CISA 2020-2021 Executive Committee Candidates Announcement Dear Members, Here are the candidates for the 2020-2021 CISA Executive Committee Elections. All candidates must be present at the AGM, 3pm-5pm AEST on the 31st August 2020 for elections. Members will be asked to cast their votes electronically usinG the Electionbuddy platform durinG the AGM. If any nominations are withdrawn from now till the elections, thereby renderinG positions vacant, it will be left to the incominG executive team to call for further nominations. Note: Nominees with a * marked beside their names have been conditionally accepted, pendinG confirmation of additional documents to be provided before 31st of AuGust 2020. For any issues or questions in reGard to the elections, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Kind ReGards, Annette Kalczynska ReturninG Officer Council of International Students Australia (CISA) PO Box 18096, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia www.cisa.edu.au Copyright © 2020 Council of International Students Australia Inc. All rights reserved. National President: Belle Lim My name is Belle Lim, I am applyinG for the position of the National President at CISA. I served on the CISA executive committee as the National Women’s Officer over the past two tenures. I have dedicated myself to be a true, stronG voice for female students in our cohort, and deliverinG initiatives that empower and support our students includinG the Future Female Conference. CISA’s Women’s Office has received tremendous support from students, members and stakeholders. We in turn have Garnered universal recoGnition and respect for our work. I hereby thank all of you who have supported us in any way. My dedication towards international students do not stop with Gender and women issues. Over the past two years, I have led and supported various projects that are key to international students’ welfare and riGhts, includinG State Roundtables where COVID response and students’ issues were discussed, the Anti-Discrimination CampaiGn, as well as student development and capacity buildinG, such as the 2020 DiGital Summit. Today I am applyinG for the National President on the ‘20/21 committee as driven by a stronG belief that I will fulfil the responsibilities and lead the orGanisation and the students we represent to a better supported and sustainable future. My priorities for the initial quarter of my term are (1) COVID welfare support for students in the short- and lonG-term, (2) sustainability of CISA as an orGanisation, and (3) expandinG the student reach. Council of International Students Australia (CISA) PO Box 18096, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia www.cisa.edu.au Copyright © 2020 Council of International Students Australia Inc. All rights reserved. The pandemic has rendered international students in dreadful circumstances with loss of income and threats of homelessness. The CISA COVID Welfare campaiGn has yielded positive results for our students on federal, state and institutional levels. However, the devastatinG situation is still affectinG tens of thousands of students, as President, I will continue to fiGht for students’ riGhts to the hiGhest level. The pandemic has exposed many loopholes where international students are left vulnerable in the current education system, particularly the systematic disadvantages that limit the use of our deGree based on our visa status. As the National President, my objective is to drive the international education sector to Guarantee a sustainable and reliable future for international students. On the sustainability of CISA, has been a lonGstandinG discussion. There are a few thinGs that warrant improvements, includinG knowledGe retention, administrative support, stable fundinG, reportinG mechanisms and frequent communications with our members. It is my priority that the team will make tanGible proGress in solidifyinG the stability of the orGanisation. This includes instatinG a secretariat position, constitution amendment, tiGhtened relationship with members, as well as a transparent, systematic reportinG procedure. To my last point, as the country’s peak body, it is crucial that CISA has avenues to connect with and listen to as many students and student orGanisations as possible, to be able to accurately represent the needs and voice of the vast international students in Australia. To achieve this, I plan to expand the State Roundtables that have been successful and appreciated by students and memebrs. My passion and inteGrity have been central to my work and enGagement. BeinG at the core of the orGanisation for two years, I have also developed extensive experience and knowledGe of the strenGths and weaknesses of CISA. It allowed me to develop tremendously as a leader, workinG with other talents and key stakeholders, includinG communications on the Federal Global Reputation Taskforce and weekly AusTrade meetinGs. In terms of my qualifications, I Graduated from a BSci deGree as the Gold Medallist, receivinG the Monash International Merit Scholarship, and am currently pursuinG a fully awarded PhD deGree in breast cancer Genetics. My journey has tauGht me perseverance, resilience and tenacity. I also received the Victorian Premier Award for International Student of The Year 2019 and represented my country internationally in the UNESCO Youth Forum in 2019. Lastly, I am confident that I have the combination of riGht skills, experience, vision and personality to best fulfil this position and serve the needs of you as members and international students. Council of International Students Australia (CISA) PO Box 18096, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia www.cisa.edu.au Copyright © 2020 Council of International Students Australia Inc. All rights reserved. National Vice President: Manika Sahni* I am Manika Sahni, post Graduate student pursuinG Business Analytics at Western Sydney University. I am writinG to express my interest for the position of National Vice-President at CISA and talk about the experiences which make me a perfect fit for this role. I am interested in the position because it is a Great opportunity to take my efforts of representinG international students beyond my university and to the national level. I have been actively helpinG my fellow mates both at a personal and professional level. Below is a summary of vast experiences that have helped me in developinG the leadership and team management skills necessary for the role. S Key Experiences Achievements No. 1 Student Representative Council: • WorkinG towards formation of a dedicated Collective International Student for International Students Representative • ConnectinG students with university facilities • LeadinG a LinkedIn campaiGn focused at helpinG international students develop Australian workplace skills Council of International Students Australia (CISA) PO Box 18096, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia www.cisa.edu.au Copyright © 2020 Council of International Students Australia Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Academic Committee for School • Represented the concerns and challenGes beinG of Business: Post graduate faced by students in takinG exams throuGh online Representative examination system: ProctorU 4 Event Manager: Western • Conducted Survey to understand problems beinG Sydney International Student faced by International Students due to COVID Association (WSISA) • OrGanized 3 successful events aimed at helpinG international students in makinG new friends 5 MATES Mentor • Student mentor for commencinG international students • Aim: HelpinG commencinG students to transitional smoothly into the university environment 6 Work experience at University • Transition Success Contact AGent • ProvidinG telephone support to commencinG students to assist with their transition to the University learninG environment 7 Ambassador for Global Scope • Work InteGrated learninG proGrams aimed at makinG Program students employer ready • Encouraged students to participate in the proGram by sharinG experiences throuGh social media and word of mouth DurinG the initial quarter of my term, I want to develop a strong relationship with my team, State Representatives and education providers which will help in effective coordination throuGhout the tenure. Also, I want to thorouGhly understand the ongoing commitments of CISA and prioritise the tasks which need immediate attention. Moreover, my focus would be towards helping students develop Australian workplace skills which will empower them in findinG a job in their own field and Council of International Students Australia (CISA) PO Box 18096, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia www.cisa.edu.au Copyright © 2020 Council of International Students Australia Inc. All rights reserved. saving students from isolation durinG the current COVID situation, especially those studyinG from abroad. I would like to end by sharinG that I deeply understand the struGGles faced by international students. There were many people who Guided me to the riGht path and throuGh this role, I want to pay back and help my fellow mates. BeinG from a culturally diverse country, I have a deep understanding and respect for all cultures. Finally, I want our multiculturalism to thrive and be a source of creatinG opportunities and success. National Treasurer: Prajuli R. Maharjan* My name is Prajuli R. Maharjan, currently majorinG in AccountinG and Finance at La Trobe University. I am an extremely determined, enerGetic and resilient individual with extensive knowledGe and experience in areas of business, accountinG and finance, budGet analysis and project proposals.
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