Ail the New® of WE DO, If ItED BANK •' mid BurroundliiK Town OUR PART 1 Told fearlessly and Without BIBS, Issued Weakly, Entered ES 8ec«ml-Ct&Ba Mutter &% tha Foet» Subscription Pries; On© Year Si.BO VOLUME LVI, NO. 22. office at tied Bank. H. J,, under tha Act of U&rch S, 1379. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1933. Sti Months 31.00. Single Copy <e. PAGES 1 TO 10. OUT ins THUAB ALMOST OFF. | MAY J5NLAIIGI5 SCHOOL. Edward Borthwlck of Port M011- i Increased Enrollment Causes Prob- o Speaker Here Overseer Of Poor nioulli Was Trying to Mill a Goose. On Overdue Taxes lem at Shrewsbury. Edward Borthwlck, who Ilve3 with The Shrewsbury borough board of Here Tomorrow Copt. Robert A. Kennedy Now lila uncle, Charles Rutt of Port Mon- Checks and Income Share Certi- Beginning With 1934 the Inter- education is seriously considering Red Bank Real Estate Board to United States Bank Examiners School Superintendent Addressed mouth, attempted to kill a goose Sun- the proposition of an addition to the the Daughters of American Has His Headquarters in theday nfternaon. His aim was faulty ficates, Amounting to $196,- eat Charge Will be Sis Per public school. This hus been brought Hear Senator Durand and As- Erred in Passing Judgment on Revolution at Red Bank Last Forme' Shrewsbury Avenue and tho axe hit him iin lila left hand 500, Mailed Out to 114 Share- Cent Instead of Eight Per Cent about by increased enrollment, and semblymen McCampbell and Note Owed by the Schoolhouse. Instead of striking tho goose. .Ed- holders of Local Association. —Other Business. also in anticipation of the necessity - Schock on Taxation. Boat Club.' Thureday. ward's thumb wan cut about half of a much larger school within a Monmoutli chapter Daughters of Capt. Robert. A. Kennedy, overseer way through at the first joint and a Checks and income share certifi- At the meeting of the fayor and short time and by the fact that labor The New Jersey Association of About three years.ago the Moiw American Revolution held lta regular ot the poor and director ot unem- bad cut was made on his index finger. cates amounting to $196,500 arc be- council of Red Bank Monday night it and material can be secured at the Real'Estate Boards will havo a scr- mouth Boat club of Red Bank bot. mooting at tho Molly Pitcher hotel ployment relief at Bed Bank, opened The wounds were attended to at ing mailed to 114 shareholders a/ the was voted unanimously to reduce the present time at such n low figure. ies ot regional meetings in their re- owed ?7,5OO from the Broad tllrci:t last Friday and observed the birth- lila new office taut week In the build- Rivervlcw hospital and Edward re- Red Bank building and loan associa- rate of interest on unpaid taxes for There' is a possibility that the coat of spective districts tomorrow night, National bank (in a demand note. day or its President General, Mrs. ing on Shrewsbury avenue formerly turned home. The cuts are healing. tion this week, it was announced the coming year from eight per ceat the proposed work will come under November 23. These meetings will Payments were frequently made ami nuasoll William Magnet. Mrs. Jacob used as a echoolhouae. A number of yesterday by officials of the associa- the plan whereby the money can bobe held simultaneously, and the dis- when the bank closed when the' hanki • to six per cent. Tho matter was trict in which are located real estate B. Hue of Red Bank, Regent oj Mon- changes have been, made to the build- tion. Tho amount covers tho 36th brought up by Mayor Charles K. secured through federal aid. Al- ng holiday was declared lant March) mouth chapter, was hostess, lire. ing to suit It for lta new purpose. series of stock, which was opened by though no dcilnite plans have yet boards o[ Red Bank, Asbury Park, .he amount due waa $200. Ejngllsh. He stated that tho Real Es- Middlesex county, Point Pleasant and Magna Is tho author of tho poeiji, Capt. Kennedy states that 221 fam- the association In April, 1922, and tate board had requested some time been decided upon, architects have A short time ugo Examiner Hlarlc "The I'lag," and as a tribute to her ilies, representing 810 persona, arc which matured during the past week. been asked to submit tentative draw- Somerset county will gather at the of the federal banking department Each share has reached a value of ego that the proposed reduction be Elks club at Red Bank at uix o'clock. on lior birthday, Anna Louise Camp- Hated to receive unemployment.jc- made and that he had found upon ings for the proposed change. made an investidgation of the bank, boll, daughter o£ Mm. Bruce Camp- llcf. This la considerably larger tfiiuj At SeaEright? ?200, the total value of tho scries be- The Red Bank Real Estate Board The institution hau been cloyed Minco ing $202,400. /"*• vestlgation that public sentiment March and in the hands of Receiver boll of Shrewsbury and granddaugh- tho number receiving financial ao- us preponderantly in favor of such nas invited aa guest speakers Sena- ter of the Regent, Mrs. Jucob B, Rue, Hletanco at tho expenso of the tax- The Central Railroad Saya It The stock In tho maturing scries tor Frank Durand of Sea Girt and Newton Ailing since April. It lma was held by 147 Individual sharehold- reduction. about 5,800 depositors and tlie depos- recited the poem. payers at this time last year. Does Not Own Rock Bulk- Councilman Thomas M. Gopsill Priest Boys A Assemblymen Thcron McCampbell of Through the establishment of the ers, each of whom paid in $139 a Holmdel and Fred Schock, Jr., of ts amount to moro than .$1,700,0110. Mro. Henry S. White of Red Bank. heads and Jetties After Hav- ihare and was credited with profits seated that by reason of the law hav- Spring Lake. They will apeak on Among the depositor.-] arc the uchool Honorary Regent, Introduced Profes- Citizens Conservation corps some un- ig been passed requiring taxes to Woodland Tract employment will bo relieved. The ing Paid Taxes 24 Years. of $61 a share, thereby receiving a matters pertaining to taxation. Har- children of Red Bank. sor F. Howard Lloyd of Mutawan, large return on their Investment as paid quarterly insteal of semi- ry A. Taylor, pa.st presidenl of the The chief purpose of Examiner superintendent of Mlddletown town-' corps Is ilnancad by federal money linnually taxpayers would no longer paid through the state; Monday four- The question uppermost In thewell as security for their savings. Rector of Irvington Church ;;tato association, will be at the Red Black's Investigation waa to deter- ship public uchqola no tho principal minds of members of the Seabrlght Several shareholders desired the as- ijcceivc a two per cent discount* by Bank gathering anuV will be themine whether or not the bank waa speaker of tho afternoon. Professor teen persona who had been unem- laying taxes in advance. Ho said Takes Title to Part of Mat- ployed went to work. Yesterday Jour governing body is, "Who Owns tho sociation to retain their funds and speaker representing the atate asso- lfty per cent solvent. The definite Lloyd took as hlu subject, "Look Un- jocks?" The rocks in question com- these arc receiving Income share tjiat in view of thiB fact he thought thew Mullin's Property Near ciation. R, V. R. H. Stout of lied promise waa mnde that it tho banlc to tho Rock Where- Yo Are Hewn." moro woro employed. Tomorrow four- teen more aro scheduled to get work. prises th6 bulkheads and jetties along ertlficatcs paying 4 per cent inter- t no more than right that the pen- Lincroft—To Build Study. Bank, who in the state,secretary of were /lfty per cent solvent It would The speaker deplored the fact that so the east aide of tho railroad tracks est. These certificates are consid- alty rate on delinquents should be cut tho New Jersey realtors, will prob- receive an opportunity to reorganize) many folks arc wondering what tho With tomorrow's contingent the total Matthew Mullin of Lineroft hao numbor will bo 38. in the North Beach section of the ered an excellent Investment from ifrom eight per cent to six per cent. ably give a'short talk. and re-open under the Spokane plan. future hau In storo for them, bellev the viewpoint of the holders and like- Councilman Harold Allen was the sold through the G. Howard Llppln- borough. Tho Central railroad com- The seventeenth annual convention Mr. Black's examination showed ths ing we should livo in tho present and The workers receive fifty cents per pany put the rocks there at a cost of wise enable the association to release only absentee. cot agency of Red Bank a tract of bank to be less than fifty per cent proilt by tho experiences of tho past. hour under tho Civil Worka Act. funds for the purpose of aiding thoso woodland near Lincroft village com- of the New Jcvucy Association of $GOO,00O and has been paying taxes ! A request from the board of educa- Real Estate Boards will be held at solvent, due to the fact that many Ho laid great stress, on tho foot They aro engaged In cutting down on them for the past 24 years. Now who desire to acquire homes with the tion for $40,000 to meet school ex- prising about three acres to Rev.
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