 Beraboh Man 253 Bermuda Triangle 254 Best of Best 255 Bestri 256 Beyond Oasis 257 Beyond Zero Tolerance 258 Bible Adventures 259 Big bee flying shot 260 Big Event Golf 261 Big Karnak 262 Big Pro Wrestling! 263 Big Run 264 Big Striker 265 Billiard Academy Real Break 266 Bimini Run 267 Bing Bing Bingo 268 Bio Attack 269 Bio Hazard Battle 270 Bio Metal-Invincible 271 Bio-hazard Battle 272 Biomechanical Toy 273 Bionic Commando 274 Bio-Ship Paladin 275 Birdie King 276 Birdie King 2 277 Birdie Try 278 Bishi Champ Mini Game ★3P 279 Bishi Bashi Champion Mini Game 280 Bisyoujyo Senshi Sailor Moon R 281 Black Dragon 282 Black Heart 283 Black Hole 284 Black Panther 285 Black Tiger 286 Blade ▲3D 287 Blade Master 288 Blades of Steel 289 Blades of Vengeance 290 Blandia 291 Blast Off 292 Blaster 293 Blaster Master 2 294 Blasteroids 295 Blaze On 296 Blazeonl-Unlimited Life 297 Blazer 298 Blazing Star 299 Blazing Tornado 300 Block 301 Block Block 302 Block Carnival 303 Block Gal 304 Block Hole 305 Block Kuzushi 306 Block Out 307 Blockbuster 308 Blocken 309 Blomby Car 310 Blood Bros. 311 Blood Storm 312 Blood Warrior 313 Bloodshot ~ Battle Frenzy 314 Bloxeed 315 Blue Hawk 316 Blue Print 317 Blue'S Journey 318 BMC Bowling 319 Body Count 320 Body Slam 321 Bogey Manor 322 Boggy '84 323 Bomb Jack 324 Bomb Kick 325 Bomber Man 326 Bomber Man World 327 Bomber Man World ★4P 328 Bomberman B-Daman 329 Bombjack Twin 330 Bombuzal 331 Bonanza Bros 332 Bongo 333 Bonkers 334 Bonkers 335 Bonk's Adventure 336 Bonze Adventure 337 Boogie Wings 338 Boot Hill 339 Borench 340 Born To Fight 341 Bottom of the Ninth 342 Boulder Dash 343 Bouncing Balls 344 Bowl-O-Rama 345 Boxing ▲3D 346 Boxy Boy 347 Brain 348 Brainies 349 Break Thru 350 Breakers 351 Breakers Revenge 352 Breakers Revenge Boss Edition 353 Breakthru 354 Brian Lara Cricket 96 355 Brix 356 Brute Force 357 BS Super E.D.F. 358 Bubba'n'Stix 359 Bubba'n'Stix 2 360 Bubble Bobble 361 Bubble Bobble II 362 Bubble Bobble II new version 363 Bubble Memory(Bubble Bobble II) 364 Bubsy II 365 Bubsy in Claws 366 Buccaneers 367 Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom 368 Bucky O'Hare 369 Bucky O'Hare ★4P 370 Buggy Challenge 371 Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble 372 Bull Fighter 373 Bullfight 374 Bulls Vs Blazers and NBA Playoffs 375 Bulls Vs Lakers and NBA Playoffs 376 Burger Time 377 Burglar X 378 Burnin Rubber 379 Burning Fight 380 Burning Force 381 Burningfp 382 Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade Edition 383 Bust-A-Move Again 384 B-Wings 385 C1-Circuit ▲3D 386 Cabal 387 Cachat 388 Cacoma Knight 389 Cadash 390 Cadash(USA) 391 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Bullet 392 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Bullet ★3P 393 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Crazy 394 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Crazy1 ★3P 395 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Crazy2 396 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Crazy2 ★3P 397 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Gun 398 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Gun ★3P 399 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Lobster 400 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Lobster ★3P 401 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Plus 402 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Plus ★3P 403 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Weapon 404 Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Weapon ★3P 405 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 406 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs ★3P 407 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 2 408 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 2 ★3P 409 Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball 410 Caliber 50 411 Calipso 412 Cameltry 413 Cannon Ball 414 Cannon Ball1 415 Capcom Baseball 416 Capcom Bowling 417 Capcom Sports 418 Capcom Vs.SNK 2000 Pro ▲3D 419 Capcom World 420 Capcom World 2 421 Captain America and Avengers ★4P 422 Captain America and the Avengers 423 Captain Commando 424 Captain Commando ★4P 425 Captain Planet and the Planeteers 426 Captain Silver 427 Captain Tomaday 428 Car Jamboree 429 Caravan Shooting Collection 430 Carrier Aces 431 Carrier Air Wing 432 Castle of Mickey Mouse 433 Castlevania Chronicles 434 Castlevania-Bloodlines 435 Castlevania-The New Generation 436 Catacomb 437 Caterpillar Pacman Hack 438 Cavelon 439 Caveman Ninja 440 Centipede 441 Cerberus 442 Chack'n Pop 443 Chain Reaction 444 Chakan 445 Challenger 446 Chameleon 447 Champion Base Ball(set1) 448 Champion Baseball 449 Champion Boxing 450 Champion Pro Wrestling 451 Champion Wrestler 452 Champions World Class Soccer 453 Championship Bowling 454 Championship Pro-Am 455 Chance Kun 456 Change Air Blade 457 Changes 458 Charlie Ninja 459 Chase H.Q.
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