Volume 192, Supplement FEBS LETTERS December 1985 ACTINOMYCES The status of Y,, and maintenance energy as biologically in- See: MICROORGANISMS terpretable phenomena Tempest D W & Neijssel 0 M (1984) Annu. Rev. Microbial. 38,459 ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE Phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate metabolism in bivalve mol- lusts Zwaan A de & Dando P R (1984) Mol. Physiol. 5,285 Involvement of poly(ADP-ribose) in the radtation response of mammalian cells Ben-Hur E (1984) Int. .I. Radiat. Biol. 46,659 ADENYLATE CYCLASE ADP-ribose in DNA repair - a new component of DNA ex- See. ENZYMES AND ENZYME REGULATION cision repair Shall S (1984) Advan. Radmt. Btol. 11, 1 ADIPOSE TISSUE ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE Regulation of adipose tissue lipolysis through reversible phosphorylatton of hormone-sensitive lipase Effects of cyclic adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate and calcium Belfrage P. Fredrikson G. Olsson H & Stralfors P (1984) on cellular function and growth of mast cells [In Japanese; Advan. Cyclic Nucl. Prot. Phosph. 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