If : Eing-tum ¡ ¡ ¡ 1 W a s h in g t o n a n d L e e U n iv e r s it y ’s W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r * V o l u m e 101, N o . 18 L e x in g t o n , V ir g in ia 24450 M o n d a y , M a r c h 15,1999 Volunteers begin work on shelter Students team up with Lex community to build shelter for battered women the second in conjunction with Habi­ a lot for that, but this is really the criti­ By Polly Doig tat. Both organizations acknowledge cal bit.” N ew s E ditor a difference between this and previ­ When completed, the shelter will The normal quiet of the woods ous projects. be 4,400 square feet over three floors, surrounding the Student Activities “Usually we just build houses for two of which will be fully finished, and Pavilion was shattered this weekend low-income families, and this has then a partially-finished basement. The . by the sound of power tools. added a whole other aspect to it — house will greatly improve Project The Timber Framers Guild rolled protecting people who are victims of Horizon’s abilities to shelter victims of into town to begin work on a shelter domestic violence,” Josh Beckham, domestic violence, which currently for battered women in conjunction president of the W&L chapter of averages two or three days. with Habitat for Humanity and Project Habitat, said. “And that’s something “Most of them probably won’t be Horizon. that we wouldn’t have had the op­ there for longer than 30 days,” Close to 40 volunteers from the portunity to do unless we’d banded Richardson said. “It’ll be in a residen­ Timber Framers Guild, Habitat, Virginia together with Project Horizon.” tial setting, as homey as possible, for Military Institute, Washington and Executive Director of the Timber up to a month. That should give them Lee University, and the community Framers Guild Joel McCarty agrees. a pretty good chance to try to sort their gave up part of their weekend to lend “The particular project here has lives out, and figure out what’s next.” a hand. certainly make it easier to attract vol­ According to Richardson, the need “We’ 11 probably be taking some of unteers from the Guild community,” for the shelter has become obvious this stuff on site by midweek, if the McCarty said. “We’re trying to show over the past year. Calls to the Project weather improves, but most of the people that almost anything can be Horizon hotline have increased three­ construction will happen next week­ accomplished by community effort. fold during that time, and the organi­ end,” Brian Richardson, president of You’ll see a bunch of people from at zation is providing short-term shelter the Board of Project Horizon and least four different [groups] working to twice as many clients as it did last W&L professor of journalism, said. together on this project.” year. “What we’re doing here at the Pavil­ With the ball now rolling, Project “At first I thought that the number ion this week is cutting the joints into Horizon expects the construction to of incidents was on the rise,” the ends of the timber, so that they be completed fairly quickly. Richardson said. “But I think we’ve had interlock and fit together and then you “We hope to open by the end of aproblem fora longtime, and it’s sort of can drive a wooden peg through them summer, or maybe early in the fall,” coming to the fore now. People know and that way you don’t use any Richardson said. “Once the frame they can come forward and get help.” nails.” gets up, there’ 11 still be a lot of finish Soon, Project Horizon will keep a The shelter is the third Lexington work to do on the interior, so we’ll be light burning in a temporary home At the Pavillion, three volunteers cut wood for the shelter’s foundation this past weekend. project for the Timber Framers, and relying on volunteers and donations across town. Night Owl tries to Phi Beta Kappa inducts 53 students ¥ vice open only to new and old PBK Joy gave an address to the new exchange of ideas on campuses. By Elianna Marziani members. members on the importance of a lib­ Through this program, PBK invites 12 S taff W riter The afternoon Lee Chapel cer­ eral arts education, saying that she will scholars each year to visit institutions avoid extinction Last Friday, the Washington and emony, however, allowed the new in­ “graduate in three months now with with a PBK chapter and spend two Lee University Gamma chapter of Phi ductees to be publicly recognized. the ability to speak well, write well, and days at each of these colleges, attend­ * By Polly Doig Night Owl opened in August, 1989 at it’s current location on Beta Kappa inducted 54 new members. The entire student body, professors really think on [her] feet” as a result of ing classes, meeting informally with N e w s E ditor Jefferson Street. Since then, Four of the new inductees were and parents were invited to applaud her quality liberal arts education. members of the staff and student body, The latest campaign to save an en­ Raynal has striven to open up the from the Class of 1998, 27 from this dangered species began last week at local music scene, including a free year's senior class and 22 from the jun­ % the Washington and Lee University concert held last year named ior class. Art Goldsmith, professor of campus. “Waynestock.” economics, was also inducted as an Students are once again being “I’ve done my best to promote honorary member. asked to save the Night Owl. Posters local music, though it’s not neces­ Founded in 1776 at the College of j dotted campus, urging students to sarily music that I can make a buck William and Mary, Phi Beta Kappa is support Night Owl Records, which is off of,” Raynal said. “That’s kind the oldest and most prestigious honor once again taking a hard look at it’s of selfish, though, too. It means I society in the United States. PBK rec­ own extinction. get to see more music live myself.” ognizes academic achievement and “This past week there has been a - But, according to Raynal, Night scholarship, and promotes the liberal 4 bit of an improvement from students,” Owl has always concentrated on arts education. Chapters of PBK se­ Wayne Raynal, owner of Night Owl, the music. lect and invite to membership students said. “I have one gimmick,” Raynal with an outstanding academic record, “I’m still below what I was doing said. “I’m always a dollar below the who have demonstrated som^ knowl­ « last year, and I’ve sort of set a dead­ list price, no matter what you or­ edge in math and foreign languages line for mid-April to decide whether der. You can have the gimmicks, but and have done three-fourths of their it’s worth trying to continue.” you have to pay for them.” undergraduate work in the liberal arts Night Owl lost considerable busi­ However, as he faces the pros­ and sciences. ness last year with the opening of pect of a future without his store, PBK members are generally in the CrossRoads CD’s and Records and the Raynal also has to contemplate his top tenth percentile of their graduat­ Wal-Mart Super Center. Raynal esti­ own future. ing class. Most inductees are under­ mates that roughly 60 percent of his “I guess I’ll find a real job that I graduates, but some chapters, such sales are made to students, and with don’t like nearly as much,” Raynal as W&L’s, also occasionally induct that number steadily declining, a sub­ said, “and probably get paid bet­ graduates. Photo by Emily Biiki Photo Editor New Phi Beta Kappa members stand for recognition in Lee Chapel on Friday. stantial part of his business is likewise ter, too.” Although Raynal is hav­ W&L’s inductees found out about being lost. ing to face reality, he contends that their honor about 2 months ago. and giving an open address. In addition, Raynal says that sum­ his nine years in Lexington have “To be honest, in one sense, I was the students selected for this presti­ Bynum also spoke again, this time This year, Leroy Rouner, professor mers are always slow without the stu­ been good ones. relieved . It was kind of like, ‘Oh, gious honor. concentrating on the importance of of philosophy, religion, and philo­ dent population, and he needs to make “It’s been a lot of good music,” wow, so I made it?”’ junior inductee During the ceremony, senior Maciej learning to accept change. sophical theology at Boston Univer­ a decision soon as to whether he’ll be Raynal said. “And so, even if I William Kanner said. “It is kind of a Golubiewski was announced as the The night concluded with a dinner sity, will be the Visiting Scholar for able to make it through the summer. close, it won’t have been a waste.” capstone, an acknowledgment that 1 winner of the prestigious Pinney Prize. catered by Dining Services, but the had worked hard and done well.” The annual award goes to an under­ PBK festivities are far from over.
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