Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 5-5-1969 The Guardian, May 5, 1969 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1969). The Guardian, May 5, 1969. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ...,. e The Guardian Volume V. May· 5, 1969 Number XI ---Election Results Announced------­ Gary HuntWins!!! ;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::~:::::::::~~==:::::::~ :::: After several weeks of vigorous campai~n- :::: ~ . ~ ::1: lng, votes were cast during the week of ~:~: ~l:l April 28th for student body president, next :~:~ ~~ll years senators, the intercollegiate athletic ~lll ~:l: program, and representative to the academic l:l: :::: counci1. :::: llll The election conunittee was composed of ~~~l l~l~ Patrick Donley, chaint1an, Lynne Bartholomae ~~~~ :l:l and Bruce Lyons, Director of student Activ- :::: l:~ ities. The committee constructed polling llll llll booths and coordinated voting activities'. llll :~; Ballots cast during the week of April :l:l Presidential and senatorial can­ Student I.D.'s were checked \l~ 28-Hay 2, were tabulated Hay 3 by the elec- ~~l~ didates provided wide pub­ before each student voted. :1~ tion committee.. Results of voting arc as ~l~l licity campaigns to f arniliarize ·Ballot booths were provided the students with their plat­ by the Election Committee forms. Here one student looks for the first time. Another follows: STUDENT !lODY PRESIDEaT undecidedly at the array of innovation at WSU! I I GARY HUNT signs. ~l Gary Hunt re-elected with a total of ~~~~ ::~ 345 votes, defeating his three opponents, ::::: Construction Begins at WSU \j\j Hike Smilack, Larry Harzinski, and Dick j~jj Construction at Wright State, The student center itself will Williams, a Dayton firm, and ;.:.lBishop. Hunt's nearest competitor was :::: which has _been at a low eb~ due also be extended to enlarge the Don Hisaka Associ~tes of Cle~e­ Smilack, winning 331 votes. ~lll to _unpredictable we~ther, is to dining ar.ea, but any such con- land, have . b~en hrred to design . ~ begm soon at a rapid pace, ac- struction is at present limited the two buildings. John Adrianoff was elected student rep- llll cording to Frederick White, uni- by finances.' ' Also planned is a service :s; resentative to the acader:iic council, defeat- { versity financ~al director. Painting The Wright State board of b~~d.ing, to be loc~te~ in the I ing Jan Gabbert. ~lll: of the outside of the student · trustees has sent to the Ohio vicinity of Dr. Golding s home. center: which was impos.sible d~e State legislature a proposal for 6 As White e~pl~ed, the only ~ ~ I The issue of expanding Uright S_tate' s :l:l: to windy ~eather, will . begin million dollars for the planning place the uruvers1t~ has to_ work soon, as will the repaving of and construction of a new ·stu- on cars and equipment is the athletic prograr.1 through a minimal fee ::1:~ I roads and further construction dent information center. The receiving area, and when equip- I to be payed by the students, was passed, 1on Preside~t Goldin~'s home. proposal is before the ment is ~eing repaire~, _we c~­ I 639 to 31i. :l:l According to White, construe- Bellefontaine surprised the not receive. The building will tion of a residence hall accom- field by winning when it had to serve as a temporary home for SF!HOR SENATORS f~Jl I modating 310 students will begin and chalked up 51 points to creative arts, later being useg '.for before July first, with a comple- capture • storage and service. · ~ ~ _: The five winning senior senators for next :1:1 I tion date of fall, 1970. The No date has been set for White commented that: co,n· .;~ year are: Ron Paul, Rich Roy, Sally Wurzbach, ":::: .y N building will be a four story L construction of the new library struction at Wright State is pro­ ~ Alan Anderson and Shelia Lykins. :~:~ shaped structure connected to to be one of the two mai~ gress~g at ~ rapid pace, and that I I the student center by a tunnel, buildings in a new great court to the university is about one yeai I JUNIOR SENATORS I and will cost about 2 million be located next to Fawcett Hall ahead of schedule. dollars to build, being financed but a date of spring 1970 i~ ~=~ The winning junior senators are: Pam Lewis,:::: by a federal loan. When. asked hoped for. ' _ Greek week I Steve Hammons, Doug Boyd, Cathy Connery and llll abo.ut t~e cost of . res1d~nce, Of the $6 million requested, White ~aid that. n~ pr_1ce will be $5 million would go to the new Activities set until the building ~s co~plet- library, .5 million for utilities, Monday, May 5 - Opening Peggy Boyd. SOPHOliORE SJ'NATORS I Ied, t~ allow the umv~~s1ty to and the remainder for the plan­ ceremony (quad), 12:45. Chariot tak~ ~to account the nsing cost ning of a gymnasium and a crea­ races (quad), 1:15 ~ N of hving and other factors. tive arts building. Lorenz and Tuesday, May 6 - Greek t Uinning sophomore senators are: Linda :llll Mythology play (Faucett aud.), ::~ Strausbaugh, Robert Mahan, Charles Maney, :l:l: 12:45. Greek food sale ' · Doug Hans and Brenda Wright. ~j~j Thursday, May 8 - Olympics f:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::~~::::::::::::::::::::=-:::::::::::::::!:!:::::;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:~: (quad), 12:45. Greek food sale Friday, May 9 - Greek slave auction (quad), 12:45. Tug-of­ l\'liss WSU to be chosen war, 3:45 Saturday, May 10 - Greek 3. The finalists will be voted 1. Applicant must be a fe­ formal, Christopher . Club with on by the Student Body and the Frankie K Combo male, full-time student at Wright finalist receiving the most votes State University. shall become Miss Wright State 2. Applicant must be classi­ of 1969-70. fied as a Freshman, Sophomore, 4. The winner of the Miss or Junior. Wright State Contest will be an­ 3. Applicant may be spon­ nounced at the Spring Formal sored by a campus organiZation Dance. or applicants may run independ­ Applications will be accepted ent. until Friday May 7. Panel Judg­ Other Agreements are as fol­ ing will take place on May 9 lows : with campaigning to - start on 1. All applicants are subject May 12 and ending May 21. The to panel judging. the walls are up now and the fireplace is' also under construction. student body will vote on May • Located in back of Wright State, the woods provides a scenic view from 2. The panel of judges will 22 and 23. The winner will be inside the house. (right) The tree directly in the center of the photo will select the finalists. announced at the Spring Formal be left in that position to give the appearance of growing out of the on May 24. house. (Photos by grahics) ! \ Page 2 GUARDIAN May 5, 1969 know, they seem to he multi· plying rather rapidly". Then there is our supposedly rational president who maintains with ·. The Guardian perfect candor, "Petitions don't fo,._ ST uo EMT5 Y'fff () mean a thing. Why , I can go out tl'{E. roo sosy F0 A right now and get a thousand Sl'op.Ts ! Opinion signatures on a petition to lower tuition." That may well he so sir but, try to get a petition signed BETTER LEARNING supporting your inane and weak. THROUGH BETTER EXAMS minded policies. .Cheat! Finaily there is Fred White By RON THOMPSON who, explaining why the univer: sity would not pay Bob Nagler I want to call for an organized conscious campaign of cheating for for the movies which were order­ the spring examinations. ed through audio-visual, said You see, I used to think that the examination system should be "The university does not honor abolished. And a suitable protest would be that no one would write verbal agreements" , trying to exams. And I did that; but they still tried to give me a degree. conceal the fact that the real So I gave up on that type of protest ~ Now, I;ve sold out. All I reason that Mr. Nagler was not want to do is to make the examination system better. pai:d was that the politics in the I sat down for two weeks all by myself in a closet with an films didn't agree with the party armload of books and candles. And I thought and read and thought line at Wright State. and read and I didn't sleep much and after thirteen and a half days I I could go on and on, but I said, "Ahah!" and I came out and here is what l had learned. really don't expect that more The examination is supposed to measure how much you have than a handful of students and learned about 'the subject material being questioned via the faculty would do more than raise examination, up until the time you write your ·answers. You would an eyebrow. There are no oppor­ not be able to figu.re out any (or at least not very many) of the tunities for redress of grievances answers just by thinking about them in your virgin head. here, and , as a matter of fact, no So what the society does for you is give you a place (the recognition of grievances.
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