RECENT ADVANCES IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF ALUMINIUM-MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Y. N. Trehan S. P. Bhadra LLOYS of aluminium with copper. to which shall lurgical Laboratory for the production of magnesium amounts of manganese. magnesium and silicon metal of high purity from these ores. The production A are added, belong to the well known group of of magnesium metal within the country, however, does alloys termed "'Duralumin ', and were amongst the not figure in the projects to be taken up during the earliest of aluminium alloys to be used commercially Third Five Year Plan period. This is a serious omis- on account of their age-hardening characteristics. sion and needs to be rectified. Alloys of alulltinmUlll with magnesium as the princi- In the context of these developments, the production pal alloying element, first attracted the interest of of magnesium and the development of aluminiunl- investigators as early as 1900, and since then, cast magnesium alloys, particularly to replace certain im- alloys containing as much as 10,, magnesium have ported alloys of the -duralurnin- type, assume consi- been used for specified purposes. During recent years, derable importance. The present paper attempts to binary alloys of aluminium with magnesium have been review the existing state of knowledge of the various extensively and increasingly used in several applica- aspects of the production and properties of aluminium- tions requiring light weight, coupled with high-strength, magnesiunl alloys. good corrosion resistance, high temperature mechanical Alloys of F.dt1111inik.1111 with magnesium, which are properties, and good wear resistance. As for example, commonly used in either cast or wrought condition over 1,000 tons of the wrought aluminium-magnesium and are covered by B,S.S. or A.S.T.M. specifications alloy N5 6, (3.5 5'51.';, magnesium). have been used for are given in Table 1 along with their distinctive charac- super-structures in each of the 40,000-tons Ocean teristics. Physical and mechanical properties of a few liners "Oriana" and "Canberra" recently completed in known cast binary aluIn inium-nlagnesiunt alloys are the United Kingdom' (Table 1). Alloys of aluminium summarised in Table IT. In general, aluminium-magne- and magnesium have also been considered- suitable for sium alloys are characterised by high strength, excel- structural purposes in the fabrication of high speed lent corrosion resistance and good macltinability. The aircrafts in view of their ability to stand thermal density and electrical and thermal conductivities of stresses as influenced by non-uniform heating, thermal these alloys decrease with an increase in magnesium conductivity, expansion, elasticity and density. Alloys content. containing 2.5, 3, 4 and 5% Mg have been shown to The tensile strength of alumiunt-magnesium alloy be more corrosion resistant than steel when used in castings increases with magnesium content till about condensation cooling equipment for cracking plants 6"a, after which it begins to decrease ; ductility of in environments containing low concentrations of N:,S these alloys also shows a sharp decline above about and CO2. 6"'0' Mg, whereas hardness continues to rise with the In India, the production capacity of aluminium is magnesium content (Fig. I ). The variation in solid being stepped up from the present 17,000 tons per solubility of magnesium in aluminium from about annum to about 83,000 tons per annum by 1965-66. 151.0 at the eutectic temperature (451 C) to less than Schemes for the production of air-craft including high 4",% at room temperature renders some of the alloys speed aircraft, within the country have reached an susceptible to improvement in tensile properties, parti- advanced stage, according to newspaper reports. The cularly the alloys containing more than 6°-% magnesium. country has large reserves of magnesium ores and It may be noted, for example. that the elongation of processes have been developed at the National Metal- Al-10% Mg alloy, which is only about 0-5" in the as cast condition, rises to about 14% after solution heat-treatment and the tensile strength increases from Dr. Y. N. Trehar Senior Scientific Officer and Mr. S. P. Bhadra. Se 'ic Assistant, National Metallurgical Labora- 25.000 lb sq in to about 44,000 lb sq in. The increase tory, Janis in both strength and ductility has been ascribed by 212 TABLE I Common casting and wrought alumin(urn-magnesium alloys. A.S.T.M. Mechanical properties st or Al. B.S.S. Outstanding charac- Nominal composition EI r Typical uses Assocn . desig- teristics No. designa - nation U.tion In streingth P.S. i. 2' g.I. hrdness tion p.s.i. A-Casting alloys 1. G4A LM5 4% Mg 25,000 9.0 5,500 50 Excellent resist- Dairy and food handl- (C) ance to corrosion ing equipment, cook- and tarnish. ing utensils, chemical fittings, hardware,etc. 2. G8A - 8% Mg 45,000 8.0 23,000 - Excellent resist- Aircraft fittings, wheel- (C) ance to corrosion flanges and brake- and tarnish , excel- shoes, marine fittings, lent strength and hardware, outboard ductility. motor brackets. 3. G10A LM10 10% Mg 46,000 14'0 7,000 75 Highest strength of Refrigerator fittings (W) aluminium sand carburator b o d i e s, casting alloys, ex- thin section general cellent machine- purpose castings. ability and corro. sion resistance. 4. GS42A - 4% Mg 1'8% Si 20,000 2'0 - 50 Good corrosion Pipe fittings for marine (C) resistance. and general use, cook- ing utensils. 5. GZ42A - 4% Mg, 1'8% Zn 27,000 TO 60 Good resistance Cooking utensils. (C) to corrosion and tarnish. B-Wrought alloys 6. 5,250 H10 0'4-1'5% Mg, 24,600 18 - - High work-harden- Trine mouldings, in- H2O 0' 1-0'4% Cu, (0) ing capacity, high side and outside H30 0'4-0'8% Si, 40,300 8 17,900 90-100 strength, better panels for refrigerat- 0.7% Fe (WP) formability a n d ors, window frames, excellent corro- auto-trailors, kitchen sion resistance. cabinets, machinery parts, etc. 7. 5,086 N5;'6 3.5 -5'5% Mg, 38,000 12-18 23,000 70 High strength, and In sheet form and as 5,083 0'6% Si, corrosion resis- structural members 0'7% Fe tance, excellent for marine vessels, weldability. truck and trailor bodies, chemical stor- age tanks. 8. 5,052 - 2.5% Mg, 29,000 30 18,000 45 High strength. Pressure tubes and ves- 0256,. Cr (0) sels, fan blades, tanks, fittings, aircraft engine, cylinder baffles. 9. 5,056 N6 4'5-5'5% Mg, 31,500 18 18,700 55 High strength at Fuel tanks, structural 1'0% Mn, elevated tempera- uses, welded dump 0'7% Fe, tures, good weld- truck bodies. 0'6% Si ability. 10. 5,454 2'4-3'0". Mg, 62-81 Maximum high Structural applica- 0'5-1'0% Mn, temperature stren- tions for use at tem- 0'46,0 niax Si -l- Fe gth in Al-Mg al- peratures above 150`F, loys, resistant to vessels, storage tanks, high temperature p.-jing, etc. in chemi- corrosion and ca. i i ocess stress corrosion, inb welding grade alloys. C-as cast WP -precipitation heat-treated tempe W=solution heat- treated temper O=annealed. TABLE II Pr•operlies of some know n cast crlrrrrtiniunr- nrq,ne.^iirrri 41110.1.s. 51. No. Property AI-1.2 Mg Al-3.8 Mg Al-8 Mg Al-10 Mg 1. Tensile strenuth 75"F 21,000 (for 0) to 25,000 psi 42,00( psi 46,000 psi 32,000 psi (for H38) 600 F 6,000 psi 9,000 psi 10,500 psi 2. Yield strength 75' F 8,000 psi (for 0) to 29,000 psi (for H38) 12,000 psi 23.00() psi 25,000 psi 600°F 4,000 psi 4,000 psi 3.500 psi 3. Elongation 75 F 24"0 (for 0) to 6% (for H38) 9°' 7` 14°, (W) 600 F 17°' 70') 4. Modulusofelasticity 10,300,000 psi 10.300.000 psi 10.300.000 psi 10,300,000 psi 5. Endurance limit 12.000 psi to (500,000,000 cycles) 14,000 psi 5,500 psi 1X,000 psi 7.000 psi 6. Modulus of rigidity 3.850.000 psi 3.550.000 psi 3.850.000 psi 3.850.000 psi 7. Thermal expansion 20-100C 0'0000237% C 0'0000240' C 0.0000245 -C 20-200 C 0'0000246; C 0.0000250, 'C 00000255 -C 20-300'C 0,0000255 'C 0 0000260f 'C 0 0000265 °C S. Specific heat at 100 C approx. 0'23 cal `g approx. 0.23 cal g approx. 0.23 cal approx. 0'23 ca] g 9. Latent heat of fusion approx. 93 cal'g approx. 93 cal approx. 93 cal ^a approx. 93 cal g 10 . Thermal conduct- (1'46 cal cni cm , 0 -33 Cal Cr112 Ci11 024 cal cm= cin 0,21 cal cmfcnl ivity (25 C) C sec C 'sec C . sec. C sec 11. Density (25 C:) 2'69g cc (0'097 2 65 g cc (0'090 2.53 g cc 0091 ) 2'55 grcc (0'093 lbs cu in) lb cu in) lhsicu in) lhs; cu in) 12. Hardness 36 BHN (for 0) to 63 (for H38) 50 13HN 75 BHN 13. Shear strength 15.000 psi (for 0) to 20.000 psi (for 1138) 20,000 psi -- 33,000 psi Temper designations 0 Annealed. H38 Strain hardened and stabilised (fully hardened). Kato and Nakamura-' to the dissolution on heat- the commercial development and application of wrought treatment of more than 10°;, magnesium which remains alloys containing more than about 6"o magnesium.
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