The Pickering 32 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 NEW VENTURE LEADING THE WAY Pickering’s smooth Wiersma takes reins of operators fundraising campaign Page 15 Page 4 P astor charged with Internet luring sting that had been months in the Man had arranged to making, said Toronto Police De- meet 12-year-old girl tective-Constable Paul Krawczyk. He said police became aware of for sex, police say “garyneartoronto” in April after an online investigator, Detective Scott By Jeff Mitchell Purches, was approached by the Staff Writer user in a Yahoo chat room, “Teen Oh Canada Chat.” DURHAM — Police have put Over the course of numerous on- out a call to young computer chat line encounters, the chat became room users as they continue to in- increasingly more sexually explicit, vestigate a Durham pastor accused Det.-Const. Krawczyk said in an of using the Internet to lure a child interview. for sex. “It wasn’t just a conversation or Police in Toronto and Durham two; it was several conversations want to hear from anyone who may over several months,” he said. have encountered a man using the Eventually, “garyneartoronto” chat room handle “garyneartoron- indicated he wanted to meet in to” as they look into the background person for a sexual encounter, po- of 36-year-old Kenneth Wayne lice said. Symes, of Whitby. Mr. Symes is Mr. Symes was arrested in To- the lead pastor at the Ajax Alliance ronto and charged with Internet Church, on Ritchie Avenue. Calls to luring of a child under 14, and invi- the church and two church elders were not returned. ✦ See Police, Page 2 Mr. Symes, pastor at the church since last year, was arrested Tues- day in Toronto. Police say he had Kevin Masterman/ Toronto Police Service arranged to meet a 12-year-old girl Detective-Constable Scott Purches and Detective-Sergeant Paul Gillespie of the child exploitation section of the sex he’d been chatting with on the In- crimes unit of the Toronto Police Service speak at a press conference at police headquarters regarding the arrest of ternet. Bring A Lawn Chair Kenneth Wayne Symes, left. In reality, the man walked into a Sundays in August City Hall, Gazebo @ 2 pm Outdoor - Free Concert Durham to study Pickering’s garbage options cityofpickering.com/greatevents Public input sought Januszkiewicz, Durham’s direc- Assessment (EA) will be con- Late in 2006, the preferred Thinking of on method, location tor of waste management ser- ducted to select both the method waste disposal system will be se- vices. used and the location for a facil- lected, with a site chosen about Hardwood? “We’re looking at the man- ity, she notes. a year later. The EA is to be com- By Keith Gilligan agement of residual waste,” she The terms of reference for pleted by early 2009, and then Give your home a new Staff Writer states. “It’s what’s left over after the EA are being drawn up and submitted to the environment look for Summer DURHAM — What to do with we take out organics and recycla- should be submitted to the pro- minister for review and approval. We are Durham’s fl ooring experts! what’s left over. bles. There’s always something vincial environment minister By 2009, “we’ll have all the ap- That’s one of the aims of a re- left over.” this fall, with a review and ap- provals ready to build a facility.” >>`>Ê>À`Ü`Ê sidual waste study Durham and Currently, Durham hauls its proval coming early next year. Once approved, the facility will À}ÊV° York regions are doing, and pub- trash to Michigan. Once the terms are approved, 1547 Bayly St., Pickering lic input is needed, says Mirka An Individual Environmental the full EA begins. ✦ See Durham, Page 2 905-420-3285 P PAGE 2 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, AUGUST 12, 2005 durhamregion.com Police seized computers Distress Centre needs volunteers DURHAM — Distress Cen- turned in, a telephone in- tre Durham needs volunteers terview is held, followed by from home, church for its telephone help line. a face-to-face registration Volunteers are selected for meeting, during which the being empathetic, non-judg- training manual is provided. ✦ Police from page 1 examining them for evi- mental and responsible indi- Next is a two-part training dence as well. viduals 18 years or older. The workshop, held from 8:30 tation to sexual touching. Mr. Symes served as a centre provides training in a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sundays, The sting carried out by pastor at Alliance churches active listening, risk assess- Sept. 18 and 25. Toronto cops has been used in Chatham and Regina be- ment, grief and loss, setting The deadline for submit- in numerous cases by police fore coming to Durham. and maintaining boundaries, ting an application is Friday, to nab pedophiles who try to “We’re obviously inter- crisis and suicide interven- Sept. 2. lure children for sex. ested in anybody who be- tion, along with prevention The volunteer commit- Police infiltrate websites lieves their kid may have techniques. ment is 16 hours a month, and chat rooms popular with come in contact with him, Anyone interested should including one overnight shift pedophiles and pose as chil- or who has been in contact Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo contact the centre for an ap- from the centre’s confidential dren, or people interested in with him themselves,” Det.- A pastor at the Ajax Alliance Church has been charged with plication package. Once a Oshawa location. trading child pornography. Const Krawczyk said. “We’ve Internet luring. completed application is Call 905-723-4461. In some instances, meetings seized the computers and are set up and police lie in we hope that will give us an wait for the offender. idea.” Recently Durham Re- Police believe the suspect gional Police arrested a may have been in contact Summer Mississauga man who they with other children but say lured and sexually as- don’t know if he’d met any, saulted a teenaged girl in he said. Clearance Event Oshawa. His case is before Meanwhile, police con- the courts. tinue to warn parents to be continues at CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING ONLY “Whether it’s a deterrent, vigilant and keep track of I don’t know,” said Det.- just who their children are Const. Krawczyk said of the chatting with on-line. stings. “Just because they’re in “But we’re getting them a Yahoo or MSN chat room off the streets, and away doesn’t mean it’s monitored from computers.” and it’s safe,” Det.-Const. Police now want to hear Krawczyk said. from anyone else who may Anyone with information have communicated with regarding Kenneth Symes is or been approached by the asked to call Toronto police man arrested this week. at 416-808-7426, Durham They seized computers at police at 905-579-1520, ext. Mr. Symes’s Whitby home 5363, or Crime Stoppers at and at the church and are 1-800-222-8477. BATHROOM FOLDING SOCKET SET SCALE ARMCHAIR 66 piece Jobmate Durham considers its options white with dial Save50% Save50% Save$25 ✦ Durham from page 1 “It will be expanded very 29 99 99 soon to the entire region,” Reg. $12.59 Reg. $19.99 Reg. $39.99 be designed, with con- she says. 63-8086-8 6 76-1578-0 9 58-9111-6 14 struction to start in 2010 “Right now there’s com- or 2011. posting of organic waste “Our main objective is and we have recycling. to find a system and tech- Until we have an option, nology,” Ms. Januszkiewicz waste is sent to Michigan,” says, adding one option is she states. energy from waste. “In- To help ensure the EA is cineration is one of those as encompassing as possi- technologies,” she says. ble, members of the pub- Other ‘energy-pro- lic are needed, she says. ducing systems’ include “It’s extremely important. “plasma technology” and We will try harder (to have a biological-based meth- the public) more involved od that produces ethanol, in the process. she adds. “It’s asking important WATER HIBACHI AIR “There are many differ- questions -- what’s most ent types of technology,” important, what’s the cri- GUNS BBQ COMPRESSOR Ms. Januszkiewicz states. teria, what technology is Pump Master, 2 pack 10x17” cast iron with light & gauge, 200 PSI “The objective of the applicable and where it Save % Save % Save % EA process is to come up will be built.” 50 50 50 with the criteria. We have Public meetings are 99 99 99 to choose a technology going to be held in the Reg. $19.99 Reg. $19.99 Reg. $29.99 and we have to choose a fall, she notes, when the 50-2553-2 9 85-1031-8 9 09-5030-0 14 place,” she adds. draft terms of reference Hurry in for best selection. Sorry, no rainchecks or substitutions. While quantities last. Sale ends Fri. August 19/05. Whatever method is se- are ready. “It will outline lected would handle ma- all the activities since last terials not part of the ‘at September. We encourage Year End Clearance source waste diversion’, the community to narrow which includes reduc- down the technology.” on selected lawn furniture & garden centre items. tion, reuse, recycling and Anyone interested can Plus many other great savings throughout the store. composting. The Region call Ms. Januszkiewicz now operates a ‘green at 905-668-7721, ext.
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