SMU CLINIC 2012 BILL SELF DEL HARRIS FRAN FRASCHILLA LARRY BROWN BI L L SE L F i ³EHDVSRQJH± JDPHLVHYHUFKDQJLQJ´ i WHAT IS MY PHILIOSPHY? o OFF: 1 or more shots each possession o DEF: give up 1 or less shots a possession i ³),67´LVWKHUHEDOOVFUHHQPRWLRQ GLDJrams available all over the internet) o ³ZKDWZHUXQEHKLQGZKDWZHUXQ o Dead balls, when ball goes inside and no shot, anytime the play breaks down ± WKH\UXQ³),67´ o Post sprints first 2 steps hard on ballscreen to get separation o ³JHWDEDGKHGJH´ o Offense=angles o Ball screens force weakside defenders to play highside o ³,ZDQWWROHDGWKHFRXQWU\LQOREV´ o Lob the ball to the corner of the backboard o On ballscreens ball needs to touch the paint o When ball cuts lane line we duck in o Can use non-playing big to set all ballscreens o ³QHYHUFXWXQGHUWKHSRVW´ o ³ELJVSDVVDQGFKDVHLQWREDOOVFUHHQ´ o ³EHVWWLPHWRVKRRWDLVRIIDRIIHQVHLYHUHERXQG´ o ³ZDQWELEWRELJOREV´ o ³),67´DOORZV\RXWREHYHUVDWLOHSOD\³ELJVDQG³OLWWOH´ o Non ball handlers can be cutters o +HGJH ³IROORZLW´± ORRVHKHGJH ´VSOLWLW´± XQGHU ´FLUFOHLW´ o Anytime the ball is on the 2 side of the floor you must look to post o ³VKDNHILVW´LVWKHLUVOLSJDPH o ³WKLQNVLWLVHDVLHUWRWHDFKSRVWVKRZWRVFRUHRYHUJXDUGV´ i Key to guarding the high/low is to have the post defender beat the drop step with his foot i When we run dribble weave posts are in short corners i Great drill is 4on4 shell in the paint only i Only practiced 1:15 at Tulsa because they practiced so hard they would kill each other i Run the same BLOBs tight and wide i ³QRWDGULOOJX\´ i PROCESS to MARCH i ³WKHWKLQJWKDWPDNHVPHPRVWKDSS\FRDFKLQJLVVROYLQJSUREOHPV,ORYHWKDWFUDS´ i Asked about toughness drills ± ³VKRXOGQ¶WWRXJKQHVVEHLQHYHU\WKLQJ\RXGR"´ i ³EHEUXWDOO\KRQHVWZKHQFRDFKLQJ´ i ³GRQ¶WPLQd if they fight me back because half the time you are just trying to get them to fight D E L H A RRIS (great handout with his talk) i Sharing ideas is what it is all about i ,W¶VDOODERXWKRZ\RXWHDFK i Have to really CARE to be great i ZONE OFFENSE o Run automatics vs a zone o 'RHVQ¶WZDQWSHRSOHLQWKHPLGGOHRIWKH]RQH o This allows spacing for a penetration game or jump shot game o Shift the zone and attack o #1 target is the high post vs a zone o Use the high post as the fill/reversal guy to eliminate 3 people in the middle of the zone o On penetration should have 4 spots to pass to o Throw in random pick n rolls o Have a 1-4 high spacing vs the zone Tougher on match ups Tougher on changing defenses Good for SLOBs o Cut hard on automatics i ZONE DEFENSE o Match up to the ball and start o Weakside low always takes what the middle man leaves him o Backline needs to play as high as it can o ³PRVW]RQHVSOD\WRRIODW´ o ³WKHUHLVQRVLOHQW]RQHGHIHQVHDQGQRJRRGVLOHQWGHIHQVHSHULRG´ o Each player has a primary and secondary zone to cover o If 2 guys are in your area take furthest guy away and bump o If nobody in your area drop to paint and match ± GRQ¶WJXDUGVSDFH o ³DLULVQRWWKHHQHP\´ o If you see 2 guys you bump o What is your short corner strategy? i ³2Q3RLQW´KLVQHZERRN i Read the Talent Code by Daniel Coyle i 85% of all NBA players are role players F R A N F R ASC H I L L A i Does your offense have an offensive rebound philosophy? i Great coaches have a curiosity about the game i I should know what you believe in by watching any 10min segment of your practice i Can only be great at 2 or 3 things i What is your vision for what your team will look like? i &RQYLQFH\RXUWHDPWKDW\RXZRUNHGVRKDUGWKH\GRQ¶WQHHGH[WUDVSULQWV i ³,PDVHWSOD\JX\´ o .LGVGRQ¶WSDVVZHOO o 2.control who gets shots o Advantages o Foul trouble o If gonna be a set play team than you need a simple motion offense i How is your flow? i Neber shoot the ball on a 45* cut i Make your pressure decisions in the off season ± pressure decisions meeting i Time out organization i What is your screening philosophy? i ³FDQ\RXUXQ\RXUIDYRULWHSOD\RXWRIGLIIHUHQWVHWV"´ i NBA coaches have the best wrinkles to their offense i Notoriety of coach is in proportion to how his teams close games i What does your league do to certain actions? Have a counter i Do you have a pick n roll trap offense? Has a great continuity ball screen offense from Lithuania Email him at [email protected] L A RR Y BR O W N i Do basketball specific drills while getting in shape i Want to teach while seeing who can play? Play 3on3 full court i ³JRGSXWPHRQWKHSODQHWWRFRDFK$OOHQ,YHUVRQ´ ,YHUVRQPDGHDGHILQLWHLPSDFWRQ/% i 0DNHWKHJDPHEHWWHUVKDUHLGHDV³LPSURYHRXUVSRUW´ i Starts out each practice with footwork drills o Outside foot pivot, catch and rip o ³VWUDLJKWOLQHGULYHV´ o ³GRQ¶WOHWWKHPGRLWZURQJ´ o Change up your dribble moves (Eric Snow all 300lbs of him was the demonstrator) i Play to drive it ± pull up when the defense dictates i Warm up drills o 3 line passing ± weave ± no mistakes o 4 man break Pg makes the scoring pass Ball never hits the floor i Great story ± Greg Dreiling is in the stands ± told advice he gave Greg to make the NBA o Play like every shot is a miss o Sprint the floor on offense o Guard like crazy o On 1st day of practice beat up the toughest black guy on the team i SHELL o ³MXPSWRWKHEDOOVHHEDOODQGPDQDQGWDON´± Jankovich o Take shortest path to recover o Kids will work towards your enthusiasm o Double baseline drives o Closeout with palms up for balance i End of clock breakdowns o Ball screen o Or 1-4 flat iso i Guard pick n rolls o Hard hedge o Trap o Switch (late clock) If a high school coach he would switch i On switch stretch and attack the big in pick n roll offense i 2QDOOVFUDPEOHVLWXDWLRQVZHJHW³HOERZVDQGER[HV´ i Popovich ± ³QHYHUVKRZ\RXUEHVWGHIHQVHHDUO\LQJDPHV Offers all practices as open .
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