THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. - - mm . ll U-BO- T S EXPORTS OVEH STATE FIGHTING IN LINE Or SUCCESSION STATE B 1 BRIEFLY AND COAST Nr-Z25- ZZ TOLO GALLSATNEWPORT NEWENG L THREE BILLIONS fwru THf pmwia fUks a Jv PoiT II I- - CAPITAL IHfW mn Vt ill SiH own tJ Cp Harrlsburg The Latest Gleanings From All Drops in to Mail Letter to the United States Warships to the Trade Balance to Set a Record allowed to Rescue. This Year. Compensation has been Over the State. German Ambassador. the widow of an employe of th Car- negie Steel Company, killed by light- ning while at work In one of the plants GREAT BRITAIN GETS THIRD TOLD IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS SAILS AWAY IN 3 HOURS SIX STEAMSHIPS TORPEDOED of the company In the Pittsburgh dis- trict, In an opinion filed by Chairman Mackey. While working In a cornfield on hli Almost Before U. S. Navy Had The Kingston'! Crew Misting Sub- Report Of the Department Of Com- opinion It Is stated "When Uie Officials In the farm In Upper Merlon, James Uayen U merce Shows That Exports To com- Time To Return Her Captain's mersible, Believed 53, Thought law of a particular State awards fell dead of heart disease. Germany and Russia Have employe when Call, She Had Gone To To Havt U Boat As- ( pensation only to the employ- Three Milt Limit sistant. Almost Ceased. the Injury arises out of the The electric lighting system la boln. ment, then It hat become Important In Introduced In Alburtus and th cur Washington. enormous extent . Newport, It. I. Seventeen from Boston. The eubmarlne arm of the The case of death or Injury by lightning rent It being transmitted from das export of Wllhelmshaven, the Imperial German Imperial German Navy ravaged ship- of recent gains In the trado to determine as a fact whether or not the United States is disclosed in nubmarlne dropped anchor in ping off the Pastern coast of the the workman at that particular time le cued by the Depart- Newport harbor Saturday. Almost be-fo- United Statet Sunday. statistics Just of A movement for a city charter exports to only assumed the ordinary hatard in the officer! of the American fleet Four British, one Dutch and one Nor. ment of Commerce. Total launched by Shamokln Council when eight tbe general community or whether the of warships through which the weglan steamers were sent to the bot- the various countries for the first It received a petition signed by 200 of year were in nature of his employment placed blm Mrangcr had nosed her way had re- tom or left crippled derelicts off Nan- months the calendar cltlxens praying for the privilege of many greater In a position where he was unusually covered from their astonishment, the tucket Shoals. ruses millions of dollars voicing themselves on the question. year of Imperiled." undersea fighter had delivered a mes- The destroyer flotilla of the United than those of the entire fiscal 1914 very large are Is an admission that the man sage for the German Ambassador, and, States Atlantic fleet picked up the and increases There Cltlxens of Blrdsboro have urged in percentages. was at work when struck and aa death to- weighing anchor, turned Ilrenton's passengers and crews of the destroyed shown Town Council to make a movement eight by lightning 'constitutes an accident, Reef lightship and disappeared be vessels and brought them Into New Exports to Greece for the WOULD RESENT U. 5. RIGHTS wards the purchase of a plot of ground mouths leaped 2,200 per cent., com- the widow la awarded compensation, purpose of establishing pub- neath the waves Just Inside the three-mil- e port, R. I. for the a pared 1214; to Huh-ai- a Including an allowance for a minor limit. Kingston's Crew Missing. to the fiscal year lic park. 900 per cent.; to Norway 340 per child and burial expenses. As she came and went she flew the So far as known, was no loss there cent.; to France 240 per cent.; to Den- E MOVE ARE INVOLVED The Compensation Board Is declared Police of Harrlsburg raided market, Muck and white colors of the German though the crew of life, at a late hour 140 per cent.; to Italy 129 per to have no authority to make an order Navy, a gun was mounted on the for- mark and arrested shorlwelght men, several of British steamer Kingston bad one-thir- the cent.; to the United Kingdom 103 per for payment by an employer of being held for trial at court, on charge ward deck and another aft, while eight not been accounted for. A submarine cent.; to Sweden 84 per cent.; to Cuba of amount of compensation al- growing out of measures which vers torpedoes, plaiuly visible under the d held up Kansan, the American steamer 42 per cent., and to Japan 25 per cent. No Preparations Made For the Solution of Mexico's Internal lowed for loss of an eye, because, deck, gave mute assurance that with short. bound from New York for Genoa export an ap- owing to an Injury an oculist estimates the warship was ready for a tight at This vast trade shows of steel for the Italian Government, but eight Discussion Peace. Affairs Affects This Country. vision of an eye of an the drop of the hat. parent trade balance for the that the normal The State Board of Tardons ba later, on establishing her Identity, the one-thir- d, Lieutenant-Captai- months 11,730,000,000 in favor of the employee has been diminished been asked to commute the death sen Huns Rose, who American was allowed to proceed. The United States and department officials according to an opinion by tence of Frederick Ward Motter, sen- bung up a new world's record in bring- Kansan came into Boston harbor late predict that by the end of the year It USELESS AND INADVISABLE MUST PROTECT OUTSIDERS Chairman Mackey. tenced to electrocution by the Jeff ing an armed submarine in battle array tonight for usual here. her call will exceed 12,500,000,000. The total The decision was an appeal by the county courts. across the Atlantic, said that be had Is believed to The hostile submarine exports amounted to J 3.435,969,212, an Pittsburgh ft Lake Erie Railroad In called at Newport simply to mall a be the which paid a call at New- increase of $1,205,082,010 over the the compensation claim of Louis J. While' playing with matches, a T letter to Count von Hernstorff. He port Saturday and disappeared at sun. Mediation Hat Been Neither Offered Settlement, Visitors Hear, Demands same eight months a year ago. Beck, one of Its car shop employes, year-ol- d bod of Amos J. Stolttfui, of neither provisions nor fuel and eet. Some naval men, however, de- By Country Nor Sug- Avoidance Of Occasion For The largest gain was in exports to This whose eye wat Injured by dirt dropping Uorgantown, fired a straw stack. Hi would be on hit way, he said, long be- clare that at least two submarines are the United Kingdom, which took near- gested To It From Diplomatic Embar- from the floor of a car under repair. promptly Informed his mother, who fore the 24 hours during which a bel- operating close to the American shore, ly one-thir- of all goods exported from Abroad. rassments. Tbe man wat able to resume work In gave the alarm and tbe neighbor ligerent ship may remain within a neu- three-mil- though outside the limit. period. They tral harbor had expired. tte United States in that twenty days, but It wat admitted that aaved tbe barn nearby. The Vlctime. 11, 207,751, 939, showing an Satisfactory Impaired one-thir- The American had been outside for amounted to Washington. No new step to end Atlantic City, N. J. his vision had been record Increase of 1554,000.000 over the same by solution questions having do not And In Act any power of Wyomlsslng offered tb tnencuvers since morning and was re- The of submarine warfare, the European War bas been taken of Internal "We the A resident dis- eight months year, and $713,000,-00- off- an be an between provis- turning when sh came up with the as brought to land by wireless last the United States and, so far as international bearing must to graduate an award Berks County Conservation Assoela patches, follows: more than the entire fiscal year of icials none is likely Integral part of general program ions of the Act," saye the opinion. "If, $1,000 per year for a period of German. The D-- drawing near the here can foresee, the tlon 1914. France, the second best custo Mexico, the case, lowered acquire land stranger aud making out ter type, sent The Strathdeme, British freighter, to be taken In the near future, accord- for the rehabilitation of in this particular the years, to use as a fund to mer of the took goods commis- earning a wireless message to the shore torpedoed and sunk off Nantucket United States, ing to an authoritative statement of Mexican members of the joint virion has not reduced the on ML Penn, so that the bare spots cu Crew taken aboard Nantucket Shoala valued at $'44.475.0i0, an increase of sion were informed by American power of the claimant, then there can shrubbery. of Admiral Knight, who re- the government's position. their be covered with trees and New- $211,000,000 over t lie previous eight upon any layed word of the appearance of the lightship and later removed to While no oOiciul professed to know colleagues.
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