GATORS JUST HOPING FOR BOWL GAME / SPORTS B1 50¢ LEESBURG, FLORIDA Tuesday, November 5, 2013 www.dailycommercial.com WORLD: Tehran holds largest anti-US rally in years / A9 NATION: Gay rights bill clears first Senate hurdle / A5 TAVARES Lake’s new animal fees now in effect Staff report “One of the main goals of our animal ser- A new series of ani- vices’ staff is to educate mal license fees, called and inform residents for by Lake Coun- about the importance ty commissioners last of sterilizing pets, and May to offset shelter getting a pet license, costs, are now in effect. which can only be is- The fee schedule sued if a pet is vacci- changes increase the nated for rabies,” said one-year license fee Cyndi Nason, Animal for a sterilized animal Services Division man- from $5 to $8. Buying ager. “Rabies vaccina- a three-year license tions ensure that if a pet will cost $20, which is exposed to another equates to a 20 percent animal that might have discount compared to JACQUELYN MARTIN / AP rabies, it won’t have to buying one each year. have a lengthy quaran- President Barack Obama reaches to hold a baby before speaking at a campaign event for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial can- Senior citizens now didate Terry McAuliffe at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, Va. on Sunday. pay $5 for a one-year, tine, be euthanized or and $10 for a three- expose humans to this year license for a steril- deadly disease.” ized pet. Besides ensuring the Pets not sterilized health of the public, li- Obama’s image slipping censing also helps an- have a rate of $20 for a one-year license, and imal services’ staff Poll: President taking hits — with slower recovery $50 for a three-year li- return family pets, cense. SEE FEES | A2 JENNIFER AGIESTA ident unfavorably. And per- of a concern for his future given and JULIE PACE haps most concerning for the that he is barred from running Associated Press White House: an Associated for re-election. But the presi- Press analysis of public polling dent still needs a strong con- WASHINGTON — For years, shows it has become more diffi- President Barack Obama’s per- nection with the public in order Crist kicks off cult over time for Obama to ful- sonal favorability ratings served to rally Americans around his ly rebound from dents in his fa- policy proposals and, in turn, to as a political firewall that sus- vorability ratings. tained him through an eco- show Congress he remains po- “It’s a slow cumulative effect,” litically relevant at a time when run for governor nomic recession, grueling Republican pollster David Win- lame duck status is lurking. fights with congressional Re- ston said, adding that person- The president’s advisers BRENDAN FARRINGTON ers who publicans, and the grind of a re- al favorability “is a much hard- need only look at Obama’s pre- AP Political Writer came election campaign. er number to move if it starts to out to decessor, George W. Bush, to ST. PETERSBURG — But after a rough start to go south.” a park see the impact of a crumbling In many ways, Demo- Obama’s second term, Ameri- The public’s increasingly neg- near crat Charlie Crist’s mes- cans increasingly view the pres- ative view of Obama may be less SEE OBAMA | A2 Crist’s sage as he began his down- campaign for governor town Monday was the same CRIST home, as when he was a Re- Push on to keep White House health care pledge publican governor. just as He called for invest- they did when he was a the nation’s controversial new law. DAVID ESPO A promise was made ment in clean ener- Republican. AP Special Correspondent The result is a stern new challenge gy, more money for But while Crist enjoys for the White House as it struggles to that if you like your WASHINGTON — Little more than schools, tax breaks for near universal name fix website woes for the signup por- a week after millions of consum- health plan, you can small businesses. Even ID in Florida and, if he ers received health care cancella- tal for those seeking to enroll under keep it — and I will do the slogan is the same wins the nomination, tion notices, lawmakers in both par- the law, and simultaneously copes everything I can to see — signs were print- will be facing an unpop- ties are pushing legislation to redeem with angry consumers who rightly or ed up saying “The Peo- ular governor in Repub- President Barack Obama’s long-ago wrongly blame “Obamacare” for can- that the promise is kept. ple’s Governor.” And he lican Rick Scott, this will pledge that anyone liking their cover- cellation letters mailed by insurers. Sen. Mary Landrieu was wildly received by be a tough campaign. age will be allowed to keep it under SEE PLEDGE | A2 D, Louisiana the group of support- SEE CRIST | A5 Study: There are 8.8 billion Earth-size, just-right planets SETH BORENSTEIN planets in the habitable tem- from the University of Cali- AP Science Writer perature zone. fornia at Berkeley. The study was published The next step, scientists say, WASHINGTON — Space Monday in the journal Pro- is to look for atmospheres is vast, but it may not be so on these planets with pow- lonely after all: A study finds ceedings of the National Acad- erful space telescopes that the Milky Way is teeming with emy of Science. have yet to be launched. That billions of planets that are For perspective, that’s more would yield further clues to about the size of Earth, orbit Earth-like planets than there stars just like our sun, and ex- are people on Earth. whether any of these planets ist in the Goldilocks zone — As for what it says about the do, in fact, harbor life. not too hot and not too cold odds that there is life some- The findings also raise for life. where out there, it means a blaring question, Marcy Astronomers using NASA “just in our Milky Way galaxy said: If we aren’t alone, why data have calculated for the alone, that’s 8.8 billion throws is “there a deafening silence AP PHOTO first time that in our galaxy of the biological dice,” said in our Milky Way galaxy from This artist’s rendition provided by NASA shows Kepler-69c, a super-Earth-size alone, there are at least 8.8 study co-author Geoff Mar- advanced civilizations?” planet in the habitable zone of a star like our sun, about 2,700 light-years billion stars with Earth-size cy, a longtime planet hunter SEE PLANETS | A2 from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. Vol. 137, No. 309 | 2 sections INSIDE TODAY’S WEATHER MONEY A10 MISSED YOUR PAPER? CLASSIFIED B6 NATION A5 HIGH Call 787-0600 (Lake County), or COMICS B4 OBITUARIES A4 82 877-702-0600 (Sumter County) CROSSWORDS B6 SPORTS B1 LOW NEWS TIP? DEAR ABBY B5 VOICES A13 66 Call Scott Callahan at 365-8203 LEGALS B6 WORLD A8 See A14 A2 DAILY COMMERCIAL Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ing negative, including hundreds of thousands in tandem. But his favor- OBAMA an NBC News/Wall Street of Americans, while ability numbers, which FROM PAGE A1 Journal Poll released last again highlighting the often reflect the pub- FLORIDA week that found posi- troubled ties between lic’s gut-level reaction to relationship with the tive views of Obama at the president and Capi- a politician, generally re- LOTTERY public. Positive impres- the lowest point of his tol Hill. But Obama aides mained the more posi- sions of the Republican presidency and down 6 note that the impact of tive of the two measures. MONDAY trailed off in the begin- points from earlier in Oc- the shutdown on con- That, the president’s CASH 3 ...............................................4-7-6 ning of 2005 amid pub- tober. The drop follows gressional Republicans supporters argue, made Afternoon ..........................................2-6-7 lic frustration with the the 16-day government has been even worse, the public more likely to shutdown, the cascade with both their personal give him a chance even PLAY 4 .............................................1-2-2-2 Iraq war and the gov- of problems during his and job performance rat- when they disagreed with Afternoon .......................................2-4-6-6 ernment’s flawed re- health care law’s rollout, ings at record lows. his policies or the di- TUESDAY sponse to Hurricane Ka- and another flood of rev- “Everybody gets hurt rection the country was trina. Bush’s favorability elations about U.S. gov- when there’s dysfunction headed. His strong lik- FANTASY 5 ........................... 7-15-27-30-33 rating never recovered ernment spying. in Washington,” White ability was seen as a par- 2 of 5 wins free ticket 3 of 5 wins $10.50 4 of 5 wins $130.50 5 of 5 wins $93,537.23 and he struggled to fulfill White House officials House spokesman Jay ticular asset during his significant policy goals blame the shutdown in Carney said. 2012 re-election cam- throughout the rest of his particular for Obama’s Throughout Obama’s paign when most polls presidency. falling favorability, given presidency, his job ap- showed that voters saw A series of recent polls THE NEWSPAPER OF CHOICE FOR LAKE AND SUMTER COUNTIES SINCE 1875 that it resulted in shut- proval and personal fa- him in a more favorable The Daily Commercial (ISSN 0896-1042) is published daily for show Obama’s person- tering many federal ser- vorability ratings have light than his Republican $91.59 per year (plus Florida sales tax) by Halifax Media Group at 212 East Main Street, Leesburg, Florida.
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