r TELEGRAPHIC JNEWS. A telegram to the San Diego Union PINCKNEY R. TTJJ..LY, ESTEVAN OCHOA, V?) FLOUR! FLOUlIY) VM. THE CITIZEN. says who claim to have lost by Tucson, Arizona Territory. Special Dispatches to The Citizen. that those AVINO PUT IN FINE'.I. JN?::;ífe the of old Fremont project to Sidney it. delong, Apache Pass, A. T. H order the ; mi - April 11, 1874. transfer the ." SATURDAY, - AND VICINITY. "i V?"t PRESCOTT M. O. Roberts and others, will, it is said, rpiIE OLD AND LONG ESTABLISHED; fcAOLE STEAM FLOUIUNa4JXí insp- Am-i- l 7. be found no trifling in Col. Scott's On and after 2. 1S74. and until oth Prescott, April Col. It. Jones, obstacle in Tucson. I am prepared to fill orders for er notice, R. C. .Brown is authorized to ector-general military division of Pa- way. We were at. at. Whipple on the 'Id present the organiza transact any and all "necessary business cific, arrived Fort TÜLLY, OCHOA & CO. CHOICE FLOUR CTjnnectea witn ine Dusiness anu euiwuai inst., and has been maKing a very careful tion of the company under Roberts' lead, departments of Tiie Arizona Citizen. inspection of the post and liKewise of the and with few exceptions it did seem that John Wasson, Proprietor. department headquarters. Ho will leave to its numerous friends and patrons, once about the 10th for Verde, and from there the ouly object of the stockholders was WHOLESALE camps Ari- more sends greeting anil would respect- Alb fiETAIL. GRANTS. will visit the other military in to see how much money they could make fully announce to all interested that wo LAND zona, Acting assistant surgeon Reagles a left for Camp Ilea les Spring on the 3d. out ol it regardless of the welfare of the are receiving and opening Patronage Solicited, rieose call at the scourge California has had Mrs. Trout, wife of Lieut. Trout, id Infan- Mill and Examine my make of The greatest road; and many were sadly disappointed Prices. Flour ami of the try, is visiting friends at. Fort Whipple. NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK to endure has been the settlement Lieut. A. E. Woodson, 5th Cavalry, wife when they lound that their interest in the JulyW. JAMES LEE. - grants. Id Spanish and Mexican land' Jt and child, Lieut. Heyl, Infantry and charter could be sold for nothing, and if for litigation acting assistant surgeon W. E. Day, ar- of Goods from the Tucson Feed Stable, has been a prolific cause rived at. Fort Whipple on the Ui. Lieut. they kept it they would be compelled to since the acquisition of that Territory Woodson proceeds to Tucson. Lieut, Heyl advance their proportion ot the per cent Great Eastern and Western Markets Lower end of Main street. upon and Dr. Dav to Camp Verde. Lieut. Geo. required by law. We had hoped that from Mexico. Thousands thousands O. .ith Cavalry, arrived at Whipple Eaton these old disappointed hangers on Dad Consisting have been made poor, either defending or 5th inst. in charge of military prisoners up all hope making money out of of AVINO FITTED UP THE LARGE to at Alcatraz. given of prosecuting these land claims. All im- sentenced conlinement an enterprise so much needed, without H Corral formerly occupied by Gen. Crook Is to be at Camp erde to DRY GOODS, provements necessarily cease while the day and may reach Prescott giving any consideration therefor, and Hinds and Hooker, The new chapel and reading room for we still hope that Congress will not be CLOTHING, land is being litigated, and grants when the chapel I am now prepared to Board stock bv the the garrison are finished, but swerved from granting proper assistance, Day, confirméd have been and arc held hi large was not dedicated on Sunday as expected, by such influences. The businessintercsts HARDWARE, Week or Month at rates to suit the the walls being still very damp. times. tracts, the owners doing little or nothing Surgeon Magruder, medical director, of all sections demand a road below the QUEENS WAiJE, snow-lin- e pas- to them and paying but little rev- - will soon make a tour of inspection so that mails, freights and Teamsters, Travelers Farmers improve sengers can be carried with certainty dur- GLASSWARE, and government the way of through the department. veoüe to the in Workmen are busily engaged pushing ing any season of the year. 'The govern WINES AND LIQUORS, will find a Good, Large Corral and Plenty taxation. We have to some extent this to completion new buildings at the post. ment requires it, for even .in time of of the Best of The weather has been very boisterous peace great losses are liable to oecur in TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. same scourge to moot in Arizona. .There wind-nig-hts &c, for last two days blustering west consequence snow .Hay, Grain and Water. of Gila several very cold. of blockades, and if is doubtless 6onth the we were engaged in war with a foreign na- Also a full stock of BOOTS & SHOES toi Give me a Call. - valid Mexican grants and taking Califor- I'REsroTT, April 9. Gen. Ctook arrived tion the most serious consequences might all ranks, sexes and conditions. B. D. FAIRBANKS. here on the 7th, having traveled hat day Tucson, February 14, 1874. ItKSm nia as a guide there will be many more in- from Fossil creek to Verde, thence here. follow. It is a national work that should valid ones. A speedy settlement Ot these Col. Jones, inspector-gener- military receive factions opposition from no section division of Paeilic, Surgeon Magiuder, or party as all sections are equally in- FOR to Ari- TKAINS. E.D.W00D, claims is of the first importance medical director ol the department, Lieut, terested in its completion. And the in- zona. We believe that it should be made Heyl, 23d Infantry, Lieut, Woodson, 5th fluence of who only seek to black- HARNESS, WJ HOLES ALE Cavalry, Dr. W. E. Day, ell Fort those LEATHER, VV AND es- and mail be allowed the4uty-- f grant claimants to at once Whipple for Camp Verde. lieave of ab the enterprise should not SADDLES, prevail. BRIDLES, RETAIL their titles, and where there is a sence for one year granted to Lieut. Hurst, to tablish 12th Infantry, on duty at Beales Springs. CHAINS, COLLARS, ground" to believe that the surgeon reasonable Assistant Lippincott oruered to DIED. WHIPS, CARRIAGE Dealer in .grant is genuine, no factious opposition duty at Prescott; assistant surgeon J. B. Girard to Camp Lowell; acting assistant At Camp Grant, Arizona, March 12, 1874, AXELS, HUBS, SPOKES and RIMS; ? 6hould be made to its confirmation. The surgeon McPliail to Camp Apache, and Annie R. Taylor, wife of Capt. A. B. Taylor. Q EXE RA L ERCIIANDISE. acting assistant surgeon Gregory to Camp MULE and HORSE SHOES and NAILS, Jf grants should be taxed, certainly as much Meyers Street, Grant, AD VERT1SEMENTS. Tucson, a , which will be the The Ilualpai Indians. numberingall told JEW and in fact everything required for OUT- Keeps influence can be brought to between live and six hundred, were march- FITTING. TRAINS. the BEST and C HEAPEST CLOTH strongest that ed out on the 4th inst. from Beales Springs Pine Lumber! bear upon the land owner to divide and on the trail to the Colorado river reserve. ING in the Territory, which he oiTcrs Lleuts. Bishop, 5th Cavalry, RAW-MIL- sell his land at a fair price. Grants have al- Tilomas and npiIE SANTA RITA L IS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. are still out in that section with Co. G, 5th JL now prepared to furnish all kinds, of ready been taxed in Arizona, and the most Cavalry. The oliieers of the Indian Bu Our stock has been selected with crreot LUMBER AND SHINGLES care by one of the firm of most crutinizing care should be taken to let reau were powerless to effect this transfer, which was brought about by the military at the Lowest Prices and of the Very Best BOOTS none escape. Had this policy been prac alone. Dr. Williams, agent at Verde re Quality ever oliered in this market. EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE AND SHOES of the BEST QUAL com serve arrived in .Prescott Parties wanting any kind of lumber will ITY. LIQUORS of the VERY BEST. ticed rigidly in California irom the Parties just come through the Toii.to.Ba- - please leave orders t lie store their at f especial require-ment- s sin report saw signs of & and with reference to the Tucson October 4, 1873. mencement, the greater portion of the that they abundant Messrs. E. N. Fish Co., and they will be of THIS MARKET. We are confi the renegade Indians having boon pursued promptly tilled. wo immense tracts of land that are now held on sides by troop,, wJm are worKing dent meet the necessities of our custo all mers at as REASONABLE RATES as any E. N. Fish. 3 Silverbekg. by a few persons would have been divid- - with unremitting energy against them. Application for .Patent. house in Hie Territory. Weather here yesterday and y Tucson. San Francisco, ed and occupied by industrious farmers lo examine our stoeJc and PRICE our "Jos. Collingwood. Florence. bright and clear, days very pleasant, and United States Land Office, goods, will be to purchase. and the wealth and population of that nights cool but not too cold: snow still vis 1X71. ible on the hills, and Francisco moun Ahizona, March TULLY, OCHOA it CO. State would have been doubled. San IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tains yet covered deeply.
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