SRI SATHYA SAI VIDYANIKETAN, NAVSARI CLASS - III English DIV - A/ B SESSION 2014 - 2015 TEACHER'S NAME:- Kainaz Besania .SHEETAL NO.OF THEME / TEACHING SPECIFIC MONTH WEEK LESSONS ACTIVITY VALUES PERIODS TOPIC AIDS OBJECTS story about list of Reggie mouse Reggies favourite making habit of to learn to April W0 2 to 7 8 who atelot of mouse and food and text book and friut and vegetable charts eating healthy obey elders cheese and his key words identifiation food cloth shrink of nouns Recitation to respect of poem the world from everyone and to revive nouns in W1 8o 14 8 the eyes of the Poem-Fly text book and chart on different flies views and different the poem fly self inquiry kinds of nature flyies poem about a Recitation importance of boy who Cookies for of the poem sharinf and caring W2 16 to 21 8 text books sharing and prepared Santa and nature carin cookies for santa pronoun the story about united we birds who The quarrel how to work in W3 23 to 28 8 moral text books stand divided quarrelaand lost of the birds unity we fall their life . grandmother teaching The growimg family explore to new June W4 18 to 23 8 text books responsibility childrean how to years values things cut the jack fruit learning Story about how how to be loving caring 25 TO lion aand Androcles friendly with to take care of and having W5 8 text books 30 Androcccles and the lion animals animlas and birds empathy and beame friens aaaand sumpathy birds understaand the singular and differene betwwen 02 TO write few July W6 8 plural and the A view of cat text books singular/pluralsand aappreciation 07 lines on cat. poem cat developing writing skill 09 TO PA-1 W7 8 14 REVISION 16 TO W8 8 PA-1 Exam 21 couraageous poet explain we Don't be difference don't loose hope in and be bold 23 TO should be never afraid of the between W9 8 text books times og to face 28 aafraid of the dark noun day light difficulties different life darkness and pronoun and night challenges different The getting Description of festivals of unityrespect 30J TO Elephant text books and chart on different knowledgeof July-Aug W10 8 elephant festival India and and beliefs in 04A festival of festivaaals of India different festivals im jaipur letter writing all religion jaipur celebrated in India practise The poet describe the memorable key words how to use Appreciation 06 TO Railway August W11 8 experience and text books and referrence book adjective in of nauter and 11 Carriaage throught the Adjectives sentences surroundings. poem Railway Carriage 13 TO PA-2 W12 8 . 18 REVISION 20 TO W13 8 PA-2 EXAM 31 The story of How demon article be brave to handle 01 TO demon of courage and Sep W14 8 was reading and text book and referrence books the circumstances 08 manipur who ate determination defeated key words and situations children revising use ready for any 10 TO test ofkey word revising all of different to perform well in W15 8 text book and reference book given 15 from all lesson the lessons frammar exam situation words 17 TO TERM-1 W16 8 _ _ _ _ 22 REVISION 24 TO TERM-1 W17 8 29 EXAM lesson is about the Native key words, Don't be American where How the use of don't play such jealous and 01 TO October W18 8 the bear ego bear lost its adverbs text books and referrrence book games where you showoff of 06 made him loose tail and hurts others. your his beautiful long adjectives possessions tail time of Story about fun with friends 08 TO Peter has a action -past humour and W19 8 Peter rabbit anf text book and referrence books and use of self 13 great laugh present and self enqiuiry Reddy fox intelligence future Poem about If I had a magic carpet essay magic carpet and how Peter writing creative thinking power of W20 15 to 20 8 and Peter text books and referrence book found himself reading and and writing spirit inqiury Rabbit in caught in tight key words tight place place Action words tenses and uses of tenses and 22 with ing form, extra book power of W21 8 Down the text book be adventurous in TO30 Allice and her exerices imagination Rabbit hole life adventure Story about the The elves key words help others hardworker have gratitude for 19 TO and the use of to write aaaabout their favourite hobby and have November W22 8 shoemaker. those who helps 24 shoemaker. articles verb they like to do gratitude Poem about you The swing and noun behaviour swing understand how to Poem about learn to enjoy 26N TO use of usw question Nov-Dec W23 8 fairies. Uses of Fairies text books and live in 01D pronouns related words and was where when present pronouns uses of am, story about Herccclues is, are. Hercules who on learn to accept the hardwork and 03 TO aaaand three Was,/were December W24 8 Kinf wish went to text books different presencce of 08 golden and find three golden challenges in life mind apples . keywords apples and test 10TO PA-3 W25 8 15 REVISION 17 TO W26 8 PA-3 EXAM 22 extra exerise The unhappy The tree is not from to be satisfy satisfyiedand 24 TO tree and use W27 8 happy withs its trxtbooks text books and referrence book whatever you have ceiling on 29 of hasand needles leaves aaaaand in your life desires have referrence book poem desribe The way of recitation of having gratitude 31D TO about nature and poemand text books and chart on how nature help having Dec-Jan W28 8 towards god 5J nature.poem What is uses of us gratitude beautiful creation decribing pink? keywords in relationship daily life between colours object Drama based on over .'do not cccount The don't get happy 07 TO moral of the confidence, Jan W29 8 your chicccccken milkmaid and text book before you get 10 story danger for before they her pail success once success hatch Words practical understand uses 18 TO verbs and spirit of W30 8 describing verbs use of this textbooks and referrence book of verbs and 26 adverbs inquiry and adverbs words adaverbs 28J TO PA-4 Jan-Feb W31 8 02F REVISION Feburary W32 04 to 09 8 PA-4 EXAM Story about Birbal and proper use of don't judge exercise 11 TO Akbar and Birbal the prepositions , pepole from W33 8 from text other story of Akbar and Birbal 16 and introduction washerman , justice with oom hearnin books of preposition preposition everyone one side view undestanding use intoduction of interjection, exercise of interjection spirit of interjection, How W34 18 to 23 8 asking from text text book and referrence book aaand learn to inqqquiry and to frame question books make and ask concentration questions questions 25F TO TERM-2 Feb-Mar W35 8 2M REVISION 04TO TERM-2 March W36 09 REVISION TERM-2 W37 11 TO 16 EXAM TERM-2 W38 18 to 23 EXAM SRI SATHYA SAI VIDYANIKETAN ANNUAL PLAN (2018 - 19) SUBJECT : HINDI NAME OF TEACHER : GEETA PATEL STANDARD : III Expected No. of wee Theme / Activity & Month Date Lesson Teaching Aid Learning Values Period k Syllabus Projects Outcome s 0 4 to 7 पर्ु नावर्र्ा वर्ामनलन 8 पररवनर और अप्रैल वर्ामनलन स्वर और स्वर और वंजर् से 1 8 to 14 핍यनकरर् सदस्यⴂ के अभ्यनस मनलन -२ सिी पिेचनर् 8 핍यंजर् मनहिर्गनर र्नम 16 to पररवनर के र्ए शब्द जोड़कर 2 핍यनकरर् बनरिखड़ी शब्द बर्नर्न सीखᴂगे समनर्र्न 8 21 र्नम ललखर्न 23 to शब्द मᴂ , अंक चचत्र देखकर किनर्ी शब्द शु饍चि से 3 핍यनकरर् पवू नाभ्यनस स配य 8 28 मᴂ ललखर्न मनहिर् गनर 18 to लमत्र के बनरे मᴂ चचत्र देखकर रंग सूप सिपनठी के स्वभनव 4 कन핍य क啍कू लमत्रर्न 8 23 ललखर्न स्वनद की पिचनर् से पररचचर् अꅍय जनर्वरⴂ जुर् 25 to के र्नम और शरे और चिू े की 5 पनठ शेखीबनज म啍खी चर्ुरनई स楍चनई 8 30 घर के बनरे मᴂ किनर्ी ललखनर् र्ए जुड़ े शब्दⴂ अपर्े कनया मᴂ लीर् 6 2 to 7 पनठ चनाँद वनली अम्मन हदर् और रर् कन चक्र सिनयर्न 8 के खेल रिर्न जूलनई मर् के ववचनरⴂ प्रकृ तर् के र्配वⴂ कन चचत्र 7 9 to 14 कन핍य मर् करर्न िै प्रकृ तर् को जनर्े प्रेम 8 की सचू च हदखनर्न 16 to 8 PA-1 EXAM 21 23 to शब्द जनल से सनिलसक र्नरी की सचू च 9 पनठ बिनदरु बबत्तो बिनदरु ी हिम्मर् चर्रु नई 8 28 शब्द बर्नर्न बर्नर्न ववशेषर् और ववशेष्य रर啍र् स्थनर् 10 30 to 4 핍यनकरर् मᴂ र्ुलर्न शु饍ि स配य लम पिचनर् स配य लम पिचनर् समझ शक्啍र् 8 की पूतर् ा रवनर्न अशु饍ि शब्द पररवनर के सदस्यⴂ जो 11 अगस्र् 6 to 11 कन핍य िमसे सब किर्े िै प्रकृ तर् हदखनर्न , िोलशयनर प्रेम 8 किर्े िै उसकी सूचच 13 to 12 8 18 पर्ु रनवर्र्ा 20 to 13 PA-2 EXAM 31 खनलीस्थनर् की ववलभꅍर् उदनिरर् 14 1 to 8 핍यनकरर् संज्ञन और सवार्नम वन啍य की पिचनर् समझ शक्啍र् 8 पूतर् ा खेल देकर 10 TO 15 8 15 पुर्रनवर्र्ा लसर्म्बर 17 T0 16 TERM-1 EXAM 22 24 TO चचत्र के आिनररर् 17 पनठ हिप हिपवन जलचक्र बर्नर् मदद , सिनयर्न प्रेम दयन 8 29 किनर्ी चचत्र के आिनररर् 01 TO 18 06 पनठ बंदर बनि मनपर्न र्नपर्न र्यन कन핍य बर्नर्न झगडन र्िीं करर्न ईमनर्दनरी 8 और र्ोलर्न अ啍िू बर 08 TO गुजरनर्ी और हिंदी दो दो रंग से बर्र्े 19 13 पनठ अ啍कल बड़ी यन भᴂस ववववि भनषन कन ज्ञनर् ईमनर्दनरी 8 मिीर्े के र्नम वनले रंग की पिचनर् 15 TO 20 20 पनठ 啍यⴂ जीमल एयर कैसे रोिी बर्नर्े कन गᴂिू डनल चनवल हदखनर्न बड़ो कन आदर करर्न स配कनर 8 कैसललयन र्रीकन 22 TO जनर्वरⴂ की मिन配मन गनाँिी और मीरन 21 30 पनठ मीरन बिर् ओर बनघ सिनयर्न और उदनरर्न अहिंसन शनंतर् 8 सूचच बिर् कन चचत्र हदखनर्न 19 TO स्वर्ꅍत्र सेर्नतर् के र्नम की 22 र्वम्बर 24 लगनर्नर मेरन वप्रय प्रनर्ी र्ेर्न के बनरे मᴂ जनर्कनरी एकर्न 8 सूचच 23 26 TO 1 पुर्रनवर्र्ा 8 24 3 to8 पुर्रनवर्र्ा 8 25 10 to 15 पुर्रनवर्र्ा 8 17 to 26 हदसम्बर 22 PA-3 EXAM 8 जब मुझको सनाँप र्े पेड़ो के र्नम स配य और 27 24 to 29 पनठ सनाँप कन चचत्र हदखनर्न अंिश्र饍िन को लमिनर्न कनिन की सूचच हिम्मर् दो लमलर् े झु쥍र् े 28 31 to 5 कन핍य लमचा कन मजन शब्दⴂ के वनकयन लनल िरी लमचा हदखनर्न स楍ची बनर् बर्नर्न स楍चनई 8 बर्नर्न रर啍र् स्थनर् जर्वरी प्र配यक्ष और ववलभꅍर् सिी और र्ए बदलनव को 29 7 to 10 핍यनकरर् ललंग और वचर् की पूतर् ा समझ 8 उदनिरर् जनर्र्न करवनर्न 18 to 30 26 पुर्रनवर्र्ा 8 31 फरवरी 28 to 2 पुर्रनवर्र्ा 8 32 4 to 9 पुर्रनवर्र्ा 8 33 11 to 16 PA-4 EXAM अपर्ी वप्रय पेड़ के उर्के फल फू ल रंग की 34 18 to 23 पनठ सवसे अ楍छन पेड़ प्रकृ तर् को मिसूस करे सिभनचगर्न प्रेम 8 बनरे मᴂ ललखर्न प्र配यक्ष मनहिर्ी 35 मनचा 25 to 2 लगनर्नर लगनर्नर 8 36 4 to 9 पुर्रनवर्र्ा 8 37 11 to 16 संकललर् परीक्षन 8 38 18 to 23 संकललर् परीक्षन 8 ANNUAL LESSON PLAN OF SUBJECT Maths - STD - 3 -BY LILLY THOMAS 2018-19.
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