BOARD APPROVAL li\ Clark, the town planning board voted to allow a new housing com- plex despite the complaints and con- cerns of more than a few residents. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 Page 3 Kean controversy appears far from over By Cheryl Hehl Dean Kenneth Dollarhide. According to a faculty member Staff Writer The Middle States Commission on working directh with those involved, Dollarhide was "fired" UNION — The Kean University Board of Trustees ma\ as dean and remanded back to a regular facuit) teaching have thought the volatile issue surrounding President Higher Education indicated they now position after he refused lo join fellow deans m signing a let- Dawood Farahi was resolved after they voted last month to were requesting additional information ter of support for Farahi. keep him aboard as president, but the repercussions appear on "Standard 6 * noncompliance. Stan- Tuesday / OcaJSource was able to confirm that Dollarhide far from over. dard 6 deals specifically with integrity refused to sign the letter and was '•warned" there would be Among issues surfacing in the last two weeks included a repercussions as a resuh of not signing the letter. board of trustee member who voted against the board presi- issues. Meanwhile, on March I. the Middle States Commission dent resigning, a dean allegedly fired for noi joining his peers on Education, which approves or disapproves accreditation in supporting Farahi, and the Middle States Commission on Aron. who rated against Farahi being kept as president, for universities, noted on its public website thai Kean Uni- Higher Education adding "integrity" to the growing list of has been the general counsel for UMDNJ since ditation maj be in jeopardy." things the university must address in order to receive accred- Although efforts were made to contact the former board Kean. which has been accredited b> the Middle States itation. member to find out whether he resigned as a result of the ( ommission on Higher I ducation since I960, indicated the) According to credible sources, trustee Lester Aron. an controversy over Farahi, Aron did no) return calls b\ press now were requesting additional information on "Standard o" attomej and general counsel for the University of Medicine time. noncompliance. and Dentistr) of New Jersey, who has been on the Kean Also occurring after the board of trustees voted was ilk- Standard 6 deals specifically whhintegritj issues accord board since 2000. resigned in the last week. firing of Kean's College of Humanities and Social Studies s,e A.CCRKDIDAT1ON, I County cancels MusicFest Growin' green citing budgetary concerns By Cheryl Hehl rdiable sources close to the freeholder board have Staff Writer been saying there would be major cutsin order for the Citing budget constraints, last week the county can- counts to sta\ under the 2 percent cap mandated by the celed MusicFest for this year along with a summer state. rhythm and blues concert which is expected to save Music! est. a fall event held at Oak Ridge Park in $1.2 million. Clark the last 14 sears, came under fire the lirst time The Union Cotinty Freeholder Board made the in 2008 by the Union County Watchdog Association. announcement late in the day Friday, offering no more and later by LocalSource for shoddx accounting of than a few paragraphs in a release, explaining the how money was spent and accounted for by the coun- move came "following numerous fiscal committee ty. meetings, union negotiations and departmental meet- Last Spring the Union County Prosecutor"s Office ings." launched an investigation, which provided even more "As we have continued to put our budget together evidence that MusicFest finances were not being for 2012, it has become apparent that we need to make tracked or accounted for properly. programmatic cuts without sacrificing essential servic- "The management of the event from the drafting of es," noted board chairman Al Mirabella in the release. the contracts to the accounting of monies was poorly "We are at a crossroads and must make tough deci- executed by the County of Union," Union County sions to achieve fiscal stability." he added, mentioning Prosecutor Theodore Romankow said in his report just that while both concerts were canceled for 2012, these weeks prior to the 2011 MusicFest in September. events and others programs would be evaluated on a UCWA President Tina Renna tenaciously tracked year-to-year basis. MusicFest costs over the last several years using the Mirabella also pointed out the county would con- Open Public Records Act, maintaining since 2008 that tinue its "exhaustive review" of all line items and pro- "the numbers just didn't add up." grams to achieve continued efficiencies throughout the Monday Renna said she was not surprised or I'hulo II) Sloe klltnorc upcoming weeks before a budget is adopted. shocked when she heard the event was canceled for The Union County St. Patrick's Day parade According to the press release sent by Union Coun- this year. She also felt MusicFest was just the tip of the marched through Union on Saturday. For more ty Communications Director Sebastian D'Elia, the iceberg when it came to how the county spends and photos, see Page 12 and throughout. board reached the consensus Thursday, but for weeks See MUSICFEST, Page 4 LIKE US & FOLLOW US facebook.com/UCLocalsource twitter.com/UCLocalsource 6Qt\t PAGE 2 — THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 LOCALSOURCE.COM UNION COUNTY LOCALSOURCE 1 1 1 3 /2% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3 /2% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3 /2% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3/2% SALES TAX JACOBSON DISTRIBUTING CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WEEK We Will Meet or Beat Any Price Advertised in the Newspaper GOOD ON ANY MAJOR APPLIANCE OR MATTRESS SET Instant Rebate FREE Delivery on Appliance & Mattress FREE Removal on All Appliances FREE Removal to Street on Mattress Professional Installation Available FREE Reinstall on All Washing Machines Only 3.5% Sales Tax Gas Flex Line on All Gas Rangers or Dryers AN ELIZABETH TRADITION - 62 YEARS AT THE SAME LOCATION - STILL OWNED & OPERATED BY ALLEN JACOBSON Shop the Rest... 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TIL 5:00 PM.; CLOSED SUNDAYS Not responsible for typographical errors "Bring us your best deaf from .PERSONAL CHECKS| *~ 3 V2% SALES TAX any authorized dealer and we will gladly beat their offer on any item we carry ACCEPTED W / £. m Elizabeth Stores ONLY 1 1 1 1 3 /2% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3 /2% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3 /2% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3 /2% SALES TAX UNION COUNTY LOCALSOURCE LOCALSOURCE.COM THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 — PAGE 3 Despite outcry, planning board 'following the law' Public forms group, takes stand against homes, but Clark board approves future of Stone Hill Village By Cheryl Hehl said last week a Planning Board is charged the project he did in B market that has been posed project did not fulh understand the Staff Writer with doing one thing following the law. down for several years, Planning Board's job is lo hear applications CLARK — Despite residents banding "At the end of the da\ an approval was l'hc proposed project iniliallv brought for land that is alrcadv zoned In ordinance. together to stop 39 townhomes from being the only right thing because this applicant out s<> man) objecting residents from the Laezza agreed. Stressing last week there erected on the 100-year-old Miele's Green- followed the ordinance, had no variances so area that the first meeting scheduled for Jill) was nothing the township could do to stop house property, the Planning Board the board was bound by law to approve the had to be canceled until larger quarters could the project. approved the project by a 4-3 vote last week. application," he said. he found to hold the more than 200 people "The lust time 1 saw the application I The approval of Stone Hill Village, a The mayor did not dispute the rights of that came out initially. could sec i( conformed to the zoning," lie multiple family residential condominium residents to come out against the project, or Sangiuliano, who has lived in Clark For said, adding he believed Stone Hill Village development proposed by the Sangiuliano even launch a campaign against the project, more than -JO sears and developed main "will be a great addition to the community." Group, was proceeded b> five months of but had the board not approved the project properties in the township, bought the land Councilman Frank Ma//arella. who heated board meetings where a grassroots the township would have been in trouble on lake Avenue in 2010 for $2.5 million and o\ eisees the first ward where the project will organization.
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