Nevada Big Tree Registry 2015 Common Name Scientific Name Circ., Height, Spread, Crown Total Nominator County & Location inches feet feet Points Points Acacia Catclaw Acacia greggii 70 34 40 10 114 Norm Schilling, Clark, Las Vegas, Suzanne Lucas Pearl Street Shoestring Acacia stenophylla 68 49 39 10 127 Mark Hill Clark, Las Vegas, Christy Street Twisted Acacia schaffneri 68 18 32 8 94 Rod Haulenbeek Clark, Henderson, Ethel M Chocolates Willow Acacia salicina 55 45 32 8 108 Norm Schilling Clark, Las Vegas, Rossmore Drive Ailanthus Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima 98 46 42 10 154 Terry Tholl Washoe, Reno, Stewart Street Alder Black (European) Alnus glutinosa 66 47 32 8 121 David Luke Washoe, Reno, (Co-champion) Private Property Black (European) Alnus glutinosa 56 56 23 6 118 Eric Matus Washoe, University of (Co-champion) Nevada, Reno Mountain Alnus tenuifolia 67 41 37 9 117 Dave Early Douglas, Private Property White Alnus rhombifolia 70 45 43 11 126 Eric Matus Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Almond Sweet Prunus dulcis 61 23 39 10 94 Peter Tunis Douglas, Gardnerville, (Co-champion) Private Property Sweet Prunus dulcis 55 22 31 8 85 John Wilson Carson City, (Co-champion) Private Property Apple Fruiting Malus domestica 117 39 46 12 168 Bill Wolf, White Pine, Robin Crouch Hidden Canyon Ranch Apricot Apricot Prunus armeniaca 111 53 46 11 175 Bill Wolf White Pine, Baker, Baker Ranch Arborvitae American Thuja occidentalis 71 49 10 2 122 Randy Falcke Douglas, Genoa, Orchard House Ash Arizona Fraxinus velutina 218 65 65 16 299 Matt Koepnick Clark, Spring Mountain Ranch State Park Green Fraxinus pennsylvanica 118 108 69 17 243 Eric Matus Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Raywood Fraxinus oxycarpa 82 67 42 11 160 Sharon Grecian Washoe, Reno, 'Raywood' Fife Street Aspen Quaking Populus tremuloides 170 88 48 12 270 Sam Sanders, Jack Lander, Humboldt-Toiyabe Bowers, Ralph Chiquette NF, Austin European Populus tremula 55 108 30 8 171 Incline Village General Washoe, Incline Village Improvement District General Improvement District Bald cypress Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 60 70 43 11 141 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Beech European Fagus sylvatica 80 62 43 11 153 Reno Urban Forestry Washoe, Reno, (Co-champion) Commission Idlewild Park European Fagus sylvatica 77 65 38 9 151 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, Reno, (Co-champion) Court Street Tricolor Fagus sylvatica 53 45 31 8 106 Bob Beach Washoe, Reno, 'Tricolor' Pineridge Drive Weeping European Fagus sylvatica 24 36 23 6 66 Bill Carlos Washoe, Reno, (Co-champion) 'Pendula' Wilbur D. May Arboretum Weeping European Fagus sylvatica 28 24 24 6 58 Kim Santos Washoe, Reno, (Co-champion) 'Pendula' Private Property Birch Cutleaf weeping Betula pendula 83 49 43 11 143 Candi Ruf Carson City, (Co-champion) 'Laciniata' King Street Cutleaf weeping Betula pendula 58 82 41 10 150 Autumn Hansen Washoe, Reno, (Co-champion) 'Laciniata' Private Property Cutleaf weeping Betula pendula 83 41 43 11 135 UNR Arboretum Board Washoe, University of (Co-champion) 'Laciniata' Nevada, Reno European white Betula pendula 84 51 38 9 144 Catherine Hancock Washoe, Reno, Pineridge Drive Japanese white Betula platyphylla 34 38 19 5 77 Bill Carlos Washoe, Reno, Wilbur D. May Arboretum River Betula nigra 114 64 52 13 191 Tom Brasfield Washoe, Reno, Bartlett Street Young's weeping Betula pendula 28 19 14 3 50 Glenn Holloway Washoe, Reno, (Co-champion) 'Youngii' Private Property Young's weeping Betula pendula 27 12 18 5 44 UNR Arboretum Board Washoe, University of (Co-champion) 'Youngii' Nevada, Reno Bottle Tree Bottle Tree Brachychiton 40 32 21 5 77 Steve Koon, Eric Matus Clark, Boulder City, populneum Wyoming Street Carob Tree Carob Tree Ceratonia siliqua Mark Hill Clark, Searchlight, Cottonwood Cove Catalpa Southern Catalpa bignonoides 47 25 36 9 81 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, Reno, Hidden (Co-champion) Valley Regional Park Southern Catalpa bignonoides 41 37 36 9 87 Rod Haulenbeek Carson City, (Co-champion) Capitol Grounds Umbrella Catalpa bignonoides 116 20 27 7 143 Reno Urban Forestry Washoe, Reno, 'Nana' Commission Roberts Street Western (Northern) Catalpa speciosa 152 58 44 11 221 Caryn Parker Washoe, Reno, Private Property Cedar Blue Atlas Cedrus atlantica 94 88 51 13 195 Eric Matus Washoe, University of 'Glauca' Nevada, Reno Cedar of Lebanon Cedrus libani 149 79 64 16 244 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, Idlewild Park Columnar Blue Atlas Cedrus atlantica 49 48 16 4 102 Fran Gates Washoe, Reno, 'Glauca Fastigiata' Kings Row Deodar Cedrus deodara 142 78 63 16 236 Grace Morgan, Washoe, Reno, Jim Ross Humboldt Street Port Orford Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 45 55 24 6 109 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, Reno, Urban Road Weeping Blue Atlas Cedrus atlantica 53 15 19 5 73 Glenn Holloway Washoe, Reno, 'Glauca 'Pendula' Cashill Drive Chastetree Chastetree Vitex agnus-castus 76 35 42 10 121 Alice Crites Clark, Logandale, Moapa Valley Boulevard Cherry Chokecherry Prunus virginiana 29 38 26 6 73 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno European Bird Prunus padus 18 22 20 5 45 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, Reno, (Mayday Tree) Private Property Japanese Flowering Prunus serrulata 43 43 31 7 91 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Sweet Prunus lenta 140 53 47 12 185 Reno Urban Forestry Washoe, Reno, Commission Idlewild Park Weeping higan Prunus subhirtella 59 25 26 7 91 Kurt Staudacher Washoe, Reno, 'Pendula Plena Rosea' Palisade Drive Chestnut American Castanea dentata 63 41 35 9 113 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, Sparks, 18th Street Chinaberry Chinaberry Melia azedarach 93 40 25 6 139 Esther Hill Clark, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Boulevard Chitalpa Chitalpa Chitalpa x tashkenensis 36 22 22 5 63 Denise Sims Washoe, Reno, Putnam Drive Cliffrose Cliffrose Purshia stansburiana 31 22 10 2 55 Great Basin National White Pine, Park, Susan Stead Great Basin NP Crabapple Crabapple Malus sp. 55 35 36 9 99 UNR Arboretum Board Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Prairie Malus ioensis 32 26 21 5 63 Bill Carlos Washoe, Reno, Wilbur D. May Arboretum Weeping Malus sp. 40 14 18 4 58 David Ruf Carson City, (Co-champion) 'Pendula' Greenhouse Garden Center Weeping Malus sp. 32 18 22 6 56 UNR Arboretum Board Washoe, University of (Co-champion) 'Pendula' Nevada, Reno Cypress Arizona Cupressus arizonica 140 46 44 11 197 Edgar F. Kleiner, Washoe, Reno, Fred Peterson Private Property Italian Cupressus sempervirens 100 79 14 4 183 Tom Stephens, Clark, Las Vegas, John Jones Washington Avenue Leyland Cupressocyparis x leylandii 86 67 32 8 143 Marjorie Maue Washoe, Reno, Singingwood Drive MacNab Cupressus macnabiana 79 72 37 9 160 Curtis Coulter Washoe, Reno, Private Property Desert-willow Desert-willow Chilopsis linearis 60 42 34 8 110 Susan Jones, Clark, University of Paula Garrett Nevada, Las Vegas Dogwood Cornelian cherry Cornus mas 18 14 11 3 35 David Ruf Carson City, Greenhouse Garden Center Flowering Cornus florida 53 18 28 7 78 Dave Watts Washoe, Reno, Hillcrest Drive Douglas-Fir Douglas-Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 178 117 39 10 305 Rick Jones Douglas, USFS Lake Tahoe Basin Unit Elderberry Blue Sambucus caerulea 17 27 15 4 48 Jacqueline Rials Washoe, Reno, Tamra Street Elm American Ulmus americana 127 86 81 20 233 Reno Urban Forestry Washoe, Reno, Commission Idlewild Park Camperdown Ulmus glabra 31 11 21 5 48 Norm Schilling Clark, University of 'Camperdownii' Nevada, Las Vegas Chinese (Lacebark) Ulmus parviflora 121 76 52 13 210 Gerald Williams, Washoe, Reno, Jim Ross Montello Street Dutch Ulmus x hollandica 118 88 59 15 221 Eric Matus Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Scotch Ulmus glabra 164 101 82 20 285 Eric Matus Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Siberian Ulmus pumila 155 110 64 16 281 Rod Haulenbeek Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Slippery Ulmus rubra 188 91 63 16 295 Robert Andersen Carson City, Valley Street Eucalyptus Coolibah Eucalyptus microtheca 80 70 47 12 162 Matt Koepnick Clark, Las Vegas, Winchester Park Lemon Eucalyptus citriodora 92 84 64 16 192 Matt Koepnick Clark, Las Vegas, Winchester Park Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis 104 83 36 9 196 Carl and Jamie Lohmeyer Clark, Las Vegas, 11th Street Silver Dollar Eucalyptus polyanthemos 82 62 51 13 157 Norm Schilling Clark, Las Vegas, Rossmore Drive Euonymus European Spindle Tree Euonymus europaeus 42 25 27 7 74 UNR Arboretum Board Washoe, Reno, Valley Road False cypress (Alaska Cedar) Nootka Chamaecyparis nootkaensis 101 52 32 8 161 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, Idlewild Park Weeping Nootka Chamaecyparis nootkaensis 52 44 22 6 102 Rosalie Quesnoy Washoe, Reno, 'Pendula' Lakeside Drive Fir California Red Abies magnifica 248 166 38 9 423 Mike Owens, Douglas, Spooner Lake Susan Stead State Park California White Abies concolor 251 140 64 16 407 Dave Early Douglas, var. concolor Private Property Nordmann Abies nordmannii 112 70 51 13 195 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, Private Property Rocky Mountain White Abies concolor 197 86 33 8 291 David Charlet Clark, Upper Kyle Canyon, var. lowiana Spring Mountains NRA Spanish Abies pinsapo 107 35 48 12 154 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, Newlands Park Ginkgo Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 45 62 33 8 115 UNR Arboretum Board Washoe, University of Nevada, Reno Goldenchain Tree Goldenchain Tree Laburnum x watereri 38 16 9 2 56 Rod Haulenbeek Carson City, (Co-champion) Division Street Goldenchain Tree Laburnum x watereri 45 13 9 2 60 Jeffrey M. Duncan Carson City, (Co-champion) Mary Street Goldenrain Tree Goldenrain Tree Koelreuteria paniculata 46 30 30 8 84 Michael Stoker Washoe, Reno, Baker Street Hackberry Chinese Celtis sinensis 80 57 41 10 147 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, Idlewild Park Common Celis occidentalis 74 65 50 13 152 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, Idlewild Park Hawthorn Downy Crataegus mollis 21 28 27 7 56 Truckee Meadows Washoe, Reno, Parks Foundation Whitaker Park English Crataegus laevigata 75 58 44 11 133 Reno Urban Forestry Washoe, Reno, Commission Whitewater Park Fleshy (Toba) Crataegus succulenta 37 28 24 6 71 Bill Carlos Washoe, Reno, Wilbur D.
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