S1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 9, 2018 When it comes to tax cuts for big cor- REMEMBERING DANIEL KAHIKINA AKAKA Later he and Senator Inouye success- porations and the rich, deficits are no Ms. HIRONO. Madam President, I fully included language in the 2009 impediment, but now that these tax rise today in remembrance of Senator stimulus bill that provided onetime cuts are in place, I predict that deficits Daniel Kahikina Akaka. Senator payments for these Filipino veterans will once again morph into a dire prob- Akaka, who served in the Senate for 23 through the newly created Filipino lem, a scourge on the Nation, an excuse years and sat at this desk, passed away Veterans Equity Compensation Fund. for Republicans to target Medicare, on Friday morning, with his wife of Senator Akaka also introduced bipar- Medicaid, and Social Security. nearly 70 years, Millie, and his ex- tisan legislation to allow these vet- That has been the playbook since the tended family at his side. erans to reunite with their children Bush era: explode the deficit with tax Since his passing, people across Ha- and families in the United States. cuts for the rich and powerful, then use waii have shared their memories of and While this bill did not pass, President the deficit they created as a reason to tributes to Senator Akaka. Each of Obama established through executive cut Social Security and Medicare. their stories has a common thread— order the Filipino World War II Vet- Lo and behold, this week the major- Senator Akaka’s dedication to living erans Parole Program in 2016 to allow ity in the House will vote on a bal- with ‘‘aloha.’’ Senator Akaka embodied the children of these veterans to re- anced budget amendment—a way for the ‘‘aloha’’ spirit. From meeting near- unite with their parents in the United Republicans to force cuts to Medicare ly every Hawaii family who came to his States. Some of these veterans have and Medicaid and Social Security. It is office for a Capitol tour to serving as a been waiting for decades to reunite hard to believe they can say it with a tireless advocate for veterans, the Na- with their children. straight face, but we will hear Repub- tive Hawaiian community, and Hawaii Although Senator Akaka had retired, lican Members say this week that families, Senator Akaka’s care, empa- his insistence on bipartisanship helped Washington needs to get its fiscal thy, and compassion were evident to to build broad support for President House in order, only a few months after everyone who knew him. Obama’s decision to issue this Execu- they added $1.5 trillion to the deficit by When I was elected to the Senate, I tive order. tax cuts that mainly benefited the requested Senator Akaka’s desk to be Senator Akaka was also instru- wealthy and the powerful. It is the my desk. I did this because it rep- mental in building support to award height of hypocrisy. resented continuity as Senator the Filipino Veterans of World War II The American people deserve better Akaka’s successor, and the desk is a the Congressional Gold Medal that than this patronizing Kabuki theater. symbol to me of his years of service passed in 2016, after years of continued They deserve a Congress squarely fo- and the ‘‘aloha’’ he had for this body effort. cused on helping the middle class, not and the people of Hawaii. Senator Akaka was also a champion The last time I saw Senator Akaka the powerful, not the special interests, for America’s Native people and served was at last year’s American Logistics not those at the very top of the eco- as chairman of the Senate Indian Af- Association Hawaii conference. This nomic ladder. So far, this Republican fairs Committee. As the first Native gathering brings together Hawaii busi- Congress has shown it is not up to the Hawaiian to serve in the U.S. Senate, nesses from across the State to market job, and every day more and more Senator Akaka fought to expand fund- their products for sale to military com- Americans realize that. ing for Native Hawaiian healthcare, missaries. Over 20 years ago, Senator I yield the floor. education, and housing programs. Akaka worked with small businesses I suggest the absence of a quorum. In 1993, President Clinton signed into and the military commissary network The PRESIDING OFFICER. The law Senator Akaka’s apology resolu- to create this conference because he clerk will call the roll. tion, which acknowledged the Federal understood how much receiving a com- The legislative clerk proceeded to Government’s role in the overthrow of missary contract would mean to Ha- call the roll. the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893. The res- waii’s businesses, especially Hawaii’s Ms. HIRONO. Madam President, I ask olution’s unanimous passage marked unanimous consent that the order for small businesses. The conference started with one the 100th anniversary of the overthrow the quorum call be rescinded. and was a watershed moment for Na- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. small table with a few products and grew to an entire ballroom full of local tive Hawaiians. It served as the first ERNST). Without objection, it is so or- official admission by the United States dered. products and entrepreneurs. Last year, the conference was named for Senator of the role it played in the overthrow f Akaka. of the Hawaiian Kingdom. CONCLUSION OF MORNING That is who Senator Akaka was. He Senator Akaka later worked on the BUSINESS brought people together to solve prob- Hawaiian Home Lands Recovery Act. lems and create opportunities. His leg- This law required the United States to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning make the Hawaiian homelands whole business is closed. islative style wasn’t flashy or over the top. He put his head down and got to by ensuring a repayment of lost use of f work, and he built relationships with lands originally set aside by Congress EXECUTIVE SESSION colleagues to get things done. but which were nevertheless trans- Senator Akaka’s work on behalf of ferred to or otherwise acquired by the our Nation’s veterans also reflected his Federal Government. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR persistent, effective style. After serv- The apology resolution and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ing in World War II, Senator Akaka Lands Recovery Act provided the foun- the previous order, the Senate will pro- went to college under the GI bill and dation for Senator Akaka’s namesake ceed to executive session to resume became an educator. As chairman of legislation—the Native Hawaiian Gov- consideration of the following nomina- the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Com- ernment Reorganization Act, often re- tion, which the clerk will report. mittee, he was a strong advocate for ferred to as the Akaka bill, to establish The senior assistant legislative clerk expanding the GI bill for a new genera- a process to secure Federal recognition read the nomination of Claria Horn tion of veterans. He authored the post- for Native Hawaiians to achieve parity Boom, of Kentucky, to be United 9/11 GI bill, which was signed into law with the Alaska Natives and American States District Judge for the Eastern in 2011. Indians. and Western Districts of Kentucky. Senator Akaka also championed the When I served in the House of Rep- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cause of the Filipino veterans of World resentatives, I introduced the House ator from Hawaii. War II in Congress. These veterans companion to the Akaka bill and testi- Ms. HIRONO. Madam President, I ask fought for the United States but were fied about the importance of passing unanimous consent that I be permitted denied the benefits and citizenship this legislation in both the U.S. House to place a maile lei on the lectern dur- they were promised. Senator Akaka in- and the U.S. Senate. Senator Akaka re- ing my remarks. troduced legislation that would restore introduced the Akaka bill for more The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without these veterans’ benefits and, with his than 10 years, but it did not pass before objection, it is so ordered. leadership, this bill passed the Senate. he retired. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Apr 10, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AP6.005 S09APPT1 April 9, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1997 A former longtime Akaka staff mem- he will be deeply missed by his col- erything he could to make sure his col- ber reflected on the Senator’s commit- leagues in both the U.S. House and the leagues didn’t either. He voted against ment to the Native Hawaiian commu- Senate. The maile lei is here to signify the Iraq war and advocated for peace nity. She said: his devotion and commitment to the and nuclear nonproliferation through- Senator Akaka worked tirelessly to ad- people of Hawaii. out his career. dress the longstanding issues resulting from I yield the floor to my colleague Sen- He was unrelenting when it came to the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii. He ator BRIAN SCHATZ. the causes that were most important felt strongly that there needed to be a proc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- to him. As the only Native Hawaiian to ess to bring all parties to the table because ator from Hawaii. ever serve in the U.S. Senate, he never without such a process these issues remained Mr. SCHATZ. Madam President, I stopped working to see Native Hawai- festering sources of emotional pain that ians recognized in a government-to- would stand in the way of Hawaii being able thank Senator HIRONO for her poignant to move forward as a state and for Native remarks, and I want to offer my condo- government relationship with the Hawaiians to move forward as indigenous lences to the family.
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