XEW-YOKK DAILY TRIBUNE. SATURDAY. FEBKUASY 23. Iff^. IS MISCELLANEOUS SECFBITIES. COFFEE QUOTATIONS. TRADE IN CHICAGO. Dividend Notices. Winter Resorts. Winter Resorts. OTurT.iahed by Barucb Brothers, No. William-**.) \u25a0 [BT TELEGRAPH TO THE TRTBrV* ] ' ' ' 27 STOCKS. r OF \u25a0 READING -*>.Vw- Havr* C".'- Havr* Chicago, Feb. 24.—Much activity \u25a0*•*\u25a0 areua*4 la OFFICE COMPANY. WKCIMA. mderio H. Hatch. No. SO Broad-at) clwlng closing _„_ £•*- PHIUADBTJ'HIA. January 21. 1905. MTW-JERarT. crural**** tor prices. New-York price*, If*w-York th« corn market to-day by the vigor or the> demand BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE DE- *" closing 24, eloslns; r£H.B int. I Feb. 24. ! Feb. Trading- considerably what dlridsjld 2 per cent, I I int. I New-Tork prices. | prices, in that market exceeded clared from the Mlearnlcxs a of Irat*, Iperiod. IBid. [Ask'4. ; New-York \u25a0was wheat, and while both wheat and on th« First Preferred Stock of the Company, to b» paid parity. Feb. 24. parity. Feb. 24. dona In March 9U*. to Springs * -" February «.«0©«.85 • August 70S 7.20j?7.25 firm, oonaidar- op 1805. ta« stockholders of record at the Virginia Hot B*nk Note I J Q-M C2H .6.87 corn were the strength of th» Utter elosn of business February 20th, 1906. Check* will N» HOTEL T^B-rlcaa Saarcb ....6.57 f1.fi0ig6.65 September .7.13 who WINDSOR *_^-can Brass Q-F 115 7.8097.80 ably other, advance la r<?w Taw* <MB**\M9mm An. 122H April 6.91 f1.7556.50 October ....7.17 7.55Q7.40 exceeded that of the and the STkwith A.the»?«<**»»l<Jar«.• have fll*d dividend orders g* May B.M o.oofifl.ft3.Nov«mb«r ..7.21 7.40^7.45 it was more material. "Who la running thl« corn Treasonr. Wat***, scenery s**rk*s« •ejaaik*! lrr^ il* 7.00 W. & TATI<OR. Secretary- halo*. hotels mad A& JUb* 7.00^7.05 December ..7.26 7.8007.85 deal?" was subject general Inquiry. "Armour. City, J. S?3Sg£.r:::::::::: S >» » July 7.04 7 15 1January ...7.23 a of Atlantic N. diseases cured. Complete Cfcicle pref 6 M 100 10©7. 7.65©7.60 Gates,** said Referring to tke foregoing notice, attention Is called to IteuMtMt. scut »*»aarvoss A^Sn oraphorhone 4 Q-M 60 receipts 6,000 of course.- said some. "Prlngle and the regular will paid hyirotr-.e *;>«\u25a0»•. apparatus. n*w sun parlor. »•!'. wlai- *SS~. 55 Rio fact that dividends on the stock be lfe*. NEW Craphcphone 7 Q-F BT% »5 Santos receiots 11.000 others, and the Prln«;le buying was on such a scale toy the Reading Company tn Philadelphia, and not by us. r-te.T paoi. rine Uv.ry »r.d outdoor s— THE Associationrret. C ' *5 Sao Cnterlor) receipts 11.an) Mailing orders Treasurer ths American and European Plans* HOMESTEAD. srea'l} twaimed. U modara -la tt* Press — Q-J 106 Paulo as to make the connection between his house and should be Sled with the of th« V£ier • s*'.hy (point's) receipts „ Company. MOM and p*troals»d tr &U2eal caaaa. tm foda Foun coin I 2 4 e.OOO strictest l»t pref.... « \ the advancing market appear Justify th« latter Holders of Voting Brciers* direct N T. wlie. ah foia Foua • l• — I An-K «a 63 DAlIsiT WEATHER RETORT. to Trust Certificates for First Preferred «Cc» wit* F»Ja ref ; 9 18 • guess. Wheat }o to higher; btock of th* Healing Company are hereby notified that Cafe. Salt Baths. Golf. »5 ?osa » 5 J* J Campinas -. Cloudy- closed from 4 %c com in order to collect said Restaurant. V^iT.-*!*!<-'° r««* — ——— .414 up gained the dividend promptly It willbe The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Four, \u25a0 Sao Carlos.. Rain 1c for May and for July. from necessary for to their tintT Tvve com ~ ~ S5 40 Tic. Oats them surrender Trust Certiucates ticket* to 111* F°B!1 »Kf — US 100 Jahu ..............................Cloudy to %c, and provisions, which were weak to be- for conversion Into the regular stock of the Company. Orchestra. Bell'phone inevery room. allows stop-ever at ovingwn. W. en tiiroacS iwr Rlbelrao Preto Showery Mo The by J. P. Morgan \u25a0*. Leu.» •*<* t-» >*•*•• ttWBMt PaJ-w com.. — ! CH certificates Issued & Co. must £>• Clnctnoau. LoutsviUe. C«icac<>. • JSS Paper 23»« Sao ilanoel ............Rain gin with, made good their early loss and left off surrendered to their office. New for side trip to Virginia Hot Spr.-.g*. A-ntr WnCß* pref.. — C9H them at 23 trail Street. — liar** X «.. L SI Co — 8 at about the same prices they did the day before. York, and those Issued by Drexel & Co. must be surren- Write Booklet. Pullman ccm;«jimem car. via WaaMaaJtoaj. f.^. Cold . I r t 1" * - for T. 4.» p. cprtafs luten tlss*. &\u25a0 «» r Co I 12 22 00 at th lp ofllce Flfth orl(1 Chestnut 11.. arriT*» a.30 a a.. ii»rarl' «-» — PIG IRON CERTIFICATES. \u25a0All th* usual on the wheat market Philadelphia,4l,td^ ? I1I Streets. office, Bro»«l»*y. liw-y& SCar Co pref 1 —8 Q-F 110 Influences en or before February 20, 1905. Excursion tickets at C. & C. 382 eScta were against the opening, the only After Fehruary «L 1903. of Voting Same management as Faun*. R. R. «M c>nri*c: iinas. gfgttM Gas 5-16 % CALL—II A. M. prices at the and holders Trust Cer- 4 1 pref.... FIRST . tificates far First Preferred only FltCfr. SXEIOtY. Manger. Hot .:-«•> \u25bc»> Wen « Coßd Mi'.k —6 iJ iJ 114 ( 116 1 hope of the rank and fileof that party Stock can obtain th» Ccvper....j 6* . Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. bulls in the dividend by presenting their certificates for exchangs Into v-i-ish Columbia. — . — 6 ... $16 May $16 M $16 SO the FLANDERS, Philadelphia. j 6 Cash 40 1 was in support being forthcoming from the lead- resrular stock; th* dividend on such certificates HOTEL CtKia Co of Am com I ' —» 16 40 $1« 80 June 16 75 paid to the will February 16 80 be registered KOKTB CAEOXINA. Co of Ara pref 2 Quar. 85 ers. That did not fail, and the bears had again to holder thereof by th* Voting clknFifework* 1 S-A 15 22 March ..1660 l«6o|ju!y 16:80 Trustees, unless an order signed by the registered holder r-In rref...; 7 ?5 75 April 1650 1680! curb their impatience the end of the bull deal. authorizing the payment to others than holder, Sea nre works — IM&S for presented at the said is res- Foutflrj ccra — ! 3* 4 BECOND CALL—2 P. M. Chicago received EG cars and shipped 36,000 bushels. tbe same time. Fcuoto- Pre* 2lh 23 ! Bid.vAsked. J. P. MORGAN & CO.. HOUSE, Battery Bid. Asked. May sold 7 latter T")T> •- V Mo 440 4SO $16 from a ISV4 to $1 18 closing at the T7*"\"t7*T *rr>, SEASIDE Park Hotel r^Mtro-fi \u25a0\u25ba February $1640 SCay $1660 4 74 80 price. July $101% $102. lowest Agents for the Voting Trust***. ASHEVILLE, 8. U Arcs Q-J March 1660 $16 80 Juna 16 7O 16 80 closed at to The Alabama... a Heatlr-c V F& A 60 C .. 16 Consolidated Coal ft Iron Co. City, £?- rar — 5 April 1665 1680 July...- 1855 75 was $101% and the highest $102%. 74 Broadway. Sew York City. Atlantic N. J. Modern and bis* class ie »v#r> particular. Jtetestlr rSsJ JUfrUerator ; — 7%* 7% renovated and craatiy Improved throughout. It la tha> 1 Market start, owing to Xl» com - I for corn was easier at the largest and best hotel la ailmTPi and :coim«a4> a Ml SSrWtbar 7 A wßuW'v^rr.! 5 | BALTIMORE STOCKS. verification in the Inspection returns of the expected MEETING OF THE^BOARD^OP Dl- Cl&cem penoraaja i»f mountain vims. Consumptives not lABBdi:::::r.:l A — v\Trector* of this Company, twen- Best Front. V.hi;. fur afgr. - 25 S3 liberal receipts. These 530 cars, a held this day. th* Location on the Ocean \ lakes. booklet. F. R. DAR3T. ggs?S BBdi:::::r.: — by Van Echaick &Co.. No. 7 Wall-«t.) numbered and ty-first regular quarterly dividend on* (Furnished Securities 10 | 18 quarters of and three- "SrrSco — Ask*l. of the inspection was that 23 graded (1%%) per cent, or $17:, per share, was de- Asked. ! Bid. feature carloads p \u2666very Boat ccm 40 41ti Bid. clared on the preferred stock, payable on th* day Com let. with equipment. Sea watsx bath*. .EEKILWORTH INS, n^rts By com. 13VjCotton Duck com 0 »|4 contract. Shipments from Chicago were 279,000 bush- first — — 7 United. 13* of March. 1905. to stockholders of record at the clos« ore Ait«ti:> i»ec. —^ a, y» do lncomea,...™ 64"» 64'-a Incomes 80-4 81* liberal, with of business this day. Transfer Golf. Booklet. iultv mi -M. a T~«cir:c !**" ........ s.L±l— \ »» »6 Wi4-'N-orf Ry & LRs. P4 els Country acceptances were fairly books for the preferred Dry. !3vl«j:atio< donate, BU:s*or* Citat*. aaS-HHIHi 14 15 do 4i. stock ..0m« 434 »4* and •d. :»rir 3 VeaiO com — .... »& pref.. BO M are now closed willbe reopened on the Cu;«n». ; f 10 -4 P they for a time. sec- KacDitlcvntiy ua*urpa—«l cre&evtra. Vefeicl. pref } 23,, 24 G B*a V T com Usfct indications that will so continue ond day of March, 1905.
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