THE LIGHTNING BOLT BELIEVE, CREER Y LOGRARACHIEVE! CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH FUN REVIEWS VOLUME 33 ISSUE 5 CHANCELLOR HIGH SCHOOL 6300 HARRISON ROAD, FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22407 1 February 2021 NEWS FEATURE WHAT IT IS LIKE BEING STUDENT OF MONTH By Marin Farag Staff Reporter “It's an honor to be selected dent and it was his top prior- When one is passionate about staying in healthy shape and out of the whole senior class ity to keep his grades up. He's something they love so much, active during his workouts to be named Student of the been a top student in school it’s hard to stop doing it all of even in these negative mo- Month and it is something that since kindergarten. a sudden. Mohr loves to play ments that were currently liv- shows all the hard work I've “I play football and baseball, football and has been on the ing in. He goes to the gym ev- put in to get into this position,“ but one of my favorite things to team for quite a few years. “I ery Monday through Saturday states senior Kodi Mohr, who do is just have a night out with was hoping for football to hap- while also trying to go inside was selected as Student of the the boys. Even with my best pen in the fall like normal, but and stay active as possible. Month for November. friends graduating last year, we are currently practicing Mohr has been hybrid all Mohr is a very active student we still all hangout at least 2-3 for our first game on Monday year and it’s going very well who loves to play sports and times a month. A night out February 22, and I couldn't be for him. He is also being able is responsible and productive. could be going to the mall and more excited. We are getting a to get more done at home and Everyone loves to be around getting food, or even playing season to play, and we need to multitasking with his daily life him because he is friendly and some basketball outside or ping take every possible chance we activities. has a great sense of humor. pong in a friend's basement. get.“ Mohr had no idea he was We can really make a good time Fortunately, Mohr has been being named student of the out of anything. I also love to month until he revived an go out and golf whenever I can email. He also didn’t know that get the chance!” Chancellor offered these types There is good news for any- of awards. “I feel that being one trying to achieve the stu- able to maintain a high GPA dent for the month from Mohr: Mohr of Kodi courtesy Photo all throughout high school, be- “[The] biggest piece of advice ing involved in other clubs in I can give is to set a goal, and the school, and also playing on go attack it. Do everything you sports teams helped tremen- can to achieve and then once dously, as it shows I'm always you get there, set another one. very busy while maintaining Never be satisfied with where the essentials.“ you are.“ Mohr felt proud to be able to This year has been hectic for see his hard work pay off and everyone, and some are stay- get noticed by others. ”It was ing positive and some not so also just another reminder for much. Some people find it re- my parents to show they've ally bad to cope with this long raised me right and always pandemic that who knows done the best things for me.“ when it will be over. “I feel that Kodi Mohr, November Student of the Month. His family was very proud and I've coped pretty well with all excited when he shared the of the restrictions... It was very MRS. GATTIE news with them. hard to adapt at first, but I feel ADVISOR Mohr’s parents taught him good now, and I'm just hoping how to be a responsible stu- this isn't forever.“ CARA SEELY The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish The Lightning Bolt, the only official newspaper NEWS EDITOR on campus. The purpose of the newspaper is to factually inform and entertain its readers. As an established open forum for the student body, truth will be the staff’s major goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer to CARA HADDEN adhere to the journalism code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. The code states that a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or privileges that could compromise their integrity. All FEATURES EDITOR material published will be the result of brainstorm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulating to the majority of the student body will be used. The editorial board, which is comprised of all newspaper staff members will KAITLYN GARVEY determine the priority of the stories and the overall design of publication. The advisor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and ethics of a free press. The advisor does not serve as a censure. SPORTS EDITOR Student editors will decide the material to be published. In accordance with community standards, profanity will not appear in the publication. Students are free to express an opinion on matters of public interests under EMMA PURCELL & the, “fair comment rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right to intelligently criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opinion of The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of the writer STEPHANIE MARTINEZ and do not represent the opinion of the faculty and administrWation of Chancellor High School. Controver- sial issues will be covered from both points of view. School news, as well as local, national and international OP-ED EDITORS events will also be covered. Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters must be signed and e-emailed to [email protected]. The Lightning Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic MIKAH NELSON standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. Our ultimate goal is to print the truth and with your help we can reach this goal. CHARGING CORNER February 2021 2 EDITORIAL TO BE (IN SCHOOL) OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION By Marim Farag At 3 hrs and 37 minutes into that isn’t exactly how we want- ing to understand their lessons Staff Reporter the meeting, Mr. Baron Bras- ed to experience our last year because they’re not physically During the latter half of a well made a motion to have of school. We want to do all the in front of their teachers, and School Board meeting on Feb- our special populations return things other seniors have expe- that’s a problem. Not everyone ruary 3rd, the School Board de- to school, which was quickly rienced before. It’s a very sad is capable of doing everything cided that all schools in the di- overshadowed by Mr. Twigg’s case that we can’t find a solu- by themselves like others do. vision would resume in person, motion to have all students tion for it yet. Even so, we want People get angry from how hybrid learning as of February go back to the hybrid plan by to do these things when it is frustrated they are with virtual 22nd. This decision came only February 22. With much dis- safe for everyone. I’m praying classes. Some argue with their a week after the School Board cussion, disagreement, and re- we at least go back to school in parents because of how they’re voted for students to stay all statements, the Board passed person the last month of the doing in classes and not under- virtual until March 1. Origi- the motion with a 7-0 vote. year before graduation. I think standing anything in every les- nally the Board was to review The Board hasn’t had an easy it will put a lot of smiles on our son they receive everyday. They COVID related data two weeks job the last year or so, and that faces, even if it’s just for a short take out all their anger at their after the January 27th voting struggle to not only make de- term. We can at least have our parents like it’s their fault for and review their decision at cisions, but to make decisions last walk with our family and them taking virtual classes. that time, but due to apparent that stick, has never been more friends that we made during The freshman this year pressures from the community, apparent. Board member Ms. our year in high school. couldn’t experience what high this did not happen. Erin Grampp pointed out that Seniors have messed on A school is really like. Being in The meeting began with a she didn’t want to “flip-flop” LOT of things this year: foot- front of the computer screen lengthy discussion about the again with their decisions, that ball games, soccer games, isn’t the best thing anyone budget with Board members the community is already upset baseball games , and so many would have, especially sitting and Dr. Baker, able to make about the back and forth with other sports that they didn’t get down for7 straight hours. comments throughout. From decision making, families need to attend to. Teachers are trying their a student’s point of view, they to plan, and be taken into con- Students who play sports, very best.
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