ALLAB E N G E N EALO G ICAL S E R IES lo t 1 2 m o . , C h “ F Jr A34 AL O Y Cl ev el a n d Ab b e ABBE G E N E G . By and Josephine Genung n . N i c h o l s . I preparation Price to be announced - BEAT TY ASFORDBY . By Mrs . Rudolph Samuel Turk . Illus t r a t e d 1 8 . 1 5 . with Coats of Arms Price , postage , cents - COLVER CULVER GENEALOGY. By Frederic Lathrop Colver . - 1 5 . Price , postage , cents Three q uarters Morocco , 1 5 . 1 5 postage , cents Full Morocco , postage , cents . : H OW T O AND PU B GENEALOGIES COMPILE . NUMBER , T . 1 0 LISH HEM By Frank Allaben Price , carriage , cents . HARRIS GENEALOGY . By Emma Polk Harris B rainerd . Price , 1 0 . postage , cents A JESSE SMITH : H I S ANCESTORS N D DESCENDANTS . By t s i efi n t . fr o n i ec a L . Ber rand Smith With p engraving of Coat . 1 5 . of Arms Price , postage , cents ( Large paper edition , octavo , on Alexandra Japan , with Smyth Arms stamped 2 0 on cover , postage , cents . ) ' . O n e I l MARY JANE S Q UARTERINGS By of Her Victims . 1 5 . lustrated Price , postage , cents - . Pl o wdo n s I I STEPHENS STEVENS GENEALOGY By Steven . 1 - 5 . lustrated . Price , postage , cents Three q uarters 1 5 . Morocco , postage , cents Full Morocco , 1 5 . postage , cents TOWNSEND GENEALOGY . By Cleveland Abbe and Josephine . 1 0 . Genung Nichols Price , postage , cents WHITEHEAD GENEALOGY. By Isaac Snedeker Waters . Price , 1 5 s postage , cent , FR A NK ALLAB E N G E NEALO G ICAL CO MPA NY T H E Y O R K PU B LIC nd Tlden Astor Lenor a i Fou ndgfl ons. 1 9 09 1 0 CO PYR IGH T 9 9 , COM P FR AN K ALLAB E N GE N EALOGICAL ANY PRE FAC E This little book has been compiled for the pu rpose of rescu ing from u nmerited oblivion and preserving in a permanent form a record of the descendant s of John u s Beatty and S anna Asfordby, as well as with the aim dl to kin e and keep alive, in those of their line now liv ing, a love and veneration for their memories . For a more detailed account of their antecedents—with proof — of su ch pedigrees as are therein given the reader is “ referred to The Ancestry of Leander Howard Crall . My brief sketch contains no statement which can not be verified by history, well authenticated records, and the h u ighest genealogical a thorities . An ardent desire to preserve family data worthy of being transmitted to posterity has been the main i n centi ve i of this work ; and, if my k ndred shall speak kindly of my humble effort , studying it with a desire to find from whom they are sprung, and to be exalted thereby in their lives, I shall be more than repaid for the labor and pains expended herein . MR S . O RUD LPH SAMUEL TURK. u 4 909 1 . Sta nton, Virginia , January , CO NT E NT S PAG E Preface Ancestry of John Beatty Beatty Ancestry of Susanna Asfordby Asfordby B illesby H en eag e Langt on Sandon Newcomen Wolley Quadring Fu lnetby Cracroft Gascoigne Beckwith Vavasou r Skipwith Plantagenet o Descendants of John B eatty and S u sann a for dby First Generation S econd Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation Fifth Generation Sixth Generation Seventh Generation Appendix Will of JohnBeatty Will of Su sanna Asfordby Baptismal Records CONT E NT S Will of William Beatty Will of Cornelius Cormack Extracts of Land Patents Will of John Cary Revolutionary Records of P . R . F. Record of the Ritchie Family Ritchie Letters Two Ritchie Documents Ritchie Bible Records Obituary Notice of Martin Knupp Marriage License of William Cary Will of William Cary Index ILLU ST R AT IO NS PAGE u Beatty Arms, Q artering Asfordby - Title Page, Designed by Georgia bu rn Beatty Arms Asfordby Arms B illesby Arms H en eag e Arms Langton Arms Sandon Arms Newcomen Arms Wolley Arms Quadring Arms Fulnetby Arms Cracroft Arms Gascoigne Arms Beckwith Arms Vavasour Arms Skipwith Arms BEATTY ARMs : S ab le a chevr on between thr ee oats as san t , g p ar en t a tti r ed or ea ch char ed wi th two ellets u les g , , g p g ; on a chi e o the thi r d a demi -woodman holdi n i n hi s f f , g ri ht han d a clu b betw een two ci n u e oi ls a ll o the g , q f , f fou r th. S : A star k wi th a sh i n his beak all r o er . CRE T fi, p p The following is the descent of John Beatty, the first Goffr e eifr e of his line in America, from Prince y , or J y , was of S cotland, who, according to tradition, descended H er em on . from , the first king of Ireland Goffr e f u B or n y , or Jef rey, fo ght with Brian at A . 0 D 1 1 4. son the Battle of Clontarf , He had a 2 Con ch all : . g , whose son was Maou lcu lu m son ( Malcolm) , who had a : Alpin , who had a son S calbhai dh , who had a son Amhail adh g , whose son was S : canlan, whose son was 8 Dolbh . s s . u , of the Orkney I le He had i ss e : 9 Dolbh . , of Loch Broin . He had a son 1 0. e L arn, whose son was 1 1 . i su Constantine, who had s e 1 2 . John Mor . His son was : 3 1 . su : William, who had is e 1 4. son Richard, whose was 1 5 . u e Garrett He ret rned to Ireland, the anci nt home of the family . H i s son was : 1 6 . B eta h ssu i u John g , the first to a me th s s rname . He had issu e : 1 7 . o Henry, who had a s n : 1 6 BEATTY - ASFORDBY hi on a . 1 8 . au T William , or William of the Wine He had issue 9 1 . Edward , whose son was 2 0 : . John , whose son was h 2 1 . w o Garrett , had issue 2 2 . : William Beattie , who had a son 2 3 h : . Robert Beattie, w ose son was 2 4 who : . James Beattie , had issue 2 : 5 . Edward Beattie . He had issue 2 6 . John Beatty, who emigrated to America , set tling in Ulster County , New York , where he married Susann a Asfordby . AN CE ST R Y O F S U SAN NA ASFO R DB Y A S FORDBY s : u ar ter l 1 and 4 or a sa lti r e en r ai led Arm Q y , , g sable 2 ar en t a chevr on b etw een thr ee ( Asfordby) ; , g , ' bi ll s heads sable B illesb 4 ar en t a chevr on sable ( y ) , g , b tw en thr ee tr e oi ls azu r e a cr escen t or di er en ce e e f , f ff ( Coventr ey e) ’ ST h r head er ased a t the n eck sab le C RE : A o se s , b l or r id ed . “ de 4th i n 1 . Jordan Asfordby held ye part of a fee Asfordby of Geoffry de B eni ng wor th of ye Honor of ” The the Cou ntess of Boling broke . name of his wife i s n son : not k own . He had a 2 s As . Sir William de A fordby, Knight, Lord of for db u u y , Co nty Lincoln, England, who married M riel, d u ss B i llesb a ghter and heire of John y , second son of “ l s Robert B i lesby . She held a manor in A fordby and ” B illesb c -fif h y of ye Honor of Lan aster in the twenty t 1 2 96 wa year of Edward I . ( and s then called Mu riel T : de Asfordby . heir son 3 n i n . Sir Jordan de Asfordby, K ight , held lands s A fordby of the heir of Gerard de Chauncey, which “ ’ were taken into ye King s hands the first year . u and of Edward III His wife was Petronella , da ghter T u heiress of John Coventry . hey had iss e 4 . William de Asfordby, Oldest son and heir, who did homage for hi s lands the second year of Edward u II I . He married M riel, and had issue : 5 . John de Asfordby, son and heir, who married a an d u : M rgaret, had iss e 6 . William Asfordby of Asfordby, son and heir . The name of his wi fe is not known . He had issu e 2 2 BEATTY- ASFORDBY 7 . John Asfordby of Asfordby , son and heir . The : name of his wife is not known . He had issue 8 . William Asfordby of Asfordby , son and heir, who married Johana, daughter and heiress of Lincoln . They had issue : 9 . William Asfordby of Asfordby, son and heir . He married the daughter and heiress of Kyme of Langton .
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