, . • Serving the State ~ The Weather University of Iowa Partb dowl, aud eooler tocla . We4Dea", ,..,u, ~JlItd Campus and c1ou4y a D II eGatlnued Ithaol Iowa City t ool. HirJl leday, 0: low, ~I at owan 5 ~ . 811h M_.. " '7: 10"', 56. !I ~ II SUr_ Oo~ Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto - Five Cents 10W'a C-1ly, Iowa, Tue8dcry. May 6, 1952 - Vol 86. No. 153 ~Iend. I IIfYI ,said. e , pr\n.. retIIeQ ~, SCbOO\ he bas degrff a 5 n Ie e llSOta. e lit late at Vis. New Candidate Ex-Tax Chief Steel Parleys Won't Answer Enters Race R · H It d Income Queries For Editorship emflln q e WASHINGTON (~ -Jose ph D. Nunan J r., former commissioner of Internal revenue, told house In­ vestigators Monday he thinks ae d?~noth:Serh'r :r;:r~~:~;i1~I~w~O~:~~dropped out of the run- Pend,·ng Rul,·ng there are "possible crimes" for ning Monday on the eve of the which he could be indicted. scheduled selection of an edi tor W ASHrNGTON UP) - The big steel labor dispute remained stuck The Dcknowledl ment came liS (or the 1952-53 school year. on dead center Monday with negotiation! suspended and II solution Nunan sparred with members ot a Phil O'Connor, A3, Sharon, Wis., apparently 115 till' off as ever. house ways li nd mellns s ubcom­ put in a late bid tor the editor- All sides seemed to be waiting for an eventual supreme court mittee over details ot his slx­ ship, while Maurie Rosen, A3, ruling on the queslloned legality " iure personal income. He refused to lInswer 11 series of pglnted Ques­ Davenpor t, asked that he be al- President Truman's steel In­ ot tions about the SOur ces of It. lowed to wlthdraw "due to a press dustry seizure nearly a month ago. of personal aHairs." It mny be weeks before the high CUet 3 AmendmeD&I Il CHOSEN OATHOUC 1'IOTHEll 1 Approved Candldau court decides the case. Its hear- Ci~y to Seek Alter Nunnn had cited the el .t the year by the Na.Uonal Rosen's withdrawal leaves only Ings start next Monday. fourth, fifth and sixth amend­ one approved candidate, Jack Catholic Welfare conference In The sleel industry, meanwhile, ments to the constitution In sup­ Bender, A3, Waterloo. The others port of his position, Adrion De Waahincton Monday was Mn. seeklng the editorship, Bill Clab­ slowly rcturned to full production Reduction in Wind, committee counsel, a ked Jlheea A. Thomu, ot New York by, A3, Waterloo, and O'Connor, after last week's three-day strIke. him If he thought thcre were "any dly, NeCTo mother ot 10 chU­ Iiled applications after Jast Tues­ Even though negotIations have po sible crimes for which you day's deadli ne. Before they can collapsed, the men remaIned at iren. it was the first time a could be Indicted?" become candidates, they must I'e­ work as Union President, Philip Utilitv Rates Gen. Clo'rl( Off to Assume Far East Post "Yes, sir, I think there are," Nu­ liIerro has ~en des~ud In cei'(te approval from the Board of Murray, had promised. The City councll in a. lengthy GEN. l\tABK. ClARK ..., roodbye to WUUam c. Fos~r , deputy ecretar, 01 defense, at national all' . nan answered, flushing. He did not &he 10- yea.r history of the PUblicaiions. Thirteen Republican senators porl {onuy, Just b-etore boanlln« a. plane for TOk YO. Clark ha.a beta Darned upreme commander In go Into any details. The Board of Publications is threc-and-a-half hour meetlng award. introduced legislation to dIrect the F3l' Easl a SUCl'esaor to GeD. MatltM:w aJUwa,. Lett to rI«ht: Foster, Army ecretary Frank The house committee, which scheduled to make the appoint­ Monday night authorized Clt.y has spent the last six months dlg­ Secretary of Commerce Sawyer, Pace, ClaI'k. and. GeD. J, Lawton CollJ lIlI, arm, ehl~ f of ltatt. al4a'way Is «oln« to Paris a uee-ell or to ment today along with the selec­ Manager Peter F. Roan to enter clng Into a series of tax scandals, government boss of the seized in­ OeD. Dwlrbt El se nh~e r. who h ..li ed to be relieve .. tion o{ an editor and busin s dustry, to give up the steel plants into negotiations with the lowa- has been told by treasury agents Construction manager for Hawkeye yearbook. and return them to th II" private that Nunan received $161,000 in Donald Wallace, A3, Venetia, IIUno!s Power and E:.lectric com­ owners. unexplained income between 1045 Penn., and Sally Bailey, A3, Ot­ p IlY concerning a possible re­ and 1050 lind did not report it on tumwa, are the editor and bUSi­ Sen. Hugh Butler (R-Neb.), one duction in utility te in 10w8 Workers Await of fhe sponsors, urged early scn­ Wedemeyel, Says MacArthur his income tax returns. ness manager candidates, respec­ City. • Nunan was the nation's chid . tively. ate consideration. It seemed un­ likely, however, that the senate The action came after R<Jan tax collector trom 19H to 1947. - Reports for Iowan asked tor the council's authoriza­ IY would act w)1i1e the issue is be­ AlliiN ' Doctors Orden Wage Decision O'Connor, a journalism major, tion. He cited the annual report of is a reporter for The Daily fore the supreme court. th utilities company, filed 1115t Has Thrown Support to Taft He told th committee he was A decision is expected tonight Iowan and correspondent for the Any slrlke now that seizure still disobeying his doctor to make an on wage demands asked by 100 Marshalltown Times-Republican. legally is in effect, could be en­ week, which showed that common By THE ASSOCIATED PRE S appearance Monday. local striking construction work- He has six years expenenc in joined by the courts. since the stock holders In the company re­ Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wed meyer Reminding the investigators that ceived an 18 per cent dividend for cl ime<l Monday that .en. Doug­ , riS, a spokesman said Monday weekly newspaper printlng shops workers ure technically govern­ a grnnd jury investigation ot his last Year. The Ilmount paid out by la MacArthur ha thrown his night. as a linotype opera tor, pressman ment employes and as such are ',frozen Surgery' Seen affairs Is still pending In New and general printer. the company was apprOXimately 6upport to Sen. Robert A. Taft o! The all ot the barred from striking. Ohie) in the race for the Republi­ York, Nunan said "J do not be­ ~o;'kers, member~ $U million. II ve that I or any citizen should Cedar Rapids Buildings and Coll­ While the mllls .generally re­ can p esl<Jential:l1omirtaiion. Swedi.h Doctor Predicts 'Deep Freeze' Technique ported good prollress toward re­ Call )Latea 'H4h' be submittcct or should submit to ~ ue tl on Trades council, an In New Yorlt, a MacArthur sumption of production, a com­ C(llUng the Iow& City utlJlty spokesman said the former Pacific To Be Used on Human Beings Soon a llJ'occdul'e whlrh would strip me Alnerican Federation of Labor at­ plaint was made by Orval Kin­ rales "high," }toan pointed out ot e8th and everyone of these commaqcler knew of Wedemeyer's STOCKHOLM, Sweden {)PJ - "Frozen sleep" surgery. with the filiate, walked off their jobs F l'!­ caid, a union sub-district dlrectol' that residents of the city were statement but had no Immediate constitutional rights in wholesale day when a wage dispute arpse patient's heart ~ctlon stopped in frosty borderland between lite A New London doctor was in at Gary, Ind., that the U.S. Steel now paying about 15 per cent comment. lashion:' I'Oncernlng their contracts, which critical condition at University corporation was dragging its feet. more than residents ot Rock is­ and death. may be practiced soon on human bcings, a Swedish doctor The witness claimed "It is not at Wanled 8lm U Chairman expired May 1- hospi\:nls Monday night following "U.S. Steel is not making a land, Ill. In addition the illInois predicted Monday. all the legitimate function of this They are asking for an average a crash of a car, a semi truck and genuine effort to get people back commerce commission has or­ Wedemeyer told a news confer­ The phys.iciah, Dr, Carl WegeUus, told of successful "deep freeze" committee to attempt to try here .20-cent-an-h o~ l' wage- increase dump truck )3 miles south of to work," he said. "Some people dered the Iowa-Illinois Power and ence in Washlncton that Mac­ experiments on dogs In the past 10 months. Dr. John Lind, also of such questions as whether r have ppd Cringe benefits, while con­ Iowa City on highway 218. have rcported for work at the Electric company to reduce rates Arthur called him a week ago and Sweden, and Dr. Andre Juvenelle of the Sorbonne university of properly reported my personal in­ tractors are offerln, 10-cents, urged him accept the chairman­ Dr. Robert J . Stolley, 31, suf­ (Gary) sheet and tin mill and in Rock Island. by 5 per cent. to Paris collaborated in the research at Sabbatsberg hospital here. come, and to seek to put me on union officials said. Demands for ship ot a national Taft-for-Presl­ trial here as a defendant, and t hen fered serious head injuries when have been told to go fishing tor a The capital surplus of the com­ Under the new technique, Wegelius told reporters, the patient !he wage increase are based on the car he was driving was hit dent citizens' committee "for the would be frozen Insensible for hours with all his metabolic processes call.
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