Theoretical Ecology https://doi.org/10.1007/s12080-019-0417-4 ORIGINAL PAPER Broadly inflicted stressors can cause ecosystem thinning Matthew G. Burgess1,2 & Alexa Fredston-Hermann3 & David Tilman3,4 & Michel Loreau5 & Steven D. Gaines3,6 Received: 11 July 2018 /Accepted: 12 February 2019 # Springer Nature B.V. 2019 Abstract Many anthropogenic stressors broadly inflict mortality or reduce fecundity, including habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, invasive species, and multispecies harvesting. Here, we show—in four analytical models of interspecies competition—that broadly inflicted stressors disproportionately cause competitive exclusions within groups of ecologically similar species. As a result, we predict that ecosystems become progressively thinner—that is, they have progressively less functional redundancy—as broadly inflicted stressors become progressively more intense. This may negatively affect the temporal stability of ecosystem functions, but it also buffers ecosystem productivity against stress by favoring species less sensitive to the stressors. Our main result follows from the weak limiting similarity principle: species with more similar ecological niches compete more strongly, and their coexistence can be upset by smaller perturbations. We show that stressors can cause indirect competitive exclusions at much lower stressor intensity than needed to directly cause species extinction, consistent with the finding of empirical studies that species interactions are often the proximal drivers of local extinctions. The excluded species are more sensitive to the stressor relative to their ecologically similar competitors. Moreover, broadly inflicted stressors may cause hydra effects—where higher stressor intensity results in higher abundance for a species with lower sensitivity to the stressor than its competitors. Correlations between stressor impacts and ecological niches reduce the potential for indirect competitive exclusions, but they consequently also reduce the buffering effect of ecosystem thinning on ecosystem productivity. Our findings suggest that ecosystems experiencing stress may continue to provision ecosystem services but lose functional redundancy and stability. Keywords Limiting similarity . Competition . Stability . Ecosystem function . Ecosystem services . Biodiversity Introduction Broadly inflicted stressors are processes that simultaneously cause increases in the rates of mortality, or decreases in the rates of fecundity, for many species in an ecosystem. Many — * Matthew G. Burgess broadly inflicted stressors are anthropogenic such as habitat [email protected] destruction, degradation and fragmentation, nutrient pollution, pollution via release of pesticides, industrial chemicals and other toxins, climate change, multispecies harvesting, and 1 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, 216 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309, some invasive species, among others. USA The potential ecological consequences of broadly inflicted 2 Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado, stressors are important to understanding and managing the Boulder, CO 80303, USA ecology of the Anthropocene. Broadly inflicted anthropogenic 3 Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University stressors cause enough direct mortality (or decreased fecundity, of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA e.g., DDT) to be some of the most significant threats to biodi- 4 Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of versity (Maxwell et al. 2016). Indirect impacts of anthropogen- Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA ic stressors also cause substantial mortality via species interac- 5 Centre for Biodiversity Theory and Modelling, Theoretical and tions and other ecosystem processes [e.g., nutrient loading af- Experimental Ecology Station, CNRS, 09200 Moulis, France fecting competition or food chains (see Schindler 2006 and 6 Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Harpole and Tilman 2007) or climate change changing patterns Barbara, CA 93106, USA of species co-occurrence (see Urban et al. 2016 and Pecl et al. Theor Ecol 2017)]. These indirect effects are often less well understood, species’ relative competitive abilities. (Ecologically similar but they may be a greater driver of local extinction than direct species may have markedly different sensitivities to broadly mortality (Cahill et al. 2012; Ockendon et al. 2014). inflicted stressors, e.g., because of differing population growth Here, we examine indirect ecological effects of broadly rates, mortality rates, etc.) Weak limiting similarity ensures inflicted stressors, mediated by interspecies competition. We that smaller perturbations—and thus lower-intensity specifically focus on the interaction between broadly inflicted stressors—are needed, on average, to upset the coexistence stressors and weak limiting similarity (Abrams 1983). Weak of more ecologically similar pairs of species. Consequently, limiting similarity describes the phenomenon whereby, as the increasing the intensity of a stressor (i.e., the magnitude of ecological similarity between two species increases, the suite mortality or reduced fecundity it inflicts) causes extinctions of environmental conditions that could allow competitive co- disproportionately within groups of ecologically similar spe- existence shrinks, which means that smaller environmental cies. This results in a pattern we call Becosystem thinning^: changes or perturbations could lead to the competitive dis- decreases in the number of functionally similar species—and placement of a species (Vandermeer 1975;Abrams1983). thus loss of functional redundancy—as the intensity of Weak limiting similarity follows from the well-known prin- stressors increases. Ecosystem thinning has several important ciple that species with more similar ecological niches compete implications for ecosystem function, which we discuss. more strongly with one another. This principle—originated in Our main analysis uses a simple model of Lotka-Volterra- various forms by Darwin (1859), Gause (1934), Hutchinson type competition, inspired by the models of MacArthur and (1959), and Hardin (1960)—is highly intuitive. Two con- Levins (1967), Pianka (1974), and Vandermeer (1975). In the sumers that specialize on the same resource will compete Appendix, we show that the key prediction underlying our more strongly with each other than will consumers specializ- secondary results—that increasing ecological similarity ing on different resources. Two prey species sharing a predator among species reduces the intensity of a broadly inflicted will indirectly compete (Holt 1977) more than will two prey stressor needed, on average, to change coexistence into com- species having different predators. In classic ecological theory, petitive displacement—is robust in three qualitatively differ- two species competing for a single limiting resource cannot ent mechanistic models of two-species competition. These coexist, because whichever of the two can survive on the models include a model of resource competition (following lowest resource abundance can outcompete the other Tilman 1980), a model of resource competition and apparent (Hardin 1960; Tilman 1980). competition (following Holt et al. 1994), and a model of Weak limiting similarity has been shown to be highly the- competition-colonization tradeoffs (following Calcagno et al. oretically general (Meszéna et al. 2006; Barabás et al. 2014; 2006). We focus our analysis on equilibrium statics of com- Pásztor et al. 2016), and it has also been empirically validated munities of species that would coexist in the absence of one or (e.g. Stubbs and Wilson 2004; Violle et al. 2011; see also more stressors. Thus, we do not explicitly consider stressor- reviews by Schluter 2000 and Cavender-Bares et al. 2009). mediated invasions, transient dynamics, or stochastic forces, [Strong limiting similarity would, in contrast, imply that spe- but we discuss how these factors might impact our results. cies more similar than a certain threshold could not coexist under any circumstances, and is a less general phenomenon (Abrams 1983)]. Indeed, the principle of weak limiting simi- Weak limiting similarity and broadly inflicted larity applies to competition for multiple resources (e.g., stress MacArthur and Levins 1967), tradeoffs between competition and colonization (e.g., Tilman 1994; Kinzig et al. 1999), We assume there is an initial community of I coexisting spe- tradeoffs between high-abundance and low-abundance re- cies. Using Vandermeer’s(1975) notation, we assume that source specialization (e.g., Armstrong and McGehee 1980), each species’ per-capita growth rate in abundance (Ni denotes and temporal niches (e.g., Chesson and Warner 1981;Loreau the abundance of species i)hasamaximum,ri for species i, 1989, 1992). Meszéna et al. (2006) show that weak limiting and declines according to linear competition and density de- similarity and the competitive exclusion principle apply high- pendence terms (aij denotes the per-capita effect of species j ly generally, where ecological similarity is defined as similar- on the per-capita growth of species i). There is a stressor hav- ity in either species’ impacts on, or the degrees to which they ing intensity (E), and species i suffers per-capita mortality (or are impacted by, the regulating variables of their environment loss of fecundity) (riviE)fromit.Here,vi represents the sensi- (e.g., resources, predators, or abiotic
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