Norfh Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Planning Applications for consideration of the Planning and Environment Committee Committee Date: 12 May 2004 AGENDA ITEM NO. L Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 12 MAY, 2004 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 6 N/04/00048/OUT Fiona McCashin Formation of Four House Plots - Grant Land to the Rear of 40 Main Road Condorrat Cumbernauld 13 N/04/00286/FUL Gary Halcrow Extension to a Dwellinghouse - Grant 67A High Craigends Kilsyth G65 ONS 17 N/04/00302/0UT Mr Owen McGarry Construction of a Dwellinghouse - Refuse Land South West of 6 Lochview Terrace Gartcosh 22 N1041003461FUL Mr & Mrs Marchetti Extension to a Dwellinghouse - Grant 21 Cumbernauld Road Stepps 27 N/04/00347/FUL John McKellar Extension to a Dwellinghouse - Grant 54 Baldorran Crescent Balloch Cumbernauld G68 9BL 31 N/04/00364/FU L Mr Shaun Boyle Alterations and Extension to a Grant Dwellinghouse - 4 Whithorn Crescent Moodiesburn 36 N1041003661FUL Mr Mark Johnston Extension to a Dwellinghouse - Grant 17 Moray Place Chryston 41 N/04/00380/0UT Mr Peter Moretti Construction of a Dwellinghouse - Refuse 10 Garnkirk Lane Stepps G33 6BD 46 N/04/00406/FUL Orange PCS Ltd Installation of Grant Telecommunications Equipment - Balcastle Farm Balcastle Road Kilsyth G65 9LA 49 N/04/00509/FUL Mr & Mrs J MacDonald Extension to a Dwellinghouse - Grant 10 Drumpellier Grove Condorrat Cumbernauld G67 4NU 54 N/04/00513/FUL Mr & Mrs Slavin Extension to a Dwellinghouse - Grant 33 Southfield Road Balloch Cum bernauld G68 9DZ 59 N/04/00527/FUL Mr & Mrs J MacDonald Extension to a Dwellinghouse - Grant 4 Lochwood Loan Moodiesburn 64 N/04/00570/FUL Agnes Nash Siting of a Snack Van - Grant Site at Old Quarry Road Westfield Cum bernauld 66 C/02/0151 I/MIN G M Mining Ltd Extension of Opencast Coal Refuse (P) Mining Operations - Drumshangie Opencast Coal Site (North of Ballochney Road, Plains) 85 C/03/01680/FUL Avon Park Homes Erection of 14 Flatted Refuse Dwellinghouses - 3 Palacecraig Street, Coatbridge 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 12 MAY, 2004 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 90 C/04/00187/FUL Elaine Henderson Formation of Driveway Grant (Retrospective) - 109 Burnbank Street Coatbridge 95 C/04/00249/FU L Link Group Limited Erection of 27 Dwellinghouses, 4 Grant Flats and Associated Access Roads - Phase 38 Mull Petersburn Airdrie 101 C/04/00285/0UT Paterson Builders Ltd Erection of Industrial Unit, Grant External Storage Area and Associated Parking to Form Building Premises - Land West of 1 Moncrieffe Rd Chapelhall 107 C/04/00291/FUL Nicolson Construction Erection of 24 Flatted Grant Ltd Dwellinghouses - Land Incorporating Former Social Club Site, 105 Main Street Plains 114 C/04/00352/FUL Mr John Purves Single Storey Front Extension and Grant Two Storey Side Extension to Dwellinghouse - 1 Hillside Crescent Coatbridge 118 C/04/00353/FUL Mrs I Green Partial Demolition, Alteration and Grant Extension to Nursing Home, and Formation of New Access - 107 Aitchison Street Airdrie 125 C/04/00394/FUL George Wimpey West Erection of 17 Dwellinghouses Grant Scotland with Associated Works - George Wimpey Phase 5 (East of 159-169 Main Street), Lancaster Avenue Chapelhall 131 C/04/00439/FUL Mr Alistair Tinto Conversion of Byre to Grant Dwellinghouse - Drum Park Farm, Coatbridge Road Bargeddie 137 C/04/00492/FUL Mrs D Tennent Part Change of Use of General Refuse Store to Hot Food Take-away - 37 Main Street Calderbank 143 C/04/00528/F UL Mr. Matthew Parks Erection of Temporary Mobile Grant Home - 2 East Lodge Cottage Woodhall Estate Calderbank 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 12 MAY, 2004 Page No. Application No. Ap pl icant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 147 S/03/01336/OUT Strathclyde Park Mixed Use Development Refuse (P) Ahead Ltd Comprising Leisure and Residential - Land North of Strathclyde Country Park A725 Bellshill Lanarkshire 157 S/03/01682/FUL Mr & Mrs B Jackson Erection of 2 Metre Fence for Refuse Closure of Public Footpath 18- 20 Heather Avenue Motherwell Lanarkshire 162 S/03/01900/FUL Airbles Builders Ltd. Change of Use of Former Co-op Refuse Workshop to Offices and Associated Physical Alterations - Land at Former Co-op Building 5 Dalziel Street Motherwell Lanarkshire 167 S/04/00204/OUT Mrs C Holmes Erection of 1 Dwellinghouse (in Refuse outline)l83 Cam busnethan Street Wishaw Lanarkshire ML2 8PW 172 S1041002421FUL Mr & Mrs C Grierson Two Storey Side Extension to Grant Dwellinghouse - 10 Robert Burns Quadrant Bellshill Lanarkshire ML4 3DF 177 S/04/00271/FUL Central Scotland Construction of New Cycleway & Grant Forest Trust Footpaths Linking Adjacent Communities to Strathclyde Park & Motherwell/Ravenscraig - Land at South Calder Valley Motherwell Lanarkshire 186 '04/00281I, h Sh Construction Amendment To Planning Grant Approval S/02/0152O/FUL for the Erection of 3 Dwellings and Landscape Area - Land East of Cedar Wynd Shotts Lanarkshire 192 S/04/0029O/FUL Mr & Mrs J Burns Single-Storey Rear Extension to Grant Dwellinghouse - 37 Newlands Road, Uddingston G71 5QU 196 S/04/0036O/FUL Lisa Murray Change of Use of Shop (Class 1) Grant to Cafe (Class 3) - 52 High Street Newarthill Motherwell 20 1 S/04/00426/FUL North Motherwell Proposed Alterations & Extension Grant Pavilion Project to Sports Pavilion & Partial Change of Use From Class 11 (Assembly & Leisure) to Class I0 (Non-Residential) & Class 3 (Food & Drink) - Sports Pavilion Watling Street Motherwell Lanarkshire 4 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 12 MAY, 2004 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 206 S1041004371AMD Mr I More Amendment to Alter Monoblock Grant Parking Area to Front of House - 149 Waverley Drive Wishaw Lanarkshire ML2 7DW 212 S/04/0044O/FUL Mr 8, Mrs R Gray Erection of 1 1/2 Storey Dwelling - Refuse 364 Hamilton Road Motherwell Lanarkshire MLI 3EG (P) : C/02/01511/MIN If granted, refer to the Scottish Ministers (Notification of Applications), Section 75 and Bond of Caution required (P) : S/03/01336/OUT If granted refer to Scottish Ministers 5 Application No: N/04/00048/OUT Date Registered: 16th January 2004 Ap pI i ca nt : Fiona McCashin 40 Main Road Condorrat, Cumbernauld Agent lan Keachie 72 North Orchard Street Motherwell Development: Formation of Four House Plots Location: Land to the rear of 40 Main Road, Condorrat Ward: 63: Condorrat North and Westfield Councillor Balwant Singh Chadha Grid Reference: 273301 673148 File Reference: N/04/00048/0UT Site History: CN/89/32 - Residential development (in outline) approved 5th June 1989 91/85/PL - Erection of Car Showroom and Workshop withdrawn 30th January 1992 N/03/00456/FUL - Formation of 6 House Plots and an Access Road withdrawn 7th August 2003 Development Plan: The site is covered by Housing Policy HG4 (Residential Amenity) of The Cumbernauld Local Plan, 1993 Contrary to Development Plan: No Consultations: NLC Community Services (Comments) S.E.P.A.(West) (Comments) Scottish Water (No objection) British Gas Transco (No objection) Scottish Power (No objection) The Coal Authority (No objection) Representations: 2 Representation Letters Newspaper Advertisement: Not Required Comments: This outline planning application proposes the formation of 4 residential plots within the garden ground of 40 Main Road, Condorrat. To the west, the application site is bounded by 42 Main Road, to the east by McCashin's Garage, to the north by the houses on Kirk Place and Main Road to the south (on the opposite side of which are further houses). The existing house sits on ground which is some 1.5 - 2.0 metres higher than the level of Main Road, and to its north the slope breaks quite sharply with the result that the northern part of the site has similar ground levels to those of the adjoining houses on Kirk Place. 6 N/04/00048/OUT Fiona McCashin Land to rear of 40 Main Road Condorrat 00 Formation of 4 House Plots * Representations 7 The site is zoned in the Cumbernauld Local Plan as being within an established residential area and is covered by policy HG4 which seeks to protect such areas from inappropriate and incompatible forms of development. The use of the land for residential purposes accords with this policy. As a result of discussions with the applicant's agent, the access point to the site has been amended. Access will now be taken directly from the mini roundabout on Main Road and this is considered to be the most satisfactory solution in roads terms. Two letters of objection have been received and the points contained therein are discussed in the accompanying report. Despite the points made by the objectors, it is considered that 4 plots can be satisfactorily accommodated within the site whilst not having a significant adverse effect on the existing house or those which surround the site. Accordingly, it is recommended that planning permission be granted. Recommendation: Grant Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That before development starts, a further planning application shall be submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following reserved matters:- (a) the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures; (b) the means of access to the site; (c) the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas; (d) the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site; (e) details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (d) above; (f) the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; (9) the provision of drainage works; (h) the disposal of sewage; (i) details of existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained; (j)details of existing and proposed site levels.
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