INDEPENDENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ON HONG KONG’S FRANCHISED BUS SERVICE Day 09 Page 1 Page 3 1 Monday, 30 July 2018 1 to examine the operation and management of bus 2 (10.00 am) 2 franchises under the current legislative franchise and 3 REPRESENTATIVES FROM MOTOR TRANSPORT WORKERS GENERAL UNION. 3 other contractual requirements; and to examine the 4 MR CHAN KWONG NUNG, MR LAI SIU CHUNG, MR LAM TIN FU, 4 present regulatory and monitoring system for franchised 5 MR CHEUNG TSZ KEI, MR LAU SIN TAT, MR LAM PO KEUNG 5 buses; and lastly, to make recommendation to the Chief 6 (Evidence given in Cantonese; transcription of the 6 Executive on safety-related measures with a view to 7 simultaneous interpretation) 7 sustaining a safe and reliable franchised bus service in 8 CHAIRMAN: Good morning. 8 Hong Kong. 9 We thank the Motor Transport Workers General Union 9 So this committee's task is to look at the safety 10 for sending their representatives to assist us with 10 aspects of bus operation, franchised bus operations. 11 their evidence today. 11 The why I raise this is, I understand that your 12 We thank you, Mr Cheung, as the principal 12 submission raised a lot of issues concerning work, but 13 vice-chairman, and the other representatives. 13 this Committee is only tasked to look at safety-related 14 The method by which we would take your evidence is 14 measures in relation to the operation of franchised bus 15 to have questions posed of you by Ms Wong, Senior 15 operation. 16 Counsel, who is one of the counsel assisting this 16 So I hope you understand that the questions will be 17 Committee. 17 focused along that area. 18 If at any stage you, Mr Cheung, wish one of your 18 Your organisation previously made a number of 19 fellow representatives to deal with the question, please 19 submissions to the Committee. The first submission is 20 defer to him, and we will hear from whoever it is that 20 dated 23 April 2018. The Chinese is at TU-1C page 277 21 you wish us to hear from. 21 to 289. English at 289-1 to 289-12. 22 I'll ask Ms Wong to start asking questions now. 22 This submission, the first submission, is made in 23 EXAMINATION BY MS WONG 23 response to the committee's letter to your organisation, 24 MS MAGGIE WONG: Yes. Good morning, gentlemen. 24 to your union, dated 28 March 2018; is that correct? 25 I would like to introduce a few remarks first, about 25 MR CHEUNG TSZ KEI: Right. Page 2 Page 4 1 your organisation. 1 MS MAGGIE WONG: And your submission raised a number of 2 Was Motor Transport Workers General Union 2 issues. May I first take you to the broad areas first. 3 established in 1920? 3 CHAIRMAN: Before you move on, Ms Wong, might I say this, 4 MR CHEUNG TSZ KEI: Yes. 4 Mr Cheung, if it helps you. 5 MS MAGGIE WONG: And we can see at TU bundle 1C at 5 There are available to you hard copies of your 6 page 289-15 showing the membership of your trade union, 6 submissions in the files. They are being brought up on 7 and -- it is not translated, but I'll read out the 7 the screen, but if ever you want to have a look at the 8 actual numbers. 8 hard copy, so perhaps you can look at other parts of the 9 Your organisation currently has membership of 29,670 9 document, then just ask to be provided with the hard 10 people, in which 11,868 people are members coming from 10 copy. 11 franchised bus trade union, and 10,436 people are 11 Do you understand? 12 members of bus captains of franchised bus operators. 12 MR CHEUNG TSZ KEI: I understand. 13 Is that correct? 13 CHAIRMAN: Yes, Ms Wong, what is the reference? 14 MR CHEUNG TSZ KEI: That's right. 14 MS MAGGIE WONG: The reference first is 289-14-7, and I'm 15 MS MAGGIE WONG: And your organisation has five sub-unions. 15 making reference to the first 10 paragraphs which made 16 It contains Kowloon Motor Bus, Citybus, New World Bus, 16 reference to abuse of bus captains. 17 Long Win Bus and New Lantao Bus. 17 Your submission raised a few experiences, or actual 18 MR CHEUNG TSZ KEI: Right. 18 experiences of many members showing that there were 19 MS MAGGIE WONG: Before I start questions, may I take you to 19 uncivilised passengers that ignore the laws and assault 20 the terms of reference for this Committee. It is in TU 20 the bus captains by physical violence or abusive 21 bundle 1C at page 263 in Chinese; and the English can be 21 behaviour. That's the first topic that your submission 22 found at TD-1 bundle at page 3. 22 raised. 23 In essence, this committee's task is to look at the 23 And then in your second point that you made, it is 24 evidence from the point of view of safety in the light 24 about improvements to operational safety of franchised 25 of the fatal accident on 10 February; and it is tasked 25 buses, and that's at paragraph 11 at page 289-14-9 in 1 (Pages 1 to 4) A Court Reporting Transcript by Epiq INDEPENDENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ON HONG KONG’S FRANCHISED BUS SERVICE Day 09 Page 5 Page 7 1 English. The Chinese is at page 285. 1 bus terminus, Eastern Hospital, South Horizons, Airport 2 And the improvements you made are in essence three 2 Ground Transportation Centre bus terminus, Castle Peak 3 essential improvements. 3 Road cafeteria bus terminus, Yat Tung Estate, Mong Kok 4 First, you asked that the traffic lights be improved 4 railway station and Lantau toll plaza. 5 by having count down timers or flashing device. Second, 5 And you identify in each case that all the bus 6 you asked that there be more yellow squares in bus stops 6 drivers that you mentioned have suffered injuries and 7 to allow the buses to park into the bus zone. And 7 have to take sick leave. Can you confirm those nine 8 third, the entry and exit of bus stops. 8 incidents were reported to your union and seek your help 9 The third topic you raised in your submission is the 9 in liaising with the police or the relevant bus 10 working condition, and that is at paragraph 15 in the 10 companies? 11 bundle TU-1C bundle at page 289-14-10, paragraph 15. 11 MR LAM TIN FU: Chairman, we quoted these nine cases, and in 12 In Chinese, it's page 287; in English page 289-10. 12 our submission we made it clear that these nine members 13 And you raised three particular matters, if I may 13 sought help from our staff and then they sought 14 broadly summarise. That's the resting time facilities 14 financial assistance from the Occupational Safety And 15 and training. 15 Health Association of the General Trade Union, but we 16 So those are the three topics that I'm going to 16 have made it clear in our submission that some members 17 explore with you in this session. 17 were assaulted and they were widely reported in the 18 The second submission you made to the Committee is 18 media, and they did not seek help from our union. 19 in response to letters from the Committee to you dated 8 19 We couldn't confirm whether they were our members 20 and 13 June 2018. And your submission is dated 20 and didn't know where they happened. So none of our 21 10 July 2018. The Chinese is at page 289-16 to 21 staff provided assistance to them. So for the nine 22 page 289-23. That's the second submission. 22 cases we have here, because they were seriously injured, 23 And the English is also in 1C bundle, page 289-23-1 23 and they had to take prolonged sick leave, they had 24 to page 289-23-10. 24 financial difficulties. These were members who we got 25 In this submission you expressed in the second 25 information from the occupational safety and health of Page 6 Page 8 1 paragraph that you have gathered the responsible persons 1 the union, and in our latest submissions, we 2 of the five branches of franchised buses to convene 2 supplemented cases reported by the media. 3 a taskforce and extensively collected the views of the 3 We wanted to talk about a case at number 9 bus of 4 managers, office, and members, and workers. You will 4 Shek O. A captain was assaulted by a passenger for 5 see that at page 289-16 in Chinese, and page 289-23-1 in 5 about three to five minutes, it was widely reported in 6 English. And in this submission you also extensively 6 the media but he did not come to us for help so we could 7 made submission on the assault or abuse of bus captain 7 not tell his actual situation. That's what I have to 8 by passengers. You cited a number of incidents in the 8 add. 9 second submission. 9 MR LAI SIU CHUNG: May I add too.
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