Just another reason You’ll Like Banking With Us! INTRODUCING NEW MOBILE PAYMENT OPTIONS peoplesbankofky.com 50 Cents (USPS 3055607) 859-405-5751 Thursday, June 24, 2021 The Vol. 2 No. 25 Six local World War II and Korean War veterans were recognized on Saturday (from left): Ray Hobbs (World War II), Paul McKenzie (World War II), Paris Jackson (World War II), photos by Cecil Lawson Charles Gilley (Korean War), Charles Derrickson (World War II), and R. C. Thornberry A B-25 Mitchell bomber, named “Show Me,” landed at the Clyde A. Thomas Regional (World War II). Color Guard in the background was made up of members of the American Airport this past Saturday as part of Honor Flight of the Bluegrass’ B-25 Barnstorm Tour. Legion Posts from Morehead and Flemingsburg. Local veterans honored with flight in B-25 bomber in a World War II –era Fund, came to Rowan were on hand to wel- of members of the Row- view the historic B-25 up By Cecil Lawson B-25 bomber under per- County as a part of a come the B-25 Mitchell an County and Flem- close after it landed. KyNewsGroup fect skies last Saturday 2-day, five airport B-25 bomber and its all-volun- ing County Posts of the This B-25 Mitchell, [email protected] evening at the Clyde A. Barnstorm Tour, across teer crew to the airport, American Legion. named “Show Me,” was Thomas Regional Air- the state which allowed which had arrived from a Jeff Thoke, chair- built in 1945 and saw port in Sharkey. 35 veterans across the visit earlier in the day to man of Honor Flight of service as a training air- Five local World War The event, hosted by state to fly. Somerset. the Bluegrass, and pi- II and Korean War vet- Honor Flight of the Blue- A large crowd of spec- The plane and crew lot Matt Connor, along Veterans erans were treated to a grass and the Kentucky tators, veterans, and were also welcomed by with crew members, wel- cont. on pg. 12 special opportunity to fly Veterans Program Trust their family members a Color Guard made up comed the public to come NORTH FORK RESIDENTS Two men indicted JOIN LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY OF MOREHEAD on murder, robbery Seven displaced resi- According to the law- charges dents of North Fork suit, the City of More- Mobile Home Park have head violated state law filed a lawsuit against and the Kentucky Con- the City of Morehead stitution by officials to challenge ● failing to follow the an ordinance (20:2020) steps required by Ken- creating the Morehead tucky statutes to create Gateway Development a development area, photo submitted Area at North Fork Mo- ● failing to consider June Wells, Deputy Rowan County PVA, was chosen to bile Home Park. The the impact of displace- receive the Teri Bennett ExCel Deputy of the Year for the lawsuit alleges that the ment on residents, District. She received this award on June 9th at the annual City of Morehead failed ● failing to provide Austin Wayne Egbert Jeffrey R. Masters PVA Summer Conference in Lexington, KY which was host- to meet legal require- proper notice, and ed by the Kentucky Property Valuation Administrators As- ments to establish the ● failing to assess ex- sued following the testi- sociation and the KY Department of Revenue. This honor development area and isting conditions in the By Charles Mattox mony of Kentucky State Police Detective, David is given annually to a PVA Deputy who displays outstand- refund to developer Polo mobile home park be- KyNewsGroup ing service to their county office. June has worked for the [email protected] Zimmerman on June LLC 90% of taxes gener- fore approving the De- 18, 2021 to members of Rowan County PVA Office for 30 years and is now retired ated by the development and working for us part-time. She is a native of Rowan a Rowan County Grand for the next 30 years North Fork Jury, the alleged crimes County and is married to Bob Wells. She was presented Two men are facing occurred on April 29, the award by Rowan County PVA Carmen Eldridge Swim. through Tax Increment cont. on pg. 10 murder and robbery Financing (TIF). charges following the is- 2021 in Rowan County. suance of an indictment Egbert and Masters against them. were with Cody Elliott, Austin Wayne Egbert, 27, of Hillsboro, on that 23, of Bill Chain Road, Garrison, and Jeffrey R. Murder Masters, 23, of Hill-N- cont. on pg. 12 Dale Road, Morehead, were both indicted on www.amishheritagefurniture.com one count each of mur- Buying All Grades of Export Logs Including der and one count each of Walnut And Low Grade Logs as Well 606-763-9048 robbery, 1st degree. 5895 US 68 May’s Lick, KY According to the indict- 674 Turner Road, Flemingsburg, KY 41041 Hours: Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm • Closed Thursday & Sunday ments, which were is- 606-784-6461 2 - June 24, 2021 Rowan County News Hometown News for Rowan County COMMUNITY Morehead State welcomes Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program Morehead State Uni- and Centre College), July 30. arts program with a full visit www.morehead- sity in the South through versity will continue MSU is the only public Established in 1983, co-curricular and resi- state.edu/gsp. prioritizing student suc- serving as a host campus university to host the the Governor's Scholars dential life experience. ### cess; outcomes; academic for the Kentucky Gover- program. Program is a residential Students who attend Morehead State Uni- excellence; and rankings, nor's Scholars Program The 345 scholars arrive summer program for GSP must complete an versity (MSU) is a reputation and regional in 2021. on campus Saturday, outstanding Kentucky application and compete comprehensive public responsiveness. MSU first welcomed June 26, with numer- students who have com- with others from across university with robust MSU is an affirmative GSP in 2006 and this ous activities planned pleted their junior year the state. Those selected undergraduate and grad- action, equal opportu- will be the ninth year the throughout their five- in high school. GSP attend the program free uate programs, emerg- nity, educational institu- University has hosted week stay. The students provides academic and of charge. ing doctoral programs, tion. GSP. Of the three uni- will be served by 40 fac- personal growth in a For more information and an emphasis on the versities that serve GSP ulty and staff. GSP will challenging, nontradi- on the Governor's Schol- region and beyond. MSU students (others include conclude with a closing tional environment that ars Program, email gsp@ aspires to be the best Bellarmine University ceremony on Friday, balances a solid liberal moreheadstate.edu or public regional univer- “...POLITICS AND PAYBACK...” “Won” No, you lost! $185,000.00 CASH REWARD If you have heard the claim that attorneys (A) and (B) were not going to implicate attorney (C) in false Doesn’t the Judge have the right to know if he was given false testimony, you should know that attorneys (A) and (B) could not be questioned, because the judge dismissed testimony in this case? the lawsuit...you “won” No,--you lost... before (A) and (B) could be examined under oath. Also attorney If an attorney knows, or should have known, that one of his (D) put in writing that attorney (A) said attorney (C) made the statement. witnesses gave false testimony, is he not morally and legally obligated to notify Deadline for attorney (C); the following offer expires 5:00 pm, June 30, 2021 The Court, or State Bar? Let’s say, that attorney (C) has two school age kids, and we modify the reward so that each child receives a $100,000 scholarship to any college or university in the United States of America (if 3 kids, ÷ 200 by 3; if 1, all 200 to that child). If he then “unlocks the truth” from his prior testimony, would a judge declare that to be bribery (particularly if attorney (C’s) colleagues testify truthfully and completely)? The most threatening person to a group of small town politicans Who really runs Rowan County? (Remotely from an adjoining county?) Will individual liabiity become an issue? behaving outside the law is a Whi$tleblower in the midst. (BABS) “Streisand Effect” strategy will not work Thank you for providing us the information, and comments! The $185,000.00 cash will be paid to the person(s) who first provide(s) evidence* of anyone who provided False Testimony or false evidence pertaining to the Hickory “MOWING, WEEDING, AND MAINTAINING” “MOWING, WEEDING, Pointe property case in the United States District Court case of Bluegrass Dutch Trust vs Rowan County Fiscal Court, et al, beginning on February 16, 2016, or evidence* of corruption in the conduct of that case in the Ashland, Kentucky court, or in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio. Your privacy will be protected, and if your testimony is required in either court, or before a Federal Grand Jury, they can provide identity protection if required. YOU ARE AFRAID TO TESTIFY AND CLAIM THE REWARD? VERY UNDERSTANDABLE. WE DO NOT NEED TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE. THE COURT, FBI, OR YOUR ATTORNEY CAN HELP FACILITATE GETTING THE REWARD TO YOU AND PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY. IF A JUDGE DECLARED YOU “WON”, BY UTILIZING False Testimony, YOU DID NOT WIN, YOU LOST. THE False Testimony WAS CHEATING.GOOGLE RICO ? Someone needs to make it right! ...if 3 attorneys (A,B, & D) with no motives to give False Testimony, have declared that 1 other attorney (C) with strong motives to give False Testimony made the statement, and attorney (C) testifies that he did not, how do you unlock the truth from attorney (C), and a group of his colleagues, who (may) all continue to benefit from suppressing the truth? Offer a large reward forthe truth? A U.S.
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