Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart Scotcourt House, 45 West Princes Street, Helensburgh, G84 8BP Tel: 01436 658820 Fax: 01436 658821 27 April 2004 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the HELENSBURGH & LOMOND AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the VICTORIA HALLS, SINCLAIR STREET, HELNESBURGH on TUESDAY, 4 MAY 2004 at 10:00 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (IF ANY) 3. PREVIOUS MINUTES (a) Area Committee - 6 April 2004 (Pages 1 - 10) (b) Taxi Licensing Policy Development Group - 6 April 2004 (Pages 11 - 12) (c) Property Issues Policy Development Group - 21 April 2004 (Pages 13 - 16) (d) Special Area Committee - 21 April 2004 (Pages 17 - 18) 4. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) Monthly List of Delegated Decisions by the Director of Development Services (Pages 19 - 28) (b) Planning Application - 28 East Princes Street, Helensburgh (Pages 29 - 38) (c) Appeal Decision - Keppoch Cottages, Cardross (Pages 39 - 40) (d) Victoria Halls Property Report Update (to follow) 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) Education Development Grants (Pages 41 - 46) (b) Leisure Development Grants (Pages 47 - 54) 6. OPERATIONAL SERIVCES (a) Extension of Car Park Charging - Kidston Car Park (Pages 55 - 56) (b) Helensburgh Pier Car Park - Fireworks Display (Pages 57 - 58) 7. CORPORATE SERVICES (a) Area Committee Capital Allocation - April 2004 (Pages 59 - 62) (b) Extract of Taxi Licensing Policy Development Group - 6 April 2004 (Pages 63 - 64) (c) CCTV Update (to follow) (d) Scheme of Local Liaison Update - 6 April 2004 (Pages 65 - 68) 8. HELENSBURGH - THOUARS TWINNING COMMITTEE (Pages 69 - 70) 9. NOTICE OF MOTION (a) Moved by Councillor Stewart (Pages 71 - 72) HELENSBURGH & LOMOND AREA COMMITTEE Councillor George Freeman (Vice-Chair) Councillor Daniel Kelly Councillor Ronald Kinloch (Chair) Councillor Ellen Morton Councillor Gary Mulvaney Councillor William Petrie Councillor Al Reay Councillor Moyra Stewart Councillor John Tacchi Councillor Eric Thompson Contact: Lynn Smillie 01436 658820 This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3a MINUTES of MEETING of HELENSBURGH & LOMOND AREA COMMITTEE held in the THE MARRIAGE ROOM, 25 WEST KING STREET, HELENSBURGH on TUESDAY, 6 APRIL 2004 Present: Councillor Kinloch (Chair) Councillor Freeman Councillor Stewart Councillor Kelly Councillor Tacchi Councillor Mulvaney Councillor Thompson Councillor Petrie Attending: Lynn Smillie, Area Corporate Services Manager Howard Young, Senior Planning Officer Gordon Sutherland, Area Amenity Manager Alistair MacKenzie, Area Roads Manager Lorna Campbell, Area Community Education Officer Colleen O’Donnell, Council Services Adviser Hugh Blake, Estates Surveyor Under Section 14 of the Council’s Standing Orders the Chair agreed to consider a Motion as a matter of urgency to allow an immediate response from the Area Committee for referral to the Strategic Policy Committee. It was agreed to take this as item 9 on the Agenda. Under Section 8 of the Council’s Standing Orders the Chair agreed to consider 2 Additional Items as a matter of urgency due to the need to make a decision immediately. It was agreed to take these items 6d and 10a on the agenda. The Chair took this opportunity to apologise to members of the public for the omission of Notification of the Area Committee Meeting in the local press. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillors Morton and Reay. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Mulvaney declared a non pecuniary interest in item 4(e) – Planning Application, Land North of Feorlinbreck, Garelochhead - as he is the Council’s representative on Dunbritton Housing Association, he left the room and took no part in the discussions of this item. Councillor Petrie declared a pecuniary interest in item 4(e) – Planning Application, Land North of Feorlinbreck, Garelochhead - as he is a subscripting member of Dunbritton Housing Association, he left the room and took no part in the discussion of this item. 3. PREVIOUS MINUTES (a) AREA COMMITTEE - 2 MARCH 2004 The Committee approved the Minutes of the meeting of 2 March 2004 as a correct record subject to the following amendments: Page 1 Remove ‘Councillor Thompson’ from list of those Present. Page 2 Page 5 Item 5(b) Helensburgh Beach Cleaning. Decision v) should read “That with the exception of ii) above the Area Committee agrees to the proposals contained within the report for 2004/05” and not a) as indicated. Page 7 Item 7(a) Licensing of Taxis – Determination of Demand. Should read “Amendment moved by Councillor Stewart and seconded by Councillor Tacchi”. Page 10 To include Councillor Mulvaney returned to the meeting after discussion of Item 10(c). 4. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) MONTHLY LIST OF DELEGATED DECISIONS BY THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Delegated decisions taken by the Director of Development Services with regard to planning applications and building warrants since the last Committee were submitted for information. Decision Noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning dated 22 March 2004) (b) PLANNING APPLICATION - DARLEITH HOUSE, DARLEITH ROAD, CARDROSS 03/01983/DET – Mr and Mrs Cant – Detailed Application – Consolidation, part demolition and conversion of ruinous shell to dwellinghouse – Darleith House, Darleith Road, Cardross. Decision i) Noted verbal update on flood risk assessment information. ii) Agreed to approve in principle subject to the determination of conditions and reasons. iii) Agreed that should objections be received by SEPA to the erection of a temporary bridge that the application be referred back to Area Committee for consideration. iv) Agreed to delegate the determination of conditions and reasons to the Head of Service, Vice Chair and local member. Page 3 (Reference: Report by Head of Planning dated 23 March 2004). (c) LISTED BUILDING APPLICATION - DARLEITH HOUSE, DARLEITH ROAD, CARDROSS 03/01985/LIB – Mr and Mrs Cant – Listed Building Application – Consolidation, part demolition and conversion of ruinous shell to dwellinghouse – Darleith House, Darleith Road, Cardross. Decision v) Noted verbal update on flood risk assessment information. vi) Agreed to approve in principle subject to the determination of conditions and reasons. vii) Agreed that should objections be received by SEPA to the erection of a temporary bridge that the application be referred back to Area Committee for consideration. viii) Agreed to delegate the determination of conditions and reasons to the Head of Service, Vice Chair and local member. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning dated 12 March 2004) (d) PLANNING APPLICATION - VICTORIA HALLS, SINCLAIR STREET, HELENSBURGH 03/002203/NID – Argyll and Bute Council – Notice of Intention to Develop – Partial re-roofing of halls using alternative natural slates – Victoria Halls, Sinclair Street, Helensburgh. Decision i) Agreed that Notification of Intention to develop be granted subject to notification to the Scottish Executive. ii) Agreed that a detailed report outlining an update of the project and related delay costs be submitted to the next Area Committee by the Area Property Manager. (Reference: Report by Head of Development and Building Control) Councillors Mulvaney and Petrie left the meeting at this point. (e) PLANNING APPLICATION - LAND NORTH OF FEORLINBRECK, GARELOCHHEAD 04/00158/DET – Dunbritton Housing Association – Detailed Application – Erection of 14 cottage flats – Land North of Feorlinbreck, Garelochhead. Page 4 Decision Agreed to delegate to Chair, local member and Councillor Stewart subject to satisfactory flood risk assessment and response from the Director of Roads, SEPA and subject to notification to the Scottish Executive. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning dated 19 March 2004). Councillors Mulvaney and Petrie returned to the meeting. (f) PLANNING APPLICATION - A814 MOSS ROAD, CARDROSS 04/00208/ADV – Henry Brothers – Advertisement Application – Erection of two advance signs – A814, Moss Road, By Cardross. Decision Agreed to continue consideration to the next meeting of the Area Committee. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning dated 29 March 2004) (g) PLANNING APPLICATION - NOVAR, SHORE WALK, GARELOCHHEAD 04/00254/DET – Mr and Mrs G Whyte – Detailed Application – Erection of 1½ storey house extension and replacement of existing roof incorporating a 40 degree roof pitch, slates and dormer window – Novar, Shore Walk, Garelochhead. Decision To approve the application subject to the conditions and reasons as recommended by the Director of Development Services. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning dated 16 March 2004). (h) PLANNING APPLICATION - BACK ROAD, CLYNDER 04/0333/DET – Mr and Mrs Hall – Detailed Application – Alteration and extension to dwellinghouse – Tumble Down Cottage, Back Road, Clynder. Decision To approve the application subject to the conditions and reasons as recommended by the Director of Development Services. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning dated 18 March 2004). Page 5 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT GRANTS Education Development Grants were presented for consideration. Decision Two Education Development Grants were determined as follows: Applicant Narrative Project Grant Cost Awarded Helensburgh and To provide programme £3920 £1960 Lomond Youth to fill gap in youth Forum provision. Parklands To provide safe and £10553.14 £7700 Playscheme stimulating programme On the basis of activities
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