San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1911 Special Libraries, 1910s 6-1-1911 Special Libraries, June 1911 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1911 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, June 1911" (1911). Special Libraries, 1911. Book 6. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1911/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1911 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ........... ..... .__. --- -- - Special Libraries. ...... Vol. 2. JUNE, 1911 No. 6 ol. Railway Economics. U'ash~ugton, n. (:.- al)l)olnted secsrctary l)ro lcinllol'e. Readlng of ~hcininules was l~nssedam" hIr. Rmlck, ns chai~~malloC the C:omrlntlCc on Ilie hIunici~a1Year Dook, which Colll- mittee cO.ol)emtes wlh similar corlnull~Ws of other bodies, presenled his rellort whicth Subsc~.int~ons.93 Broad street. Boston. Mnss. showed progress, It was resolvetl, on m0- 1CllL1~1~etlnL thv 18~~\L~llllcc' at I~i~Il:llli~l)~)l~s, 111tl. ;is st~contl-chsr nlaltrl' tion of secretary, seconded by Mr. F. 11. Graves, Ilbrariun Afercant~le 1-jbral'y, Sall Francisco, "ThuL Llie Sl~eclall.ilrra~'tes AS- Subscription. .....$2.00 a year (10 numbcrs) soc~ation has hewd wltli intcrest the IT- Siugle copies ...............2;i celitfi port ot Mr. Rariclc on the work OC the corn- mitice on the pro~osetl Mun~cil)al Yeal' I3oolr: that we cndorse the work 01 thls commiltce, recolnmend ~tsconlillual~ce, allti a1)l)rove of 11113 suggestion lhat the work be publisher1 nncl reel thaL details may salcly be left to the co~nmiLteein chnrgc. \Ve sug- gcst, howev~r,that in its firsL ~~l)lie:l~'allc~r the prol~osed3Iunicipal Yearl3oolc bc II~nltt?d to s11c11 scogc and clela~las may cncoulsaw u l)ublisher of standlnq to u~idcrlalrc 1111' work of placing it on the market A1 the requeal of the presirleiit Mr. F. W. Faxon, of the Doston Book Co., gave an in- Meeting of Special Libraries .......... 53 terest~ngaccount of ihe work of the slwcinl Social Questions of Today .............64 liblSar.iesin I3oelon and an unomcinl rt'pOl'1 of Ihe winter mecLing 01 the .1IassaclluseLts Select List of References on the Short spet-la1 11l)rnries. Mr. Purd J3. Wright, li- Ballot. ..............................58 braria11 ICailsas City Tubllc I,ibisary, de. List of References on Street Railway scrrbcd the gron,tl~of a special colleclioii Service ...........................61 of works relatlng to the packing industl'y Court Decisions of Interest ............ 63 at 111s former charge at St. .ToseyR. MI'. 12. A. Campbell, Icg~slatlvcreference libr~aria~i, State Ilbrarg, Calitornia, resllolided to a re- MEETINGS OF THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES quest lor an accounL of Lhe legislative rcf- ASSOCIATION, PASADENA, CAL. erence work of thc state 11l~i~aryand Lhc The Special Jdbraries Associntlon held an acting secretary outlined Lhe work mlrl mcth- informal meeting during thc Pnsadenn ocls of the recently estt~l)l~shcdlibrary OI the Uure2ui of Rw1vray Economics at TYasli- conferellce of the A. I,. A for the purpose ~ngtoil,D. C. of disc~~ssinl:some 1)liases of sl~eclallibrp- It was prnl~osedby Miss TVllson, rcfe~vnrc rles. No set programme had been arranged librarian st Tlenver IJublic 1,il)raQ" and owing to the fact that the annual ~ncelitlg secondctl by Kr. I-'~~rrlWrigliL that the ser. retary at' the association Ile instr~~ctetlAo follows in Sel~le~nberand this meeting was present the lorlnnl reqnest of the assorin- merely to give a chance Tor informal discus- tion to the Alun~cilx~l.lo~u'aal awl Engincel* sion to those present at the X L. A. meel- that it publish its index por~ionin press cili- ings who wcre Interested In speciul libra~y tion similar to the Enyineeri~lgIndex and the Tecl~niculPress Index. develol>menl. Thc annual meeting will be held in New Jn the absence of the offlcers the meeting Yorlc City as annouilced in the nlay iss~~c was czlled to order bv Alr S H. Ranck, of Sllecial L,ibraries, bcgim~iiig Se1)Lcntbcr librarian Pu1111c Library. Grand Rapids. 25th. and Mr. A. J. Small, state lam Ilbrar~anof The council of the A. 7,. A, passe11 favor- ably ul)oti the request of the Special 1,ll)ra- Iowa, was elcctetl president pro tempore 1'1~sAssociation for gffiliatioii with the A. and Mr. R. Johustou, lilxwian Threnli T,, A. 54 SPECIAL LIBRARIES SOCIAL QUESTIONS OF TODAY." sources, in ;I vertical file, arrnllging it a11 alllha1)elically by the sul~jectsof which it treats. Selected Sources of Information Compiled The files of the Library of the New York by the Free Publ~c L~brary, Newark, School of Ph~lanthropy,United Charities New Jersey. Ruildmg. New Yorlr, ancl the List of Nalion- M~IIJ'of the calls upon a library fol' in- a1 Organlzalions for CIVICailtl Soda1 Det- formation can be answcred adecluately 0111~ terment, conll)lled by Mr. A. W, h1acDo11- hy using recently publ~shedWiIl~lllet~ and gall. secretary or tlir Uureau ol' Associated leaflets. This statement a~pliesesi~ecially Char~lles.1:: Central .\ve., Newark, N. J., to questions in the field of SoClal Sclellce. hnvc afforded valuable snggestioas to the A large number of organizations, c'stab- comp~le~sof this 11st. 11iq11il'ies adclressetl Ilshe(1 to investigate or to ilnprove certain to c~therof these orjianixn(101is or to Clark exist~ng social condit~ons, Issue snigle I!nivcrslty, l\'cn.c.esler, Mass., which llas a sheets, l~oolcletsand gamphlets, intlivldually very large collcclion of material on social and in series, whlcli libra~icsfind of great service work ot xII lnnds; or lo 'l'he S11r- value. State and city goverlrnlcnts, cal- ve), 10: EaF't 221 streel, N. Y., a journal leges and universities, and other yrivale wluch contains valr~ablcdisc~~ssions 011 so- and public institutions also issue pam- cial qt~estions,would su~~elymeel with help phlcts on social aftairs, many of wh~chare iul relllies. oC great interest and value, especially when In Ihe \Yihronain Library 13ulleIi11, i\Iacll- Arst published. son, ,la~t.-I.'el~.,1 :I 1 1, IS n l~stof "Snclolo~- The list wh~chfollows gives thc namcs ical ?Jateri,zl, Tree or casily obtainrtblv," and addresses of a few of Lhe many organ- which will Ile fot~ntlvcrv usef~~l.I1 conlai~ls izations which Issue matenal ol' the lrlnrls references to thc latcsl~litcral~u'eon al,onl mentioned. In compiling the list we lmvc $2 topics ol currellt inlel'esl. tried to select the sources whicli are nlorc THE FIil~:E PUDIAIC TJBR.iI{Y. suggestive, tlm~lcingthat the lib~nrianmay Ne\val.lc, N. .1 , May SO. 1911. be remincled when consulting ~t of other Indcx of suhjects covered by i~ublirationsor sources and other topics ot interest. Many societ~es111 list n~l~ichfollows this one of the organizations 11sted scnd their pub- Accidents, 114, 1 I!), 15. lications free of charge. AgricuH~~ce,:;9, IS, 102, 122. Many of the international and nat~onal Anti-Sul'f~xge,76. 10G. congresses meeting ~n 1911 will l~ul~lish Athlet~cs,i 1::. valuable material. These congresses are Drinks n11t1 1,anlting. 102. not mentioned here, as this list is limited Billboa~~ls,3, 115. to publications which have been seen by Birds, 73. the compilers Black hand, 93. Tlie Index of subjects covered by the Ulncltlisll~~g,125. ~ublications of the societies here llstecl is Blind, 47, 10:: placed first. Pollowing this is the list of Boycolting, 'i,$2, 123. societies sclected in a1l)liabetical order anti Boy scouts, 29. -Hi. numbered Each topic In the first list is BOYS,21, 29, 'I:, .I(;,47, 49, 50, I:!), 1:;Il. followed by one or more numbers. Tl~cse Boys' clubs, ??a, 45. 1 I(;. numbers refer to those societies, in the Busmeas morals. 125. second list, which publish mnterlal 011 the Census, 100, 123. topic named in the Arst list. Charities, 27, :;2, 41, 79, 101, 102, 11 1. It has, of course, heen impossible to in- Chattel loans. I 14. clude all t,he 11. S. and State del~artrnents C111ld labor. 1, 6, 11, 22a, 7.5. SG, 11 1. that ~~ublislivaluable information. Childrcn, 1, -1, 28, ::3, :I(;, 49, 69, 70, 71, 76, In the fleld of soc~alscience alone this iG, 79, S9, 92, 114. llst could have been nlade much larger. Church aclvertis~l~g,11 9. Fbr present 1Iuq)oses il was thought wise Church clubs, 11 3. to make it brief. Similar hsts could be ~0111- City planning, 5, 11, 29a, SO, 92, 11 2. piled for other fields of knowledge and ac- Ciwc ~ml)rovement.6, 11, IS, 44, ti:;. !I::, 11 3, tivity. Perhaps this present llst will serve 128. as a suggestion to others who may I)e able Civil service, $7, 99, 102, 115, 122, to carry the work further. Conme~'c.i:~lcdr~catio~l, 95. The Newarlr library is fihng the publi- Coinrn~ssio~~plan of c~lygovcrunlrnl, 115, cations of the societies named 111 this ilst, 126. and much other kindred mater~alfrom 80- Compa~~at~veIcgislation, 125. cieties not here named and from other Conservation of Ilalural resources, 1, S, S::.
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