AGENDA FNQROC BOARD MEETING NO. 145 Monday 14th December 2020 at 10:00 AM Civic Reception Room, Cairns Regional Council, 119-145 Spence Street, Cairns 1 Welcome & Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners Chair 2 Apologies noted 3 Board Presentations 3.1 Stephen Dredge and Julie Brook, QRA re Regional Resilience Pages 1-5 Strategy under Resilient Queensland 3.2 LGAQ Policy Executive Update (Standing Item) Pages 6-13 4 Confirmation of Previous Minutes 4.1 Minutes of Meeting held on 12 October 2020 Pages 14-23 5 Business Arising from Previous Minutes: 12 October 2020 Minute Action Responsible Status Number Person(s) 2774b QTC to develop council specific presentations and QTC Complete send to FNQROC for on-sharing 2774c Cr Manning to provide modelling re Tourism Levy CRC Complete to FNQROC for further circulation Cr Manning 2790a Circulate the FNQ Dam Study (DRAFT) to the board FNQROC Complete for review and comments due 26 October 2020 D Irvine 2790b Circulate Aurecon Board Presentation with the FNQROC Complete minutes L Richardson 2794 Circulate the DRAFT Regional Advocacy Concept FNQROC Complete Plan for the boards consideration to provide commentary and/or take forward L Richardson 2795 D Irvine to develop a Letter to the Federal & State FNQROC Complete Governments seeking to extend the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Program and COVID D Irvine Works for Queensland Stimulus Package to extend the timeframe to ensure tradesperson have employment beyond the current end date of 30 June 2021 FNQROC Board Meeting No. 145 Monday, 14 December 2020 Page 1 of 3 Minute Action Responsible Status Number Person(s) 2805 D Irvine to write a letter of invitation to Mr FNQROC Complete Gilmore to become a mentor to the FNQROC Board D Irvine 2808 L Richardson to send a Date Claimer re the FNQROC Complete FNQROC Board Dinner to on the held Sunday 13th December 2020 L Richardson 6 Advocacy 7.1 Advocacy update from FNQROC 7.2 Advocacy update from FNQROC Council members Verbal 7 Strategic Operational Plan 7.1 NAMAC Report Cards Update Pages 24-33 8 Discussion Topics 9.1 Nil 9 Incoming/Outgoing Correspondence (20 Jan – 01 Apr ‘20) 9.1 Incoming 9.2 Outgoing Letters of congratulations to Premier and incoming State Ministers from Chair 10 FNQROC Policy Review 10.1 Nil to report 11 FNQROC Reports and MOUs 11.1 Nil 12 Financial Statements 12.1 Profit & Loss Statement: Current to 30 November 2020 Pages 34-36 12.2 Balance Sheet: Current to 30 November 2020 Page 37 13 Meetings attended by FNQROC Executive Officer Page 38 14 Minutes of FNQROC Advisory Committees (01 Oct – 30 Nov 2020) 14.1 FNQROC LG Economic Development Group (23/10/20) See FNQROC Website FNQROC Board Meeting No. 145 Monday, 14 December 2020 Page 2 of 3 14.2 FNQROC RRTG TC Road Trip & Meeting (29-30/10/20) See FNQROC Website 15 Confidential Meeting Minutes (01 Oct – 30 Nov ‘20) 15.1 FNQROC Regional Bitumen Resealing Meeting (13/10/20) Available upon request 15.2 FNQROC Procurement & Contract Doc Mtg (11/11/20) Available upon request 15.3 FNQROC Sewer & Relining Meeting (18/11/20) Available upon request 15.4 FNQROC Procurement Contract Meeting (27/11/20) Available upon request 16 FNQROC Western Council Meeting Minutes & Resolutions 16.1 Next meeting to be advised 2021 17 General Business 17.1 Kidney Unit update (Raised by Cr Manning) Verbal 17.2 Northern Alliance of Councils Strategic Workshop Update Verbal (Raised by Cr Manning) 18 Next Meeting Date • 2021 Meeting Schedule in finalisation (Proposed Monday 8th February 2021) FNQROC Board Meeting No. 145 Monday, 14 December 2020 Page 3 of 3 Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils - Board Meeting 14 December 2020 Commencement of Resilient Queensland implementation phase Purpose To advise the FNQROC of the commencement of the Resilient Queensland implementation phase Recommendation That the Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC): • note the commencement the implementation phase of Resilient Queensland within the FNQROC region • note that engagement will commence with councils and regional governance bodies in early 2021 to deliver a Regional Resilience Strategy and Action Plan by 2022. • note that terms of reference for the project and a detailed scope will be developed in partnership with FNQROC Councils, for future endorsement by FNQROC, by early 2021. Background Resilient Queensland 2018 – 2021: Delivering the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience (Resilient Queensland) is the engagement and implementation plan of the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience (QSDR). Resilient Queensland charts the State’s progress towards achieving the Queensland Government’s vision of making Queensland the most disaster resilient state in Australia. A key outcome of Resilient Queensland is the development of Regional Resilience Strategies to support the coordination and prioritisation of future resilience building and mitigation projects across Queensland. By 2022, every local government in Queensland will be part of a Regional Resilience Strategy that clearly identifies risks and prioritised actions to strengthen disaster resilience to multiple natural hazards. The Regional Resilience Strategies will identify resilience themes, and a supporting action plan will map specific actions to funding opportunities that can be pursued over time. Building disaster resilience requires integrated thinking across social, environmental and economic resilience and not just disaster management and infrastructure reconstruction. The Regional Resilience Strategies will address all these aspects for the future in a multi-disciplinary way, with a focus on the key hazards affecting each region (such as flooding, bushfire, heatwave, severe wind, etc.). Funding policy is recognising the complexities of resilience in our communities and also moving slowly from focus on recovery to upfront funding for resilience. Working in a collective, coordinated way with regional bodies such as the FNQROC alongside individual councils and via the Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements (QDMA) is a way that this multi-faceted approach to resilience can be facilitated. Several pilot Regional Resilience Strategies have already been undertaken to test the models of resilience building work that in Queensland’s diverse regions. Building on the lessons learnt through these pilot strategies, the continued delivery of Resilient Queensland is now occurring through the development of Regional Resilience Strategies across the State. Delivery opportunity The Regional Resilience Strategy for the FNQROC will seek to leverage off recently funded and completed programs to best cater for the needs of the relevant areas. The Torres and Cape Indigenous Councils Alliance has also been briefed on the project recently and delivery synergies, spatial extent and the most suitable regional governance structure can be discussed further. This includes conversations with western member councils who have been working the National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency. 1 001 Delivery methodology The delivery of the Regional Resilience Strategies will employ a locally-led, regionally coordinated and state facilitated approach. This approach was tested through the pilot strategies and confirmed that communities are best placed to understand and identify their needs. Local leadership, regional coordination and state facilitation puts communities first, and provides the support required to deliver local on-the-ground outcomes. This approach minimises imposition on local government resources to do the work but maximises engagement and use of local knowledge. Work with FNQROC will commence in early 2021 and continue until early 2022 Resilience regions The delivery of strategies across the state will operate within project areas as identified in the figure below, which have been developed through identifying regions with similar natural hazards, catchments, governance boundaries and landscape. The regions may be further divided to suit local context. The QRA will work in partnership with local governments and regional bodies within each project area. The number, nature and boundaries of each Regional Resilience Strategy will be decided upon through the co-design phase in collaboration with the governance bodies. The action plans will enable a broader connection to funding opportunities and build on the funding already approved for the region for network improvement and road works, extended into jurisdictions not currently viewed as direct resilience actions as has been discovered by the long term recovery plan. Figure 1 – Resilience Regions - areas of operation 2 002 Steps The Regional Resilience Strategies will be delivered by the QRA in partnership with other state agencies, tailored to the needs of local governments and regional bodies through on-the-ground engagement. There are four primary steps: 1. Initial introductory engagement commencing in late 2020 to early 2021 2. Co-design workshops and development of Terms of Reference commencing early 2021 to Q2 2021 3. Development of strategic pathways from Q2 2021 to late 2021 4. Development of action plans and adoption from late 2021 to early 2022. Figure 2: Broad project phasing to 2022 Resourcing requirements A core tenet of the work is to minimise impost on council resources and personnel. The QRA will provide a project delivery team to undertake all engagement, liaison, administrative, communications, and technical or subject matter activities to deliver the work. Participation by council
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