Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 6-1-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 287. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/287 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Decreasing Cloudiness Tonight,, Saturday; Warmer Saturday Stocks Ease Off, Market Faces Probe Russia Hikes Prices Lower, Butter and Israel Executes Trading Heavy At Opening Meat Prices By JACK LEFLER MOSCOW <B - The Soviet Un- ABy GARVENdolf HUDGINS my Eichmannflag. I am ready." ; for the S-upreme Court decision , AP Business News Writer ion today hiked consumer prices At a command from an Israeli to Ramleh Pri-son. There, his NEW (AP the TEL AVIV, Israel (API—D e- ! j YORK I — The slock of meat and fcutter to finance guard , Eichmann stepped to the spiritual adviser. The Rev. Wil- market cooled off today and de- country's lagging agricultural pro- fiant to the end. Adolf Eichmann ; i walked firmly to the gallows j t rap door and lunged to his death i liam Hull , visited him in his cell. clined under a flurry of profit- gram in the face of food short- j Thte Canada-horn Protestant taking. , Thursday night and paid with his almost in a single motion. ages. ' ¦ Death was instantaneous , prison ! clergyman reported later that Selling by traders who had Butter—up 25 per tent—will life for his role in Nazi Germany 's ' systematic extermination of 6 mil- . officials said. I Eichmann was not Sad but was bought at the week's lows chipped cost $1.83 a pound; pork and beef Eichmann was condemned to ! defiant. Eichmann, who earlier away at phenomenal gains scored —up 30 per cent—will retail for lion European Jews. The young state of Israel ; death last December by a special j had expressed a belief in God but in a rally which followed the 88 cents a pound. three-judge tribunal which found j belonged to no church , refused to plunge Monday and Tuesday The effect of the increases are hanged the lormer Gestapo colo-.j nel at two minutes before mid- ! him guilty of acts of unparalleled | reaffirm a faith in Christ. morning. measured against salaries much market's drop would be night on an improvised scaffold ! enormity against the Jewish peo- ; "I do not have time to read the The lower than those in most foreign ple and against humanity—the • Bible," Eichmann told the minis- considered substantial under nor- ¦countries. , A semiskilled Soviet in a third-story storeroom of ; Ramleh Prison near Tel Aviv. only crime subjec t to capital pun- ter. "I have peace in my heart. mal circumstances but so far was ¦worker gets the equivalent of $88 in comparison with the earl- It was the first execution in the ishment in Israel , ' I am ready to die." puny a month, professional and semi- j Eichmann was told of the re- ier big fall and rise. • professional people about $222 a 14-year history of this Jewish na- The balding, bespectacled Hitler tion which counts among its citi- jection of the clemency appeals— month. disciple had insisted he was only ' but not that he was to die that Losses of key stocks ranged ta zens thousand s of relatives of; volatile a minor cog carrying out orders night—about 8 p.m. He asked for around 32 while the more Tht} government announcement Jews whom Eichmann , 56. helped ! ] from above in the Nazi campaign and received a bottle of red wine. issues took deeper setbacks. said that the increased charges speed to death in Hitler 's gas ! Trading volume continued ¦ for '"the final solution to the Jew- I He drank half of it were necessary because there was chambers. ish problem"—extermination. heavy but well below the week's no other means of raising money But the court declared he ac- Outside a thick fog s»t in. three previous sessions. The New to pay the increased expenses on Eichmann'* body was cremated i Guard s turned on . flood light s and York Stock Exchange's ticker quickly and the ashes scattered tually relished shipping Jews to farms. their deaths by the hundreds of | police set up roadblocks to divert tape fel l 19 minutes behind trans- Blame was placed in part upon upon the wafers of the Mediter- i traffic from the prison , a former actions at one point but was near- ranean. thousands, saying he was moti- the United States. The statement vated by "an ardent desire to blot | British fort , on the Tel Aviv-Jeru- ly even with transactions early Eichmann was cool and unre- 1 KENNEDY TO CHANGE SUMMER HOMES? the President wants more privacy for rest and said it was not possible to "switch ; out an entire people from the face salem road . in the afternoon . In the first two pentant as this Jewish nation car- ..- . This is a view of the summer home of singer play. The News said Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy funds to increase the output of of the earth." j Eichmann learned death was at hours 2.32 million shares were ried to conclusion its announced and her two children will spend about a month livestock products at the expense The Israeli Supreme Court re- I hand only when guards came to Morton Downey on secluded Squaw Island at Hy- traded , compared with 3.71 mil- of the country's defensive capac- determination to record the his- jected Eichmann 's appeal against i-his cell to take him the 50. yards annis Port ,- Mass. The New York Daily News said , in the Downey home beginning about July 4, lion in the like period Thursday. tory of the Nazi program and mete ity. the death sentence Tuesday, de- S to the gallows. He walked steadily last night that President Kennedy 's family will with the President flying up on weekends. <AP The Dow Jones average of 30 out justice in tj»e name of all i to the execution room handcuffed Photofax ) ~" industrials at noon "was down 5.07 "Wa do not liva in a vacuum. Jews. claring even death was an inade- vacation there this summer. The newspaper said quate penalty. ! to two guards. He made only one , . _ . , — to 608.29 after having advanced While imperialism exists, the dan- A faint smile on his face, Eich- request — to stop and blow his 36.43 in the two previous trading ger of new wars will remain. It And with unexpected speed . j mann spurned the traditional President Izhak Ben-Zvi scaled , nose. sessions. is no secret that international re- Dressed in b rown slacks and a black hood and even chided his Eichniann 's doom about noon Among losses were Internation- action , with the United States at jailers for making brown shirt open at the ne-ck he it difficult for Thursday, rejecting appeals for . al Business Machines $6.50, Pola- the head, now is engaged in satire him to stand on the gallows' trap mounted the scaffold by a single Humphrey Asks Robert Kennedy executive clemency from Eich- , , Litton Indus- rattling, conducts a feverish arms door. step and stood directly under the roid $5 Xerox 5.87 race and harbors plans for a sur- mann , members of his family and tries $3.87, American Telephone others. ! noose which was suspended over prise rocket nuclear attack on the "My belief was correct," the his head on a chain. His hands $2.87, U.S. Steel SI.75 .. General Motors $1 and Union Carbide $1.- US SR. and the other socialist former head of the Gestapo Jew- Eichmann was transferred : and ankles were bound with white Opens Drive countries. Its politicians and gen- ish affairs section declared. "I quickly from hi .s cell in Jerusa- ' cloth. Cut in Taxes 75. erals speak openly of this." had to obey the rules of -war and lem , where he had been lodged By JOE HALL ' The few gainers included Du At the noose was fitted o-ver hi*^ WASHINGTON >Jfl — Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Mlnn.. today Pont 75 cents. International Nick- head , Eichmann half closed his el 12 cents, Texaco 37 cents and eyes and looked downward at the urged a cut in individual and corporate income taxes "to strengthen On Communists " Liggett & Myers 25 cents. floor. As the black hood was the economy and the stock market. By LOUIS G. PANOS Buying by institutions, which profecred. Eichmann . said: "1 "If will take more than expressions of friendship and cooperation (AP ) had been a great bolster to tha government to strengthen WASHINGTON - AHy. don't , need that. " from the White House and other areas of Gen. Robert F. Kennedy has peti- recovering mark-et, died down. Rusk ta Confer W ith Eichmann spoke his last words the market." Humphrey said in a statement, tioned the Subversive Activities The securities industry, rocked to a small group of officials , "What is needed is action ," he said. "Delay by Congress or the severe falls and rises, faces a —-—- ; Control Board to require 10.per- by guard s and newsmen gathered to ' admin istration will bring further possible investigation by Con- " sons to register with him as mem- witness the execution. economic trouble. bers of the Communist parly. gress. "My belief was eorrect The Assistant Senate Democratic ." he I The market propelled its star- said, "After a short while, gentle- leader , who talked Thursday in With this action Thursday the Allies on Differences government opened another fr ont tling rally through a second con- men, we shall all meet again, So U.S.
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