February 5, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 3089 of veterans, vocational rehabilitation, vet- (B) Conditions and circumstances which (b) Records— erans’ housing programs, readjustment of may indicate the necessity or desirability of (1) The Committee shall keep a record of servicemembers to civilian life, and enacting new or additional legislation, and all actions of the Committee and each of its servicemembers civil relief. (2) Its formulation, consideration and en- subcommittees. The record shall contain all (C) Subcommittee on Health, which shall actment of such modifications or changes in information required by clause 2(e)(I) of Rule have legislative, oversight and investigative those laws, and of such additional legisla- XI of the Rules of the House and shall be jurisdiction over veterans’ hospitals, medical tion, as may be necessary or appropriate, the available for public inspection at reasonable care, and treatment of veterans. Committee and its various subcommittees, times in the offices of the Committee. (D) Subcommittee on Oversight and Inves- consistent with their jurisdiction as set (2) There shall be kept in writing a record tigations, which shall have oversight and in- forth in Rule 5, shall have oversight respon- of the proceedings of the Committee and vestigative jurisdiction over veterans’ mat- sibilities as provided in subsection (b). each of its subcommittees, including a ters generally, and over such matters as may (b) Review of Laws and Programs—The record of the votes on any question on which be referred to the subcommittee by the Committee and its subcommittees shall re- a recorded vote is demanded. The result of Chairman of the full Committee for its over- view and study, on a continuing basis, the each such record vote shall be made avail- sight or investigation and for its appropriate applications, administration, execution, and able by the Committee for inspection by the recommendations. The subcommittee shall effectiveness of those laws, or parts of laws, public at reasonable times in the offices of only have legislative jurisdiction over such the subject matter of which is within the ju- the Committee. Information so available for bills or resolutions as may be referred to it risdiction of the Committee or sub- public inspection shall include a description by the Chairman of the full Committee. of the amendment, motion, order or other (2) Each subcommittee shall have responsi- committee, and the organization and oper- proposition and the name of each member bility for such other measures or matters as ation of the Federal agencies and entities voting for and each member voting against the Chairman refers to it. having responsibilities in or for the adminis- (b) Vacancies—Any vacancy in the mem- tration and execution thereof, in order to de- such amendment, motion, order, or propo- bership of a subcommittee shall not affect termine whether such laws and the programs sition, and the names of those members the power of the remaining members to exe- thereunder are being implemented and car- present but not voting. (c) Availability of Archived Records—The cute the functions of that subcommittee. ried out in accordance with the intent of the (c) Ratios—On each subcommittee, there Congress and whether such programs should records of the Committee at the National Ar- shall be a ratio of majority party members be continued, curtailed, or eliminated. In ad- chives and Records Administration shall be to minority party members which shall be dition, the Committee and its subcommit- made available for public use in accordance consistent with the ratio on the full Com- tees shall review and study any conditions or with Rule VII of the Rules of the House. The mittee. circumstances which may indicate the neces- Chairman shall notify the ranking minority (d) Referral to Subcommittees—The Chair- sity or desirability of enacting new or addi- member of any decision, pursuant to clause 3 man of the Committee may refer a measure tional legislation within the jurisdiction of or clause 4 of Rule VII of the Rules of the or matter, which is within the general re- the Committee or subcommittee (whether or House, to withhold a record otherwise avail- sponsibility of more than one of the sub- not any bill or resolution has been intro- able, and the matter shall be presented to committees of the Committee, as the Chair- duced with respect thereto), and shall on a the Committee for a determination on writ- man deems appropriate. In referring any continuing basis undertake future research ten request of any member of the Com- measure or matter to a subcommittee, the and forecasting on matters within the juris- mittee. Chairman of the Committee may specify a diction of the Committee or subcommittee. (d) Availability of Publications—Pursuant date by which the subcommittee shall report (c) Oversight Plan—Not later than Feb- to clause 2(e)(4) of Rule XI of the Rules of thereon to the Committee. ruary 15 of the first session of a Congress, the House, the Committee shall make its (e) Powers and Duties— the Committee shall meet in open session, publications available in electronic form to (1) Each subcommittee is authorized to with a quorum present, to adopt its over- the maximum extent feasible. meet, hold hearings, receive evidence, and sight plans for that Congress for submission f report to the full Committee on all matters to the Committee on House Administration referred to it or under its jurisdiction. Sub- and the Committee on Oversight and Govern- EULOGY HONORING FATHER committee chairmen shall set dates for hear- ment Reform, in accordance with the provi- ROBERT DRINAN ings and meetings of their respective sub- sions of clause 2(d) of Rule X of the Rules of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a committees after consultation with the the House. Chairman of the Committee and other sub- previous order of the House, the gentle- (d) Oversight by Subcommittees—The ex- committee chairmen with a view toward woman from California (Ms. PELOSI) is istence and activities of the Subcommittee avoiding simultaneous scheduling of Com- recognized for 5 minutes. on Oversight and Investigations shall in no mittee and subcommittee meetings or hear- way limit the responsibility of the other sub- Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, a little ings whenever possible. committees of the Committee on Veterans’ over a week ago our country suffered a (2) Whenever a subcommittee has ordered a great loss with the passing of Father bill, resolution, or other matter to be re- Affairs for carrying out oversight duties. ported to the Committee, the Chairman of RULE 7—BUDGET ACT RESPONSIBILITIES Robert Drinan. He was a great man. He the subcommittee reporting the bill, resolu- (a) Budget Act Responsibilities—Pursuant was a great humanitarian. He was a tion, or matter to the full Committee, or any to clause 4(f)(1) of Rule X of the Rules of the priest and he was a Member of Con- member authorized by the subcommittee to House, the Committee shall submit to the gress. do so shall notify the Chairman and the Committee on the Budget not later than six When asked to talk about Father ranking minority party member of the Com- weeks after the President submits his budg- Drinan, it is impossible not to speak in mittee of the Subcommittee’s action. et, or at such time as the Committee on the the superlative in every case. And also (3) A member of the Committee who is not Budget may request— the words that I would like to use are a member of a particular subcommittee may (1) Its views and estimates with respect to sit with the subcommittee during any of its to quote a great man, Father Drinan all matters to be set forth in the concurrent himself. meetings and hearings, but shall not have resolution on the budget for the ensuing fis- authority to vote, cannot be counted for a cal year that are within its jurisdiction or At his funeral, which I had the privi- quorum, and cannot raise a point of order at functions; and lege to eulogize Father Drinan, I said the meeting or hearing. (2) An estimate of the total amounts of that when Saint Francis of Assisi, who (4) Each subcommittee shall provide the new budget authority, and budget outlays re- is the patron saint of my City of San Committee with copies of such record votes sulting therefrom, to be provided or author- taken in subcommittee and such other Francisco, when St. Francis of Assisi ized in all bills and resolutions within its ju- records with respect to the subcommittee as was asked what a person had to do to risdiction that it intends to be effective dur- the Chairman of the Committee deems nec- lead a good and virtual life, he said, ing that fiscal year. essary for the Committee to comply with all Saint Francis did, ‘‘Preach the gospel. rules and regulations of the House. RULE 8—RECORDS AND OTHER MATTERS Sometimes use words.’’ RULE 6—GENERAL OVERSIGHT RESPONSIBILITY (a) Transcripts—There shall be a transcript Father Robert Drinan preached the (a) Purpose—Pursuant to clause 2 of Rule made of each regular and additional meeting gospel, sometimes from the pulpit, X of the Rules of the House, the Committee and hearing of the Committee and its sub- sometimes from the floor of this House shall carry out oversight responsibilities. In committees. Any such transcript shall be a for 10 years as a Member of Congress, substantially verbatim account of remarks order to assist the House in— and sometimes from the classroom at (1) Its analysis, appraisal, evaluation of— actually made during the proceedings, sub- (A) The application, administration, execu- ject only to technical, grammatical, and ty- the Georgetown University School of tion, and effectiveness of the laws enacted by pographical corrections authorized by the Law.
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