THE SPORT CENTER OF THE EAST a great novel as it is for a novel to realize Enjoy your Easter Vacation at all the values of a great play. All one can SUCCASUNNA.N.J. expect realistically, I think, is fidelity to the Enjoy the holiday at this popular nearby essential spirit of the original and indepen­ resort O Free Horseback Riding Instruc­ pLum pome EASTER tion • All Outdoor Sports • Well-heated dent vitality in the new medium. And the RESERVATIONS Picturesque estate on the Hudson. accommodations O Teachers* Discount on stage version of Native Son survives both ACCETTED Full Holidays • Only 37 miles from N. Y. Only 53 miles from New York, NOW I! (Route 10 above Dover) N. Y. Phone: tests with honors. TR. S-2163. # Complete social & athletic staff Orson Welles has treated the play with # Special tceek-end programs & personalities to...his 100 acre farm characteristic daring and flexibility. He has # Indoor bowling alley on premises ...glorious country # Saddle-horses on premises *ABTIST ...superlative cooking focused every scene on Bigger without destroy­ # Musical recordings & library IMVITESI ...homey atmosphere ing the other characters. He has been at great # Free bicycling; billiards ...bam dances, all sports pains to give the effect of speed and concen­ YOO ...55 miles from N. Y. Write P. O. Box 471, Newburgh, N. Y. make early Easter Reservations trated action which the script required. James Phone Newburgh 4270 Limited accommodation for holidays—From $17.50 weekly Morcom's sets are really distinguished for •GEORGE A. PODORSON 250 Park Ave., N. Y. C. Phono: PLaza 3-8926 their variety and brilliant evocation of mood. SPRING VACATION w Locust Grove Farm, Sylvan Lake, Hopewell Junction, N. Y. Canada Lee is supported by a group of gifted and persuasively sincere players: Ray Collins ON A FARM Relax in the quiet and simplicity of your own country home. ROYAL.E - HARMONY as Paul Max; Evelyn Ellis as Bigger's Play amidst tlie beauty of Candlewood Lake and magnificent rolling country. Small congenial crowd. Home cooking you'll FomteTly Unity and Rtyyale Hotel mother; Nell Harrison as the blind Mrs. like. Only 65 miles from N. Y. City. Make your Easter reser­ vations now. Call New IVIilford 756-J-3 or write MAKE EARLY RESERVATIONS FOR EASTERI Dalton; Erskine Sanford as Mr. Dalton; and STANLEY LAPINSKY, BARLOW FARM. SHERMAN, CONN. ideal plaoo for your winter vacation—"Tops" In entertain­ FREE BOOKLET. ment. All winter sport»—FREE BICYCLING, excellent cuisine. Rena Mitchell as Bigger's girl Clara. SOI Monmouth Ave., Lakewood, N. J. Tel. Lakewood 1159, 1146 Management: Gross, Gelbaum and Broude It is reported in the press that MGM is ARCADIA OPEIV ALL YEAR contemplating a movie production of Native FISHKILL. N. Y. 1100 acre estate. Modern oil heating plant, plus wood-burning ENJOY YOUR EASTER HOLIDAYS AT Son—with an all-white cast and the total fireplaces i n spacious, comfortably furn ished rooms. I ndoor and outdoor sports including skiing and skating on premises, elimination of the Negro theme! H this plan bicycling, symphonic recordings. Unexcelled cuisine. Make Easter Reservations Now Rates $25 per week goes through, over three or four dead bodies, Phone: Beacon 727 — N. Y. Phone: WA 3-2347 we shall witness a degrading contrast to the R. R. Station: Beacon, New York OPEN ALL YEAR fighting play which Orson Welles has put Formerly Lewisohn's estate. I hr. from N. Y. — 225 acres In fascinating hiking country — All Seasonal Sports — Bicycles — Congenial Atmosphere — Musical Recordings — on at the St. James Theater. It is to be hoped Library — Oiien Fireplaces — Excellent Cuisine. Tel.: High­ MAMANASCO LAKE LOOOE land Mills. 7895. Mgt.: FANNIE GOLDBERG. MAKE EARLY that the play will continue to win the cheers RESERVATIONS. Central Valley, N. Y. RIDGEFIEU), CONN. PHONE: 820 of a deeply stirred audience for many months A luxurious estate converted into a vacation para­ dise. New, modern, convenient. Magnificent lake. to come. For its significance must be burned All winter sports — Golf — Riding — Ping-Pong. BUY DIRECT from FACTORY so deeply into the public mind that any sub­ Sumptuous cuisine. 50 miles from N. Y. WESER PIANO CO. sequent Hollywood whitewash will be hooted OPEN ALL YEAR 'ROUND NATIONALLY KNOWN MANUFACTURERS selling con> out of existence. lumar direct. Tremendous savings. New, used, Spinets, Grands, Steinways, Chickerings, Knabes, others. Bonaflde SAMUEL SILLEN. Values. Payments. 524 W. 43rd—ME daL 3-3512 RELAX! cHmm'tuNtkM^Bring yottr country togs and have a fling at Spring in this delightful mountain hide­ Rover Boys on Wings %ar away. All outdoor sports in season. In­ doors: Table Tennis, Dancing, Recordings, Library, Open-hearth Fires, Delicious Food. Hollywood discovers a new flying tech­ Cozy Quarters, Genial Company. $27.50 per week (3 per room) LUXURY LODGE $35 per wk. THE DECISION nique $30.00 per week (2 per room) Extra days over I wk. pro rata ; WOODBOURNE, N. Y HIS reviev^er has always considered her­ IS TO LIVE... Tself fairly articulate, yet, face to face with / Wanted Wings, she feels the poverty SaugertiesSachs, N. Y . TelephonFarme 82 F . 5 of her vocabulary. All the words which de­ Intimate. Informal. Unusually beautiful country­ side. Picturesque hiking trails without number. My Immediate Response scribe it adequately are unprintable. Pre­ Acres of pine woods. Finest home cooking. Sports. sented with enormous ballyhoo, it has an air­ Low rates. Open all year. MAKE EARLY RESERVATIONS NEW MASSES plane and a recruiting station outside the Established 191! front door for the purpose of signing up young men who are sufficiently impressed with THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY the film's version of Air Corps • life to make HIT THE TOP at FUND DRIVE them want to enlist. / Wanted Wings makes no bones about its FOR $25,000 intentions. It is a recruiting poster in style, HOTEL sentiment, and static quality. If you imagine NEW MASSES yourself compelled to stare at such a poster ALLABEN 461 4th Avenue for two solid hours, you will have some idea LAKEWOOD New York, N. Y. of the entertainment value of this juicy offer­ NEW JERSEY Gentlemen: ing. Indeed, the Air Corps has not got its 303—7th St. I enclose $ a» my donation to money's worth, for, regarded solely as an Phone Lakewood 819 the NEW MASSES thirtieth Anniversary Sus­ inducement to enlist, the film is remarkably TOPS IN FOOD uninspiring, and its picture of the private life taining Fund Drive for $25,000. TOPS IN FACILITIES Erery Room with Bath-Showers. of student flyers is an insult to the service. Using the crudest of appeals, I Wanted. Wings TOPS IN ACTIVITIES Ice Skating, Badminton, Ping- N ame . Pong, Volley Ball, Horse-Shoe Pitching, Bicycles on alternates uplifting pep talks with uplifted Premises, etc. blondes. Add ress . But NO TOPS in Rates-We're Very ioderate A more flaccid script would be hard to MAKE EASTER RESERVATIONS NOW! City & State- imagine. Three Rover Boys are taken on a picnic through the Air Corps training school Director: Jack Schwartz, formerly of Unity Hotel 28 April 8, 1941 m PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ii|ii|pptryt iiniiiiimitSiiii^>iiin>rin and emerge finally either as finished pilots or dead pilots. The flying field, meanwhile, re­ sounds with kittenish laughter, and there is m BASKETBALL GAME and DANCE « a blonde in every hangar. It is astonishing, in­ RENAISSANCE ATHLETIC CLUB (Championship Negro Team) deed, how many women there are in the Air VS. ALL STAR PROFESSIONALS Corps (Hollywood version). They attend court-martials, they stroll across the field Dancing to DICK MESSNER and ORCHESTRA cheerfully snapping pictures of bombers, they SATURDAY, April 12th, 8:30 P.M. stow away in airplanes. And they never wear at Royal Windsor (Broadway & 66th Street) .-. PROCEEDS TO SPANISH REFUGEES any underwear, or much overwear for that matter. 75c The camera follows the chief blonde in and Auspices; Veterans of Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 66 Fifth Ave. AL 4-0685 out of the army to her unfortunately belated death in a crash. As a story, / Wanted Wings is a limping affair; you find yourself looking closely at the screen to make sure the projector Norman Tallentire JubUee Celebration hasn't stopped. There are, of course, some 55 YEARS OLD 40 YEARS IN LABOR MOVEMENT extremely beautiful and intelligent airplanes, Program that contrast favorably with the human per­ • LABOR'S MARCH OF TIME SIR LAUNCELOT A unique and original presentation, presenting and his Caribbean Knights of Caiypso formers. There are also moments of humor, IN PERSON veterans of labor*s progress in a highlight review of the historr they helped make: MISS TSCfflN-SCHIN YAO viz., a bucket of water is poured over Rover WILLIAM F. DUNNE noted Chinese pianist ELIZABETH GURLEY FLYNN SQUARE DANCING Boy No. 3. WILLIAM Z. FOSTER led bj American Folk Daneers JOSEPH R. BRODSKY Many better photographs of airplanes have ROBERT W. DUNN SYNCOPATED DANCING been made in the past. The film's only im­ ISOBEL WALKER SOULE to Doc Snyder's Serenaders ROCKWELL KENT, Master of Ceremonies portance is as war propaganda of unbelievable vulgarity and dullness, offered with smirks SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1941 — 8 P. M. and the bland inattention of the Hays office. Admission $1.00 IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place at 15th Street Door, open 7 P.M. For this did the Air Corps lend its planes and flying fields; for this did they rush The Great Dictator out of the Astor Theater; for ]Ve are pleased to announce that this did movie critics on the metropolitan papers sink to the new low of praising Miss PAUL CROSBIE Veronica Lake's acting. If Miss Veronica Lake ever puts on a brassiere, her acting INSURANCE ability will disappear.
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