C A LIFO R NI A S T A T E U NIVE RS IT Y , F U LLE R TON Arto Lindsay INSIDE releases a new album of Brazilian- 4 n NEWS: Applications for spring scholarships due next week influenced tunes. 8 nSPORTS: Training program teaches —see Detour page 5 students to help athletes VO LUME 69, I SSUE 25 THURSDAY O CTO BER 21, 1999 Auto Swing kids Historians theft strikes celebrate AS VP OC history nCAMPUS: Twenty-four nEVENT: The confer- State University and author of two books about the Gold Rush, is the cars have been stolen ence features histori- keynote speaker Saturday. The theme of his discussion is from campus parking cal artifacts such as “The Origins of California’s Image as ‘America, only more so’.” lots this year a home built in the “I think people will enjoy him,” BY VERONICA BULLARD 1890’s said Barbara Malkovich, chairwom- Staff Writer an of the Orange County Historical BY RITA FREEMAN Commission. “He’s upbeat and the Staff Writer Associated Students Vice general thought is that he will speak beyond the topic of his latest book.” President Neil Cannone witnessed Imagine walking up to a 36- the theft of his Camaro Tuesday as Hansen said that one of the events foot motor home and discovering he is looking forward to is lunch at he walked through parking Lot D, a museum full of exhibits. The adjacent to the Visual Arts Center. the Arboretum. Millennium Mobile Museum is one “It is a catered lunch and people Cal State Fullerton parking lots of the many features at the Orange have a history of theft and are can get together and talk about the County Historical Conference sched- weekend’s events plus admire the labeled by some as “the Fullerton uled tomorrow through Sunday at Auto Mart,” according to campus beauty of the Arboretum,” he said. Cal State Fullerton T h e police. and various other Its proximity to the freeway and Millennium locations in Orange Mobile arrives large variety of cars help make the County. university parking lots targets for This will on campus “ B u i l d i n g S a t u r d a y . car thieves. Bridges to Orange Cannone watched the theft of According to County,” the theme Dori Rawlins, his car after a black Thunderbird to this year’s event, make people carrying four men drove into ‘‘ the director for is the first confer- the museum, the lot. One of the men got out ence in 10 years. and walked toward Cannone’s people can “The expectation explore inside. Camaro. “I didn’t think twice is the title; there are aware Orange about it, I thought it was someone “The muse- a lot of bridges that um will be dropping off a friend,” Cannone we need to build said. here from 8 between the diverse a.m. to 3 p.m. County is a ‘‘ He said he heard the engine of communities and his car start up, then looked toward and people the county, based can see differ- his car and noticed the rear blinker upon region, gen- was on. His car was being stolen ent historical eration, religion and place, and they paintings and right in front of him. other factors,” said “I ran up to the window. I was photographs, Art Hansen, his- and feel a pointing and yelling, ‘that’s my tory professor and car, what the hell are you doing’,” fit into it couple of arti- MYleS RoBinSon/Daily Titan director of the Oral facts,” Rawlins Cannone said. “I tried to push the History Program. Students swing dance at Becker Amphitheater to the sounds of Big Time Operator. said. “This will On Friday, the opening recep- make people aware Orange County is THEFT / 3 tion is at the George Key Ranch in a place, and they fit into it.” Placentia. People can tour the many dif- “This will be a really nice start to ferent historical sites on Sunday. the conference ,” said Tracy Smith, The Anaheim Historical Society Campus welcomes Asthma the coordinator of the Orange County and Anaheim Museum will host a Historical Conference. “There are bus tour of the Colonial Historic nCOMMUNITY: place at Cal State Fullerton’s soc- Soden, director of clinical practice for gram. orange groves and we’ll be in a house District and the Placentia Founders cer and track fields from 8 a.m. to Ovando. “The program was given $5,000 built in the 1890s.” Society will conduct tours of the Competition allows 2 p.m. on Oct. 30. Soden, a registered nurse, is also the worth of seed money to teach fire- Hansen said he believes this is a 1902 Bradford house. If successful, the program may director of Open Airways for Schools. fighters in the area to teach children good time to have the conference Workshop fees range from $30- children to participate serve as a model for similar events The program teaches asthma man- in La Habra how to handle their asth- because it is a celebration of the mil- 35 and Saturday’s conference fee is throughout the nation. agement techniques to 8 to 11-year- ma,” Ovando said. “We did it for six lennium and all the different events $25. in events like the long The Olympics will give over old children in elementary schools in weeks and it was so well-received that that have happened throughout the Smith said that she expects at least 250 children, ages 5 to 14, a Fullerton, La Habra and Brea. Fullerton and Brea began to follow last 10 years. 125 people to attend this weekend’s jump and discus throw chance to compete in several field “We have taken a stand in the suit.” Many workshops include archives conference. BY KAREN ROBES events, including an obstacle health-care industry; it is the key topic The idea of the Asthma Olympics and record management, oral his- “I think people will have a really Staff Writer course, long jump, softball throw, of interest in health issues,” Soden stemmed from the program’s popular- tory, genealogy and historic preserva- good time,” she said. “They will shot put, discus throw and the 50- said. “We want to promote the idea ity. tion. On Saturday, panel sessions will learn a lot about Orange County’s Children competing in Dr. Paul meter, 100-meter, 200-meter and of managing asthma and leading a Although the majority of children speak on “Modes of Living in Orange history and learn a little about where Ovando’s first annual “Asthma 400-meter dashes. normal life.” participating in the event live in the County” and “Understanding the Past they live themselves.” Olympics” will take a big step to “In the last couple of years, stud- Soden said Ovando thought of the Fullerton and La Habra area, Soden by Preserving our Heritage.” better breathing. The event takes ies are identifying an increase in idea for the Asthma Olympics by tak- J.S. Holliday, associate professor the diagnosis of asthma,” said Chris ing part in the Open Airways pro- OLYMPICS / 3 of American history at San Francisco Advertising professor Arlene Nichols leaves CSUF after four nFACULTY: Among other taught,”Kucera said. “If you ask anyone else, advertising. they’ll pretty much say the same thing, that “If you showed a little bit of interest, he things, Arlene Nichols is a they’ve always tried to get Arlene’s classes would give you the shirt off his back,” she because she rocks.” said. “He really was wonderful at lighting a veteran golfer Nichols said that she and her husband spark of enthusiasm about advertising.” BY JESSICA PERALTA David, are moving to London for three years, Although she was pursuing advertising, Staff Writer but that she will be at CSUF through gradu- she said she knew teaching was something ation. she would do. One student describes her as a “model of She said she hopes to come back to “I always thought that that spark and that an excellent teacher.” She has been Ad Club CSUF. enthusiasm and everything that he showed faculty adviser for two years and is in her “You never know what’ll happen in three for it, that he kind of passed on to all of us,” fourth year running the American Advertising years time,” she said. “The door’s left Nichols said. “I always felt that that was a Federation team. She is also an avid golfer open.” gift. And that it was a gift that at some point and she does it all with a smile on her face. Nichols is in her fourth year at CSUF. needed to be passed on.” But now advertising professor Arlene Before becoming a teacher, she worked 17 According to Kucera, Nichols possesses Nichols is leaving in June. years, from 1978 to 1995, in the advertising her own spark of enthusiasm that she uses on “She is probably one of the most influential business. She worked both in New York and her students. He said she encourages a lot of teachers that I’ve ever had, and most inspiring Los Angeles. class participation. and motivational, and it’s really, really sad Even while working with the agencies, she “She’s really helped like fire everyone up to hear that she’s going to be leaving,” said involved herself in teaching. and get everyone involved,” Kucera said. advertising major Clark Kucera. “If they didn’t have a formalized training Ad Club President Janeen Sarwine said it is Kucera, a member of the Ad Club, has had program at the agency, I would start brown hard to find someone as dedicated to a student Nichols for three classes.
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