3828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 5 By Mr. MICHAEL J. KENNEDY: 2314. Also, petition of the United Instrument Workers H. R. 5564. A bill authorizing the .President of the United, Local No. 425, of the United Electrical Radio and Machine States to present, in the name of Congress, a Medal of Honor · Workers of America, Brooklyn, N. -Y., opposing any amend­ to Rev. Francis X. Quinn; to the Committee on Coinage, ments to the National Labor Relations Act; to the Committee Weights, and Measures.· on Labor. By Mr. NICHOLS: 2315. By Mr. SANDAGER: Memorial of the American . H. R. 5565. A bill for the relief of Mary McCutcheon; to Legion, Department of Rhode Island, Providence, R.I., favor­ the Committee on Claims. ing the retention of the United States Employment Service H. R. 5566. A bill for the relief of Charles Henry Wilson; and the Veterans' Placement Service as now constituted; to to the Committee on Military Affairs. the Committee on Labor. By Mr. O'TOOLE: . 2316. Also, memorial of the American Legion, Department H. R. 5567. A bill granting a pension to Mary Harper; to of Rhode Island, Providence, R.I., favoring House bill 4091, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. authorize the erection of a United States Veterans' Adminis­ By Mr. PITI'ENGER: tration neuropsychiatric hospital and domiciliary facility H. R. 5568. A bill for the relief of Rev. C. G. Eidnes; to within and for the State of Rhode Island; to the Committee the Committee on Claims. on World War Veterans' Legislation. By Mr. RISK: 2317. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the school adminis­ H. R. 5569. A bill for the relief of Stuart Bastow; to the . trators of the State of Utah, petitionfng consideration of· Committee on Claims. their resolution with reference to Senate bill 1305, concern- H. R. 5570. A bill for the relief of Edmond D. Griffin; to ing education; to the Committee· on Education·. · the Committee on Claims. 2318. Also, petition of the American Lithuanian Council, By Mr. SUMNERS of Texas: Brooklyn, N. Y., petitioning consideration of their resolution H. R. 5571. · A bill for the relief of Minnie Lowery and with reference to the annexation of the Klaipeda-Memel Winell Lowery; to the Committee on Claims. territory of the Republic of Lithuania by· the German Reich: By Mr. SASSCER: to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H. R. 5572. A bill for the relief of the present leader of 2319. Also, petition of the Trainservice Brotherhoods, by :the Naval Academy Band; to the Committee on Naval ' . Roy T: Cawley, Divisio·n No.' 393, ·petitiohing considerati'on of Affairs. their resolution with reference to labor; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. · PETITIONS, ETC. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were , laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as-follows: HOUSE ·O-F REPRES·ENTA·TIVES ~ 2303. By Mr. ·BROOKS: Petition o( the Louisiana State WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1939 Board for the Blind, in reference to House bill 4927, asking that economic opportunities of the blind be·increased; to the The House met·at 12· ·o'clock noon. Committee on Labor. ' The Chaplain, Rev. 'James Shera Montgoinei'y, D. D., offered 2304. By Mr. FLAHERTY: Petition of the Chamber of the following prayer: · Commerce of Chelsea, Mass., supporting House bill · 3232, 0 Thou eternal Christ of God, from Olivet to Calvary in which provides to amend the National Housing Act, and for lonely pomp ride on; in the hush about the cross we wait ,for other purposes;_to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Thee; may Thy love and forgiveness lay compulsions on our 2305. By Mr. HOUSTON: Petition of the Kansas State· souls. Anthems will soon be changed into dirges, the sun Legislature, requesting consideration of Senate Concurrent unstreaked by midnight will die at .xpiciday: 0}1, may we nQt Resolution No; 28 and · House · Concurrent · Resolutions Nos. remain in the desperate silence untouched and unmoved; 10, 12, and 16; to the Committee on the Judiciary. - help lis to see deeper and deeper Into that sacrificial love 2306. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Petition of Railroad which is the heart of all. ;Be Tho1,1 the climax of our hopes, Lodge; No. 793, International Association of Machinists, the height of our aspirations, and the ide~l of all we would Rochester, N. Y., urging passage of House· bill 4862; to the like to be. In the dearth of our prayers, in the paralysis of Committee on Interstate and Foreig-n Commerce. our praise~ in the valley of our doubts, Oh, read _our hearts; 2307. Also, petition of Stone City Lodge, No. 124, Interna­ let the tidings of Thy peace come from the tempest's ap­ tional Association of Machinists, Joliet, Til., urging support proaching storm; we beseech Thee to ftil the void plaees in of House bill 4862; to the Committee on Interstate and our breasts. Graciously pity all who suffer from that in- Foreign Commerce. gratitude which freezes the emotions of the heart and all who 2308. Also, petition of Lodge No. 736, International Associ­ have been wounded by some tragic sorrow. Be with all, that ation of Machinists, Brownsville, Tex., urging support of we may be living disciples of Jesus and minstrels of God­ House bill 4862; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign bearing the cross and sharing the redeeming love and power Commerce. of the Saviour. Amen. · 2309. Also, petition of the International Association of Machinists, District No. 9, St. Louis, Mo., urging support of The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and House bill 4862; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign approved. Commerce. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE 2310. Also, petition of Minnehaha Lodge, No. 827, Interna­ A message from the Senate by Mr. Frazier, its legislative tional Association of Machinists, Minneapolis, Minn., urgirlg clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, with amend­ support of House bill 4862; to the Committee on Interstate ments, in which the concurrence of the House is requested, a and Foreign Commerce. bill of the House of the following title: 2311. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the United Instrument H. R. 3790. An act relating to the taxation of the compen­ Workers Local 425, Brooklyn, N. Y., opposing amendments sation of public officers and employees. to the National Labor Relations Act; to the Committee on The message also announced that the Senate disagrees to Labor. the amendments of the House to the bill <S. 964) entitled 2312. Also, petition of Local 802, American Federation of "An act creating the Arkansas-Mississippi Bridge Commis­ Labor, New York City, protesting against the passage of the sion; defining the authority,, power, and duties of said com­ James F. Byrnes bill; to the Committee on Labor. mission; and authorizing said commission and its successors 2313. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the National Associa­ and assigns to construct, maintain. and operate a bridge tion of Special Delivery Messengers, Local No. 62, Brooklyn, · across the Mississippi River at or near Friar Point, Miss., and N. Y., urging consideration of House bill-4223; to the Com­ Helena, -Ark.: and for other purposes,t' ·requests a conference mittee on the Civil Service. with the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses 1939 CONGR·ESSIONAL REGORD-HOUSE 3829 thereon, and appoints Mrs. CARAWAY, Mr. ·OVERTON, and Mr. which I made before the Ways and Means Committee on the VANDENBERG to be 'the· conferees on the part of the Senate. subject of pensions for the aged. W. P. A. INVESTIGATION BY COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS . The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a privileged resolution There was no objection. <H. Res. 152) from the Committee on Accounts and ask for Mr. HARE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to its immediate consideration. extend my own remarks by inserting a speech made by Hon. The Clerk read as follows: J. Roy Jones, commissioner of agriculture, before the Caro­ lina Warehouse Association on March 30. House Resolution 152 The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Resolved, That the expenses of conducting the investigation' and study authorized by House Resolution 130 of the present Congress, There was no objection. incurred by the Committee on Appropriations, a.cting as a whole Mr. THOMAS F. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous or by subcommittee, not to exceed $25,000, including expenditures consent to revise and extend my remarks and include therein for the employment of clerical, stenographic, and other assistants, a letter from the Right Reverend Monsignor Thomas J. shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House on vouchers authorized by such committee or subcommittee thereof conducting O'Dwyer. · such investigation and study or any part thereof, signed by the The SPEAKER.· Is there objection? chairman of the committee or subcommittee and approved by the There was no objection. Committee on Accounts. SEC. 2. The oftlcial stenographers to committees may be used at Mr. IGLESIAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to all hearings held in the District of Columbia, if not otherwise extend my own remarks and include therein some documents oftlcially engaged. from the Legislature of Puerto Rico. SEC. 3. The heads of the executive departments and other execu­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection? tive agencies are requested to detail personnel temporarily to· assist the conunittee or ·subcommittee upon request of the chairman There was no objection. thereof. Mr. PI'ITENGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent The resolution was agreed to, and a motion to reconsidt;!r to extend my own remarks in the RECORD. was laid on the table. The SPEAKER.
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