THE "AUSTIN SEVEN" MAGAZINE INDEX 1990A TO 2005D COMPILED BY: RON HAYHURST and JOHN FITCH (BA7C) CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL LISTING AS FOUND BOOK REVIEWS CALENDAR OF EVENTS CARS WE OWN CARTOONS CLUBS GENERAL IUTHOOT LETTERS LONGBRIDGE ESTATE LONGBRIDGE WORKS MODELS MODELS - SCALE OBITUARIES PAGE 3 GIERL (AND BOY!) PERSONALITIES IN EARLIER DAYS PERSONALITIES & CONTRIBUTORS - A7CA EVENTS PHOTOGRAPHS RACING AND SPECIALS RALLIES AND RUNS REGISTERS TAILPIECE TECHNICAL TOPICS TRAVEL - OVERSEAS TRAVEL - UK VERSE WHERE ARE THEY NOW & WHERE WERE THEY THEN? Note: The first edition of the magazine was 1970A. Printed copies of an index for 1970A to 1989D were made but are no longer in print. If you do not have a copy you can see this index on the A7CA website at www.a7ca.org THE "AUSTIN SEVEN" MAGAZINE INDEX 1990A TO 2005D COMPILED BY: RON HAYHURST and JOHN FITCH (BA7C) CONTENTS page no ALPHABETICAL LISTING 37 AS FOUND 2 BOOK REVIEWS 2 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2 CARS WE OWN 3 CARTOONS 3 CLUBS 3 GENERAL 4 IUTHOOT 7 LETTERS 8 LONGBRIDGE ESTATE 9 LONGBRIDGE WORKS 9 MODELS 9 MODELS - SCALE 12 OBITUARIES 12 PAGE 3 GIRL (AND BOY!) 12 PERSONALITIES IN EARLIER DAYS 13 PERSONALITIES & CONTRIBUTORS - A7CA EVENTS 15 PHOTOGRAPHS 25 RACING AND SPECIALS 29 RALLIES AND RUNS 31 REGISTERS 32 TAILPIECE 32 TECHNICAL TOPICS 32 TRAVEL - OVERSEAS 35 TRAVEL - UK 36 VERSE 36 WHERE ARE THEY NOW & WHERE WERE THEY THEN? 36 Note: The first edition of the magazine was 1970A. Printed copies of an index for 1970A to 1989D were made but are no longer in print. If you do not have a copy you can see this index on the A7CA website at www.a7ca.org 2 AS FOUND 1927 Chummy, UF 2168 93A05 1931 Engine in a Rover Chassis! 91A08 1932 AJ Tourer, HY 7509 92C08 1932 Box Saloon, GT 6344 92A20 1932 RN Saloon, FB 9552 05D10 1933 Box Saloon, VN 4569 90B22 1934 Two-Seater, BDH 25 92D06, 94C12 1934 Type 65 JU 3932 91D29 1934 Van, BKM 703 92B14, 97B04 1936 Van 91B11 Ascension Island Cars 90C22 Box Saloon 1931, JH 819 91C09, 91D34 Box Saloon 1932, GT 6344 92A20 Mk I Ruby "As Found" in Pembroke Motor Museum! 94D24 Type 65, OC 7134 85C11, 92C05 BOOK REVIEWS A Baby Called Aggie 03D16 A Guide to Austin "65" and Nippy:- C.S.W. Gould 04C31 An Introduction to Thermodynamics 94A30 Archivists Reprints 92B02, 92C16, 92D22 Austin in Books by Duncan Hamilton 95C18 Austin Seven Specials by Bill Williams 94C32 Austin Sevens in Books 92C14, 96C16 Bhowani Junction:- India, at Time of Independence 01C30 Enthusiasts Guide to Vintage Specials by J Bateman 94D28 Guide to Building Reproduction Ulsters 99B08 Jack of All Trades. Book review:- Jack Warner 94A31 Long List of books on Austin Seven Topics 02C27 Men and Motors of "The Austin" 00D15 More Austin Seven Books 03D15 Naval Patrol Boat, "Lord Austin" 00A09 Oil Filters:- The Triple M Yearbook for 1990 03A27 Original Austin Seven by Rinsey Mills 97B22 Racing at Crystal Palace 92C06 Ruby:- An Illustrated Book about "Little People" 94D28 Seven Days With a Seven 99C07 The Austin Seven Source Book. 90B14, 90C19, 91B08, 91D11, 92B06 The Motor for the Million 90B15, 95D27 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Calendar of Events 90B10, 91A32, 91B31,92A17, 93A14 93B17, 93C03, 94A04, 95A30, 96B32 97A32, 98A32, 99A05, 99B08, 01A32 03A03, 03B03, 04A15, 05A24 National Hub Rally in Canberra 92A02, 94B02 Platinum Anniversary 1992 92A02, 92B10, 92D01 Seventy Years of Austin Sevens 91C07 3 CARS WE OWN Cars we Own No 42 OC 7134 85C11, 92C05 Cars we Own No 43 to 46 92D13 Cars we Own No 47 RF 8131 93A12 Cars we Own No 48 HYM 157 93D12 Cars we Own No 49 CDE 853 94A12 Cars we Own No 50 94B15 CARTOONS Coast to Coast 01B01 Dubois, Thierry, Cartoon 99D02 Millington, Cartoon 99D31 Racer, Austin 7 1934 99B01 Safety First 91D07 Scutineering for Bert Hadley Trophy 99C01 Smallwoods Cartoons 92A06 Streamling a Seven? 94B06, 98B02 Towing A Duck? 95D12 CLUBS 750 Motor Club 02C12 A7 Club Munster Group, Cairde an Seacht Bhig 05B06 A7 Club of India 92A02, 95C28, 96A37 A7 Club of South Africa 96A34 A7 Club of Sri Lanka 94C04, 96A12 A7 Club of Western Australia 96A36, 05B05 A7 Club, Victoria 96A22 Amicale Austin Seven de Provence 94A04 Austin 7 Club of South Australia 96A18, 96A33, 05D15 Austin Freunde 93B05, 05D16 Austin Network of North America 94A02 Austin Seven Club of South Africa 05A05, 05D05 Austin Seven Register of Japan 03C02 Austin Ten Drivers Club Limited 95B30 Boncaster Ltd. 92C35 Bongtree Austin Seven Club 02C08 Bristol Austin Seven Club 91A01, 05D16 Cambridge Austin Seven Club 02C09, 05D44 Ceylon A7 –see also:- Sri Lanka 95A26 Ceylon Classic Car Club 96A12 Club Corner 90A33, 90B30, 90C30, 90D30, 91B34 91C30, 91D32, 92A34, 92B35, 92C33 92D38, 93A30, 93B34, 93C22, 93D34 94A32, 94B32, 94C33 Cornwall Austin Seven Club 03B12, 05A37, 05B06 Dorset Austin Seven Club 90B07 Dutch Pre War Austin Seven Owners 96A08, 96A17, 96A23, 05B17 Essex Austin Seven Club 94B14, 05D12, 05A01, 05D44 How Not to Buy a Car:- see also 92A34 92B13 Midlands Austin Seven Club 05B05, 05D15 Midlands Automobile Club 05A22 4 New South Wales, Sevens in 96A23 Norfolk Austin Seven Club 05D11, 05D44 Pre-War Austin Seven Club 92B16, 92D37, 99D20, 02C05, 05D15 Scottish Austin Seven Club 02C03 Solent Austin Seven Club 02C10, 05D07 South Africa 75th Anniversary 98A26 South Wales Austin Seven Club 90C21, 97D11, 02C11, 05D14 Sri Lanka Anniversary 98A01, 98A30 Sri Lanka Austins 95A28 Tacot Club, Calaisien 98D08 VAR New Zealand 96A10 Wanderers, The 91B34 West Cork Vintage Club 05B06 GENERAL A7 Powered Motorbike 94B06, 98B02 A7CA Archive Publications 03D17 A7CA Chairmen 04B02 A7CA Clubhouse? 04B35 A7CA Constitution 03C03 A7CA Finances 04A03 A7CA Insurance 93C01 A7CA Website 03C03, 03D01 Advertising Manager 95A02 Aerial Austin Seven:- Titch Allen. 95B21 Aerial Seven - Takes to the Skies! 98A23 Albert's Austin 94B12 Amhurst Villiers, Engine Designers 90C24 Association Magazine 94C01 Association of Austin Clubs Ltd 91C01 Auction at Cheltenham 91A16 Austin Apprentices' Annual Dinner 1998 99B13 Austin at the South Pole 98C34, 99A08, 99B11 Austin Cub - Irene Austin's Car. 95C26 Austin Cup:- Rotherham Grammar School 92D18 Austin Engine on Two Wheels 98B02 Austin Finances 91A23 Austin Junior Motorcars 92B24 Austin K3 Lorry photo 94C21 Austin Records: Attempts at Breaking 94B10 Austin Seven Discoveries in the New World 94A20 Austin Seven in New Delhi 92D33 Austin Seven, 70 years on. (Video) 94D29 Austin Seven, A Potted History by Bill Sheehan 94B20 Austin Sevens in Accidents (photo) 94A11 Austin Sevens in the sub Continent 92D33 Austin Tool Works 98A15 Austin Tractor Factory 90C03 Austin, Herbert. The Early Ddays 92B28 Austinlite Mystery 93A33, 93B04 Autocar Chummy Road Test 97C12 B.M.W. - It's Origins 94B26 Back to Bits of Basics 94D13 Bargain: The Perfect Runabout 95C26 Bargoed Austin Factory 92B27 5 Betsy, A Tale of -1928 RK Saloon 99B04 Biography of a Supertramp 99D32 Biter Bit, The 95A13 Bluemels Steering Wheels 94D07 Bordesley Engineering Co. Wheel Manufacturers 90B20 Breakdown Register 96A02, 97A31 Brough Superior A7 Powered 94C05 Calling South Africa. 94B08 Cambridge Engineering 95A04 Campbell, Malcolm. Baby Bluebird 94B22 Caption Competition 96D20 Caravanning Clamshell 93C24 Caravans and Austin Sevens 95C29, 96A37, 98B01, 05C01 Care of the Hood 92B12 Celebrity Sevenists 92B02 Chair, From the 99A03 Chummies, A Tale of Two 97B12 Chummy Hand Controls 94B28 Chummy FJ 4328, 1926 99C12 Chummy Road Test 1923: Autocar 97C12 Chummy Road Test 1923: Light Car & Cycle Car 97C10 Chummy, My Austin Seven:- Danny Chinn 98D04 Chummy, Well Used:- Biography 99D32 Cigarette Cards 96D16, 97B16 Clocking in at “The Austin” 93B30 Competition for Austin Seven 97C34 Correction is it 91B or 91C? 91C30 D V L C 94B04 D.V.L.A. Explained 91B33 Daffy, 1937 Ruby DAF 157 98C05 Dali Lama and an A7 95B30 Drawings:- The originals by Violet Savery 90D18 Driving Tester's Delight 90D10 Dun Cow Hotel & A7CA Meetings 95A22 Dutch Scene 92C04 Edge Memorial Fund 91B08 Edge, Stanley on "The Birth of the Seven" 97C03 Egypt: Austin Seven at Pyramid of Cheops 93B26 Elmers Sands, A strange Affair 98D09 Essex County Constabulary 94A18 Facsimile Veterans 93B10 Factory Capers 91B05 Factory Conditions 93B30 Feline Motor Works and Restorers 94B07 Fire:- Sad Result on Several Sevens 93D22 Flying Austins 94D27 Flying Flea 93D34 Forgotten record JOGLE 98D14 Forty four Years On 91C14 Forward to the Past. Hayes Transmission 99C30 Funniest Austin Experience, My. 95A12, 95B13, 95C04 Get Real With Prices 93B21 Gordon England Hand controlled Chummy 94B28 Gordon England Tuning Business 94C28 Grand Winter Quiz 90B27 Guinness Book of Records. 91C05 H.M.S. Illustrious 96D03, 97D14 6 Handbook 34 Box saloon 97A07 Haynes, Ross:- Austins on Stamps 98C11 Hercule Poirot's Christmas 95D06 Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon 93A11, 94A29, 94B07 Highways Profile Meter 90A02, 90A25 Historical Notes on GH 23, GW 82 and OU 5753 94D10 Insurance for Young Drivers 94A02, 94A06 Insurance and Fire. 93D22 Insurance at Rallies 94C02 Insurance for Young People 93D06 Insurance Scheme for A7CA Members 92C35, 93C02, 93D06 Insurance:- Richardson Hosken 94C04 Isle of Wight 93B34 J 40 An Austin for Little People 92B24, 93B09, 94C23 Jane Austen:- An A7 in Mahalapye, Bechuanaland 99C06 Keeping the Children Amused 95B07 Ken Warren Memorial Trophy 93B09, 94B05, 94B13, 96D05, 97B01 98A03, 99B19, 00C01, 00D01, 01B07 02B07 Lathe using A7 Gearbox 90C15 Law and the Austin Seven 98D16, 98C15 Light Car & Cycle Car Road Test 1922 97C10 Long Arm of Coincidence 99C16 Lucas Reflections:- article by Herbert Austin 90D08 Lucas, David:- Sevens on Stamps 98B32 Magazine
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