THADEMARXED BY THB SPOETIN3 LIPS PTTB. CO. EHTTEHED AT J?HILA. P. O. AS SBCO1TD CLASS JSATTEB VOLUME 28, NO. 11. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 5, 1896. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. VIRGINIA'S LEAGUE THELONESTAR8TATE WILL RE-ENTER THE BALL FIELD WILL HAVE A NEW STATE LEAGUE KEXT YEAR, NEXT YEAR. Despite the Defection ol the Rich­ The Old Texas League Reorganized mond and Norfolk Clubs the State With the Six Best Toms in the League Will Struggle Along on a State With a New Title and Under Four-Club Basis. New Rales and Officials. Portsmouth, Va., Dec. 2.—Editor "Sport- San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 1.—The Texas League' Ing Life:"—It has been some few moons was reorganized, at a meeting held here laat since a screed has been sent you from this Saturday. The organization was founded on neck of the woods, and my silence can be a basis of six clubs. San Antonio. Austin, Fort accounted for by the uncertainty and Worth. Dallas. Houston and Galveston. and where-are-we-at-ness of the fans as to the will remain so unless applications are mads probable base ball outlook for 18U7. I am from New Orkans and Mobile, which expect t« at last advised upon reliable authority that arrange for very low railroad rates to Texas. the Virginia League will be doing busi­ The name of the league was changed to "Th< Texas Association of Base Ball Clubs." A salarj ness again next year at the old limit of $000 per month, including pay for matt stand, but it will be as a four ager, was agreed to. Umpires will be pai< club League. Norfolk and Richmond's defection $150 per month by the League. Committees to the Atlantic League is responsible for this. were appointed to prepare a new constitution an< The reservation money for the reconstructed by-laws and arrange a schedule. League has already been paid into the hands J. C. McNealus, president of the Dallas Club, of President Young, and this is the best evi­ of the Texas League, last Friday night sold the dence that the League will be continued. franchise of the club to J. J. McCloskey, of. A four-club league will necessarily compel Louisville, Ky., and MoCloskey went at once to the club owners to work on a cheaper scale San Antonio, where he represented his club all than has been customary in this State, conse­ tho League meeting. Mr. McNealus, who has quently some cracking good players reserved been actively identified with professional base from last season's team are on sale o<a the boll periodically for the last 25 years in various Portsmouth's bargain counter. They have two parts of the country, announces that he has per­ good pitchers, one a right and the other a left manently ^retired and will hereafter devote his hander. The left hauder is Jake Boyd, bought time exclusively to newspaper work. Mr. Mo from Washington last season at a good price, Closkey from 1888 to 1892 was identified witfe and the management assures me that they would the game in Texas, and is one of the most pop\v not part with him except for the reasons men­ lar managers the State League ever had. H> tioned. Jake, in addition to being a good promises to give Dallas a. first-class club. Basd pitcher, is a brilliant utility man, and can fill ball prospects in Texas for 1897 axe bright. any of the infield positions to the Queen's taste. He is heady and seasoned to the notch, and any club getting him will secure a prize. NEW CASTLE NEWS. They have also a good right-hand, pitcher, catcher, outfielder and infielder. all of whom Rowe, of Buffalo, Tries to Sign Some hit over .300 against the strong Virginia League New Castle Players. pitchers, and figure well above .!XX) in fielding. GEORGE T. STALLINGS, New Oastle, Pa., Dec. 1. — Manager Rowe, of These men will be sold at reasonable prices, the Buffalo Base Ball Club, who was in Ne\* and managers in need of true nivn will not uxike The New Manager of the Philadelphia National League Club. Castle for several days, endeavoring to secure any mistake in securing any of them. "Farmer" Brown, pitcher; Suter Sullivan, third Haui,j>ton, Portsmouth. Lynohburg and Roa-. baseuuui, and Larry Gil boy, fielder and. catcher, noke will probably constitute the League, and. HOOSIER HAPPENINGS. HUSTLING FOR TALENT. for the Buffalo team, left for his home thia with small salaries, there is no good reason^ morning, without having accomplished bis pur­ why the League should not be a success. Manager Watkins Content to Rest Two New Men Signed by the New pose. I was sorry that you blue-penciled that por­ There is quite a story connected with Rowe'a tion of my last letter which dealt with the Upon His Oars. Grand Rapids Owners. efforts. At the beginning of the season just closed! trouble between the Portsmouth mctnagetuent and Indianapolis, Dec. 1.—Editor "Sporting Life.:" Grand Rapids, Mien.. Dec. 2.—Editor "Sport­ Charley Faatz managed the New Castlo team, Ha.n>loa, in reference to the drafting of Brnndt —Manager Watkins has not begun to get his and his management was not successful, and he and Hargrove. I am perfectly well aware that ing Life:"—The two "Bobs." Leadley and Glen- team together for next season, but he says that alvin, propose giving their new town first-class was discharged. After his discharge he endeav­ my screed contained "hot stuff." but in justice there will be a number '•" changes in the ranks. ored and did make some trouble among ths to Mr. Watson, of the Portsmouth Olub. I should ball and winning the odd game if not a few He will wait until after the drafting season closes more from the toasted Tigers. It is hard -to players, but this soon blew over. He went have liked to had it printed. However. Mr. before making any decided moves. Young Jack­ corral good players at this stage, but the fact from here to Buffalo. Before leaving he* gavtf Watson afterward made his own defense in your son is the only new player signed as yet. has not terrorized the new men any more than certain of the New Castle players a paper, which columns, so the base boll world is set right by Watkins is out on a scouting tour now, and has the rumor that if they did not draw blood read in so many words that they were or would his own hand. may land a man before he returns. He thinks from their right arms and sign an agreement not be reserved for next season. He then suc­ The Phillies have secured a prize in Will that he has succeeded in breaking his "hoodoo" to take a fall out of John T. Brush they would ceeded in signing the three men named above, Bnindt. the young pitcher from this club, and he of last season, and with an ordinary amount of not enjoy their franchise. Unostentatious but and Farrell, short stop, and Ganzel, first base- will undoubtedly hold up his end next year. luck says he will have a winner In Indianapolis. secret movements have characterized the early man, to Buffalo. Whenever pitted against Cbrbett, when that Watkins has great faith in Wiley Uavis. and part of their plan of battle, and in a few wetiks Rowe thought that when he came here all he young man was in this League. Brandt l>eab will take that young man in hand early in the news will begin to spring from the camp. would have to do was to take the players, but him hands down, notably in the Decoration Day spring and get him into condition. There will "We have signed two men." said Mr. Leadley. he soon found that New Castle, having national game last year, in the morning, when he was be at least two additions to the pitching staff, "but are not in a position to divulge their names protection, was in the right. Brown and Gilboy, only hit twice, and pitched again in the after­ another catcher and an iutielder signed before as yet. It is ban] work securing men of any who he wanted most, were signed, the one after noon, 13 innings, winning his gain* again. the season of '97 opens. account now. as we did not have any in view and the other before Fuatz was with the team, BAT X. BALL. when we stepped in and bought out Mr. E/llis. aiul the position assumed by Mr. itowe was soon YOUNGSTOWN READY The claim list. too. operates against us. but found Iry him to be wrong. He then took othe* OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. that is only natural, as we are new-comers, and tactics, and made several offers for the players, the other seven clubs have had all season to IMU the deal could not be made. To Proceed AVith Inter-State League fill up their claim list. However, we vfill en­ It will, however, likely lie consummated, as Virginia's League Will Go on, Says Reorganization. joy it after the first season and try to do it there are only $100 standing between Rowe and the Secretary. Youngstown. O., Dec. 1.—Editor "Sporting full justice. the New Castle management. If he does not pay Portsmouth. Va.. • Dec. 2.—Editor "Sporting Life:"—A meeting of the directors of the Youngs- ''Some of the men on our team are all right, this he will be obliged to draft thesa three play­ Life:"—The impression has somehow gotten town Base Ball Club was held last week at the but we will have to make a general over-hauling ers Brown.
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