REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON PAIX – TRAVAIL - PATRIE PEACE – WORK - FATHERLAND --------- -------- MINPROFF REPORT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON UNDER THE TH 25 ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEIJING DECLARATION AND PLATFORM FOR ACTION May, 2019 0 1 His Excellency Paul BIYA President of the Republic of Cameroon, Head of state 2 His Excellency DION NGUTE Joseph Prime Minister, Head of Government Madam ABENA ONDOA née OBAMA Marie Thérese Minister of Women’s Empowerment3 and the Family PREFACE Twenty-five years ago, the International Community adopted, at the end of the 4th United Nations Conference on Women, held in Beijing from September 4th to 15th, 1995, the Beijing Program and Platform for Action, the goal is to boost a new global dynamic for gender equality and sustainable development. The 12 critical areas chosen for this purpose decline the major strategic orientations in which States intend to pursue innovative and targeted policies in order to guarantee the substantial improvement of the economic, political, social and cultural situation of women and girls. In coherence with this agenda and party to the relevant commitments related to it, Cameroon, under the very high impulse of the Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA, makes every effort to give full effect to the conventional forecasts from this historic meeting of which the conclusions appear, still today, as an indispensable vade mecum in terms of the promotion and protection of women's rights. While gender equality remains a partially achieved goal, the political will in this area is growing stronger and more vocal in Cameroon every day. The process of empowerment of women in a Cameroonian society based on the principle of State of law irreversibly follows its merry way. Of course, the reinforcement of ongoing policies, the identification and implementation of new strategies, the strategic repositioning of gender financing in the Global Agenda, the rationalization of interventions and the coordination of these interventions, articulated with Peacebuilding policies are emerging more than ever today as one of the keys to success in promoting gender equality and sustainable development. Madam ABENA ONDOA née OBAMA Marie Thérèse Minister of Women's Empowerment and the Family 4 CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 6 I - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13 II – OBSERVED IMPROVEMENTS SINCE THE BEIJING REVIEW + 24 : 13 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS AND ISSUES III – VARIANCES AND CHALLENGES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 236 BEIJING PROGRAM AND PLATFORM FOR ACTION IV – RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION 239 5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABM Achievements-Based Management ACET African Center of Excellence in Technologies AINP Agricultural Investment National Programme AIDP African Institute for Data Processing ACIP Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project ACMS: Cameroonian Association of Social Marketing ADB African Development Bank AFFDCP Agropastoral Family Farms Development and Competitiveness Program AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom AIMS-NEI African Institute for Mathematical Sciences-Next Enstein Initiative ARH Adolescent Reproductive Health ARV Antiretoviral ATC Agreed Treatment Center ATC Appropriate Technologies Center AV Antenatal Visit AWDA Adamaoua Women and Daughters Association AWP Annual Work Plan AYRHS Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health Strategy CAMSUCO Cameroon Sugar Company CAMTEL Cameroon Telecommunications CARMMA Campaign for the Acceleration of the reducing of the Maternal Mortality in Africa CCPN Community Child Protection Networks CDC Communication for Conduct Change CE Cameroonian Elections CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women CENADI National Center for Data Processing Development CIMO Cameroon’s Inter-Managerial Organizations CPAFG Children suspected to be Part of Armed Forces and Groups CPDW Country Program on Decent Work CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CREFIAF Regional Council for the Formation of Supreme Audit Institutions of the Member States Public Finances of Francophone and Sub-Saharan Africa 6 CRTV Cameroon Radio and Television CRWC African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child CSO Civil Society Organization CUCA Catholic University of Central Africa CVAWA Combating Violence Against Women Association DDRC Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Committee DDRP Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Program DH District Hospital DHS/MI IV 4th Demographic and Health Survey with Multiple Indicators DMC District Medical Center DPAI Data Processing African Institute DPP Development Plan for Pygmies Populations DTC Decentralized Territorial Community ECAM Survey on Cameroonian Households (Enquête sur les ménages camerounais) ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States EIDP Elderly, Invalidity and Death Pensions ENIET ‘Ecole Normale’ for School Teachers – General Education ENS Ecole Normale Supérieure ENSPT Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications ENST ‘Ecole Normale’ for School Teachers – Technical Education ENSTE Ecole Normale Supérieure for Technical Education ENSTP Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics ERP Education to Responsible Parenting ESSEC Higher School For Sales and Economical Sciences FAAS Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FDA French Development Agency FGM Female Genital Mutilations FHD Family Health Department FIC First Instance Court FMBS Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences FP Family Planning FPS Funds for high-Priority Solidarity FSE Full Sexuality Education GBV Gender Based Violence GEP Graduate Youth Employment Program GERME Gérer Mon Entreprise Programme (Manage my Business) GESD Growth and Employment Strategy Document 7 GICAM Interpatronal Group of Cameroon GHC Global Health Coverage GM General Manager GNP Gender National Policy GSB Gender Sensitive Budgeting GSPB Gender Sensitive Planning and Budgeting GSV Gender Sensitive Violence GTC German Technical Cooperation GDSD Growth and Development Strategy Document HC Hospitality and Catering HCP Harmful socio-cultutal Practices HENAPI Higher Education Non Academic Public Institutions HEPI Higher Education Private Institutions HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HPD Health Promotion Department HRD Human Resources Department HSS Health Sector Strategy ICCREP International Center for Creation Promotion ICPD International Conference on Population and Development ICT Information and Communication Technologies IDAMP Investment and Development of Agricultural Markets Project IDB Islamic Development Bank IDP Internally Displaced People IEC Information-Education-Communication IFNS Inclusive Finance National Strategy IGA Income-Generating Activities ICT Information and Communication Technologies ILLAMN Impregnated with Long Lasting Action Insecticides Mosquito Net IPSISA Integrated Programme of Support for Informal Sector Actors ILO International Labour Organization IFNS Inclusive Finance National Strategy INJS Institut National de la Jeunesse et des Sports INS Investments National Society IRAD Agricultural Research Institute for Development ISPISA Integrated Support Programme for Informal Sector Actors ITN Inter-university Telecommunications Network JIG Joint Initiative Groups LAPSMD Local Action for a Participative and Self-Managed 8 Development LB Live Birth LDI Local Development Initiatives LLAT Life-Long Antiretroviral Treatment MAOD Methodology for the analysis of multiple overlapping deprivations MCA Mothers and Children Association MCYP Multipurpose Center for Youth Promotion MEAE Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs MEWGC Making Every Woman and Girl Count MHM Menstrual Hygiene Management MINADER Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development MINAS Ministry of Social Affairs MINAT Ministry of Territorial Administration MINCOM Ministry of Communications MINCOMMERCE Ministry of Trade MINDDEVEL Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development MINEDUB Ministry of Basic Education MINEFOP Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training MINEPAT Ministry of Economy, Planning and Land-use Planning MINEPDED Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development MINEPIA Ministry of Livestock, Fishing and Animal Industries MINESEC Ministry of Secondary Education MINESUP Ministry of Higher Education MINFI Ministry of Finance MINFOF Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife MINHDU Ministry of Housing and Urban Development MINJEC Ministry of Youth and Civic Education MINJUSTICE Ministry of Justice MINMAP Ministry of Public Markets MINPMEESA Ministry of Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts MINPROFF Ministry of Woman and Family Promotion MINSANTE Ministry of Health MINTP Ministry of Public Works MODA Multiple Overlap Poverty Analysis MRSLCP Mission for the Regulation of Supply of Large Consumer Products MSC Medico-Social Centres 9 MTPURA Mobile Teams of Popular Urban and Rural Animations NACC National Anti-Corruption Commission NAIP National Agricultural Investment Plan for cameroon NASC Non-accompanied and Separated Children NCC National Communication Council NCHRF National Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms NFSS National Federation for School Sports NFYI National Foundation for Youth Insertion NGO Non-Governmental Organization NHSP National Higher School ‘Polytechnique’ NHSPT National Higher School ‘Postes and Telecommunications’ NHSTP National Higher School ‘Travaux Publics’ NIFS National Inclusive Finance Strategy NIYS National Institute for Youth and Sports NPDP National
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