St. George District Athletic Club Inc. Incorporated 1992 Successor to St. George District Amateur Athletic Club Founded 1921. Affiliated Athletics NSW Headquarters Track: Olds Park Distance: Scarborough Park St. George Athletes who represented NSW in the Australian All Schools Track and Field Championships held in Perth from 4th-6th December 1992. From left: Daniel Simone, Belinda Otto, Daniel.le Ferraro, Tony Auciello, Lisa Zammarrelli, Clinton Pelham and Saxon Moseley. SEVENTY SECOND ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1993 In 1992, 88.5% of Danebank HSC students qualified for University entrance Danebank School combines a strong emphasis on academic achievement with a wide range of Sporting and other activities. For further enquiries, contact:­ D AN EB AN K An Anglican School for Girls Kindergarten to Year 12 82-98 Park Road Hurstville NSW 2220 Phone: 580 1415 a Fax: 579 3450 SILK TRANSCENDENTAL TEMPTATIONS BY DIANA MEDITATION AUSTRALIAN THERE'S ATECHNIQUE F-OR DESIGNED & faster reactions* MADE better team work* more energy* We tempt you to indulge better concentration* better health* in a fantasy of majestic higher grades* colours to enhance your life. IT'S ONLY ONE TECHNIQUE. And all you have to do, is close your eyes. A TOUCH OF SILK * Research show that Transcendental Meditation reduces Perhaps you begin with one of Diana's unique silk scarves, fully lined reaction time, improves job performance, job satisfaction, & so versatile, or silk necklaces & hand crafted earrings to match. and relationships, reduces the incidence of disease, improves health, increases vitality, improves memory and fEW the ability to focus, and improves academic performance. Diana is now manufacturing her own silk clothing, sarongs & wall hangings etc. PENSHURST TM CENTRE Leather handbags, and accessories are available Orders can be taken for portraits, charcoal sketches, murals etc. 570 3559 Available at DIANA'S GALLERY Free introduction every Wednesday at 7pm 79 BOUNDARY ROAD, MORTDALE 584 1879 THE ONE TECHNIQUE Track Vice Captain OFFICE BEARERS D.Slmone Life Members A.A. Galnsford OAM 1923 Patron Mens Distance Captain W.J.Hasler (deceased) R. Nash G.McClean · 1932 B.C. Button 1937 Mans Dletance Vice Captain Praaldant W.Ahern (deceased) 1955 B.Mollno R. Grllble A.Gould (deceased) 1963 Womens Distance Captain Emeritus President J.Bowers 1971 C.Williams AA. Galnsford OAM D.Jolliffe 1971 Women• Distance Vice Captain D.Wilson 1971 Senior Vice Prealdents L.Zammarrelli G.Carruthers MBE;S.Donnelly;A.Thomas A.Gribble 1975 Publiclty Officers G.Carruthers MBE 1983 Vice Presidents AA.Galnsford OAM;R.Grllble:A.Peek;P.Phillips A.Thomas 1983 A.Rathbone OAM: L.Mcleay; F. Cavanagh; S.Donnelly 1991 T.Grifflths; M.lemma; B.Langton; W.Pickering; Registrar D.Melham; G.Punch; G.Tho~son; A.Jolliffe; C. Ferraro F. Eggleton (deceased) 1991 D.Wllson A.M; G.Page; G.Freeman; D.Jolllffe; A.Nash 1991 A.Staples; A.Argall; B.Scotl; A.Henderson; Assistant Registrar A.Peek 1991 V.Hopkins B.Molino; H.Glbbons; L.Bosman; P.Donnelly; A.Staples 1991 A.Peek; P.Phllllps Records Officer General Secretary J.Gallagher A.Molloy Merit Awards Social Committee F. Eggleton (deceased) 1975 Treasurer P.Donnelly;P.Nash;N.Thomas;E.McClean; D.Jolllffe J.MoNoy;J.Windred;C.O'Malley M.Moroney (deceased) 1975 G.Page 1975 Selectors Track Secretary A.Thomas 1975 A.Peek S.Donnelly;D.Jolliffe;A.Peek;G.McClean; C.Batman;P.Tonge;C.Wllliams F.Thornton 1975 Distance Secretary L.Wiliiams (deceased) 1975 C.Batman Handicappers S.Donnelly;D.Jolliffe;P.Tonge;A.Peek D.Edwards 1991 Minute Secretary A.Henderson 1991 P.Phllllps Timekeepers, Judges and P.Phillips 1991 Gear Stewards T.Richards 1991 Honorary Auditor K.Jenkins; S.Donnelly; B.Molino; AArgall; D.Carlisle A.Nash; H.Kunkel; J.Gallagher; T.Rlchards; 8.Scott 1991 A.Peek; A.Henderson; D.Jolliffe; P.Tonge; Executive P.Wrigtl; E.Walsh; E.Gentle; P.Tuziak; R.Grlbble (Chairman); A.Molloy; D.Jolllffe; A.Peek; B.Buckley; B.RodWay; A.Molloy C.Batman; S.Donnelly; C.Ferraro; J.Gallagher; P.Phillps C.Wllllams; A.Staples; A.Thomas Costume Custodian & Trophy Steward T.Rlchards Delegates to Management Council R.Gribble;R.Molloy;A.Slaples:C.Batman(alt) Starters S.Donnelly; A.Peek; P.Tonge; A.Nash; P.Tuziak Delegates to lnterclub A.Peek; A.Gribble; J.Gallagher (alt); C.Slrattord (alt) Coaches A.Peek; P.Tuziak; A.Thomas; R.Ennever; A.Molloy; L.Watson; C.Stratford Delegates to Harrier (Winter) Committee A.Staples; W.Seary; P.Philllps (alt) First Aid Dr. RF.Molloy; A.Argall; A.Nash; V.Hopkins Track Captain C.Wllllams There are three distinct categories into which club mem- Club Membership bers can be placed. These are • (A) Open, Associates and Officials; 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 (B) Athletes 16 years and over but under 20; and Official 50 39 47 14 23 (C) Athletes less than 16 years. Open 40 37 33 83 75 The Club has experienced growth in categories B and C, Associate 1 1 3 0 1 while the open and officials category remained virtually static. Under20 8 2 3 2 0 The resurgence in membership is particularly encouraging and Under19 2 5 is due in part to the efforts of the Club's executive and a poli- Under 18 8 9 7 5 9 cy towards family registrations by Athletics NSW. Under17 7 7 During 1992-93, the Club received 41 new members and Under16 16 25 18 8 6 had 128 renewals, compared to 31 new members and 126 Under15 4 6 renewals for the previous year. 107 members, including 49 Under14 6 11 athletes under 16, were members for the full year; 46 regis- Under13 9 8 tered for the winter season; and 16 registered as summer athletes. Under12 18 23 20 17 3 Under 11 15 Total 141 136 131 157 169 ,St. George Athletics 93 - 1 MAKE YOUR WILL SOUTHSIDE YAMAHA . .. IN PLAIN ENGLISH MUSIC SCHOOL The Public Trustee has been making wills and administering has limited vacancies estates for-over 75 years. It's our business and what we do in classes for the best. Now, we're doing it even better! following age groups For many people, making their Will can be a confusing expe­ rience. Wills are usually drafted using complicated legal • 4Years expressions so many people are unsure if what they are • 5-6 Years signing expresses their intentions accurately. • 7-8 Years At the Public Trustee, we now draft most simple Wills in • 9-11 Years • Learning PLAIN ENGLISH, so you know that what your are signing music is says wh!:!t you mean. And it's just as legally valid. FUN! With the Public Trustee as your executor your estate will be • Piano courses administered impartially by caring, experienced profession­ include full aural als who know all the pitfalls. All funds held by the Public development, singing, Trustee are backed by government guarantee. And you also percussion, rhythm know that we'll definitely b'e here to carry our your wishes development and other when the time comes. activities So protect your loved ones today by calling the Public • Fully qualified Trustee at Hurstville or Miranda to arrange an appointment to conservatorium trained make, or update, your Will for free. And in PLAIN ENGLISH! teachers CONTACT: CONTACT: ENROL NOW... David Sheehan Peter Howard Call DEARNE KINMONT PUBLIC TRUSTEE PUBLIC TRUSTEE 3RD FLOOR SUITE 5 (BA (Mus); Grad Dip Perf; L Mus A; Y MF 5) 182 FOREST RD 19-21 CENTRAL RD on 665 5502 HURSTVILLE MIRANDA PH: 579 6477 PH: 526 2466 LAST CHANCE TO ENROL FOR 1993 • • ~ JAMES COOK BOYS' H0TsoDz TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL Fitness Centre OFFERS A COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION WITH A TECHNOLOGICAL EMPHASIS TO EQUIP STUDENTS FOR LIFE IN A RAPIDLY MIRANDA CHANGING WORLD * BODYBUILDING * WOMEN'S WEIGHT AREA Special Features Include: * HYDRA-GYM * BODY COMPOSITION • a broad and varied curriculum with wide ANALYSIS elective choice * AEROBICS • problem solving, student-centred learning (STEP REEBOK) * WEIGHT LOSS CENTRE • innovative music and art programs * KARATE * MASSAGE • intensive computer facilities * KICKBOXING * SOLARIUM • Robotics, C.A.D., Automotive specialist areas * ELECTRONIC CARDIO AREA * CHILD MINDING • Design and Technology Years 7-12 • Joint school/TAFE courses VIDEO MONITORS • Excellent sporting facilities, tennis, basketball, SUPPLEMENTS squash courts, indoor sports hall, human PERSONAL TRAINERS performance laboratory CAFETERIA OPEN 365 DAYS ENROLMENT ENQUIRIES WELCOME FOR YEARS 7-12. PROSPECTUS AVAILABLE. 544 7622 SCHOOL VISITS BY APPOINTMENT 2ND LEVEL, 169 PORT HACKING ROAD, MIRANDA Princes Highway, Koga rah MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE 10% DISCOUNT ON 12 MONTH MEMBERSHIP Phone: 587 1770 or 587 1699 2 - St. George Athletics 93 Titles and was placed 2nd in the 30km title. Anne & Chris were both President's Report acclaimed NSW Distance Walkers of the year for 1992 by the State Presented to members at th• 72nd Annual General Roadwalking Board. Again in the State Track Championships (1993) Meeting held at Syd Fro•t Memorial Hall, Hawthorne Anne & Chris were placed in both the 5km & 10km events • a great Street, Ramsgate on Friday 25 June 1993 at 7.45pm year for both these athletes. A new marathon champion has emerged in our ranks. Rex Ladies and Gentlemen, Peters has graduated to this event in the past 12 months with out­ We can all feel pleased with our club's progress both on and off standing results. Rex faced an international field in the Melbourne the field in the past year. Athletes have improved their perfor­ Marathon and was pleased with 8th (2nd Aussie) in a great time of mances and club administration has progressed in our desire to 2hours 20 mins 11 sec a fine effort first up.
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