EvEry aspEct of rush’s nEw, statE-of-thE-art hospital, schEdulEd to opEn in January 2012, will hElp to EnhancE thE patiEnt ExpEriEncE and improvE thE quality of carE. faculty Editors steven gitelis, MD Editor in Chief David Fardon, MD Brett levine, MD robert w. wysocki, MD 2 Chairman’s Letter 37 Reduced Scapular Notching Following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Clinical Results of a New Implant Design 4 Orthopedic Faculty and Fellows (2010) seth l. sherMAn, MD; Brett A. lenArt, MD; eriC strAuss, 9 Research Faculty and Highlights MD; Aman DhAwAn, MD; eriC goChAnour, MA; gregorY P. NiCholson, MD 14 Department of Orthopedic Surgery Residents 42 Anterior Hip Pain in an Athletic Population: Differential 15 Human Umbilical Cord Blood–Derived Mesenchymal Diagnosis and Treatment Options Stem Cells for Intervertebral Disk Repair MArk A. slABAugh, MD; rAChel M. FrAnk; MD; roBert C. AnA Chee, PhD; YejiA ZhAng, MD, PhD; DessislAvA GruMet, MD; Phil MAlloY, MPt; ChArles A. Bush-josePh, MArkovA, PhD; BiAgio sAittA, PhD; vlADiMir MD; Walter w. virkus, MD; shAne j. nho, MD, Ms MArkov, MD; ChAnDer guPtA; howArD s. An, MD 52 The Technique of Acetabular Distraction for the 20 Advances in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Reconstruction of Severe Acetabular Defects With an A Quarter Century of Innovation at Rush University Associated Chronic Pelvic Discontinuity Medical Center sCott M. sPorer, MD, Ms; AnDrew MiChAel, MD; MiChAel B. ellMAn, MD; riChArD C. MAther iii, MD; Wayne g. PAProskY, MD; MArio MoriC, Ms Seth l. sherMAn, MD; BernArD r. BACh jr, MD 58 Select Publications (2010) 27 Extranodal Rosai-Dorfman Disease With Isolated Osseous Involvement: An Unusual Case 65 Select Research Grants (2009-2010) riChArD w. kAng, MD; kevin C. MCgill, MPh; johnnY 66 Volume and Quality Data Lin, MD; MiChelle e. Collier, MD; steven gitelis, MD 68 Legacy of Excellence 32 Idiopathic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis: A Case Report An interview with renowneD sPine surgeon shAne j. nho, MD, Ms; niCole A. Friel, MD, Ms; GunnAr B. j. AnDersson, MD, PhD, BY ChristoPher BriAn j. Cole, MD, MBA DeWalD, MD To view the 2011 Rush Orthopedics Journal online, please visit the Rush website at www.rush.edu/orthopedicsjournal. Chairman’s Letter 2011 rush ORTHOPeDiCs journAl From my office window, I’ve had the pleasure of watching Rush Freedom of Movement Award from the Arthritis Foundation, University Medical Center’s new hospital building taking shape Greater Chicago Chapter. See page 68 for an interview with over the past 2 years. When the new hospital—located across Andersson, who preceded me as department chairman, in the street from the Orthopedic Building—opens in January which he looks back on his illustrious career. 2012, it will greatly enhance our ability to provide the highest Members of the department have also recently ascended to quality of care for patients with orthopedic conditions. key national leadership positions. I joined the presidential line The hospital will incorporate a concept called “the interven- of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, serving as tional platform,” with 3 floors devoted to surgery, imaging, and the second vice president; Howard S. An, MD, is the current specialty procedures. It’s a concept developed in recent years for president of the International Society for the Study of the Lum- academic medical centers where multiple medical and surgical bar Spine; and Charles A. Bush-Joseph, MD, is the incoming specialists collaborate to treat patients with complex problems president of the Major League Baseball Team Physician Associa- using the most advanced technologies available. The interven- tion. In addition, Steven Gitelis, MD, editor in chief of this tional platform at Rush features operating-procedure rooms, journal, was recently elected president of the medical staff of associated prep and recovery rooms, and support space. Each Rush University Medical Center. new and larger operating room—designed based on feedback Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention our outstand- from surgeons across numerous specialties, including ortho- ing residents and fellows, who came to Rush from across the pedics—will accommodate more specialized equipment and United States and around the world to participate in our highly technology to improve outcomes. competitive training programs. Our faculty members value Development has also continued within the Orthopedic the contributions of residents and fellows to the care of our Building. A new learning center was completed toward the end patients, and we are honored to be sharing our knowledge and of 2010, providing a spacious, state-of-the-art venue for educa- skills with the next generation of orthopedic specialists. tional activities to complement our already impressive clinical I invite you to peruse this issue of the Rush Orthopedics and research facilities. Journal and enjoy a sampling of the stellar work produced by In the midst of these physical transformations, our physicians our department during the past year. and researchers continued to break new ground in orthopedic care and research. Howard S. An, MD, and colleagues in the departments of orthopedic surgery and biochemistry received the prestigious 2011 Kappa Delta Elizabeth Winston Lanier Award from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons for a paper entitled “Intervertebral Disc Repair or Regeneration by Growth Factor and/or Cytokine Inhibitor Protein Injec- Joshua J. Jacobs, MD tion.” Craig J. Della Valle, MD, was a co-recipient of the 2011 The William A. Hark, MD/Susanne G. Swift Frank Stinchfield Award from the Hip Society for investiga- Professor of Orthopedic Surgery tions into dislocation following total hip replacement. And Chairman, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Gunnar B. J. Andersson, MD, PhD, received the 2010 Rush University Medical Center 2 “in thE midst of [RUSH’s] physical transformations, our physicians and rEsEarchErs continuEd to brEak nEw ground in orthopEdic carE and rEsEarch.” Joshua J. Jacobs, MD (right), with Markus A. Wimmer, PhD, director of the Tribology Labo- ratory and co-director of the Motion Analysis Laboratory Chairman’s Letter 2011 rush ORTHOPeDiCs journAl 3 Orthopedic Faculty and Fellows (2010) 2011 RUSH ORTHOPeDiCs JOURNAl adult ReconstructivE surgEry Aaron rosenberg, MD joshua j. jacobs, MD Director, Section of Adult Reconstruction The William A. Hark, MD/Susanne G. Swift Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Chair of Orthopedic Surgery Chairman and professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery richard A. Berger, MD Brett levine, MD Assistant professor, Department of Assistant professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Craig j. Della valle, MD wayne g. Paprosky, MD Associate professor, Department Professor, Department of of Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Director, Adult Reconstructive Orthopedic Surgery Fellowship Program jorge o. galante, MD, DMsc scott M. sporer, MD, Ms The Grainger Directorship of the Rush Assistant professor, Department of Arthritis and Orthopedics Institute Orthopedic Surgery Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Fellows Daniel Del gaizo, MD trevor Murray, MD Medical school – George Washington University School of Medical school – Case Western Reserve University Medical Center Medicine and Health Sciences Residency – Cleveland Clinic Residency – University of North Carolina Brian Pack, MD kurt hirshorn, MD Medical school – Wayne State University School of Medicine Medical school – University of South Florida College of Medicine Residency – Grand Rapids Medical Education and Research Center Residency – Atlanta Medical Center Anand srinivasan, MD jeremy kinder, MD Medical school – Jefferson Medical College Medical school – Rush Medical College Residency – Baylor University Medical Center Residency – Northwestern Memorial Hospital 4 ELBOW, WRIST, AND HAND SURGERY Mark S. Cohen, MD Robert Goldberg, MD Director, Section of Hand and Elbow Surgery Instructor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery John J. Fernandez, MD Robert W. Wysocki, MD Assistant professor, Department of Assistant professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery FOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY George Holmes Jr, MD Johnny L. Lin, MD Director, Section of Foot and Ankle Surgery Assistant professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Assistant professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Simon Lee, MD Assistant professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery ONCOLOGY AND TRAUMA Steven Gitelis, MD Walter W. Virkus, MD Director, Section of Orthopedic Oncology Associate professor, Department of Rush Medical College Endowed Professor Orthopedic Surgery of Orthopedic Oncology Director, Orthopedic Residency Program Vice chairman and professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Faculty and Fellows (2010) 2011 RUSH ORTHOPEDICS JOURNAL 5 Pediatric surgEry Monica kogan, MD Director, Section of Pediatric Surgery Assistant professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery SPINE surgEry howard s. An, MD edward j. goldberg, MD Director, Division of Spine Surgery Assistant professor, Department of The Morton International Chair of Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Director, Spine Surgery Fellowship Program gunnar B. j. Andersson, MD, PhD kim w. hammerberg, MD The Ronald L. DeWald, MD, Endowed Assistant professor, Department of Chair in Spinal Deformities Orthopedic Surgery Professor and chairman emeritus, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Christopher Dewald, MD Frank M. Phillips, MD
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