A-14 THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. MONPAT. NOVEMBER 18. 1868 Bratlfg Seatfrk Mrs. Evans, 84, Mrs. Schwarz, 98, hart. BEACON Friday, A. Ofstie JAMES M. On Admiral R. Dies, Monday. November at residence, STREAM. DORA EMILY. On Bralh* Beatlja 16. 1956. hi* November 19. 1956. at her residence. Widow of Druggist, Active Many Years 1810 8. Rolfe et., Arlington. Va» Montgomery aye., ANDERSON, 8. M. HART, 243 Bait Rockville, PERCT On Sunday. CHAMBERS. GERTRUDE A. On Sun- DEACON JAMES beloved Md.. DORA EMILY STREAM, beloved November IS. 1966. at Nuralng day. husband of Ida Hart, County. I'lifT November 18, 1956. at Oarlock B. and father wife of William R. stream: mother of Home. Fairfax Va.. PERCT 8. Memorial Hospital. Hagerstown, Md.. JYtln* .Hart. He also U sur- Mrs. Mable Graham, itarshall Naval Baltimore Native In German Clubs TlyedOs by M. R. Aviation Pioneer ANDERSON, beloved A. CHAMBERS, formerly three (randchlldrea, Roy Anderaon; husband of Fannie OERTRUDR kreat-krandchildren, three and E. Stream; slater of Elmer T. father of John I. Ander- of 311 Quackenbos at. n.w.. wife of nine nieces, one and Romey Whipp of Brunswick. Md.. Mrs. Margaret Morris Evans, Mrs. Anna Schwarz, 98, ac- aon of Denver. Colo., and grandfather the late Fred D. Chambers: mother of nephew, other relative, and friends. and Whipp Vice Admiral Ralph A. Ofstie. of Mr*. Pennington. may After 3 p.m. on Tueeday, No- Amos of Baltimore. Md. resident of the District tive Jean Frienda Mrs. New City, • Gertrude C. Rice. Vork 30, Friends are invited call at the former commander of the since in German club circles her* call at the Everly Funeral Home. Fair- N. Y.; grandmother of Mrs. Betty L. vember friends are invited to Colonial Funeral Home Robert 59. fax Va.. where aervlcee on Spring. Md.; “U »t the above residence. Funeral of A. 1890, died yesterday at Doctors for more than 75 years, died will be held Adame of Silver great- on Wednesday. Humphrey, Rockville. Md.. where 6th Fleet and one time deputy Wednesday. November 21, at 11 am. grandmother of Charles F. Adams. November 21. at 1 p.m.. services Hospital Saturday Interment from Baptist will be held on Wednesday. Operations after a short illness. at her home, 2124 O aienwood Cemetery. Wash- Frienda may call at the Lee Funeral Mount Olivet Church. 8. November 21. at 2 p.m. chief of Naval for tngton. D. C. Home, 14th st., Arlington. Va. Arrangements I Interment She was in nursing home for street 4th at. and Massachusetts ave. by Forest Oak Cemetery. 20 Air, died yesterday at the Naval a N.W. ANDERSON. PERCT* A apeclal n.e where services on Jarvle. Interment Odd Fellow. She; •* n year b.8. bucusi worn*com- will be held Wedneaday. Cemetery. 30 a before her death. j The widow of August Schwarz, munleatlon of Kemper Lodge November 31. at 11 am. TAYLOR, ALBERT. Suddenly, on Fri- . Hospital in Bethesda after a long No. 64. A. F. & A. M.. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 30 HENKICk. Miss MART. On Friday. day. November 16. 7856. at Emergency ’ illness. He been hospitalized was 84. who was in the restaurant busi- will be toelo st the Muonic CLOSE, DAISY D. Suddenly, on Monday. November 16. 1956, at 5509 39th Hospital. ALBERT TAYLOR of 32 Un- had Washington Temple, »t. n.w , eleter pi. Mrs. Evans, w)io was born in ness in and Balti- Exit Falla Church. November 19. 1956. at her residence. of MISS MARY HENRICK. derwood n.w.. beloved husband of i since March. Va., at 10 a.m. on Wednes- 720 9th at. it., DAISY D. CLOSE, be- Mrs. John Q. Siye. Services at the Alice Thomas Tavlor. Services at the Baltimore to Washington more, Mrs. was day. 1956, 8. H. Hinee Co. Funeral Home 3901 s H Ofstie, camel Schwarz born in & November 21. for loved wife of the late Walter Close, Tuesday. Hines Co. Funeral Homo. 2901! Admiral who graduated with her husband, the late purpose conducting 14{h st. n.w. Hanover, Germany. She w tne FUI lIVOC ofvia lUIIUUH iilK sister of on November st. Tuesday. Oscar W. Mansfield. Friends 30, 14th n.w.. on November! .tenth in his class at Annapolis cams the Masonic funeral service for our late may call at the A. Mattingly at 10 a.m. Interment Glenwood 26. at U a.m. (parking faclhUeg).! Henry a drug to Robert Cemetery. i» Interment Prospect 18' Evans to start America in 1879 to make her brother. PERCY 8. ANDERSON. Funeral Home. 131 11th gt. a.e. No-, HIU Cemetery. i'in 1918, was a pioneer Naval v - many W. W. GUNTER. W. M. tlce of funeral later. JOHNSON WILLIAMF, of 214 E ,t. n.w. I business. For years Mr. home in the District with an TAYLOR, ALBERT..wsiusisaa, Aa special communl- . aviator. He held numerous ANDREW!. MORRIS LEE. Os 1737 T COGSWELL, LILLIAN M. On Saturday. On November 16, 1956, father of Mr>. BPCUBi COIUHIUIH* sea- Evans was associated with the uncle, a Civil War veteran. st on November 10. 1956. hue- November 17. 1956. at Doctors Hos- John H Beatley. Mre. Walter Cochran cation of Warren O. Harding i plane speed records during the band of Grace M. Andrews, father of pital. LILLIAN M. COOSWELL of 6411 and Leonard Leroy Johnson: brother Lodge. No. 39. F. A. A. M., Tschiffely and Evans pharmacy Until a year before her death, Miss Alice V. Andrews and Mrs. Harry 6th st n.w.. widow the lata Ouy of Mrs. Theresa Wilkerson and Mrs is hereby called for 10 a.m. : early days of Naval aviation, and of grandchildren Tuesday,I 20, 1960, before going into business for Mrs. Schwarz active in Ger- L. Lowe; brother of Mra. Ruth Atkin- C. Cogswell, mother of June M.. Ouy Viola Johnson: 13 and November spent most of his in that was son. Lawrence H. Andrews U.. Ir.. and John Cogswell. 10 great-grandchildren survive. Prayers to conduct the Masonie burial i career himself near the present site of organizations grandfatherand William also is D. grandchildren.She at late . man fraternal and and of Robert L. and survived by two Chambers' Funeral Home. 617 11th rites for our brother. field. rap. fgjjgjM & Alice Peaper. Services at Chambers’ Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral •t- s.e. on Tuesday. November 20. at ALBERT TAYLOR. Woodward Lothrop’s store at was one of the leaders of the Pun-ral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Home, 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. 8:30 a.m. Mass in Bt. Aloyslus Church. HERBERT K HOLCOMB. Master. 19 He commanded 6th Tuesday. p.m. N. Capitol and Eye sts., at 9 a.m. the Fleet Eleventh and F streets N.W. He! Ladies Aid Society of the Rup- November 20. at 10 a.m November 20. at 2 ‘parkins fa- In- TAYLOR, ALBERT. The officers and year Interment Arlington National Ceme- cilities ). Internment Arlington National terment Cedar, Hill Cemetery. 19 i for a before he became ill died in 1929. ipert Home for the Aged in Ana- tery. 19 Cemetery. members* of Brigbtwood Chap- spring. 19 JORDAN, MARY A. Suddenly, on Tues- ter. No. 42. O. E. 8., are I last Before that, he served Mrs. Evans was a charter; costla. BAILEY. DONALD EDGAR. Suddenly, oni COGSWELL. MRS. LILLIAN M. Mem- day. November 13. 1956. MARY A. hereby notified of the death | as deputy chief of Naval Opera- Sunday. November 18. 1956. DONALD; bers of Cathedral Chapter, JORDAN of 605 44th st n.e.. beloved cf BROTHER ALBERT TAY- member of the National Baptist She is survived by her son, EDGAR BAILEY of 1130 22nd st. n.w. I No. 14, O. E. 8., are re- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Columbus LOR. Funeral services at i tions for Air for two years. .He Memorial Church at Sixteenth Paul Schwarz, former Notice of funeral later. Arrangements quested to meet at the 8 H. Jordan, niece of Mi11 a.m. Tuesday. November president Mrs Pear! Moss. Mrs Dovle G. Brooks and Otis P. Allen. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 Eva Edwards. Mrs. Mary Joyner. 20. 1950. at the 8. H. Hines i commanded the Ist Fleet from street and Columbia road N.W. of the D. C. * Monday. Ellen IT! Federation of Mu- Sunday. 14th at. n.w., on Miss Ruth and Co. Home. 2901 14th *t. n.w. BAKER. MARY EVELYN. On M. Jordan Mr. Samuel Funeral DAVIS, June, 1952 to March, 1953. She is by daugh- November 1956. at Providence: November j9, 1956, at 8; | R. Jordan. She also is survived byj , VIRGINIA H. Worthy Matron. survived five sicians. of 112 Park avenue, Ta- 18. p.m.. purpose of con-; many ADM. RALPH A. OFSTIE Hospital, BAKER of, for the | other relatives and friends ! JULIA B. McCONCHIE. Admiral Ofstie became ters, Miss Esther Evans of 1629 • MARY EVELYN • ducting services for our Tues-| Secretary. chief koma Park, and three daughters, Highwood pi. re., beloved wife funeral late; Funeral services will be held on Past Matron. 19 1725 , sister, MRB LILLIAN day. November at the Columbia road N.W.; Mrs. Glenn of Homer R. Baker; daughter of Mrs.| M. COGSWELL. 20. Vermont! Bunday. of staff and aide to the Com- •Mrs. Eleanor J. Quill and Mrs. : past matron. Avenue Baptist Chirch at I the TEUBER, MARTHA. On No- and the White Cross of Naval John M Byers; sister of Miss Sarah n.m.. 950, TEUEFR B. Davis of Byers EDITH A. CROWDER. W. M. Rev. c. r Murray officiating.
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