.:"Ulmo nArtS WAR.. BONDS THENE KPOST STAMPS ~III' Number 24 The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, July 22, 1943 PRICE FIVE ENTS = Library Head FEED TEST AIR 23 TIRES Resigns FADER PROBLEMS RAID HELD APPROVED SPEAKS TO DISCUSSED SUNDAY BY RATION AIRPLANE AT MEETING AFTERNOON BOARD OBSERVERS ltortage Local Certificates Explains New Of Grains Workers Issued At Predicted System Of Operate Meeting Held Fm'1943 Airplane Smoothly This Week Observation The test air raid held on Sunday The Newa rk Tire Rationing Board J ohn R. F ader, area supervisor for which came as a complete surprise to held their regular weekly meeting the U. S. Army, Aircraft Warning Ser­ the local Civilian Defense workers was Monday night in the Main Street ra­ vice addressed a meeting of chief ob­ W. Perry, distl"ict manager of claimed to have been a complete suc­ ti oning offi ces and issued certiflcates -----"-'- ­ servers, assistant chief observcrs and Purina Mills aeled as chairman of cess and found everyone on the job for the purchase of '23 tires, 13 tubes, Wm. K . Gillespie day captains held in the Legion rooms meeting which was held in con- and functioning with the usual ef- 3 recapping services and one automo­ of the Old Academy building last Charles W. Bush fiCiency. with thc U. S. Department of bile. Thursday evening. Mr. Perry stated that the The Board of Managers of the Wil­ The first call, or the yellow' signal Certiflcates for the purchase of tires, Mr. Fader explained the new system the meeting w as to show mington Institute (Public Library) was received at the local control center tubes and recapping services were is­ GILLESPIE of a ircraft identification as set up by huw they can help the elected Charles W. Bush, Director of at 1:56 p. m . and was followed by sued to the following: Charles G. Smith, the Fighter Command and told of to conserve feed and to show Personnel Records at the University the first blue signal at 2: 16; the red Christiana, 1 tube; Frank D. Thorp, the importa nce of the identifiCAtion how they can get the most out of Delaware, president of the Board at or danger signal came through at :!:41 Newark, 1 tube; K atheryn Girard, RESIGNS AS feature. He said that the proper identi­ feed s are avail able. a meeting held in Wilmington on Mon­ and lasted for ten minutes with the Newark, 1 tire; August Leroney, New­ fication of the planes flying over elim­ Pen'y stated tha t flgures released day. second blue signal being flashed ark, 1 tube, 2 tires; J ames W. Foote, inated much work in the control center lhat thi s year there will be an Mr. Bush succeeds Judge John P . through at 2:51. The All-clear was Hockessin, 1 tube, 2 tires; George B. HIGH SCHOOL a nd made it much easier to pick out given at 3:02. feed shortage of more than Ni elds who retired as president after Gardener, Bear, 2 tires; W. B. Allen, the enemy planes, if, and when we Jr .. Newark, 1 tube; Jethro D. East­ might be bombed by the enemy. ' biIlion bushels. Corn shortage w ill 22 years of service. Mr. Bush formerly Mrs. Harvey Boyce and Miss Lois to more than 472 million bushels; was treasurer of the Insti tute. Other Mae Tomhave were on duty in the burn, Newark, 4 tubes, 4 tires; Homer PRINCIPAL Mr. F adcr also spoke about the sys­ shortage wi IJ run over 200 mil­ officers elected were: Henry B. duPont, warning center at the time the test E. Crossan, Newark, 4 tires 2 tubes; tem set up for determining the effi c­ iency of the various observation posts the shortage of oats will vice-president; Lammont duPont Cope­ raid was on and handled the calls in Homer E. Crossan, Newark, 1 tire, 1 recap; A. S. Eastman, Newark, 2 tires; when inspected by I'epresen tativcs of 117 million bushels and the land, treasurer; Harland A. Carpenter, a hightly efficient manner it was stated Accepts Post Charles H . Hayman, Jr., 2 recapping the Fighter Command. Dr. Carl J. of barley will run to 72 mll- secretary and librarian. by offiCials of the Defense Council. services; Walter T. Mendenhall, Ho­ . Dr. Rees was complimented by Mr. It was stated by Civilian Defense of­ At Bio-Chemical ckessin, 1 tire, 1 tube; Emory S. Utz, Fader on the 100 per cent operation of ficials that the messenger servioe was . Perry staled that farmers in big Stanton, 1 tire; Thomas McAlpine, the P ossum Park Post which MI'. Fader producing areas w ill h ave plenty CHILDREN hard hit by the fact that most of the Laboratory After Newark, 2 tires; John Stevens, Elkton, said was one of the best operated posts feeds which they will Boy Scouts who ordinarily perform this 1 tire, 1 tube. - in Delaware. duty were away at Camp Rodney. 15 Years Service hang onto and farmers in Mr. F ader also spoke on the pro­ where there are protein teeds ATTEND Conrad Lewis who has been named as posed system of awarding pi ns and iiJl have an abundance of that class head of the messenger service, replac- FOURTEEN Announcement was made last week badges for those who had served 01 feed but due to the transportation ing Billy Gray, who has entered the . of the r esignati on of William K. GiI- specifled number of hours. wd labor situation, the fa rmers feeding ·TROOP Armed Service, was in camp at the lespie, principal, coach and chemistry rommercial feeds will be left in the time but the few remaining messengers BEFORE teacher, from the faculty of the New- middle. were commended on their execellent . ark High School to accept a position Ralph Walson, county agent for New SCHOOL service. as Assistant Micro-Chemist at the Bio- INSTRUCTOR County spoke endorsing the cru- T. Russell Silk, chief air raid wat'den GAS PANEL Chemical Research Laboratory. conserve feed and helping the was also away on a vacation but his Mr. Gillespie's resignation climaxes to get the most out of what duties were well taken care of by fiiteen years of loyal service to New- AT SCI-IOOL available and said that his 105 Enrolled Newman Rose, assistant chief air raid ark's school system. He came to New- was ready at all times to warden. Five Dismissed; ark in 1928 and began his career under farmer in any capacity. For Training; Arthur W. Perry, assistant chairman the late Ira S. Brinser, then superin- RESIGNS presen t at the meeting were: of the Civilian Defense Council stated Five Penalized; tendent of schools, and was promoted Collins, Alfred Mendenhall, Rev. Cross that all the local whistles and sirens to principal of the high school two and John W. Keating operated with 100 per cent efficiency i, Four Not Present years later. F. T. Warrington . Abe Geist and Warrpn In Charge and could be easily heard all over ___ In ru;;...;~t"n to leaci,ing chemistry a m: . Charles Underwo Accept~New Steel of Providence, Md.; the community. He also stated that all The pleasure driving panel of the ~~~6i~a's::~ba~iII:~~iec~:;n=~ ~o~t~~~ Stafford, Middletown; Chick The Troop School for boys and girls ~~~ r:!~ ~~~~~ers were open and manned Newark Price and Rationing Board met viable record with his footbal teams- Position , Wilmington; Ralph Walson, Correll and A. W. Perry, New- F . Thaddeus Warrington, instructor ~e~i:~ c~~~~~~e~tb~h!h~~ib!e~~f~;~u Of~~r;~O;~IB~;f~~~~ ~~~~~~: ~:Sir~:~ :;e;1~!:;~f~~~i~;~esdii: tfi~~!;~ ;;E.:~·~P~~:~~:1~~E~:.~~:~=:~a::!et: ternal Home, corne~ ok ';I 0 eg~ in his praise for the way that local or were not pleasure driving. in Vocational Agriculture at the New­ ark High School h as h anded in his ::~~~d:;~::~~~g ;~th an a;~r:ri;~~t workers responded to the si'gnals. Four of those summoned were un- ~~CU~ ;n~dV~:~~a toC~~:iC~I:~en~C~~~~~~i resignation to take effect September 1. of 82 boys and girls. By the middle able to appear and wllJ be at this and served as Director of the Newark Mr. Warrington h as accepted a position AC DRIVE of the week the enrollment had in- WAR FILMS weeks meeting of the board. Five cases Playground for five summers. with the Eastern States Farmers Ex­ creased to 105. were dismissed as evidence failed to A native of Lansford, Pa., Gillespie change as warehouse manager in Vz tb 15c The Troop School is planned to give show that they were pleasure driving. attended and received his B.S. from charge of distribution. Yz tb 17c ARTS ON a t!~ining course for Young Christian EXHIBITED Five persons appearing before the Penn Sta te; A. M. from the University Mr. Warrington is the son of the late tb 1Sc Soldiers and opening each morning at board were penalized. One violator ot Delaware and did work on his Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. W81Ti ngton Yz 9:3'0 o'clock with a bugle call by Har- who could not give a reason as to why at the University of Pennsylvania. He of Georgetown and after graduation tb 22c TURDAY Ian Tweed the boys and girls march AT LIONS he had made several pleasure trips . 'd f th "St d t from the Georgetown High School he Yz Ib 19c into the class rooms in Red Mens Fra- was deprived of any gasoline for the ~ar~icr:::io~7~ls~~~0~ Gov:rnme~t,~,na attended the University of Delawar e.
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