CONSERVATION CASES PROCESSED BY THE GARDENS TRUST 29.04.2021 This is a list of all the conservation consultations that The Gardens Trust has logged as receiving over the past week, consisting mainly, but not entirely, of planning applications. Cases in England are prefixed by ‘E’ and cases in Wales with ‘W’. When assessing this list to see which cases CGTs may wish to engage with, it should be remembered that the GT will only be looking at a very small minority. SITE COUNTY SENT BY REFERENCE GT REF DATE GR PROPOSAL RESPONSE RECEIVED AD BY E ENGLAND Changes to - Ministry of - E21/0143 27/04/2021 Any NATIONAL POLICY Consultation seeks 14/06/2021 permitted Housing, views on proposed planning reforms development rights Communities that will allow the deployment of for electronic & Local telecoms equipment to be quicker communications Government whilst ensuring that there are infrastructure: and appropriate environmental protections technical Department and safeguards in place consultation for Digital, https://www.gov.uk/government/cons Culture, ultations/changes-to-permitted- Media & development-rights-for-electronic- Sport communications-infrastructure- technical- consultation?utm_medium=email&utm _campaign=govuk- notifications&utm_source=56dd73e8- 69c9-467d-a7b8- 8632c5c92d91&utm_content=weekly Ascot Place Berkshire Bracknell 19/01072/OUT E19/1769 28/04/2021 II* PLANNING APPLICATION Outline - Forest DC http://www.bracknell- application (access, layout and scale forest.gov.uk/viewplanni only with all other matters reserved) for ngapplications the erection of single three storey building comprised of 9no. apartments containing 7 two bedroomed flats and 2 three bedroomed flats with basement parking following demolition of existing property and outbuildings. 127 Fernbank Road, Ascot, Berkshire. RESIDENTIAL APPEAL LODGED 28.04.2021 Appeal Ref APP/R0335/W/21/3268815 Shaw House Berkshire West 21/00867/LBC2 E21/0145 27/04/2021 II PLANNING APPLICATION Installation of 18/05/2021 Berkshire DC https://publicaccess.west hand rails to very steep steps on West berks.gov.uk/online- Doors used for weddings and funerals, applications/search.do?a and currently at every service as south ction=simple&searchTyp doors were vandalised beyond use and e=Application awaiting like for like replacement with the chancellor at the diocese. Church Of St Mary, Church Road, Shaw, Newbury MISCELLANEOUS [email protected] Shardeloes Buckinghams Chiltern DC PL/21/0825/FA E21/0133 26/04/2021 II* PLANNING APPLICATION 17/05/2021 hire https://www.chiltern.gov Proposal Conversion of an agricultural .uk/viewplanningapplicat building into a single dwellinghouse, ions / with addition of basement level and incorporating hardstanding and landscaping Shardeloes Farm, Cherry Lane, Woodrow, Buckinghamshire, HP7 0QF CHANGE OF USE, RESIDENTIAL planning.comments.csb@buckinghams hire.gov.uk Dullingham House Cambridgeshi East 20/01347/FUL E20/1224 23/04/2021 II PLANNING APPLICATION New garden - re Cambridgeshi http://pa.eastcambs.gov. room. Solomons, 45 Station Road, re DC uk/online- Dullingham, Newmarket, Suffolk. applications/applicationD BUILDING ALTERATION etails.do?activeTab=sum APPEAL LODGED 23.04.2021 mary&keyVal=QI8E55GGI Appeal Ref APP/V0510/W/21/3269108 NU00 St John's College Cambridgeshi Cambridge CC 21/01307/FUL E21/0136 26/04/2021 II* PLANNING APPLICATION Erection of a 18/05/2021 re https://idox.cambridge.g temporary marquee, to provide dining ov.uk/online- & bar facilities for members of St John's applications// College, while the project to demolition of existing buttery dining room and construction of new extension for dining facilities, planning application reference 20/03217/FUL & Listed Building Consent 20/03218/LBC First Court St Johns College St Johns Street Cambridge MARQUEE Chippenham Hall Cambridgeshi East 21/00633/VAR E21/0152 28/04/2021 II PLANNING APPLICATION 20/05/2021 re Cambridgeshi http://pa.eastcambs.gov. Variation of condition 2 (Time Period) re DC uk/online- of previously approved 19/01374/VAR applications/applicationD to vary Condition 2 (Time Period) of etails.do?activeTab=sum Decision dated 17/09/2018 for mary&keyVal=QRYNXIGG application number 18/00828/VAR HZG00 Chippenham Park Chippenham Ely Cambridgeshire CB7 5PT MISCELLANEOUS Acklam Hall Cleveland Middlesbroug 21/0304/RES E21/0124 23/04/2021 N PLANNING APPLICATION 14/05/2021 h http://www.middlesbrou 48 Bed Hotel Adjacent to Acklam Hall gh.gov.uk/?articleid=227 Acklam Hall, Hall Gardens, 6 Middlesbrough, TS5 7DY HOTEL/HOSPITALITY Muncaster Castle Cumbria Lake District 7/2021/4050 E21/0148 28/04/2021 II* PLANNING APPLICATION 19/05/2021 National Park http://www.lakedistrict.g Alterations to entrance and insertion of ov.uk/planningsearch doors and windows. New decking area Muncaster Castle, Muncaster, Ravenglass, CA18 1RQ BUILDING ALTERATION [email protected] 14 Redcliff View, Dorset West Dorset WP/21/00155/FUL E21/0147 28/04/2021 N PLANNING APPLICATION 18/05/2021 Weymouth DC http://www.dorsetcounci Single storey side extension. l.gov.uk/planning 14 Redcliff View Weymouth Dorset DT4 8RW BUILDING ALTERATION Audley End Essex Uttlesford DC UTT/21/1404/FUL E21/0127 23/04/2021 I PLANNING APPLICATION 14/05/2021 http://publicaccess.uttles Proposed driving range structure, and ford.gov.uk/online- demolition of existing ball dispensing applications/search.do?a shed ction=simple&searchTyp Saffron Walden Golf Club Windmill Hill e=Application Saffron Walden DEMOLITION, SPORT/LEISURE [email protected] Danson Park Greater Bexley LB 19/03072/FULM E19/1478 23/04/2021 II PLANNING APPLICATION 07/05/2021 London https://www.bexley.gov. Demolition of the existing dwellings and uk/services/planning- erection of a part 1/2/3 storey building and-building- to provide a 70 bedroom nursing home, control/planning/view- with associated access alterations, car and-comment-planning- and cycle parking, landscaping and applications amenity space. 2, 4, 6 And 8 Danson Road, Bexleyheath, Kent. DEMOLITION, INSTITUTION RECONSULTATION Greenwich Park Greater Tower PA/20/01421/A1 E20/0478 29/04/2021 I PLANNING APPLICATION Application for 29/05/2021 London Hamlets LB https://development.tow outline planning permission (all matters erhamlets.gov.uk/online- reserved) for the redevelopment of the applications/shortUrlRes North Quay site for mixed use ults.do;jsessionid=xe- comprising: Demolition of existing GJpZvnW7j9w6xaTi253LR buildings and structures; Erection of HahbMhAi_PaEijCC.tow- buildings and construction of vmw-p- basements; The following uses: - paw01?action=firstPage Business floorspace (B1) - &searchType=Application Hotel/Serviced Apartments (C1) - &caseAddressType=Appli Residential (C3) - Co-Living (C4/Sui cation&searchCriteria.ref Generis) - Student Housing (Sui Generis) erence= - Retail (A1-A5) - Community and Leisure (D1 and D2) - Other Sui Generis Uses - Associated infrastructure, including a new deck over part of the existing dock; - Creation of streets, open spaces, hard and soft landscaping and public realm; - Creation of new vehicular accesses and associated works to Aspen Way, Upper Bank Street, Hertsmere Road and underneath Delta Junction; - Connections to the Aspen Way Footbridge and Crossrail Place (Canary Wharf Crossrail Station); - Car, motorcycle, bicycle parking spaces, servicing; - Utilities including energy centres and electricity substation(s); and - Other minor works incidental to the proposed development. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement. [For consultation purposes only: Proposal within 8 development zones for a maximum of 355,000sqm of floorspace (GIA) in multiple buildings up to a maximum height of 225m AOD (above basement level) comprising: Business floorspace (B1) of between 150,000sqm ?240,000sqm (GIA) Residential (C3), Co- Living (C4/Sui Generis), & Student Housing (Sui Generis) uses, up to a total maximum of 150,000sqm (GIA) Hotel/Serviced Apartments (C1) up to 150,000sqm (GIA) Retail (A1-A5) & Community and Leisure (D1 and D2) of between 10,000sqm ? 60,000sqm (GIA) Other Sui Generis Uses up to 25,000sqm (GIA) New streets, open space, public realm, landscaping, and other associated infrastructure]. North Quay, Aspen Way, London, E14. MAJOR HYBRID RECONSULTATION Princess Of Wales Greater Hackney LB 2021/1190 E21/0121 23/04/2021 N PLANNING APPLICATION 14/05/2021 146 Lea Bridge London https://planningapps.hac Erection of single-storey refuse store in Road, Hackney kney.gov.uk/planning/ind car park. ex.html?fa=search Princess Of Wales, 146 Lea Bridge Road, Hackney, London, E5 9RB MAINTENANCE/STORAGE/OUTBUILDIN G Green Park Greater City of 21/02439/ADV E21/0126 23/04/2021 II* PLANNING APPLICATION 18/05/2021 London Westminster http://idoxpa.westminst Display of 75 elephant sculptures and LB er.gov.uk/online- various non-illuminated signboards in applications/ connection with the display of 'Elephant Herds' in Green Park for temporary period from 14 June to 23 July 2021 Green Park, Piccadilly, London, W1V 9HA SCULPTURE/MONUMENT [email protected] .uk Grosvenor Square Greater City of 21/02335/FULL E21/0134 26/04/2021 II PLANNING APPLICATION 21/05/2021 London Westminster http://idoxpa.westminst Proposal: Use of four spaces within LB er.gov.uk/online- Grosvenor Square Gardens for the applications/ display of sculptures or public art for temporary periods between April 1st 2021 - March 31st 2026. Grosvenor Square Gardens, Grosvenor Square, London, W1K 6LD SCULPTURE/MONUMENT [email protected] .uk St John’s Wood
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