2018 Softball Recruiting Guide.Indd

2018 Softball Recruiting Guide.Indd

DATE OPPONENT LOCATION TIME Colorado Mesa Invite 2/2 Adams State Albuquerque, NM 11 a.m. 2/2 Colorado Mesa Albuquerque, NM 1:30 p.m. signatures 2/3 New Mexico Highlands Albuquerque, NM 1:30 p.m. 2/3 Metro State Albuquerque, NM 4 p.m. 2/4 Adams State Albuquerque, NM 11 a.m. PPLATINUMLATINUM LLEVELEVEL ASU George & Ola McCorkle Challenge TTayloraylor & RRylieylie HHuntunt 2/9 Texas A&M-International San Angelo 12:45 p.m. CC.H..H. WWilliamsilliams BBJ,J, DDale,ale, SSteventeven SSparkmanparkman 2/9 Florida Tech San Angelo 3:15 p.m.. RRonon & HHopeope KKirkirk 2/10 Adams State San Angelo 12:45 p.m. DDanan & JJudyudy SScovillecoville 2/10 Florida Tech San Angelo 3:15 p.m. TThehe BBallall FFamilyamily FFreedomreedom PPlumbinglumbing 2/11 Adams State San Angelo 2:45 p.m. PPaulaul & TToyhaoyha HHarperarper 2/11 Texas A&M-International San Angelo 5 p.m. JJames,ames, LLynn,ynn, AAmber,mber, & SSadieadie MMarlettarlett 2/16 Texas A&M-Kingsville* Kingsville 6 p.m. GGOLDOLD LLEVELEVEL 2/17 Texas A&M-Kingsville* Kingsville 1/3:30 p.m. MMarcearce & BBonnieonnie GGordonordon (DH) JJamesames LL.. MMarlettarlett SSr.r. & AA.. IIrenerene MMarlettarlett 2/23 Western NM* (DH) San Angelo 3 p.m./5:30 p.m. SSpecialtypecialty AAutouto RRepair-Brandonepair-Brandon KKirkirk HHolidayoliday CleanersCleaners 2/24 Western NM* (DH) San Angelo 12/2:30 p.m. BBeatriceeatrice & WWayneayne BBalzenalzen 3/1 St. Edward’s (DH) San Angelo 4/6:30 p.m. RRobertobert & AAnnettennette HHillill 3/7 Central Oklahoma (DH) San Angelo 1/3:30 p.m. KKerryerry & PPaisleyaisley CCatoato 3/9 Eastern New Mexico* San Angelo 4/6:30 p.m. CCherylheryl HHenryenry TT.. AArmstrongrmstrong (DH) GGlennlenn & GGailail GGatesates 3/10 Eastern New Mexico* San Angelo 1 p.m. AAllenllen & JJackieackie CCarlson,arlson, BBrandy’srandy’s GGrandparentsrandparents 3/12 St. Mary’s (DH) San Antonio 4/6:30 p.m. DDinaina WWallaceallace CChuckhuck & JJanan TTollisonollison 3/16 West Texas A&M* Canyon 6 p.m. RRichardichard & JJodieodie SScottcott 3/17 West Texas A&M* (DH) Canyon 1/3:30 p.m. TTracyracy & SSheilaheila CCaronaron 3/23 Texas Woman’s* Denton 6 p.m. RRayay & DDeniceenice BBinaina FFamilyamily 3/24 Texas Woman’s* (DH) Denton 1/3:30 p.m. BBLUELUE LLEVELEVEL 3/29 Tarleton State* San Angelo 7 p.m. TTomom & SSaraara LLeezereezer 3/30 Tarleton State* (DH) San Angelo 1/3:30 p.m. NNathanathan & NNancyancy WWrightright FForor DDanaeanae BBinaina 3/31 Tarleton State* San Angelo 6 p.m. CCodyody & CChrystalhrystal BBissettissett 4/6 Midwestern State* Wichita Falls 7 p.m. LLucilleucille KKirkirk 4/7 Midwestern State* (DH) Wichita Falls 1/3:30 p.m. LLaquittaaquitta WWebbebb TTimim & DDr.r. RRayleneaylene CConneronner 4/13 UTPB* San Angelo 6 p.m. FFredred & BBarbaraarbara DDockeryockery 4/14 UTPB* (DH) San Angelo 1/3:30 p.m. RRonnyonny & KKaylaayla EEllisllis 4/16 Texas A&M International Laredo 12/2:30 p.m. HHoldenolden AAndersonnderson CChrishris HHuffmeisteruffmeister 4/20 Texas A&M-Commerce* Commerce 7 p.m. LLynnynn EE.. KKeitheith 4/21 Texas A&M-Commerce* Commerce 2/4 p.m. MMr.r. & MMrs.rs. JJimmieimmie GGatesates (DH) BBobbyobby & JJoyoy HHillill 4/24 St. Edward’s Austin 1/3:30 p.m. MMaryary LL.. RReatherfordeatherford AAnnettennette MM.. FFogle,ogle, ##66 MMomom 4/27 Cameron* San Angelo 6 p.m. MMarcarc & KKarenaren GGordonordon 4/28 Cameron* (DH) San Angelo 1/3:30 p.m. LONE STAR CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP WWHITEHITE LLEVELEVEL TTimim GGreenwell,reenwell, JJR.R. 5/4-5 TBD TBD TBD PPatsyatsy YYorkork RRobertobert & LLaQuitaaQuita NNortonorton JJasonason & VValariealarie RReynoldseynolds BBettyetty CChalakee-Wolfehalakee-Wolfe RRitaita GGreenwellreenwell TThehe RRosenbaum’sosenbaum’s NNewcombewcomb FamilyFamily RRoselleoselle SSlaughterlaughter JJudithudith KKinging MMaryary SScovillecoville LLillieillie MMunoz-Ledounoz-Ledo CCainain & DDonnaonna CClineline & FFamilyamily FFredred & JJuliaulia NNewburyewbury RRamonaamona CConneronner SSteveteve & BBlankalanka AndersonAnderson BBillyilly & MMaryary DDukeuke CCoachoach GGilbertilbert AA.. MMartinez,artinez, JJr.r. SSueue LLittleittle angelo.edu | angelosports.com From here, it’s possible. ANGELO STATE 20 rambelle softball community 22004004 NNCAACAA DDivisionivision IIII NNationalational ChampionsChampions service The Angelo State softball team and the money raised was able to regularly gives back to San Angelo cover the cost of 300 care packages and the Concho Valley through vari- sent to the military overseas. The ous community service programs. team also worked at a soup kitchen In the past year alone, the along with a canned food drive. Rambelles took time out of their “We have great support from our hectic schedules to speak to local community here in San Angelo, and elementary schools, volunteer at we feel it’s important to do what we the Concho Valley Regional Food can to give back,” said head coach Bank and serve food at McAllister’s Travis Scott. “It’s important for to benefi t the Children’s Miracle our players to use their abilities as Network. The Rambelles raised student-athletes to make a positive money for Operation Gratitude eff ect on a young person’s life.” ANGELO STATE 2 rambelle softball ANGELO STATE19 rambelle softball 22017017 NNationalational FFinalistinalist NNCAACAA RRegionalegional CChampshamps RRambelleambelle SSoftballoftball LLSCSC CChampshamps BByy TThehe NNumbersumbers lone star conference 22014014 LLSCSC TTournamentournament ChampionsChampions 1 22012012 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS LLSCSC CChampionshampions OKLAHOMA 22011011 NEW MEXICO Angelo State LLSCSC SSouthouth CChampionshampions San Angelo, Texas 5 Cameron University Lawton, Oklahoma 22010010 NCAA SOUTH CENTRAL Eastern New Mexico LLSCSC CChampions,hampions, REGION CHAMPIONSHIPS Portales, New Mexico NNCAACAA RRegionalegional ChampionsChampions 22017017 NCAANCAA DivisionDivision IIII Midwestern State Wichita Falls, Texas RRegionalegional ChampionsChampions Tarleton State 22009009 Stephenville, Texas LLSCSC CChampions,hampions, 22014014 LSCLSC TournamentTournament CChampionshampions 7 Texas A&M-Commerce NNCAACAA RRegionalegional ChampionsChampions Commerce, Texas TEXAS LONE STAR CONFERENCE Texas A&M-Kingsville CHAMPIONSHIPS Kingsville, Texas 22008008 Texas Woman’s LLSCSC SSouthouth CChampions,hampions, Denton, Texas LLSCSC TTournamentournament ChampionsChampions Texas Permian Basin Odessa, Texas Western New Mexico 22007007 6 Silver City, New Mexico LLSCSC CChampions,hampions, West Texas A&M NNCAACAA RRegionalegional ChampionsChampions LONE STAR CONFERENCE Canyon, Texas SOUTH CHAMPIONSHIPS 22005005 LLSCSC SSouthouth CChampionshampions 22004004 LLSCSC CChampions,hampions, LLSCSC TTournamentournament CChampions,hampions, NNCAACAA RRegionalegional CChampions,hampions, stay connected NNCAACAA NNationalational ChampionsChampions Angelo State Softball Facebook 22003003 AngeloSports.com LLSCSC SSouthouth CCo-Champions,o-Champions, Facebook.com/AngeloStateSoftball LLSCSC CChampionshampions 20099 NNCAACAA Angelo State Athletics Facebook Divisionsion II Regionalgional Facebook.com/AngeloStateSports Angelo State Athletics Twitter Twitter.com/AngeloSports Angelo State Athletics YouTube YouTube.com/AngeloSports Angelo State Athletics Instagram Instagram.com/angeloathletics ANGELO STATE 18 rambelle softball ANGELO STATE3 rambelle softball RECORD vs. ALL-TIME OPPONENTS Team W L T coaches Abilene Christian 32 10 0 Adams State 6 0 0 head coach Alabama-Huntsville 0 1 0 Angelo State 0 2 0 Arkansas-Monticello 3 1 0 Armstrong 2 0 0 Bacone (Okla.) 4 0 0 TRAVIS SCOTT Bellevue (Neb.) 1 0 0 Bloomsburg 1 0 0 Ask Travis Scott why he to ASU in 2003. Scott’s record at California State-Bakersfi eld 1 1 0 California State-Dominguez Hills 0 1 0 coaches and his answer is as SOSU was 101-50-2 and earned LSC California State-Stanislaus 1 0 0 simple as his coaching methods. North Coach of the Year in 2002. Cameron (Okla.) 38 10 0 Central Arkansas 1 0 0 “I do it because I love it.” Scott’s coaching legacy took roots Central Missouri 3 0 0 The Angelo State Ram Club is athletes, academic support for Scott stresses the importance when he was the head baseball and Central Oklahoma 19 12 0 Chadron State 1 1 0 a non-profi t 501-c3 organization student-athletes, and other of fundamentals, and it has paid softball coach at Lone Grove High Colorado-Colorado Springs 1 0 0 whose sole mission is to provide initiatives important to the wel- dividends over the last 14 seasons. School in Lone Grove, Okla. His Colorado Mesa 4 0 0 Colorado Mines 5 0 0 support to Angelo State Athletics. fare of student-athletes and Under his guidance, Angelo State softball teams posted a cumulative Colorado State-Pueblo 6 3 0 The Athletic Foundation also the success of athletic teams. has averaged 45 wins per season, record of 165-62, including four C.W. Post (N.Y.) 1 0 0 Delta State (Miss.) 1 0 0 provides funding in support of hoisted fi ve NCAA Division II South 30-plus-win seasons, fi ve district Dixie State (Utah) 1 0 0 recruiting the next generation Central Region trophies and made championships, four regional titles Drury 1 0 0 East Central (Okla.) 14 6 0 of Rams and ’Belles, life skills fi ve trips to the NCAA D-II National and two runner-up fi nishes in the East Texas Baptist 1 0 0 programming for student- Eastern New Mexico 48 7 0 Emporia State (Kan.) 13 6 0 Florida Southern 2 2 0 Florida Tech 1 1 0 “I coach because I love it.” Fort Hays State (Kan.) 4 1 0 Fort Lewis 3 0 0 All-American Scholars Championships, bringing home the Class 3A OSSAA State Tournament. Grand Canyon (Ariz.) 1 0 0 SCOTT BY THE NUMBERS Hawaii Pacifi c 0 1 0 SCHOLAR ATHLETE AWARDS national title in 2004 and fi nishing Seven of his players garnered all- Henderson State (Ark.) 6 1 0 45 Rambelle average wins as national runner-ups in 2017. Scott state recognition and 13 received Humboldt State 1 0 0 per season under Travis Incarnate Word 28 11 1 Scott’s guidance. guided ASU to six LSC Conference college athletic scholarships. Indianapolis (Ind.) 1 0 0 Championships and six LSC South As a high school baseball coach Lincoln (Mo.) 2 0 0 Lock Haven (Pa.) 0 1 0 5 Number of NCAA Division II Division titles in the last 13 years.

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