GHANA gazette REPUBLIC OF GHANA Published by Authority No. 102 WEDNESDAY, 12TH NOVEMBER 2014 CONTENTS ;rL«A^Pa«e Notice of Publication of Executive Instruments .. I FACULTY OF LAW S UNIVERSITY OP*GrlAN$5? LEGON Notice of Publication of an Official Bulletin rwsr.1 OTirarsnrcsraa^rav Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Church of Christ (Kwesimintsim Congregation), Kwesimintsim) 1952 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Liberty Church, Essaman Estate) 1952 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Presbyterian Church of Ghana-EI-Shammah Congregation, North Ofankor, Accra) 1952 Appointment of Marriage Officers (Lighthouse Chapel International, Bantama, Kumasi) 1953 Appointment of a Marriage Officer (Christ Resurrection Word Ministry, Tcshie Nungua 1953 Estates) • .. Appointment of a Marriage Officer (The Star International Church, Teshie, Accra) 1953 Appointment of a Marriage Officer (Jesus Victory Ministry International, Pokuasc, Accra) .. 1953 1954 Gazetting of Returns on Assets and Liabilities of Bank of Ghan as at 30th September, 2014 of Feed-In-Tariffs and Capacity Cap Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (Publication 1955 Renewable Energy Sources for Electricity Generated from 1958 Change of Names 1963 Change of Dates of Birth .. r.HANA GAZETTE. 12th NOVEMBER, 20j4 1952 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF EXECUTIVE INSTRUMENTS The following Executive Instruments are published today: Curfew (Nakpanduri Township in the Northern Region) Instrument, 2014 (E.I. 128) Curfew (Alavanyo and Nkonya Townships in the Volta Region) Instrument, 2014 (E.I. 129) Curfew (BimbiUa Townships in the Northern Region) Instrument, 2014 (E.I. 130) NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF AN OFFICIAL BULLETIN COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL No. 52 is published today SUMMARY OF CONTENTS Companies Page Notice of Dissolution of a Company (Clegg & Associates) 493 Notice of Certificate of Incorporation (Ghana United Nations Association) 493 Application for the Registration of Industrial Designs 494 PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provisions of section 8, subsection (1) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended, I, Capt (Rtd.), Anthony R. Cudjoe, Metropolitan Chief Executive of the Sekondi-Takoradi, Metropolitan Assembly, Sekondi, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: Church of Christ (Kwesimintsim Congregation), Kwesimintsim Given under my hand at the Office of the Sekondi-Takoradi, Metropolitan Assembly, this 13th day of October, 2014. CAPT. (Rtd.) ANTHONY R. CUDJOE Metropolitan Chief Executive PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provisions of section 8, subsection (1) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended, I, Capt. (Rtd.), Anthony R. Cudjoe, Metropolitan Chief Executive of the Sekondi-Takoradi, Metropolitan Assembly, Sekondi, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: Liberty Church, Essaman Estate. Given under my hand at the Office of the Sekondi-Takoradi, Metropolitan Assembly, this 14th day of May, 2014. CAPT. (Rtd.) ANTHONY R. CUDJOE Metropolitan Chief Executive OF MARRIAGES ^ Under the provisions of section 8, subsection (1) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as ^ ^ I, E. A Pappoe, Ag. Regional Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Coun hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: Presbyterian Church of Gh ana-El-Shammah Congregation, North Ofankor, Accra. s Given under my hand at the Office of the Greater Ace October, 2014 8 °nal Co-ordinating Council, Accra, this 27th day of E. A. PAPPOE pi,ect°r 'vf- Regional Co-ordinating for Regional Minister pr GHANA GAZETTE nTH NOVEMRFR 2014 1953 APPOINTMENT OF MARRIAGE OFFICERS Under the provisions of section 38 of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap.127) a mended by the Ministers’ Functions Instrument, 1971 (L.I. 707), the following Ministers of Religion are hereby appointed as Marriage Officers for Lighthouse Chapel International, Bantama, Kumasi. Rev. Nassib Hage Rev. Albert Addo-Quaye. Made this 29th day of July, 2014. MARIETTA BREW APPIAH-OPONG (Mrs.) Attorney-General and Minister for Justice APPOINTMENT OF A MARRIAGE OFFICER Under the provisions of section 38 of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap.127) amended by the Ministers’ Functions Instrument, 1971 (L.I. 707), the following Minister of Religion is hereby appointed as a Marriage Officer for Christ Resurrection Word Ministry, Teshie Nungua Estates. Pastor Albert KoteySasraku Made this 29th day of July, 2014. MARIETTA BREW APPIAH-OPONG (Mrs.) Attorney-General and Minister for Justice APPOINTMENT OF A MARRIAGE OFFICER Under the provisions of section 38 of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap.127) amended by the Ministers’ Functions Instrument, 1971 (L.I. 707), the following Minister of Religion is hereby appointed as a Marriage Officer for The Star International Church, Teshie, Accra. Apostle Zebedee Obikyere Hunter Made this 16th day of October, 2014. MARIETTA BREW APPIAH-OPONG (Mrs.) Attorney-General and Minister for Justice APPOINTMENT OF a MARRIAGE OFFICER Act 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) amended by the Ministers Functions Under the provisions of section 38 of the Marriages of Religion is hereby appointed as a Marriage Officer for Instrument, 1971 (L.I. 707), the following Minister Jesus Victory Ministry International, Pokuase, A Apostle Edward Kwakye Made this 16lh day of October, 2014. MARIETTA BREW APPIAH-OPONG (Mrs.) Attorney-General anti Minister for Justice mob ( NOVEMBER, 2014 &mji7XJ9 *Jm&4#S2S2 igfSJB*U**2 *M*MZM*j* M7^S,BZT.n vajam&ujm 4J523.7V7JM 4/U7.50&Ja CLOD CUM 0-00 CM 0.00 1Mnvm^U4 DM DM OM 0X0 OJOO Quad B .Cl 0^*18.740 *1 a.otsjawvatwjn UMUVI.WM tv9MLaae.T<ij54 ttMU«7,TBMa C.lOTjBSCt'.ZMUSO awopiMMa ^72MZmi8 MJDMIMnLM ,U5t'SMl*1 nM7^nms 0.00 . OOO T-334.DT8jrarr.30 TyC34.M5.OT7-*> e3a4.C37jB7323 3,as<xaai.7?ftQ5 4UB6S.06CU4S4AT -Cy82W*IM«» OOT2.745.474v 10 Oj055j«r4ao.c4 OOO DJDQ W.gy53Ml48 4Qj9a0^5U30 iMugmydia B.-ffiajaaau3a4oa 6.-tB70«0. J57 000 OOO 70B4^05.128J2fi 6M47fr.7S2ja 0.00 OOO aoo OUDO 4J2U6OTJ7B0US2 WKfiiWCM WMWSf S1QQe4UQg7^Z7 WWJHTt 10.000,000.00 10-000,00000 2.434 JZBCS.70f.3S 1JB6D.B3HJ6B40® 113022.406^1 1l5.3tt74«v3j 2>Wf847 ^TWi^ia-o7 imMWWM 2.i<3.72aQOT-2g vnMW.7i ______ Ghana gazette n-rn November im* 1955 public mums Recumtokv commission B^wSS&SSZSSSSSSfSi^ 1. Id accordance with Section S(a) of the Ad, ihe rate provided in the Schedule arc the approved foed- in tariff rates chargeable for the purchase of dcctririty from renewable utilities. caergy sources by public 2. Hie approved fates slated m the Schedule *rp effective I- October 2014 ud are applicable only to projects for which Power Purchase Agreements will be signed from this date. 3. fa t&xw&aossc wife Section 27(4) of the Act; the approved rates in existence in the year in which a Pbwer Purchase Agreement is signed in respect of a Renewable Energy preset shall be fixed cud qppBwbfe far that project, for a period oflea years. Subsequently the rates shall be subject to review cvxay two year?. 4. The rates approved by the Public Utilities Regulate™ Commission to tale effect from 1 * Scptemfor 2013 as published in Gazette No. 79 of Friday, 13“ September 2913, shall remain m force for the period staled is (hat Gazette only in Ycspcct of projects for winch Ptw?r Purchase Agreements were signed within the period 1* September 2013 to 304 September 2014. 5. The rates are denominated in (HanaFesewas. 6. The feed-in-tariffrates approved by the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission assume recovery of debt and cost ofdebt (financing cost) of renewable energy developers within the fireMsn years of the Commercial Operation Date. 6. Following the guaranteed period often yems, a tenable energy few**® ^ undertake a bbmiai review of the feediHariffnfc. Any ^‘J***^***™* I rrilirigg PpgMbftMy rMnmhskm far epprowl with the ann of balancing the interest of ftc couauu and the investor as provided under Section 27 (3) of the Ad 7. No escalate frcto* shali be allowed outside the Ivetas £*i q^ved fced^xfff smee iodenitfcm fixsots haw beea considered in firing *= reed-tu-tanffirate. i that tfac renewable eoergy develop** end the off-ialer-.sasssassss coau return on their investments. • ■ . r,«Wines on Integration of Utility Scale Solar PV *• -1*****sr*- *" “““ “ iippfyr py Plants without Grid Stebiliiy/Slfirage Systems i. The total nation-wide CaP^ f<* ^ dull bo limited to ISOMWp. mmsm C«wfty(MW) QM 5333*9 maw 5L4334 644109 / 150 MW IV Oil: / S43629 534221 No limit 0CMW>< IQOMW) EW4 No lied: 564075 No Unit 59jQ350 NoLnaft 633t91 No limit ikli: *c< Samel |L Sapoo& Executive Secrefcuy (fei) Dr. EozRBaf&el K. Annan ChigiMr^hBeTMjt^ Rpyvfat'jiy . m■ GHANA 12m NO" 2014 1957 0R.E.K.AM0AH .* UfLALEXBONNEY COHHBStWe MfUKVIDMElEFE wwstm 0R.Y.ADW3YAHR Iffi.SAHUaSWWNQ COMMISSIONER •'fe'i ' ' ■:: 12mN0VBM 2014 > , ■ ■ ■ CHANGE OF NAMES - „ - . , cownmft Health Nurse of Ghana Health Service with Reg. No. 20% m ^rrs^z: . >—* - » * 9490 Mr. t~— Johnson Arthur, cuka. Mr. Tsatsu Precious Arthur It, a Teacher of Lubuse Roman Catholic Basic School, Sbai Osudoku District and of P.M.B. LG 78, Legon, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mr. TsatsiI Joel Arthur with effect from 24th September, 2013. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 9491. Mas Nyjunekeh Deborah Aitee, a Teacher with Reg. No. 8247/2011 of Adankwame D/A Junior High School and of Abuakwa-Maakro, Kumasi, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Deborah Mensah with effect from 10th August, 2013. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 949Z Mr. Pascal ^iM, a.k.a. Mr. Nawn repea Zizina, an Electrician and of H/No. Plot 5, Block J, Ahodwo, wishes to be known and called Mr.
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