Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yıl:2010 Cilt:22-2 2008 BEAM TEST ANALYSIS OF CASTOR CALORIMETER AND PEDESTAL STABILITY OF HCAL DURING GLOBAL RUNS * CASTOR Kalorimetresinin 2008 Hüzme Testi Analizleri ve HCAL’İN Genel Veri Alımı Sırasındaki Pedestal Kararlılığı Emine GÜRPINAR Gülsen ÖNENGÜT Fizik Anabilim Dalı Fizik Anabilim Dalı ABSTRACT Centauro and Strange Object Research (CASTOR) which is a tungsten/quartz Cerenkov sampling calorimeter, is installed in the very forward region of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It will cover the pseudo rapidity range 5.1<eta <6.6 and will be placed 14.38 m away from the interaction point. In order to test the performance of the CASTOR Calorimeter, CASTOR prototype IV was tested at CERN/SPS H2 beam line in 2008. In my analysis X-surface scan is studied using E=50 GeV pions and E=100 GeV electrons. Hadronic Calorimeter (HCAL) which is a subsystem of the CMS experiment at the LHC, consists of four subdetectors, Hadronic Barrel (HB), Hadronic Endcap (HE), Hadronic Outer (HO) and Hadronic Forward (HF). In HCAL, pedestal is important to determine the muon energy deposits and for quality of calibration of HCAL. Also in my analysis, I studied pedestal stability of all subdetectors of HCAL by using data taken during CRAFT (Cosmic Ray at Four Tesla) runs. Key Words : CASTOR, HCAL, CMS, LHC. ÖZET Centauro ve Acayip Cisim Arastırmaları detektörü (CASTOR), Büyük Hadron Carpıştırıcısı (LHC)’deki Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) deneyinin ileri bölgesine yerleştirilecek olan Çerenkov ışıması ilkesine dayanan bir tungsten-kuvartz örnekleme kalorimetresidir. Etkileşme noktasından 14.38 m uzaklığa konulacaktır ve 5.1<ŋ<6.6 pseudorapidite aralığını kaplayacaktır. CASTOR kalorimetresinin performansını test etmek amacıyla 2008 yılında CASTOR’un IV. prototipinin CERN/SPS H2 deney alanında hüzme testi yapılmıştır. LHC’de CMS deneyinin alt sistemi olan Hadronik Kalorimetre (HCAL) Hadronik fıçı (HB), Hadronik kapak (HE), dış kısım (HO), ve ileri kalorimetre (HF) gibi 4 alt dedektör içermektedir. HCAL’de pedestal, müon enerjisini ve kalibrasyonun kalitesini belirlediği için önemlidir. Analizimde ayrıca Cosmic Run At Four Tesla (CRAFT) sırasında alınan veriler kullanarak HCAL’in tüm altdedektörlerinin pedestal kararlılığı araştırılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: CASTOR, HCAL, CMS, LHC. * Yüksek Lisans Tezi-MSc. Tehsis 138 Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yıl:2010 Cilt:22-2 Introduction High energy physics searches the elementary constituents of matter and the interactions between them. It concentrates on subatomic particles. These contain atomic constituents like electrons, protons, and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are really combined particles which are made up of quarks. All the particles and their interactions observed until now can almost be described entirely by a quantum field theory called Standard Model (SM). The Standard Model is the common theory of quarks and leptons and their electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions. But it is not a complete theory because it has many important unanswered questions. Because of this, beyond the Standard model physics research is needed. Beyond the SM physics will be studied of the experiments A Torodial LHC Apparatus (ATLAS), Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) and A Large Hadron Collider Beauty (LHC-B) on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring at European Nuclear Research Laboratory (CERN). The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which is the world’s highest-energy particle accelerator, was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). LHC aims to collide opposing particle beams, protons at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV. Experiments on the LHC are believed strongly to help scientist to answer the existence of mysterious questions like what gives mass to a particle?, what is the nature of dark matter?, do extra dimensions exist? etc. LHC has four big experiments. They are the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), A Large Torodial LHC Apparatus (ATLAS), Large Hadron Collider b-quark experiment (LHC-b) and A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE). The CMS and ATLAS are multipurpose experiments. They have the same scientific aims but the technical solution and design of detector magnet system are different. The LHC-b is a specialized experiment which will be investigating the differences between matter and antimatter by studying a type of particle called the ’beauty quark’. The ALICE will study the quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions. CMS Deneyi The CMS experiment is a general-purpose detector. CMS experiment will investigate new physics at TeV scale, discover the Higgs boson and look for evidence of physics beyond the SM, SUSY or extra dimensions. The CMS detector consists of subdetectors which are a silicon tracker, an electromagnetic calorimeter and a hadron calorimeter, surrounded by a solenoid which generates a strong magnetic field of 4 T, in order to measure the tracks, energy and momentum of photons, electrons, muons and the other particles over a large energy range and at high luminosity. An overall picture of the CMS can be seen in Figure 1. 139 Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yıl:2010 Cilt:22-2 Figure 1. The CMS detector. (The Collaboration, 2007) Hadronic Calorimeter (HCAL) HCAL which will measure quark, gluon and neutrino directions and energies by means of measuring the energy and direction of particle jets and of the missing transverse energy flow, is subsystem of the CMS detector. The HCAL consists of four subdetectors which are Hadronic Barrel (HB), Hadronic Endcap (HE), Hadronic Outer (HO) and Hadronic Forward (HF). HB covers the ŋ range -1.4< |ŋ| < 1.4 and the HCAL endcaps (HE) cover the pseudorapidity range 1.3< |ŋ| <3.0. They are the sampling calorimeters which consist of plastic scintillators as active material inserted between copper absorber plates, which are placed between the ECAL and the magnet. Light collected from the scintillators are read out by the HybridPhoto Diodes (HPD). The HB is not deep enough to contain a hadronic shower fully. Thus, the HO comes in to play to catch the tails of a hadronic shower. The HO contains scintillators with a thickness of 10 mm, is physically located inside the barrel muon system. It covers the region - 1.26< |ŋ| <1.26. It is divided into 5 sections along ŋ, called rings -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2. The HF calorimeters, the last subdetector of HCAL, are placed 11 m away from the interaction point. The HF calorimeter is located at 3.0< |ŋ| <5.0. It uses the quartz fibers as the active medium. The CASTOR Calorimeter The Centauro and Strange Object Research (CASTOR) calorimeter which will search the Centauro-type events in heavy-ion collisions, is one of the forward detectors of CMS. The CASTOR calorimeter (see Figure 2.) has been a part of the CMS detector since June 2009. It will search the electromagnetic and hadronic contents of the interactions by measuring the energies of the particles. 140 Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yıl:2010 Cilt:22-2 Figure 2. The CASTOR Calorimeter It is a tungsten/quartz Cerenkov electromagnetic and hadronic sampling calorimeter, an octagonal cylinder in shape. Castor will cover the region 5.2 ≤ |ŋ| ≤ 6.4. It is divided into 16 sectors in azimuth. Also it is divided longitudinally into 14 sections, 2 sections for the EM part and 12 sections for the HAD parts in depth. The electromagnetic section consists of 2x16 channels. The hadronic section has 12x16 channels. CASTOR calorimeter consists of successive layers of tungsten plates (W) as absorber and fused silica quartz (Q) plates as active medium. Thicknesses of W plates and Q-plates are 5mm and 2mm respectively for hadronic section the W and Q plates have thicknesses of 10mm and 4mm larger, than the W plates and Q plates of EM, tilted at 450 with respect to the direction of the impinging particles due to capture maximum of Cerenkov light in the quartz. Cerenkov light is produced by the passage of particles through the medium and is collected in sections of 5 W/Q then focused by air-core light guides onto the PMTs. The CASTOR Calorimeter has 224 (16x14) subdivisions in total. The Cerenkov light produced in each one is collected and focused by air-core light guides onto the corresponding PMTs. There are 5 tungsten/quartz layers called Sampling Units (SU) in both the EM and HAD sections, each read by a Readout Unit (RU) (CASTOR EDR, 2007). This calorimeter design and components are shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. The details of the CASTOR Calorimeter Analysis And Results Introduction In this chapter, I present the analysis results of the CASTOR calorimeter test beam of prototype IV data collected at CERN in the summer of 2008. My analysis 141 Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yıl:2010 Cilt:22-2 consists of two parts:I studied the X-surface scan by using E=80 GeV pion and E=100 GeV electrons Beam Test of CASTOR Prototype-IV The beam test of prototype IV was performed in the H2 line at CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). The energy linearity, resolution and uniformity, as well as the surface scan were studied for electrons, pions and muons of various energies. The prototype IV was a full-length octant which consisted of EM and HAD sections with a total of 28 readout-units (RUs). W plates, as absorber, and Q plates as active medium were installed in one octant of Castor prototype-IV. Light is produced by the passage of relativistic particles via Q medium and collected by 5 W/Q layers. Then it is focused by air-core light guides onto the PMTs. Schematic drawing of the beam test with 28 RUs indicated are shown in Figure 4. The beam comes from the left impinging on the EM sections.
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