
z=>9? FIGHTING FANTASYBOOKS Over 14 million copiessold worldwlth,l >- z> Fl z tt rOQ att Pnf6n Bool6 KNIGHTSOF DOOM Fo. yearsthe brave Knishtr Templa.of th€ Demonkeepand lhe Citadelhdve kept the p;dce in Auddleston€,protechn; rl from the constdt ravasesof Ors ed BeastM€n. But now d mcimt evil has reawak;€d in the land. Th€ ,orce!€r Belqdorh ha' retumedfiom lhe dead lo Fdam lus throneat Caeiskaat.Hir aim ls simple:he will seltle for nothinc lessthan total domiruon of Ruddleione Hi. fdnatial Knishts;f Doom wlll €^sue that hi, evil planrdo not fdil One her;i. tnicht - YOU - mu\l sneal ihrcush a l&d Dldqed inlo war. peneiraterhe ,eemn8 dFn,y line, ;d ovqc;e de dddlixt foJ of them a rwo dice, a pmol ad m drser ar€ all you need to mbark on thF awesome adventue, which comes complete with its oM elaborate ombat s'stm ad a score sheet to record your pro8ress. Unc(Mtable ddgs lie ahead and your suc$ is anylhine bul certain.lts up to YOU to de<idewhch roule lo follow. which dnee6 to n;r ard which foes to 6ghl. The tutuF of Ruddlestoneis ii vou hadst FighhngFantasy Gmebooks Steve Jackson and lan Livingstone r THEWARLOCK OI fIRETOP MOLINTAIN io CHASMSOF MALICE presenl 2 THI CITADELOF Cti,AOs rr BATIEBLADEWARRIOR ] THE FORIsT OI DOOM 32 SLAVFSOF THEABYSS 4 STARS|IP TRAVELLER r dry OF THIE\'ES 14 SruALEROF SOULS 6 DEATHTRA?DUNCEON jr DAGGERSOF DARXMSS 7 lSl-AND OF THE UZARD KINC . C{VERNSOF fiE SNOW r3 VAULTOI THEVAMPIRE I\TICH il TAIISMANOF DEATH 4r MASTEROF CHAO5 4: BIACK VEIN PROPHECY !i KEEPOI THE LICH LORD 4 TEMTLEOF TERROR ,14 LEGENDo! rlE sHADow It THERINCS OI KETHER 4j SPECIR-{ STALKEIS 1/ APPOINTMENTWITH rEAR 46.TOWIR OF DESTRUCTION 47 THE CRIMSONTIDI 19 DEMONSOF THE DllP 43 MooNRUNNER ro SWORDOF THE SAMLjRAI 49 SIEGEOF SARDATH :r TRIALOI CHAMPIONS 50 RETURNTO FIRETOP :: ROBOTCOMMANDO MOUNTAIN trj MASKs OF MAYHEM t1 ISLAND OF THE IJNDEAD 2a CRIATLRE Or H-AVOC 25 BENEATHNICH]MARE JonathanGreen CASTLE 14 LEGENDOI ZACOR :6 CR1?I OF THE SORCERER IllustraLetlby TonyHowgh rB PHANTOMSOF fEAR Stcvelacllo.t SORCERYI 1 THE SHAMUTANTI HILLS r KII,\R6 CIYPORT OF TRAPS ] THESEVEN SIRPEN1S 4 THECROWN Or KNCS FIGHTINC FANTA-SY The Inhoductorv Role PlavinB Cme THE NDDUNG REAWR lou TlTillmg Adventues rFF rR-oirroarrH wAxs chros nlade. A0ansB DEMONSTEALER ChaddaD,ikmmeRetams SLLADOWMASTER Chadda Ddsan€ and Death TI€ Advd@d fightinA Fant'sr SJBtd OLTTOtTH€ PIT F,ShtsgFdt:\Y Mon+fls PUFFINBOOKS TITAN Tle F,shti@ Imta5v Wo' d DlrN. oNLm: A;-n.r@j._ oa b'r" rao ld orFole p a ns C.n^ BLACKSANDI MoE Advm.ed FiBhting Fmtaev Iighting Fanlasy Cnebooks Steve 1 THT WARLOC( OF FMETOP 29. MIDMCHT ROCUE Jackson and Ian Livingstone MOUNTA]N ,o cllAsMs oF MALicE : THE CITADELOT CH,{OS 31 BATTLEBLADEWARRIOR present J IHE FORESTOF DOOM rA SLA!'E OF THE ABYSS + STAFSTIIPTRAVELLER tr s(Y LORD CITY OF THIEITs t4 STEALEROF SOULS O' DEATHTRA?DUNCEON ]' DAGGERSOF DARKNESS 7 ISLANDOF THELIZARD (INC J6, ARMJFJOF DEATH A SCORPIONSWAMP 9. CAVERNSOF THE SNOW ]3 VAIJLT OF THE VAMPIRE WlTCH ]O HOUSEOI HELL 11 TAIISMAN OF DE TH 41 MASTEROF CHAOS 42 BLACKVEIN PROPHEC/ .J KEEPOf THE LICH LORD 14 TEMPLEOF TERROR 4 LEGENDOF THE S}IADOW 1' THE RINCS OF KETHER 4' SPECTR.A!STALKERS APPOINTI,ENT WITH F EA R 46- TOWTR OF DESTIUCTION 13'7 REBELPLANET r' THECRIMSON TID! 19 DEMONSOF THEDEEP 46 MOONRUNNER 2O S!\'OID O} THE SAMTIMI 49 SIEGEOF SAXDATH 21 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS RETURNTO fIRETOP I ROBOTCOMMANDO 'O MOUNIAIN 2] MASI$ OI \4AYHTM ISIAND Of IHE IJNDEAO 24,CREATURE OF TIAVOC 'r 2' BTNE{TH NIC}IN\,AIT SPELLBREAKER CASTLE " LEGENDOF ZACOR JonathanGreen 16, CRYPTOF THE SORCI]RER '4 !7 STARSTRJDER tuusrrBteaoV ionv Hough 23 PHANTOMSOF FF?1R St.vc Jac*lont SORCERYI 1 THE SIIAMUTANn HILLJ z KHARE- CITYPORTOI TMPS J THESEVEN SERPENTS , THECROWN Of KJNGS FIGHTTNCFANTASY The Inkodlcrory Rolept ynlll cde THERIDDLINC REAWR Tqn Thrihg Adknhc THCTRoLLTOOIH wARs chlc lrNlhs AlLtia DEMONSTEALER Ch.ddaDa*rune Rltms SHADoWMASTER- ch.lda Dar!.ranerd D.ath Th. Advrn.ert Flghtine lhtnsy Srrt€n OUT OF THE PIT . FUIIiNPFdirgv MOIIEG nTAN Th€ Fishhc-Fdl; wdld PUFFINBOOKS DIJNGEOMIR - An l.trcduction to theWorld oi Role-playmsCmes BIICKS,AND| More Advm.pd FiahrinaF,nrey CONTENTS PUFF]N BOOKS Pubhhcd by the Pe.8uh Croup Pfler' SooL rd- wrAh\L'elo'don^3,'. Iredd llaLilB^NLsAk. 1i5P d.o-S c. N"s \o,1 \'s'o\ e a Us,A o"1s' u Booc A' hJ" t J P V,lor" qn au ' sw.oo Introduction PenAuin Books Cmada Lrd, rc Al.om Avenuq Tonntq Onlad., Cin:d3 M4v rr2 Penguin Book5 (NZ) Ltd, rs2 19o Wamu Road, Au.kland r., N€w Zealant 7 Pensuin sook Ltd, Reaiskrcd olices Hamondswo*h MiJdGs€& Insland AdventureSheet Fnsl Publhhed 4e4 !.rcppr .^pv.efl i n\ . L o' ddInLvinbrr" Background Tcrtoplnsht I onrlhanCFcn rma lll.\ ri., .ropJ isfr , Tor Ho' e5 99a Map coppsht O lonathan Gften, 19e,1 All righE i*erved Knightsof Doom The noml risht oi the authd h* been a$e*ed 27 Filnsd by Datir Int.mtional Lmlerl BuSay, s"ffolk Pukd n Ingland bt ClaysLtd, Sf lvespl. Filmsetln r:/1J pt MonophotoPalatno Ex.ept n the United stale of Aneri.a thn book is sold sub,ed lo the ondjtion that lt sh:ll not, by way oI hade or othemi3e, be lent, od \.do ro o\es" 'epnor consentm any fom .l bindins'tunPd!nhoulrtPP'bl.\e.. ..vs .ther thm thal in r !r.l,. p blhted,n-hllou r 11', tond'oa \i " ,.'dr'orbrs rle\Loqqfrrp '.I-drdE P rpo "do' 1 Forthe spellbrealers INTRODUCTION It has tal<enseveral years for you to becomea member of the holy order of LheTemplar Kni8hh of Telak the Swordbearer,in the northem kingdom oI Ruddlestone. After your initial training as a Wanior-Priest at the Citadel,you servedin the DemonkeepOutpost on the border with warlike Brice. There you rose swiftly through the ranks, undertaling many hazardousmis- sions into enemy tenilory and becoming renor,r'ned not only for your fighting prowessbuL also for your masteryof the arcanesecreLs taught by yor-r order, achieved through long hours of study In lime, you were invited to retum to the Citadelto continueyour training and studiesin order to becomeone of the elite TemplarKnights. There you sworethe Oath of the Templars:to strive to wipe out Evil and Chaos wherever lhey may be found and always to uphold the honourof your order Sincethat time, you have facedmany foes and com- pletedmany dangerousquesLs to LhebenefiL of your country, overcomingseemingly impossible odds by usrngyour heightenedwarriols skillsand your mystic priestly powers.You have becomeone o{ the mcst trustedand respecledof your ordea having recently retumedfrom leadinga force againsta horde of Orcs and BeastMen whom you succeededin driving back inLothe mourtains. Before embarking on your latest advmture, you must LUcr score indicates how lucky you are. In all these fust discover your onm strengthsand weaknesses. cases,the higher the score,the betteC You use drce to det€rmin€your inrtial scores.On pages 2o-2r there rs an AduentuteSheef whi'ch you Battles may use to recordthe detailsof your adventure.On iL you will ffnd boxes for recording the scoresof your During yow advmture you will often encounterhostrle attributesYou areadvised either to recordyour scores creatues which will attack you, and you yourself may on lheAdoenture Sheet in pencilor to makephotocopies chooseto draw your weaponagainst an enemy you of the sheetfor usein futureadventures. chanceacross. In somesituations you may be given specialoptions allowing you to dealwith the encounter in an unusualmarmer, but in most casesyou will have Skill, Stirmina and Luck to resolve battles as describedbelow. Roll one dice.Add 6 to lhe numberrolled, then enter Enter your opponent'ssKrLL and srAMrNA this toLalin th€ sKrLLbox on lhe AdoentureSheet. scoresin the first ernpty Encounter Box on your Adoenlure Roll two dic€-Add rz to the numberrolled, then enLer Sreel You shodd also make a note of any special this totalin the sr^MNAbox abilities or inshuctions that are unique to that paftic1llar opponent.Then follow this sequence: Roll one dice.Add 6 to the nlrmberrolled, then enter [his total in the LUCKbox. r Roll both dice for your opponent,Add its sKrLL score For reasonsthat will be explainedbelow, yorrr scores to the totalrolled, to find its Attack Strength. will change constantly during the adventure. You z. Roll both dice for yor:rself, then add your cr.nrent must keep an accuraterecord of these scores,and for sxrr-r,score to find your AttackStr€ngth. lhis reasonyou areadvised to wrile smallin the boxes or !o keep an eraser handy. But never rub out your 3- If your Aitack Str€ngthis higher than your oppo- Initiql scoresAJthough you may be awardedadditional nent's,you havewounded iL: proceed to step4. If sKr!!, srAMrNA and Lucx points, thefu totals may your opponent's Attack Skength is higher than never exceed their lflifi;"/ scores,except on those very yous, it has wounded you proce€d to step 5. lf rareoccasions when the text specificallylells you so both AtbackShength totals are the sarne,you nave avoidedor parriedeach other's blows: start a new Your srrlr reflectsyour expe*ise in combat,your Attacl Ror:ndfrom step r, above. dexterity and agility. Your STAMINAscote is a meas ure of how healthy and physically fit you are- Your 4- You lEve wounded your opponent, so subkact 2 pointsfrom iLssrAMtNA score. You may use LucK additionalopponents you lhrow for AtLackStrengths here to do additionaldamage (see below).
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