The Santa Clara Hold Alumni Banquet 1934 Commencement Homecoming Day May 20 for Saturday, May 12, Mass at S. C. Grads; Celebrate 10 A. M.; Graduation Mass at Noon Follows Mass VOL. 13 NO 32 SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1934 PRICE 10CENTS SEVENTY-FIVE SENIORS GIVEN DIPLOMAS TODAY Fr. Hubbard Speakers Invocation Bar Exams Nobili Prize Passed by 5 Roy A. Bronson, 12,Delivers Leaves For Ceremonies S. C. Grads Awarded to Principal Address at 83rd Iwo more graduates of the col- Katmai Trip Celebrated lege of law of the university were JamesGreen successful in the state bar exam- Annual S. C. Descent Into Volcano Is Solemn High Mass Suns inations held in February. They Judnich Wins Medal for Commencement By Fr. President in ar Forrest L. Bentzien, A. B. Stan- Most Dangerous of :o.d, LL. B. 1933, and Thomas P. Application, Conduct; Glacier Padre's Mission Church O'DonnelL A. B. '3l, LL. B. 1933. Spaich Receives Green's Valedictorian Expeditions With Choir 'lhis raises the number of success- Same Honor Prominent in Graduation • Oration Calls for ful students to five out of the seven who graduated last the Application Canoe to Aid Survey of Fr. Nugent Preaches to year. In Religion Prize Given to of Graduating Class at examinations of last August, James Christianity Lake; Cameramen to O'Keefe, Carrol Kirby, and Alfred Burten; Morris Ray Record Feat Baccalaureate Rqnstadt passed the quizzes. Gets Purse According to Edwin Owens, dean Five The colorful Graduated from Undertaking the most perilous ceremonies of a Sol- of the law college, present indica- James Green, former president of emn High Law expedition of his adventurous sci- Mass was enacted in tions point to a freshman group of the A. S. U. S. C, won the Nobili College; M.A. the Mission church this entific career, Rev. Bernard R. Hub- morning as twenty for next year. medal, the highest award of the JAward Given bard, S. J., Santa Clara's famed Santa Clara invoked heavenly aid school, for the student who shall on the future careers of the mem- "Glacier Priest," will leave Seattle be deemed first in morals, obedi- Seventy-five men passed bers of its eighty-third through today for False Pass, Alaska, where graduating ence, and application to study. the portals class. of Santa Clara today to he will prepare to make a descent Homecoming Anton Judnich received the res- * commence their life's vocation with The Ma*s, preceded by a pro- into Katmai crater. ident student's silver medal for con- encouraging words from Roy A. cessional 'nto the churc'i. was cele- "I have plans to descend into Kat- Day Planned duct and application. Milos Spaich Bronson, alumnus and prominent brated by Rev. James J. Lyons, S. mai," Father Hubbard stated befoie was awarded the non-resident's.sil- San Francisco attorney. J., president of the university. The leaving Santa Clara last week. ver medal. Diplomas were pesented to the deacon and subdeacon were, respec-" May "We are taking a 14-foot canoe with For 20 Present Awards graduates by Most Rev. Edward tively, Rev. Lloyd Burns, S. J., pro- J. us. This we will place on ski> Other awards which were made Hanna, D. D., archbishop fessor of reiig of San and harness dogs to it for a trip ov- on, and Rev. Arthur John J. Barrett, '94, to Be at the ceremonies fhis morning Francisco. Coghlan, S. J., professor of philos- > Principal Speaker er the glaciers and snow fields 1 at were: The Archbishop's Medal for James Green, ex-president of ophy. Rev. Louis Kern, S. J., was the the top of Katmai. Annual Meet ChrLjtian Doatrine, valued at fifty student body, master of ceremonies. gave the valedictory of dollars, to Fred W. Burton; the Ry- taLk. m Method Descent Nugent Quote Fr. Alumni will return to their alma land prizes for desbating: twenty Bronson the fact that "We will drop 3000 feet into the His Excellency Most Rev. Edward emphasized mater, Santa Clara, Sunday, May dollar prize to Francis J. Cronin, a there is a definite place for crater and establish a camp on the J. Hanna, archbishop of San Fran- the 20, when they hold their annual fifteen dollar award to James: Green, shores of the lake in the crater's cisco, presided Catholic graduate in the world to- over the services alumni dinner ten base for a few days. We will make and homecoming. and dollars to Louis Doll; the day. Top: from the throne. Barrett, descent MOST REV. ARCHBISHOP John J. '94, will be the McCann prize of fifteen dollars, for "Your alma mater sends you away the and ascent with spikes The baccalaureate EDWARD J. HANNA, D. D. sermon was principal speaker of the day. the blest short story, was given to filled with the and ropes. I went half way down preached riches and the vital- Bottom: ROY A. BRONSON, 12. by Rev. Liguori A. Nu- Reservations for the dinner, to Morris W. Ruy; the Redwood prize before and know the feat can be iz'ng power of her religious and in- who spoke today. iiont, C. Ss. R., of Holy Redeemer be twenty-five successfully accomplished." served in the students' cining of dollars was award- tellectual culture. It is now your Redernptorist college, Oakland. room, must be received at the alum- ed to James Green, the Owl prize Father Hubbard stated that sur- task to make the most of those Father Nugent, in his sermon, dwelt ni twenty-five vey work office before Thursday, May 17, oi dollars, for winning precious gifts," he asserted. will be done at the crater on the necessity for Catholic-edu- lake, which hoils accord ng to Alvin J. Wolf, alum- the annual Oratorical contest, to Present Diplomas in the center but Seniors Are cated men in the world today. He ni secretary. The price is $1.75 pei John Davis; the Dramatic Art con- has ice along its shore, and sound- Dr. Aibert J. Newlin, director of encouraged the graduates to live up plate. test winner, John C. Aliamo, was the ings will be taken to determine Ricard Memorial observatory, the to ths ideals' of Catholic culture depth. Featured in "On Homecoming day, the San pit .-.jilted with a gold Geoige ra given the highest degree of the which have been held up to them Jose chapter celebrate the S: ovich and Charles Wilcox re- After the descent into the vol- will com- eighty-third commencement, when during their years at Santa Clara. pletion cano. Father Hubbard of what it considers its mos: ceived the Coolidge Moot Court waa awarded a Doctorate of Sci- will g») "It will take men, Christian men, through Latest Owl active and s; ceessfu! year,'' said Dr. •.petition medals; the Bancroft- ence William A. Ward, professor the Valley of Ten Thousand • . - high ideals, of men at strong intel- E ward Arnara!. its pi ■> Wh ttey company award to the Smokes and to the Aleutian Islands, idem sen- in the chemistry department, re- bring '• lect, to the world out -'.. of thf Mass w.ll be in the • nor the college of ceived a returning to Santa Clara in Sep- Five Graduates Contribute celebrated student in Blaster <A Science degree chaos into which i{ has been thrown '■ To Closing Issue of Mission church at noon, and a buf- ... waj given to Chester Damiop. ... chemistry. tember. by greed and godlessncss." Literary Paper fel luncheon will be served in the Confer High Honors Graduate.-; who Party Members received the degree Directs Choir inner campus immediately follow- Two seniors, Milos Spaich and of bachelor of laws were: Peter Accompanying Father Hubbard He further declared that men im- Featuring ing. Rev. James J. Lyons, S. J., James Green, graduated this morn- Bond, Ph. B. '32; Robert E. Cas- on this expedition will articles written .by be Nick bued with the principles of Jesuit will be the host. ing maxima cum laude. with great. ein, Ph. B. '32; Chester E Damico, Cavalieri, for members oif the senior class, the Ph. B. '32; cameraman the Frank education were well equipped to At p. m„ of Dante H. Giannini, Ph. May issue of The Owl appeared on 3:30 election of officers it honors. B. 32. (Biuce-C. Buck explorations;. Beverly Jones, ccmbat the insidious errors of mod- Toffelmier received the campus today. will take place in the Lounge room j d'stinction of magna cum a Fox director; Ed. Levin of San ern times. certificate in law. of Scifert gymnasium. Thomas J. aude, with high honors, was con-, Bachelor of Arts degrees Jose, who will act as manager for Marking the successful culmina- were Prof. Clemens Van Perre directed Riordan, alumni president, will ier ed upon Manning H»;t.;.?. Mich conferred upon John J. Gallagher, the party, and tion of a year in literary and jour- Kenneth and Doug- the choir of -twenty male voices preside. <>las Alaga, and Thissen. James F. Green, Joseph P. las nalistic activity as carried out by Eugene Kelly, Chisholm. which consisted of both students Warren S. Morey, Glen A. Myer, The Santa Clara and its literary Those l'eceiving cum laude were nnd Richard This is the eighth expedition and Jesuit Professor G. Thrift. supplement, The Owl, enhanced by philosophers. Cyril Lentz, Glenn Mver. Richard Those receiving the which the "Glacier Padre" has made composed Dean Announces Dates degree of many interesting illustratioVi, ful- Van Perre the harmony, Thrift, Hiram Blanchard, Jerome B-chelor of Philosophy were: Nich- into Alaska. which arranged parts. For Fall )las Alaga, fills its purpose of providing a med- is in four The Registration McLaugrlin.
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