/ 1 . >■ I- X 1 - ■ • ■ , W:/ PAGE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, liAY \ 1»68 Ajehige Daily N«t Pn s s Rim iianrt|f(Btpr lEtffttittg Vsr Om Wesk Ended Tht Wuathor AprOMLlMB Forseasd of V. a .WsallMO I X Manchester Chapter of the Ham­ 13,974 mond Organ Society will meet to­ Public Records Mostij W sad nlM 1 About T o ^ morrow at. 8 p.m. at Watkins De­ _____ X ItanlMr s( tiM Audit Low 45 to' 85. Suaday partment Store. Membere are re-, MAIN ST.. MANCHESTIR Bureau s< Obreniattoa X sunnor so d cooler. H igii la 1 IfaJ. X. W«lt«r Lami« o l the minded to bring their music for ' Warrentee D«^s MancheBter— A City of VUiage Charm •idvAtloa Army >^11 be in charge the "After-Glow”, and to wear Genevieve C. Tatro to Roland A. FhoiM 643-4123 of rndio broadcasta sponsored by their name tags. -RefreMiments Larson and Rena M. Larson, prop­ the Maneheotet Ministerial Aneo- will be served. erty at 86 Mather St. YOL. LXXXn, NO. 183 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY, 4, 1963 oiation over station WINF Sunday Release of Attachment y-: (CIneelfled Adverttslng oa Pago B) PRICE SEVEN CENTS at 7;S8 pjn. and daily next WMk The Rev. Lawrence P. Almond, LaBonne-Silverstein Associates, OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 F.M. • THURSDAYS 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. • t T:Sb am . and 6:30 p.m. pastor of South Methodist Church, Inc. against T. A M. Plumbing will conduct a eervlce Sunday at Co., property of Oris A. /Tatro on Mr. and Mna. Peter Oleekl of 20 6:40 a-tn. in the chapel.at Man­ Mather St. Birolh Rd., Wapping, will have, an chester Memorial Hospital. The Release of Judgment Lien Koslov Said open house Sunday from 2 to 5 Rev. Robert J. Slioff, pastor of LaBonne-SlIverstein Associates, D u v a l i e r ____ pjn. to celebrate their 30th annl- the Ohurch of the Nazarene, will 'Inc. against T.-A M. Plumbing Co., 'veivary. They were married May be hospital chaplain for next week. Ine., property^ of Oris A. Tatro on 111, Heir to a, 1033, by the Rev. William Reldy Mather St; . a t St. James’ Church. Their son The Ben Ehira Chapter of B’nal 300 Agents ,7’TMarriage Licenses and daughter-bi^laiw, Mr. and Mrs. B’rith .wlU participate in the first Lawrence Ritchie Cassells, Bol­ SPECTACULAR H a i ti Cu rfe w Peter Oieslcl Jr., with whom they annu^ coordinated Donor Dinner ton and MEtrton Sigrld Lindstrom, Re*d Chief make their home, will be host and to be held Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Marlborough, St. Mary’s Church, hoeteM at the open house. in DePasquale’s Restaurant, Ber­ May 11. , MOSCOW (AP)— The lin Tpke., Newington. Building Permits Kremlin took the unprece­ SANTO DOMINGO, Do-fthat— Duvalier has mounted _ Riciiard J. Bagge, boilerman To Leslie A. Buckland, for de- minj[can Republic (AP)— reign of terror. Including murder, fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Simmona, son of Mr. and Photo Rftftex photo molishiag of a tobacco bam, $200 dented step today of an­ torture, arrests, and purges of Richard J. Bagge Sr.. 99 Fergu­ Mrs. John E. Simmons, 232 School To R. E. Miller for George Datz, nouncing that Frol Koslo’^ Neighboring Haiti teetered on military officers. son Rd.. is part of the crew of E n g a ^ d the brink of a new explosion Cuts St., will be oji the .clean up com­ for addition to a dwelling at 21 regarded as the heir appar­ Unconfirmed reports from Port the guided miesile destroyer. USS mittee' for the annual spring for­ The engagfemotlt of Miss Jane Steep Hollow- Lane, $500. ent to Premier Khrushchev— today as President Francois au Prince, the Haitian capital, Tattnall, which was commissioned mal at Upper Iowa University. Marie Crandall of Manchester to To Weathermaster of New Eng­ SPECIALS Duvalier declared martial law said Duvalier’s underground op­ April 18 at the Naval Base, Thomas MoCrystaJ Jr. of Vernon land, Inc. for Iver G. Anderson was ill. Well-informed sources ponents hurled a bomb that failed Otwleston, S. C. Robert E. Jubinville, son of Mr. ha.s beep/announced by her, par­ Jr., for alterations to a dwelling said he has suffered a throm and imposed a strict 8 p.m. to explode at a water Installation smd Mrs. Paul V. Jubinville, 54, ents, ,Afr. and Mrs. Herbert B. at 21 Willar^Rd., $600. bosis. to 6 ajn. curfew. Thursday night. But travelers Roservations wiU close tomor-. Deepwood Dr., is undergoing nine Crandall of 334 Hilliard St. To Lemie Ellis for Donald Ellis, A thromboehi Is a slot of blood No reason was given for from Pwt au Prince said they Prominent' Politicians tow for a banquet and rally Of the weeks recruit training at the Na­ , Her fiance Is the son of Mr. and for construction of a fence at 22 lodged somewhere in the eircula the measures announced Friday had no evidence to support rum­ W o m e n’s Benefit Association. val Training Center, Great Lakes, Mrs. Thoma-s McCrystal Sr. of Packard St., $30. tory system. night. Haitians feared swift new ors of a large^wale clash Inside Those wishing to attend may call 111. * / Maple St., Vernon. Choman's Housewrecking for inM informants said they were reprisals from Duvalier, tighten­ HalU. h&a Harriet Olsaver, 107 Cam­ Miss Crandall i.s a 1961 grad­ Peter C'ark. for demolishing of a unable to learn in which part of ing his hold on the impoverished Duvalier declared martial law Among Those on List bridge St., or Mrs. Elizabeth Du­ A Ma.v Fair, sponsored by the uate of Mandhcster High School, Negro republic to head off a soon after the Inter - American Ladlas of St. James, w'JJt be held garage at 464 E. Center ,St.. $200. for SAT. ONLY! the body the clot had formed but threatened revolt May 16. pont Sr., whose phone is listed and is a secretary at American To George A. Norman for Fred were told It would likely keep peace mission seeking to cool off tomorrow from 11 a.pr' to 6 p.m: Reports reaching Santo Do­ (hreats of a Haiti - Dominican HARTFORD (AP)—The John P. Kelly Co. today released in the name of her sister, Miss at St. James’ School grounds. Universal Insurance Co., Man­ A. Venezia, for additions to a Koilov, 5S, In a hospital for a Madeline O'Brien. chester. dwelling at 111 Waddell Rd., period of months. mingo through the Duvalier cem clash had left Port au Prince the names of subagents collecting insurance commissions on M - Mr. McCrystal attended Rock­ $2,300. Rumors circulated here that sorshlp said informed circles In Thursday night. , ; s'tate insurance policies. There were more than 300 names on Advertisement— Airman 3-Cl.'Charles F. Cham­ Haiti spoke of more killings and The peace mission from the Or­ berlain. wwhose guardian.s. Mr. ville High School and Howell To Stylarama for Arthur Green, Koslov had suffered a brain hem the list. Cheney Technical School. He is for addition to a dwelling at 121 brrham. But the informants re reprisals than was commonly be­ ganization of American States Wanted—part-time branch li­ and Mrs. Arthur Ashwell, reside employed by Gaer Bros., South ported this was not so. lieved. ^ won assurances from the Duvalier John P. F^irey, assistant treasurer of the conipany, in a brarian, South Windsor. College at 102, Woodbridge St., is being Lenox St.. $650.' They coincided with reports i L Windsor. To Harr,v Asvestos, for con­ The announcement published by •prepared statement, said all those on the list were licensed degree, previous library experience reassigned to the Niagara Falls CASH aiid CARRY SALE from U.8. souroei in Washington (OentiBiied ea Page Nine) A July 13 wedding is planned. struction of a fence at 58 Schaller the Oentrml Oommittee of the So­ insurance agents with one exception. dealraJble. Send resume to P. O. Missile Division, N. Y., for train­ viet Communist party did not say Book 14, Wapping, Conn. ing and duty as a oook. Rd., $188. The exception, he said, was Miss Katherine Quinn, of West * Kenneth Tedford, son of Mr. To Timothy Moriarty, for addi­ what aUed the secretary of the and Mrs. Harold Tedford, 23 tions to a dwelling at 56 Grant Communist party. He has a his­ Hartford, vice chairman of the Democratic State Central Campfield Rd., will represent the Rd., $900. on ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and HOUSEWARES tory of heart trouble. Committee. junior class in Student Govern­ To William Munsie. for addition There was speculation in the Furey said that Miss Quinn was a licensed agent from ment for the 1963-64 school year to a dwelling at 38 Adelaide Rd., Western prSss last month that Gilpatric Doubted 1951 and was unaware until recently that her license had ex­ at Upper Iowa University. $600. Khrushchev was ready to step pired in 1959. lUfn' • To New Britain Sign Co., for down either from his post aS pre The Ladies of the As.sumption Davidson and Leventhal. for con­ “CHARIVPIfOUSE” ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES mler or from that of flrri secre­ “Miss Quinn, upon receiving this information, repaid the will m ^ t Monday at 8:15 p.m. in struction of a sign at 352 W. Mid­ tary of the Communist pariy. Kos­ On TFX Testimony commissions she had received from the John P.
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