03.07.2019 1 C O N T E N T S Seventeenth Series, Vol. II, First Session, 2019/1941 (Saka) No. 13, Wednesday, July 03, 2019 /Ashadha 12, 1941 (Saka) S U B J E C T P A G E S ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 161 to 169 12-66 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 170 to 180 67-97 Unstarred Question Nos. 1802 to 2031 98-512 The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. 03.07.2019 2 NOMINATION TO PANEL OF CHAIRPERSONS 513 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 514 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA 515 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2nd Report 515 ELECTIONS TO COMMITTTEES 516-517 (i) All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Jodhpur, Kalyani, Mangalagiri, Nagpur, Patna, Raebareli, Raipur and Rishikesh 516 (ii) Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) 517 NEW DELHI INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CENTRE BILL, 2019 518-521 STATEMENT RE: NEW DELHI INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CENTRE ORDINANCE, 2019 522 SUBMISSION BY MEMBER Re: Alleged derogatory remarks made by Puducherry Lt. Governor against Tamils 527-534 03.07.2019 3 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 597-620 (i) Regarding flood control measures in Misrikh Parliamentary Constituency, Uttar Pradesh Shri Ashok Kumar Rawat 598 (ii) Regarding pending projects of Godda Parliamentary Constituency, Jharkhand Dr. Nishikant Dubey 599 (iii) Need to establish a Kendriya Vidyalaya in Kekri in Ajmer Parliamentary Constituency, Rajasthan Shri Bhagirath Choudhary 600 (iv) Regarding drinking water problem in Jhunjhunu Parliamentary Constituency, Rajasthan Shri Narendra Kumar 601 (v) Need to establish a head post office in Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh Shri Vinod Kumar Sonkar 602 (vi) Need to implement AMRUT scheme in Jhansi Parliamentary Constituency, Uttar Pradesh Shri Anurag Sharma 603 03.07.2019 4 (vii) Need to construct a pucca bridge on river Ganga between Prayagraj and Bhadohi districts in Uttar Pradesh Prof. Rita Bahuguna Joshi 604 (viii) Regarding compensation to farmers Shri Bhagwanth Khuba 605 (ix) Regarding drinking water problem in Rajsamand Parliamentary Constituency, Rajasthan Sushri Diya Kumari 605 (x) Regarding tribal health care in the country Dr. (Prof.) Kirit Premjibhai Solanki 606 (xi) Need to expedite construction of Gulbarga - Latur new railway line Shri Sudhakar Tukaram Shrangre 607 (xii) Regarding closure of HMT Factory at Ranibagh in Nainital district of Uttarakhand Adv. Ajay Bhatt 608 (xiii) Regarding construction of a railway line between Chapra and Muzaffarpur, Bihar Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy 609 03.07.2019 5 (xiv) Need to construct an airport at Dhalbhugarh in Jamshedpur Parliamentary Constituency, Jharkhand Shri Bidyut Baran Mahato 610 (xv) Regarding shelter homes for homeless people in Mumbai Shri Manoj Kotak 611 (xvi) Regarding construction of a dam under Pachnada Project in Uttar Pradesh Dr. Ramshankar Katheria 612 (xvii) Need to construct flyover at Hanspal on NH -16 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha Shrimati Aparajita Sarangi 612 (xviii) Regarding formal border trade along the Indo- Bangladesh border Shri Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury 613 (xix) Regarding construction of railway line projects from Tindivanum to Nagari and Tindivanum to Thiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu Dr. M. K. Vishnu Prasad 614 (xx) Regarding road connectivity in Bilgaon and Jamuguri in Nagaon, Assam Shri Gaurav Gogoi 615 03.07.2019 6 (xxi) Need to construct lower under subway at Kodumudi Railway Station in Tamil Nadu Shri A. Ganeshamurthi 616 (xxii) Need to complete one side Railway platform of Chandkhali Halt Station in West Bengal Shrimati Pratima Mondal 617 (xxiii) Regarding special Economic Status to Andhra Pradesh Shri Sridhar Kotagiri 618 (xxiv) Regarding setting up of National Investment Manufacturing Zone in Nagpur, Maharashtra Shri Krupal Balaji Tumane 619 (xxv) Need to develop N.H. 104 between Sitamarhi and Sursand in Bihar as per laid down norms Shri Sunil Kumar Pintu 619 (xxvi) Need for laying underground cables instead of erecting overhead high voltage power lines by Power Grid Corporation Ltd. in Tamil Nadu Shri K. Subbarayan 620 03.07.2019 7 DENTISTS (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2019 621-688 Motion to Consider 624 Dr. Harsh Vardhan 621-624, 677-685 Dr. M.K. Vishnu Prasad 625-629 Shri Nihal Chand 630-634 Dr. T.R. Paarivendhar 635-639 Shrimati Pratima Mondal 640-642 Dr. Shrikant Eknath Shinde 643-645 Shrimati Supriya Sadanand Sule 646-649 Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy 650-655 Shri Chandra Sekhar Sahu 656-658 Shri Jayadev Galla 659 Shrimati Vanga Geetha Viswanath 660-661 Dr. Subhas Sarkar 662-664 Shri N.K. Premachandran 665-667 Shri Santosh Pandey 668-669 Shri M. Badruddin Ajmal 670 Shri Bhagwant Mann 671 Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar 672-673 03.07.2019 8 Shri Thol Thirumaavalavan 674-675 Shri Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury 676 Clauses 2 to 4 and 1 686-687 Motion to Pass 688 ANNEXURE – I Member-wise Index to Starred Questions 689 Member-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 690-693 ANNEXURE – II Ministry-wise Index to Starred Questions 694 Ministry-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 695 03.07.2019 9 OFFICERS OF LOK SABHA THE SPEAKER Shri Om Birla PANEL OF CHAIRPERSONS Shrimati Rama Devi Dr. (Prof.) Kirit Premjibhai Solanki Shri Rajendra Agrawal Shrimati Meenakashi Lekhi Shri Kodikunnil Suresh Shri A. Raja Shri P.V. Midhun Reddy Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab Shri N.K. Premachandran SECRETARY GENERAL Shrimati Snehlata Shrivastava 03.07.2019 10 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA ---------- Wednesday, July 03, 2019/Ashadha 12, 1941 (Saka) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock. [HON. SPEAKER in the Chair] 03.07.2019 11 SHRI T.R. BAALU (SRIPERUMBUDUR): Sir, I have given notice of an Adjournment Motion. …(Interruptions) HON. SPEAKER: You may raise it in ‘Zero Hour’ and not during Question Hour. … (Interruptions) 03.07.2019 12 11.01hrs ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS HON. SPEAKER: Question no. 161, Shri Jagdambika Pal. (Q. 161) ी जगदिबका पाल : अय महोदय, म आपका अयंत आभारी हं । मन े आपके मायम से जो िकया है उसके उर म माननीय रले मंी जी ने कहा है िक बरहनी से काठमांडू रले लाइन का सव वष 2015-16 म वीकृ त हआ था । इसका काफ पोशन नेपाल म पड़ता है, इसिलए नेपाल सरकार से अनमितु अपेित है । धान मंी जी और हमारी सरकार क नीित नेबर फट क है । धान मंी बनने के बाद सबस े पहले वे यूरोप और अमेरका नह गए, बिक मालदीव या अपने नेबर के जो कं ीज ह, उह कं ीज म गए । हमारी नीित है िक हम अपने पड़ोिसय के साथ बहत अछे रते रख । नेपाल क सिवधानं सभा म भी उहने कहा था िक कनेिटिवटी के िलए दो बस काठमांडू स े िदली चल रही ह । आज बरहनी से काठमांडू रले लाइन बहत आवयक है । नेपाल सरकार से इस सबंध म सव के बाद आगे क कारवाई, इसके िलए एटनल अफे यस िमिनी पैसा देने के िलए तैयार है, इस ोजेट को कब शु िकया जाएगा या इसम या नेपाल सरकार क अनमितु लेने के िलए या आगे एीमट करने के िलए रले मंालय कोई कारवाई करगीे ? SHRI SURESH C. ANGADI: Sir, hon. Member Shri Jagdambika Pal is a very senior Member and he has asked a very appropriate question. माननीय अय : मंी महोदय आप थोड़ा जोर से बोिलए । SHRI SURESH C. ANGADI: Sir, hon. Member Shri Jagdambika Pal is a very senior Member and he has asked a very appropriate question. Only five kilometres of this rail line is in Indian territory and the remaining 354 kilometres fall in the territory of Nepal. The process is going on and the Ministry of External Affairs is already following it up. Hon. Prime Minister is also having a 03.07.2019 13 very good relationship with Nepal. ी अटल िबहारी वाजपेयी जी न े भी कहा था िक हमार े पड़ोसी देश के साथ अछे सबं ंध होने चािहए, यही हमारी नीित है । हम आज भी इसके िलए यासरत ् ह । नेपाल सरकार जदी से जदी अनुमित देगी तो सव करा कर, जो भी माननीय सदय का है, उसको पूरा करने का यास करग े । इंिडयन टेरटरी म ऑलरडीे 5 िक.मी. का सव हो चकाु है SHRI JAGDAMBIKA PAL : Hon. Speaker, it makes no difference that only five kilometres of the line is in India and 400 kilometres of the line is in Nepal. The question is that the Government of India has to take initiative and expedite this agreement between the Government of India and the Government of Nepal. इस सबं ंध म जब रले मंालय ने सव कर िलया है और चाइना जो 4000 िक.मी. दूर है वह रले लाइन भारत क सीमा तक लाने क कोिशश कर रहा है । नेपाल हम पर िडपडट है । आज आप देख रहे ह िपछले कु छ िदन स े हमार े वेिजटेबस ू ट्स को वहा ं जाने से रोक िदया गया है । कयिनटु पाट क ऐसी राजनीित है िक कल स े दूध और जूसेज को भी रोकन े क बात कर रहे ह । पूरा ेड इंिडया के साथ है, वह सफर कर रहा है । नेपाल के यादातर लोग िहदतानु म जॉब करते ह । यिद हम 354 िक.मी.
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