--- - PS-V- " ? " r fl" - aV-sr- 5" V "Ttf" .'- "v t AV THREH rf THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 190a ,V'.- CQMMiSSiM QT- Mi i DECEHER SESSIIH eUiTEi IC 1 z t. rr r? IF MITT v1j JJEPIIUCW KOTKEHG BSTTES FOR A OFJUPREIE GOVRT TFEHK IS Executive Committee Selects Thirty The WILL CONVENE IN REGULAR Citizens who Will Undertake Task Personnel of Membership- - Co. TERM AT THE COURT Import Tfce executive committee ol the Re- Incorporated. HOUSE MONDAY. publican party makes tne anaounce-me- nt that it has completed its list of Pffic Given members for non-partisa- n charter Calendar of Causes Herewith its Block, Fort Street commission and that each of the mem- Progress Appeals From Various Subordi- bers agreed upon has accepted the nate Courts of the Territory-y- A proffered honor. The personnel of the commission GOOD BICYCLE, Few Original Submissions. is such as to be plain to a child that there are no itinerary charter makers The December term of the Territo- on the list, that, is, that none of them rial Supreme Court will convene to- arrived yesterday, for they are old-time- rs SALE. having 4 DOLL morrow morning. The calendar is to a man. most of them SPECIAL twenty-fou- now prepared and contains r been born here. The Republicanism cases in the regular list with a of their ip is so appar- few blan-- spaces for additional mat- ent that as Bill Nye would have said ters that are sure to arise. Following the least said the better. Here is the you seen our is the calendar as It now stands: list of members as it now stands: THE CUEMEViMifc OUR DOLL STOCK Have 1. Fugihara Oriemon vs. The Terri- C. Bolte. haole. manasrer Grinbaum selections in GAMES ? tory, error to circu.. court, Fourth & Co. circuit- - J. H. Boyd, Hawaiian, chief-cler- k ap- IS A GOOD BICYCLE. of larg- 2. Hong Kim vs. M. K. Hapai. department of public works. This Season is one the TOYS of all descriptions, peal from circuit judge. Fourth circuit. E F. Bishop, haole. treasurer Brew- est that can be seen in this at the lowest prices. 3. In re. Estate or w. m. woou. er & Co. Dolls manufac- appeal from judge. First circuit Oeorre A. Davis, haole. attorney. City, the best 4. W. R. Chilton vs. Tax Assessor, J. H. Fisher, haole, president stock tured in undressed Kid; also in appeal from tax appeal court. exchange. Dolls we 5. John II Estate vs. A. H. B. Judd, A. V. Gear, haole. real estate dealer. very stylish dressed exceptions from circuit court, First J. A. Gilman. haole. Castle & Cooke. -- Huddy, Hawaiian, E. O. HMrt-- & SH, limited earn' them in stock. Our NOTICE ! NOTICE i ! circuit. Dr. George H. are the 6. John D. "Willard vs. Antone Vin--j dentist FORT AND KDfO we guarantee i s- -. KEW STORE, SIS. prices cent et al., appeal from judge, Fifth k.Trts1 Johnson. Hawaiian, real BICYCLE DEPT- lowest we have the assort- tate dealer, partner of Achi. of circuit. X." Wotr-jiin- n 2,000 dozens Christley vs. A. Ma-goo- n, o foT, nttnrnPV ment, you have no trouble to 7. Thomas J ' appeal from circuit judge, First J. M. Kaneakua. Hawaiian, attorney. make selections. J. L. Kaulukou. Hawaiian, attorney. LADIES, GENTS an.. circuit. man-- S. C. J. Fishel vs. G. A. Turner, ap- J. A. Kennedy, haole, assistant CHILDREN'S . judge, circuit. a for Iron Works and chair peal from circuit First committee. Goods Dolls 9. M. G. Silva vs. C. S. Desky. ex- man Republican executive V NeV Une Ghristrnas r. of you are after well-bore- If court, First cir-- L. L. McCandless. haole. CO. ceptions from circuit Hawaiian, surveyor. PACIFIC IMPORT Miif Charles Notley. has just arrived, consisting of place. of Lunalilo, deceas- J. G. Pratt, haole, Bruce-Warin- g Co. is the right - 10. In re Estate Honolulu Iron Is ed, question of commissions. W. C. Roe, haole, WARE Handkerchi- Tug vs. Gick Kee, Works. CHINA, LACaUER AND ANTIMONY 11. Ng Chung attor- Large Assortment of from circuit court. First cir T McCants StewaiJ, "haole," cuit- ney. NEW DESIfiNS IN SEASONABLE SILK WAGONS in all sizes. - R. Sims, haole. Wilder Steamship will be 12. Puna Sugar Co. vs. The Terri- W. tory, original submission. Pn Territory vs. F.. A. Mott-Smit- haole, attorney. patterns in Silks and Silk Goods, Kimonos, CARRIAGES 13. Treasurer of The druggist, The latest Our DOLL Davies & Co., Ltd., original George W. Smith, haole. Theo. H. & Co. Cloth Center Pieces. Doilies, Etc. arc quick sellers. submission. Benson, Smith Grass Placed on Sale Tuesday Uec.-l-l' et al. vs. G. N. Alapai William Owen Smith, haole, former 14. H. Malani General and manager of et al.. appeal from circuit judge. Attorney circuit. Bihop estate. Fourth Ed. Towse, haole, politician and & CO., Hotel St. 15. In re. Boundaries of Kukua 1st. ASADA commissioner. Island of printer. appeal from F. P. T. Waterhouse, haole. agent Hawaii. vs. Lihue Planta- cash registers. 16. Tax Assessor L. Weaver, haole. partner w. - Co., appeal from tax appeal court P We tion Castle. of Kauai. Hawaiian, repre- BARGAINS!! Sugar Co. vs. lax As- C. A. Widemann, BAEGAINS! Jl. Hawaiian large capital and son-in-la- of sessor, appeal from tax appeal court senting Samuel Pancer, late candidate for con- of Kauai. FORj . vs. J. o gress. IS. Territory of Hawaii White, haole, bookkeeper .ohen, original submission. C. M. Oahu Railroad & Land Co. 19. H. M. Mist vs. S. .M. Kaweio v n white, hao.e. E. O. Hall & Pacific Company et al., exceptions from circuit court. Import Son. First circuit. A. Magoon F. Wilhelm. haole. contractor. WEEK 20. T. M. Harrison vs. J. politi-ca- n. THIS court. Charles B. Wilson, Hawaiian, et al., exceptions from circuit marshal of kingdom and circuit. former First w. adviser of Queen Liliuokalani. 21. Sarah A. Berger vs. Charles the commission appeal from circuit judge. it is understood that Booth et al.. will get together for organization ELL SILK GRENHDINE First circuit. Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The - 22. In re. Estate of Joseph Lazarus, Republican Fine p.ttterns;S$2.50 and up'perard- Cir-CUi- be at the t- meeting will Block appeal from judge; First Progress deceased, headquarters in the Elite building. 23. T. W Rawlins vs. M. K. Har-bottl- e SILK HND MOOL CREPON et al., appeal from judge. First Pneumonia Prevented. S5c and 'up pcr.yaul circuit. tens of -- uousands who 24. Lum Ah Lee et al. vs. An soong Among the et al., appeal from judge. First circuit. have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem- NOTTINCHKM LHCE CURTHINSl edy for colds and la grippe during the for oOc. and up per pair FOE, Three Deaths Recorded. our knowledge, not SALE Three deaths were recorded yester-da- v past few years, to bv the secretary of the board of a single case has resulted in pneumo- and CKPES Kalihi Property health. One occurred yesterday nia. Thos. WThitfield Co.. 240 Wa- LHDIES' SHOULDER two the preceeding day. A full line at $5.00 and up Mahtoju. aged two months. Japan- bash avenue, Chicago, one of the most 14, Ke-wal- o city, ese, died Friday, December at prominent retail druggists in that These goods are all imported from Euglnnd.J Two lots 50x100. near the ice works, of acute en speaking" of this, says: "We recom- One lot 100x100 on which is a house in EMPORIUM teritis: Dr. Hoffman attending. Cough Remedy CUUS' containing six rooms. For particulars Kaahanui, aged 30", Hawaiian, died mend Chamberlain's ,im UNATJXA, De- apply to DAVID K. at Jack's Lane, Niolopa. Saturday, for la grippe in many cases, as It jot S. S. Warehouse, Esplanade. Wilder cember 15, of pneumonia; Dr. L. F. only gives prompt and complete recov- Alvarez, attending. any tendency Bargain ery, also counteracts Store aged 23, Hawaiian, but The Kapano Nahinii. - r of" pneumonia." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- TTTTTIIIIIIIIIXXX-r- BEAVER ROOMS died Fridav, December 14. of gangrene la grippe to result in ALBERT BLOM, Proprietor LIM from hernia, same physician. For sale by Benson, Smith & Co., gen- Stree NEW THIS YEAR of bowels Opposite Firo Station Fort and Beretania iEW THIS YEAR GAMES eral agents for Territory of Hawaii. the rxxxxxxxiiixxixxrxx Just receiver a fine assortment of Wm.G.lrwiD&Co NOTICE. BRIAB PIPES, MEERSCHAUM Dr. J. H. Raymond will occupy tem- H. Davies & Co.. Ltd. NO. porarily part of the otrice of Dr. AV. J. Theo. OOlIBINOLA PIPES, CHERRY PIPES, GER- Galbraith, corner Beretania and Ala-ke- a LIMITED-REFIN- ED MAN PIPES, ALSO TOBACCO streets. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. Telephone, 204. SUGAR! FACTORS. POUCHES, CIGAR AND CIGAR- "IMPORTERS OF T ETTE HOLDERS IN AMBER SUGARS. y AND MEERSCHAUM. Cube and Granulated. Contractors & Builders GENERAL MERCHANDISE. PARAFFI3JE PAINT CO.'S NOLTE, Paints, Compounds and Building General Business Agency. H J, Papers. FORT STREET. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. PAINT OILS, All kinds of laborers' supplies. rt?f:&y WESTERN ASSURAHC ECO. TjucoI Eaw and Boiled., CURB STONES FOR ready to supply. AGENTS Linseed Baw and Boiled. On hand 1 XiOi1 t S78. Postoffice Box Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Lino-- one board? T. HAYASHI, What's that? Thirty games on INBUR1NE, Manager. Yes. on Combinola. CAPITAL $2,000,000.00 Lloyds, BritislT& Foreignparine InsuranceCo. cold-wat- er (Ewa side.) Well. HI never nav n dollar, or even fifty cents apiece, for games Water-proo- f Paint, in- King Street, near Liliha white and again. Why, loss thau a shilling apiece, for all those great big nice side and outside; in Assurance Co.
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